Les cadeaux et les jouets pour les filles de quatre ans sont très importants. Ces jouets jouent un rôle important dans la réalisation de leur imagination. À l'âge de 4 ans, leur récit, leur jeu simulé et leur exploration prennent vie. Ils vont commencer à jouer avec des amis et à tour de rôle.

Au fur et à mesure que leur jeu se complique et qu'ils apprennent à raconter des situations fantastiques et réelles, leurs jouets et accessoires les entourant deviennent un élément essentiel de l'histoire. Les jouets leur permettent d'explorer leurs esprits et le monde qui les entoure. Décider des jouets qui conviennent le mieux aux esprits en développement peut être un travail difficile. Nous avons donc compilé une liste complète des meilleurs jouets et cadeaux pour les filles de 4 ans.

Dernière mise à jour:

Par Cassie Sheets:

Pour cette mise à jour, nous nous sommes concentrés sur le remplacement de produits plus anciens et obsolètes par des sélections plus récentes destinées aux articles-cadeaux les plus populaires de 2018.

Nos 3 meilleurs choix

Nos choix de jouets et d'idées cadeaux pour les filles de 4 ans:

Critères utilisés pour évaluer les meilleurs jouets et cadeaux pour les filles de 4 ans

Compiler la liste des 20 meilleurs jouets et cadeaux pour les enfants de 4 ans n’est pas une tâche que nous prenons à la légère. Des centaines d’heures sont passées à examiner et à examiner des milliers de jouets individuellement. Nous essayons de regarder tous les jouets de la tranche d'âge d'une fille de 4 ans. Nous passons en revue les compétences de développement qu’il encourage et valorise tout en vérifiant les conceptions et leur construction. Nous ne voulons que des jouets bien construits avec des matériaux de qualité et sans danger pour figurer sur la liste.

Les jouets figurant sur la liste sont également examinés par les parents, des psychologues pour enfants et des experts en jouets. Nous examinons chacune de leurs critiques avant de mettre des jouets sur la liste. Nous sommes convaincus que chaque jouet de la liste est un cadeau formidable ou quelque chose que toute petite fille de 4 ans aimerait posséder.

Encourager le jeu imaginaire et imaginaire

Encourager le jeu imaginaire et imaginaire depuis 4 ans leur permet d’acquérir une compréhension du monde. Utiliser leur imagination leur permet d’essayer différents rôles sociaux et de créer des paysages de jeu qui les aident à développer la personnalité qu’ils développent. Cela peut même parfois aider un enfant à surmonter sa peur. À 4 ans, faire semblant peut être très élaboré. Ils peuvent même se faire passer pour un prétendu ami ou avoir un fantasme extrême.

Le jeu imaginatif est une étape importante du développement dans la vie d’un enfant. En l’encourageant, il peut donner à votre enfant plus de possibilités d’apprendre et d’établir sa capacité à jouer seul. Cela encourage également la créativité et rend les choses amusantes. Les regarder apprendre et penser au monde pendant le jeu est l’une des meilleures choses que vous puissiez faire pour encourager leur développement.

Développer la motricité globale est très important

La motricité globale et fine se développe tout au long de la vie de l’enfant. Travailler sur différentes compétences leur permet de gagner en force et en confiance. La motricité globale est constituée de mouvements du corps entier tels que marcher, courir et sauter. Developing these skills help the child perform everyday activities. Gross-motor skills also include hand-eye coordination like hitting a ball or riding a bike. These are very important to the everyday movement of the body.

Through the cycle of life, a 4-year-old will get better and better at running and soon run faster and faster. Developing gross-motor skills is not only important for everyday activities, but they also maintain a child’s ability to develop proper posture in their upper body and help with the development of fine-motor skills. Without the encouragement of gross-motor skills, children would have a hard time in day-to-day activities and development.

Toys that encourage 4 years old to play outside

When encouraging 4-year-olds to play outside, you are opening the door to their imagination and allowing them to explore and enjoy the simple things in life. Many children at the age of 4 are obsessed with all things that include screen time. Using fun toys and exploring along with your children can encourage them even more. Helping children to go outside and explore not only helps with developmental skills, but it also helps promote a healthy and active lifestyle.

Along with exploring and having fun outside comes the use of energy. Staying active and burning off energy at this stage of life is very important. There are a lot of fun things to learn about, explore, and share with children outside.  Encouraging and playing outside has many physical and mental developmental advantages along with burning up the energy they have.

How we shortlisted our popular list

Coming up with the 20 best toys for a 4-year-old girl is not easy. In fact, we have to spend hundreds of hours just going through each of the thousands of toys within the age range of 4 years old. We have to look at the appropriateness of the toy in relation to the developmental milestones of a 4-year-old girl. We also have to check whether the design and construction of the toy are of the highest quality and made of child-safe materials. It is also important to look at what other parents, child psychologists, and toy experts are saying about each of these toys. Lastly, we have to carefully consider the overall reputation of the toy maker.

The shortlisting of the 20 best toys is tedious. However, we feel pride in being able to share with you the fruits of our labor knowing fully well that you will also agree with our list.

The 4-year-old girl, her development, and the toys she loves

One of the most remarkable achievements of a 4-year-old girl is in her social development. She now values the importance of cooperative play more than ever. She prefers to share her toys with other kids as a way of expressing herself. As such, she begins to have a more realistic understanding of social relationships far more advanced than earlier stages. It is therefore imperative that toys be geared towards the enhancement of cooperative play during which the 4-year-old girl can actively share her playthings with other kids.

In order to facilitate these relationships, 4-year-old girls need to expand their vocabulary, their language, and their speech. They are already expected to be able to communicate and express what they feel and what they think about certain things. Toys that help expand their vocabulary and language skills are, therefore, crucial in the enhancement of their emotional and social skills.

Speaking of emotional intelligence, 4-year-old girls require active role-playing and dramatization to help them act out their fantasies while at the same time provide a means to expressing their thoughts and feelings. When little girls are able to do these, they develop a healthier self-concept which can lead to greater self-confidence. This, in turn, motivates the young girl to do more and keep on expanding her own little world in the best way she knows. Toys can help by making sure that she gets a boost in her confidence. Dress-up plays, drawing, sketching, and make-believe play can help in this aspect as 4 year old girls will be able to take full control of their environment.

Additionally, 4 year old girls are known to be highly inquisitive, always on their toes about finding something new. This also motivates them and helps build their self-confidence. Moreover, it lays the foundation for a healthier and more balanced emotional state. It is  crucial to choose toys that allow them to explore and discover something new and something that is closely related to the real world.

Cognitively, 4 year old girls already exhibit increased attention span. This makes simple craft toys and puzzles more appealing than ever. However, parents should still be quite cautious in giving them toys that require a significant length of time to complete. Their attention span may be increasing but it gets easily lost as well. The key, therefore, is to choose toys that are challenging enough yet easy to accomplish so that they will marvel at their achievements which, again, can help fuel motivation and self-confidence. Slowly but surely, you can then introduce more complex toys that require increased attention span.

On the physical side of her development, a 4 year old girl will already be running, jumping, hopping, and skipping all day long. Their hand-eye coordination and fine-motor skills are already well-established but it would still help to provide them toys that reinforce or enhance these motor skills.

It is therefore crucial to choose the most appropriate toy for a 4 year old girl’s developmental needs. We are optimistic that our list of the 20 leading toys will help you identify the correct one for your kid.


Questions fréquemment posées

Q: How do I find the toys and gifts on this list online?

UNE: Entering the name of the toy in a simple search engine on the internet will display lots of sites on which these toys are available for sale. Many stores are now embracing the e-commerce market so when searching for toys online make sure to visit more than one website. The search should return several pages of results and will be rather easy to find.

Q: How is the list narrowed down to just 20 items?

UNE: The 20 toys on this list are narrowed down and selected from parent reviews, child psychologists’ input, and the opinions of toy experts. Each of the toys is reviewed for age appropriateness, toy material quality, and relation to the development of a 4 year old little girl. We listen carefully to our reviewers and only the best toys and gift make the list.

Q: Do these toys help with the development of a 4 year old?

UNE: All the toys on this list are reviewed with developmental skills on the criteria. When reviewed, the toys each have added benefits that specifically include what developmental skills are used, promoted, and encouraged with each toy. This is one of the most important features that we can offer on this list.

Q: Why do you want toys that encourage imaginative play?

UNE: It is important to encourage imaginative play because it develops the mind and its needs with physical development as well. When a child uses their imagination it allows them to role-play and act out scenarios. This helps develop social skills and is a vital component of childhood development.

Q: Are all the toys on the list safe for a 4 years old use?

UNE: All the toys on this list have been selected only because they are rated as age appropriate and safe for a 4 year old. Each toy put on the market by law has to have a safety rating clearly marked on the packaging on the toy. Every toy on this list has been checked to make sure that they are safety rated for any 4 year old.

Other Age Ranges

1 Years Old
2 Years Old
3 Years Old
5 Years Old
6 Years Old
7 Years Old
8 Years Old
9 Years Old
10 Years Old
11 Years Old
12 Years Old


  1. HearthSong, Active Play Toys – 89 products, Information produit,
  2. Cari Nierenberg, Go Outside and Play: Tips to Get Kids Moving, Guider,
  3. Rebecca Felsenthal Stewart , The Power of Pretend Play, Informative Article,
  4. Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall , The Importance of Motor Skills, Informative Article,
  5. Toys R Us, Geoffrey's Top 20!, Information produit,