Elle grandit si vite. En quelques années à peine, elle a déjà atteint le milieu de son enfance. C’est un nouveau monde courageux, car c’est la première année de «l’année». Elle n’est pas tout à fait petite et elle n’est pas encore un grand enfant. L'année à venir sera remplie d'aventures et de jalons. Bien qu'il n'y ait pas deux enfants identiques, en tant que parent, il est important de comprendre ce qui se passe sur le plan du développement. Voici les étapes communes pour les enfants de 8 ans.

Elle commence vraiment à prendre conscience de ses capacités physiques. Les sports d'équipe sont un excellent moyen de la garder en forme, de s'amuser et d'améliorer sa coordination œil-main. Socialement, les amis deviennent plus importants. En milieu universitaire, elle est prête pour la troisième année. Les filles de huit ans adorent vous raconter leur journée à l’école. À cet âge, les filles aiment raconter des histoires détaillées avec un début, un milieu et une fin. Son sens de la pensée abstraite mûrit et elle adore poser des questions qui l'aident à voir les choses plus clairement.

Quelles sont les meilleures idées de cadeaux pour les filles de 8 ans? Pensez à ses forces, ses talents et ses intérêts. Alors que beaucoup de filles de 8 ans aiment toujours les jouets, certaines filles de 8 ans veulent plus de cadeaux pour leurs enfants. Beaucoup de filles de 8 ans commencent à s'intéresser à la beauté et à l'électronique personnelle. Plus vous pourrez retenir plus longtemps les cadeaux destinés aux enfants plus grands, mieux ce sera. Elle ne va avoir que 8 ans.

Que vous recherchiez des cadeaux de Noël ou d’anniversaire pour des filles de 8 ans, nous avons rassemblé notre liste de plus de 600 des meilleurs cadeaux pour les filles de 8 ans.

Alors qu'elle est déjà belle, des filles de 8 ans commencent à être obsédées par le port du maquillage et le piercing aux oreilles, car certains de leurs amis sont déjà autorisées. Pour la plupart des parents, il s'agit d'une zone grise. Bien qu'elle veuille grandir si vite, nous souhaitons toujours que nos filles soient des petites filles à l'école primaire. Voici des cadeaux amusants pour les filles de 8 ans qui la laisseront expérimenter la beauté tout en reconnaissant qu’elle est une petite fille.

Le nouveau manuel de tressageLe nouveau manuel de tressageVérifiez le prix

Qui n'aime pas essayer de nouvelles choses avec ses cheveux? Ce livre d’Abby Smith enseigne à votre petite fille comment créer 60 tresses différentes pour chaque occasion. Les belles images à l'intérieur aident votre future coiffeuse à suivre.

Brosse humide démêler la brosse à cheveuxBrosse humide démêler la brosse à cheveuxVérifiez le prix

Pour les filles, il n'y a rien de pire que de démêler leurs cheveux. Heureusement, quelqu'un a inventé le pinceau humide. Bien que cela ressemble à un pinceau ordinaire, il peigne les nœuds et s’emmêle comme du beurre. Le secret réside dans ses soies souples. Il vient dans plusieurs conceptions mignonnes comme cette conception inspirée par Emoji.

Conair Topsytail Styling Tout en unConair Topsytail Styling Tout en unVérifiez le prix

Vous vous souvenez peut-être de ce gadget beauté farfelu des années 90. Avec Topsy Tail, elle ne doit jamais s'ennuyer avec ses cheveux. Ce petit gadget peut transformer une simple queue de cheval en une queue de cheval fantaisiste. Une fois les bases acquises, les filles peuvent facilement créer de nouveaux styles sans se soucier de la coordination. Cela fonctionne comme par magie.

JLIKA Élastiques Cheveux CravatesJLIKA Élastiques Cheveux CravatesVérifiez le prix

Les élastiques à cheveux en ruban sont une excellente alternative aux élastiques à cheveux classiques. Ces élastiques élastiques sont noués autour de votre queue de cheval, ce qui lui donne une belle vie. Ils viennent dans tellement de couleurs et de motifs amusants qui les rendent faciles à coordonner avec vos tenues. La meilleure partie? Ils sont beaucoup plus doux sur vos cheveux, ne laissant aucun plis.

Bandeaux ajustables HipsyBandeaux ajustables HipsyVérifiez le prix

Le moyen le plus simple de personnaliser ses cheveux consiste à utiliser une bande de cheveux élégante. Quel que soit son style, ces bandeaux pour cheveux à la mode de Hipsy sont le cadeau parfait. La partie la plus cool? Non seulement ils ne glissent pas, mais ils sont également réglables pour obtenir un ajustement parfait.

Bande de cheveux Etti ETUDE HOUSE Cat Ear Bande de cheveux Etti ETUDE HOUSE Cat Ear Vérifiez le prix

Avec ses petites oreilles de chat roses sortant du bandeau, ce bandeau doit être le plus adorable. C’est parfait pour garder ses cheveux en arrière pendant qu’elle fait sa routine de beauté. Qui ne veut pas avoir l’air super mignon en se nettoyant le visage?

ALEX Spa cheveux craie Party 2 GoALEX Spa cheveux craie Party 2 GoVérifiez le prix

Votre fille de 8 ans est-elle en train de mendier ses cheveux? Au lieu de teinture pour les cheveux, la craie pour cheveux est une excellente alternative pour les cheveux plus clairs. Avec 12 couleurs de craie de cheveux différentes, Alex Toys a mis au point un kit de craie de cheveux amusant. C’est parfait pour la garder occupée, ainsi que ses amis, lors d’une soirée pyjama ou d’une soirée. La meilleure partie? Il se lave avec un shampooing.

BHF 10pcs Clip coloré dans les extensions de cheveuxBHF 10pcs Clip coloré dans les extensions de cheveuxVérifiez le prix

Si elle meurt pour des cheveux colorés comme une licorne ou une sirène, elle peut obtenir ce look adorable sans utiliser de colorant. Ces extensions de pinces à cheveux colorées se clipsent simplement dans vos cheveux, ajoutant différentes couleurs à l'arc-en-ciel. Enfin, elle peut vivre ses rêves de cheveux couleur arc-en-ciel.

Snazaroo Face Paint Ultimate Party Pack3 ans et plusSnazaroo Face Paint Ultimate Party PackVérifiez le prix

La plupart des petites filles rêvent de se maquiller lors d'occasions spéciales. Pour cet âge, la peinture faciale est aussi amusante que le maquillage, en particulier pour les anniversaires. Contrairement au maquillage, les peintures pour le visage Snazaroo sont toutes à base d’eau, ce qui les rend faciles à mettre et à enlever. À la fois sans parfum et répondant aux réglementations cosmétiques les plus strictes, il s’agit de l’une des peintures pour le visage les plus populaires pour les enfants.

Kit d'artisanat de peinture de visage Klutz8-15 ansKit d'artisanat de peinture de visage KlutzVérifiez le prix

Qui n’aimerait pas peindre son visage le jour de son anniversaire? Conçu pour les débutants, ce kit de Klutz est l’un de nos kits de maquillage préférés. Non seulement le livre vient-il avec un livre qui vous guide à travers toutes les idées, il vient avec une palette de peinture de visage Wolfe. Bien qu'il ne soit pas aussi rigoureusement testé que Snazaroo, Wolfe est l'un des leaders de la peinture de visage professionnelle. Cette peinture à base d’eau n’est pas seulement hautement pigmentée, elle est facile à superposer.

Fashion Angels, artiste de maquillage, coffret de studio8 ans et plusFashion Angels, artiste de maquillage, coffret de studioVérifiez le prix

La plupart des filles de 8 ans ont l'âge auquel elles commencent à s'intéresser au maquillage. En tant que parents, nous ne voulons pas que nos filles grandissent trop vite. Heureusement, Fashion Angels propose aux filles un kit leur permettant d’expérimenter le maquillage sans le mettre réellement sur le visage. Ce kit est livré avec une palette de maquillage pour enfants que les filles peuvent utiliser pour maquiller les modèles figurant dans le livre fourni ou même sur leur visage si elles en ont le droit.

ALEX Spa Fun Mix & Make Up Lip Shimmer6 ans et plusALEX Spa Fun Mix & Make Up Lip ShimmerVérifiez le prix

Si elle aime devenir astucieuse et se maquiller, elle adorera ce kit de Alex Toys qui lui permettra de créer son propre brillant à lèvres. Ce n’est pas vraiment difficile à faire. Il vient avec la base et les enfants ne font qu’ajouter des couleurs, des étincelles et des huiles parfumées. Une fois que vous avez terminé, transférez-le dans les jolis conteneurs Popsicle.

Lip Smacker Original Flavours Party Pack Glosss à lèvresLip Smacker Original Flavours Party Pack Glosss à lèvresVérifiez le prix

Le rouge à lèvres est cool, mais il contient tellement d’ingrédients nocifs, surtout si elle doit l’ingérer. Elle n'est peut-être pas prête à utiliser du rouge à lèvres, mais les Lip Smackers sont tout aussi amusants à appliquer sur vos lèvres. Non seulement ils viennent dans une variété de saveurs savoureuses comme la framboise sauvage, ils laissent vos lèvres hydratées.

Gel pailleté de licorne pour le corps et le visageGel pailleté de licorne pour le corps et le visageVérifiez le prix

Aime-t-elle vraiment les licornes? Ensuite, elle ne s’ennuierait probablement pas à frotter la morve sur son corps et son visage. Ce gel corporel non toxique se frotte simplement sur la peau. La meilleure partie? Quand il sèche, il laisse un éclat scintillant sur la peau. Elle se sentira comme une licorne.

Kit de pochoirs BMC Tattoo Body Art DesignKit de pochoirs BMC Tattoo Body Art DesignVérifiez le prix

Personne ne veut être simple et ennuyeux. L'art corporel pour les enfants est très amusant, surtout lorsqu'il est temporaire. Ce kit contient tout ce dont les filles ont besoin pour peindre leurs propres tatouages ​​scintillants temporaires, notamment des pochoirs, des paillettes et de la colle. C’est l’activité anniversaire idéale.

Coffret Cadeau Burt’s BeesBurts Bees Coffret CadeauVérifiez le prix

Vous n’avez pas à dépenser beaucoup d’argent pour un kit de beauté. Burt’s Bees en fabrique plusieurs comme ce coffret cadeau Everyday Essentials, qui contient des lotions et des crèmes qu’elle peut utiliser sur tout son corps. Nous aimons la façon dont il est emballé, ce qui le rend excellent pour les cadeaux.

Philosophie Anniversaire FillePhilosophie Anniversaire FilleVérifiez le prix

Offrez à votre fillette de 8 ans le jour de son anniversaire avec ce joli kit spa de Philosophy. Elle adorera faire mousser son corps avec le gel douche et le bain moussant parfumés pour son anniversaire. Bien sûr, il ne serait pas complet sans shampoing pour gâteaux d’anniversaire et gloss pour les lèvres. Elle pourrait même être capable de sauter le gâteau d'anniversaire.

Pacifica Beauté SprayPacifica Beauté SprayVérifiez le prix

Pour les jeunes filles qui grandissent encore, nous recommandons un parfum naturel non toxique et agréable à porter. Pacifica et LaVanilla sont des parfums non toxiques qui conviennent aux jeunes filles. Fait d'huiles essentielles, celui-ci de Pacifica est exempt de tous les maux artificiels des parfums commerciaux. Avec une odeur tropicale, c’est un parfum légèrement fruité et odorant.

Désinfectant instantané pour les mains PURELL AdvancedDésinfectant instantané pour les mains PURELL AdvancedVérifiez le prix

Même s’ils sont partout, les germes sont si méchants. Vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper avec un désinfectant pour les mains. Avec un facteur de forme amusant et mignon, ceux-ci de Purell viennent dans différents parfums et sont parfaits pour voyager avec.

Ensemble-cadeau Bombe de bain RejuvelleEnsemble-cadeau Bombe de bain RejuvelleVérifiez le prix

Qui n'aime pas sentir bon? Emballé avec 6 différents baumes de bain, cet ensemble-cadeau lui permet de transformer un bain ordinaire en une expérience de spa. Avec tous les parfums naturels et les ingrédients adoucissants pour la peau, c’est le moyen idéal de la dorloter à son occasion spéciale. Le seul problème? Elle pourrait ne jamais vouloir sortir du bain.

Je suis un vrai masque, paquet de 11    Im Real Mask Sheet Pack of 11Vérifiez le prix

Les masques faciaux sont parfaits car ils vont beaucoup plus loin que la surface de votre peau pour vous donner un nettoyage plus en profondeur qu'un nettoyage normal. Cette collection de 11 masques est très amusante à expérimenter. Ce sont des masques en feuille qui sont dosés dans tous les ingrédients amusants, de l’aloès à l’avocat. Vous appliquez simplement le masque en feuille sur votre visage pendant 20 à 30 minutes avant de le retirer.

KLUTZ Trousse scientifique pour la fabrication de votre propre savonKLUTZ Trousse scientifique pour la fabrication de votre propre savonVérifiez le prix

Si elle est du genre rusé, elle adorera ce kit de beauté de Klutz. Ce kit amusant lui permet de faire tous les différents savons en forme de plaisir. Elle fait simplement fondre la base de savon au micro-ondes, ajoute un pigment et ajoute ses propres ingrédients pour fabriquer ses propres savons parfumés. Un livre de recettes pour l’aider à démarrer. La meilleure partie? Elle peut leur donner en cadeau.

Bombe de bain BUBBLE Unicorn pour fille avec collier surprise à l'intérieur de Two Sisters SpBombe de bain BUBBLE Unicorn pour fille avec collier surprise à l'intérieur de Two Sisters SpVérifiez le prix

La dorloter avec un bain moussant luxueux. Cette Bubble Bomb présente un parfum de raisin fruité avec des bijoux surprise de licorne cachés à l'intérieur. La meilleure partie? Elle laissera sa peau douce et sûre pour les enfants et ne tachera pas votre baignoire.

À cet âge, elle commence à constituer une collection de bijoux. C’est bien de lui donner un endroit où elle peut mettre tous ses bijoux. Une boîte à bijoux ballerine avec musique est un cadeau merveilleux pour une fille de 8 ans. Personnalisez les colliers ou les bracelets, faites aussi de superbes cadeaux pour les filles de 8 ans. Elle va adorer n'importe quoi avec ses initiales ou sa pierre de naissance.

Organisateur de bijoux de table MyGiftOrganisateur de bijoux de table MyGiftVérifiez le prix

À cet âge, elle a probablement commencé à acheter plus de bijoux. Ce magnifique organisateur de bijoux lui permet d’organiser ses bracelets, ses boucles d’oreille et ses bagues sur n’importe quelle table. Avec 3 niveaux pour les bijoux et une base pour tenir la boucle d'oreille et les bagues, cela l'aide à garder les choses organisées et non démêlées afin qu'elle puisse facilement choisir le vêtement qu'elle va porter sans fouiller dans les tiroirs.

Boîte à bijoux Lenox Childhood Memories BallerinaBoîte à bijoux Lenox Childhood Memories BallerinaVérifiez le prix

Chaque petite fille se souvient de sa première boîte à bijoux. La plupart des boîtes à bijoux pour enfants sont fabriquées en carton. Fabriquée en métal, cette jolie boîte à bijoux de Lennox est le cadeau idéal pour fêter ses 8 ans. C’est parfait pour tenir tous ses petits souvenirs. Non seulement il a une ballerine tournoyante, il joue également la chanson Für Elise.

Boîte à bijoux KLOUD City à deux couchesBoîte à bijoux KLOUD City à deux couchesVérifiez le prix

At-elle une tonne de bijoux? Ensuite, cette boîte à bijoux géante de 10 x 10 pouces est la boîte à bijoux parfaite pour elle. À l’intérieur, il y a deux plateaux amovibles avec plusieurs compartiments pour contenir tous ses bijoux. Il vient même avec une clé pour enfermer toutes ses bonnes choses à l'intérieur. La couleur violet foncé velouté lui donne un look royal.

Collier de nom personnalisé personnaliséNom personnalisé personnalisé collierVérifiez le prix

Il n'y a rien de plus réfléchi qu'un bijou personnalisé. Quoi de plus personnel que des bijoux portant son nom? Celui-ci peut être personnalisé avec un maximum de 10 caractères et vous pouvez même ajouter sa pierre de naissance pour lui donner une touche plus personnelle. Elle adorera le porter car c’est un reflet de elle.

Collier pendentif sirène conte de fées bijouxCollier pendentif sirène conte de fées bijouxVérifiez le prix

Les sirènes la rendent-elle plus heureuse que tout au monde? Ensuite, elle adorera montrer ce pendentif original avec un adorable charme de sirène de 2 pouces. Disponible dans un assortiment de couleurs, il contient des pierres scintillantes. Avec une chaîne de 17 pouces, cela la fera briller comme une vraie sirène.

QILMILY Collier en écailles de sirène bleuQILMILY Collier en écailles de sirène bleuVérifiez le prix

Si les sirènes étaient réelles, elles porteraient probablement cet adorable pendentif. Il y a de jolies écailles de sirène dessus qui sont un croisement entre quelque chose de géométrique et quelque chose de plus naturel. Disponible en plusieurs couleurs, c’est l’une de ces pièces qui ira avec à peu près tout dans le placard de votre amant sirène.

EVERLEAD Médaillon Mémoire VivanteEVERLEAD Médaillon Mémoire VivanteVérifiez le prix

Vous avez probablement déjà vu ces médaillons qui peuvent être ouverts et remplis de petits charmes à l'intérieur. Vous pouvez les personnaliser en mettant différents charmes à l'intérieur. Celui-ci a un diamètre de 30 mm, ce qui est parfait pour 4 à 5 charmes de taille moyenne. C’est le cadeau idéal pour une fille de 8 ans qui veut de vrais bijoux.

Bracelet câble Queenberry pour breloques de perlesBracelet câble Queenberry pour breloques de perlesVérifiez le prix

Si vous n’avez pas entendu parler des bracelets Pandora, ils sont très populaires et chers. Celui-ci de Queenberry est fondamentalement une version peu coûteuse de la vraie chose. En soi, ce bracelet à breloques n'a rien de spécial. Au fur et à mesure que votre enfant de 8 ans grandira, il pourra être rempli de charmes qui représentent chaque étape importante de sa vie.

Lokai Classic BraceletLokai Classic BraceletVérifiez le prix

Quand vous le regardez, le bracelet Lokai n'a rien de spécial en soi. C’est juste des perles de silicone avec une perle blanche à une extrémité et une perle noire de l’autre côté. Ce qui le rend spécial est ce qu'il représente. On dit que la perle noire contient de la boue de la mer Morte, tandis que la perle blanche contient de l'eau récupérée du mont Everest. Ce sont les points les plus hauts et les plus bas de la Terre, métaphore de la vie.

BodyJ4You Choker 24-PackBodyJ4You Choker 24-PackVérifiez le prix

Presque toutes les filles dans le monde portent un foulard de célébrités à des écoliers. Bien que sa popularité a augmenté au fil des ans, c'est un accessoire que chaque fille a en ce moment. Ce paquet-cadeau contient 24 colliers élastiques afin qu’elle puisse porter un nouveau collet presque tous les jours.

Collier Efy Tal Initial avec pierre de naissanceCollier Efy Tal Initial avec pierre de naissanceVérifiez le prix

L'un des cadeaux les plus spéciaux que vous puissiez offrir à votre enfant de 8 ans est un collier personnalisé d'Efy Tal. Un simple collier avec son initiale et sa pierre de naissance est un cadeau qu'elle n'oubliera jamais. Disponible en différentes longueurs de chaîne, il est facile à porter seul ou avec d’autres colliers.

Colliers coeur découpe mère fille efy talColliers coeur découpe mère fille efy talVérifiez le prix

Il n'y a rien de plus sentimental qu'un collier mère-fille. Montrez-lui qu'il n'y a pas de lien plus puissant qu'avec elle avec ce beau collier en acier sterling d'Efy Tal. Cet ensemble de bijoux en deux pièces a un grand coeur à porter et une découpe à porter pour votre fille. Quand vous la portez tous les deux, vous serez inséparable, peu importe où la vie la mènera.

Jojo Siwa pendentif Licorne avec coeurJojo Siwa pendentif Licorne avec coeurVérifiez le prix

Vous avez un amoureux de la licorne? Ensuite, elle adorera ce pendentif avec breloque coeur Licorne Jojo Siwa. Ce charmant charme est livré avec une chaîne de 16 pouces et une rallonge de 3 pouces. La meilleure partie? Elle peut le porter avec n'importe quelle tenue. C’est le cadeau idéal pour un anniversaire, Noël ou d’autres occasions.

Certaines filles de cet âge sont vraiment à la mode et se demandent quoi porter et quoi ne pas porter. Il est toujours important de lui rappeler que ce qu'elle dit est plus important que ce qu'elle porte. Voici des cadeaux qui feront appel à son sens de la mode.

Ensemble de pyjama Emoji de la place des enfantsEnsemble de pyjama Emoji The Childrens PlaceVérifiez le prix

Quoi de plus mignon qu'un pyjama à thème Emoji? Si elle pense à Emojis toute la semaine, elle adorera porter ce pyjama 100% coton le week-end. Ce pyjama douillet comprend un haut et un bas ornés d’un adorable imprimé Emoji.

Pyjama 2 pièces en coton The Girls’s Place pour fillesPyjama 2 pièces en coton The Childrens Place pour fillesVérifiez le prix

Il n'y a rien de plus adorable que de porter un joli pyjama le jour de Noël. Si elle déteste se lever tôt, elle adorera ce pyjama qui dit: «Je ne me lève que tôt le 25 décembre». Fabriqué en 100% coton, il n'est traité avec aucun retardateur de flamme. La meilleure partie? Ils sont trop mignons pour porter seulement le matin de Noël.

La chemise de nuit à textos The Children’s PlaceLa chemise de nuit à textos The Childrens PlaceVérifiez le prix

Lors des chaudes journées d'été, rien de plus confortable qu'une chemise de nuit. Composé à 100% de polyester, celui-ci est léger et aéré pour ne pas avoir trop chaud pendant son sommeil. Cela aide qu’il ait aussi un dicton mignon.

Pyjama 2 pièces Leveret «Ballerina» Assorti Fille & Poupée Leveret Vérifiez le prix

Si elle a une poupée American Girl, elle adorera ce pyjama assorti de Leveret. Disponible dans de nombreux styles adorables, cet ensemble comprend un pyjama 100% coton pour elle et une paire pour sa poupée 18 pouces. La partie la plus mignonne? Quand ils les mettent tous les deux, ils auront l’air de jumeaux.

Robe Kimono Satin JoyttonRobe Kimono Satin JoyttonVérifiez le prix

Fabriqué en satin, ce kimono est très amusant à porter. Celui-ci est dimensionné pour les enfants et vient dans les couleurs les plus vibrantes. La robe kimono est originaire du Japon et est utilisée pour célébrer des occasions spéciales. C’est le vêtement idéal pour les occasions spéciales, comme un anniversaire, une soirée ou tout simplement se prélasser avec une chaude nuit d’été.

Serviette à capuchon pour enfants Ultra-Homes PrincessServiette à capuchon pour enfants Ultra-Homes PrincessVérifiez le prix

Fabriqué à partir de coton 100%, c'est une belle serviette épaisse et luxueuse. La partie la plus cool? Il y a une cagoule dessus. Elle adorera s'envelopper après une douche, un bain ou une baignade. Non seulement cela garde-t-il son corps au chaud, mais cela lui permet également de garder sa tête au chaud jusqu'à ce qu'elle puisse se transformer en quelque chose.

TowelSelections Robe à capuche pour fillesTowelSelections Robe à capuche pour fillesVérifiez le prix

Il n'y a rien de mieux que de mettre un peignoir chaud un matin d'hiver froid en sortant de la douche. La plupart des filles aimeront ce spacieux modèle 100% polyester de TowelSelections. Non seulement il a des poches sur les côtés, il a une cagoule qui aidera à sécher ses cheveux. La matière polaire est douce et confortable, lui procurant une sensation de luxe.

Narwhal KigurumiNarwhal KigurumiVérifiez le prix

Elle aimera faire une déclaration de mode avec cette Kigurmi. Disponibles dans à peu près tous les personnages auxquels vous pouvez penser, ces pyjamas sont parfaits pour montrer son sens du style et de l'humour. Parce que qui ne voudrait pas se promener en Narwhal ou en Licorne?

Snoozies Splitz Applique Slipper SockSnoozies Splitz Applique Slipper SockVérifiez le prix

Les chaussettes sont fraîches mais les chaussettes slipper sont encore plus fraîches. Disponibles dans de nombreux motifs mignons, ces chaussettes Snoozies sont très douces et adorables. Ils ont une adhérence antidérapante sur le fond, ce qui signifie qu'elle peut même se promener sur des planchers de bois franc. Le seul problème? Elle ne voudra peut-être plus jamais porter une paire de chaussettes normales.

Pantoufles Animaux Happy FeetPantoufles Animaux Happy FeetVérifiez le prix

Conçus pour rendre vos pieds heureux, les Happy Feet ne sont pas des pantoufles ordinaires. Ces pantoufles amusantes sont proposées dans une variété de motifs mignons, allant de chiots mignons à des personnages licenciés. Ils sont parfaits pour les filles de 8 ans à montrer leur personnalité. Quoi de plus cool que de se promener avec d'adorables chiots aux pieds?

Tongs en fausse fourrure YokidsTongs en fausse fourrure YokidsVérifiez le prix

Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous prenez des tongs ennuyeuses et que vous leur ajoutez de la fausse fourrure? Vous pouvez ces tongs d'inspiration glam. Bien qu’ils soient disponibles en différentes couleurs, ces modèles aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel rendront les amoureux de licorne jaloux.

Wishpets Pantoufles en PelucheWishpets Pantoufles en PelucheVérifiez le prix

À la minute où elle aura ces adorables pantoufles, elle voudra marcher dans la maison comme un ours grizzli. Lorsque vous les mettez, non seulement ils gardent vos pieds au chaud et sont confortables, mais ils sont aussi amusants que ridicules. Quand la lune sortira, elle pourrait même commencer à hurler. Ne tentez pas de courir à l’extérieur comme un grizzly.

Narwal pantoufle CTTCNarwal pantoufle CTTCVérifiez le prix

Les licornes sont mignonnes mais personne n'en a encore repéré. Les narvals sont le cousin le plus proche d'une licorne de la vie réelle. Maintenant, votre enfant de 8 ans peut porter ces adorables créatures marines sur ses pieds avec ces pantoufles adorables. Non seulement ils s'allument, mais ils portent également leur signature. Ses pieds seront les pieds les plus mignons de la «mer» des pantoufles.

YINGGG Emoji PantouflesYINGGG Emoji PantouflesVérifiez le prix

Les premiers Emojis sont apparus sur votre téléphone et ils sont maintenant partout. Qui ne voudrait pas faire caca sur ses pantoufles? Disponibles dans différents styles, ces adorables pantoufles sont le cadeau idéal pour les amoureux d'Emoji. La partie la plus cool? Elle adorera marcher partout avec du caca sur ses pieds.

Pom Pom Charm Oreilles de chatPom Pom Charm Oreilles de chatVérifiez le prix

Désormais, elle peut réinventer son sac à dos ou son sac à main avec ce charme de sac pom pom. Non seulement il est mignon, il porte de petites oreilles de chat. Il vient dans une variété de couleurs amusantes et peut être attaché à à peu près n'importe quoi. Qui savait que pom pom pouvait être si amusant à accessoiriser?

GUND Pusheenicorn Backpack Clip Figurine en pelucheGUND Pusheenicorn Backpack Clip Figurine en pelucheVérifiez le prix

Les sacs à dos en soi sont cool, mais les personnaliser avec un clip pour sac à dos est encore plus cool. Si elle aime Pusheen le chat, cette pince à dos est une façon sérieusement amusante de montrer son amour. Quoi de mieux que Pusheen en Licorne?

Stephen Joseph Wallet, LicorneStephen Joseph Wallet, LicorneVérifiez le prix

Si votre amoureux de la Licorne rêve d'un portefeuille avec une Licorne dessus, elle tombera amoureuse de ce portefeuille de Stephen Joseph. Avec un design classique à trois volets et une fermeture velcro, ce portefeuille ne contiendra pas que de l'argent, il possède même une poche à fermeture à glissière pour les pièces. Elle adorera l'emporter partout où elle ira et jouira de la responsabilité d'être une grande fille maintenant.

Sac à corde KAVUSac à corde KAVUVérifiez le prix

Les sacs à corde Kavu sont parfaits pour toutes les filles. Avec une construction solide et bien construite, ces sacs sont robustes et viennent dans tellement de styles adorables. Ce qui est unique, c'est la sangle simple qui vous permet de tenir le sac derrière vous un peu comme un sac à dos. Pour les filles de 8 ans, la taille ne pourrait pas être plus parfaite.

Vera Bradley Femme Zip ID CaseVera Bradley Valise d'identité pour femmeVérifiez le prix

La plupart des filles de 8 ans n’ont pas besoin d’un portefeuille substantiel. Elle a juste besoin de quelque chose pour sa carte d'identité d'école et peut-être un peu de monnaie. Disponible dans les designs les plus mignons, cette coque Zip ID de Vera Bradley fait parfaitement l'affaire. Avec 2 poches, elle a de la place pour son argent de déjeuner et sa carte d’identité. Elle peut facilement l'attacher à un cordon.

Vera Bradley Portefeuille À Bandoulière Tout-En-UnVera Bradley Portefeuille À Bandoulière Tout-En-UnVérifiez le prix

Si votre fille de 8 ans cherche son premier vrai sac à main, un petit bracelet est une option parfaite. Avec ses 2 compartiments à glissière, celle-ci de Vera Bradeley a beaucoup d’espace pour ranger tous ses essentiels. La meilleure partie? Il peut être porté de son poignet ou en travers du corps.

Vera Bradley Petit bandoulièreVera Bradley Petit bandoulièreVérifiez le prix

Avec ses imprimés excitants, ce petit porte-monnaie bandoulière de Vera Bradeley est le porte-monnaie idéal pour les jeunes filles de 8 ans. 9 x 6,25 pouces, il est assez grand pour transporter tout ce qu’une fillette de 8 ans aurait besoin de porter de son portefeuille au brillant à lèvres. Avec une sangle ajustable, elle peut le porter en bandoulière ou à l'épaule.

Le sac à dos Emoji pour filles, The Children’s PlaceLe sac à dos Emoji Girls The Childrens PlaceVérifiez le prix

Les amoureux d'Emoji adoreront ce joli cartable qui mettra en valeur sa personnalité enjouée. Avec une poche zippée sur le devant, un grand compartiment, un porte-bouteille d’eau, il a beaucoup de place pour ses fournitures scolaires. Tout le monde dans sa classe tombera amoureux de l'empreinte Emoji.

Teinture de cravate à motif arc-en-ciel limitéeTeinture de cravate en forme d'arc-en-ciel limitée avec paillettesVérifiez le prix

Quand elle était jeune, les sacs à dos de personnages étaient cool, mais voici un sac à dos pour une grande fille. Qui n'aime pas le look des paillettes? Avec juste la bonne quantité d'éclat, ce sac à dos est un excellent moyen pour elle de montrer qu'elle est maintenant adulte. Avec une poche sur le devant et une poche latérale en filet, elle dispose de beaucoup d’espace pour ranger ses fournitures scolaires.

Herschel Pop Quiz Sac à dos pour enfantsHerschel Pop Quiz Sac à dos pour enfantsVérifiez le prix

Herschel fabrique certains des sacs à dos les plus élégants, parfaits pour les enfants des écoles primaires. Ses sacs à dos viennent dans les couleurs et les modèles les plus adorables. Conçu pour tout le monde à partir de 7 ans, celui-ci s’appelle le Pop Quiz, qui est votre sac à dos de base doté de plusieurs poches pour tout organiser. Le compartiment avant est parfait pour ranger ses crayons

Bagages Disney Tourister américainBagages Disney Tourister américainVérifiez le prix

American Tourister fabrique certaines des valises pour enfants les plus adorables de Disney. Célébrant certains des personnages les plus populaires de Disney, il est impossible de ne pas aimer le design. Non seulement il est mignon, il est conçu pour être très fonctionnel avec une multitude de compartiments. C’est une taille idéale pour les enfants aussi, elle pourra donc le tenir ou la faire rouler toute seule.

Emoji Rose Coeur Yeux BagagesEmoji Rose Coeur Yeux BagagesVérifiez le prix

Cette valise de FAB NY, avec un imprimé Emoji amusant qui plaira à toutes les fillettes de 8 ans, fera le cadeau parfait pour un anniversaire ou un cadeau de Noël. Avec une poignée extensible, il est assez petit pour que votre fille de 8 ans puisse la transporter. Conçu pour tenir dans le compartiment de transport, il a beaucoup d'espace pour ranger toutes ses affaires de voyage.

Tote Kids Bubble ParapluieTote Kids Bubble ParapluieVérifiez le prix

Disponible dans de nombreux modèles mignons, ce parapluie à bulles de Totes est non seulement mignon, mais pratique. Il a une conception unique de bulles qui tombe autour de vous, ce qui vous empêche de vous mouiller, même par vent fort. Le matériau transparent vous permet de voir à travers les côtés. C’est un parapluie qui non seulement vous garde au sec, mais qui ne se démodera jamais.

Montre Timex Kids Purple ResinMontre Timex Kids Purple ResinVérifiez le prix

Obtenir votre première montre est très amusant. Elle n’a pas besoin de fantaisie à cet âge. Celui-ci de Timex est proposé dans une multitude de couleurs différentes pour vous permettre de trouver celle qui convient le mieux à sa personnalité. Il a une bande réglable qui lui permet de s'adapter parfaitement à son poignet. Avec un visage facile à lire, c'est la montre idéale pour qu'elle s'exerce à dire l'heure.

Blinger6 ans et plusBlinger "data-jpibfi-post-extrait =" Quels sont les meilleurs cadeaux et jouets pour les filles de 8 ans? Consultez notre liste de plus de 600 cadeaux pour les filles de 8 ans, de cadeaux scientifiques aux cadeaux de beauté. "Data-jpibfi-post-url =" https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8 -year-old-girls / "data-jpibfi-post-title =" Meilleurs jouets et cadeaux pour les filles de 8 ans 2019 "data-jpibfi-src =" https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018 /06/Blinger-Deluxe-Kit.jpg "src =" http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Blinger-Deluxe-Kit.jpg "/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Passez de l'ordinaire au Bling-tastique avec Blinger. Il suffit de charger, cliquer et BLING! Les enfants peuvent facilement ajouter de l'éclat et des pierres précieuses à leurs cheveux, leurs vêtements, leurs accessoires, leur papeterie, etc. Les kits Blinger et les recharges contiennent des strass durables dans une variété de couleurs à la mode. Épluchez-les ou peignez-les facilement après une journée de divertissement. Les filles aimeront explorer leur propre style tout en libérant leur starlette intérieure. Êtes-vous prêt à obtenir un Bling-Bling avec Blinger?!

Sandales d'eau salée par Hoy ShoeSandales d'eau salée par Hoy ShoeVérifiez le prix

Who said that you have to pay a lot for stylish sandals? Available in just about every color, these sandals from Salt Water Sandals are not only beautiful, they are seriously comfortable. Made of leather, these slippers get more comfortable the more you use them. With a gorgeous look, they are so fun to style with.

adidas Originals Kids’ Superstar Sneakeradidas Originals Kids Superstar SneakerVérifiez le prix

If she wants to sport a super clean look, these Superstar Sneakers from Adidas are extremely popular sneakers. They come in all sorts of different colors and have the signature 3-stripe Adidas logo on the side. These ones are cut in children’s sizes, which makes them perfect for 8 year old girls.

adidas Stan Smith J Tennis Shoeadidas Stan Smith J Tennis ShoeVérifiez le prix

Adidas Stan Smiths got their start in the 1960s as a tennis shoe, but today they have become a staple. In fact, it’s one of the most popular shoes Adidas makes. With a simplistic and basic design, these shoes are easy to style with anything and perfect for any sneaker lover.

Heelys Launch Skate ShoeHeelys Launch Skate ShoeVérifiez le prix

If you go to any mall, you will probably see kids rolling past you. It’s hard to believe, but Heelys are back. With a single wheel on them, Heelys are part shoe and part ride on. They come in the most adorable colors and patterns, which makes them as fashionable as they are fun. You will wish it came in adult sizes. Don’t forget the helmet!

Skechers Kids Kids’ S Energy Lights SneakerSkechers Kids Kids S Energy Lights SneakerVérifiez le prix

What happens when you take high top sneakers and put lights in their soles? You get these lights up sneakers from Skechers. Available in different colors, these shoes come with a USB cord that allows kids to charge them. Once charged, you can change the color of the lights. The only problem? She is not going to want to take them off.

Kamik Raindrops Rain BootKamik Raindrops Rain BootVérifiez le prix

During the rainy season, there is nothing more adorable than a pair of cute rain boots. Made out of rubber, these affordable ones from Kamik come in the cutest colors that any 8 year old girl will love. They even have a cute little buckle on them

Bearpaw Emma Shearling BootBearpaw Emma Shearling BootVérifiez le prix

While Uggs are super popular, these winter boots from Bearpaw are an inexpensive alternative. This is a great looking boot and perfect for pairing with jeans and other winter outfits. The outside is made out suede and the inside is a blend of sheep skin and wool. During the winter, she won’t want to take her feet out of these boots.

Muck Boot Hale Pull-on BootMuck Boot Hale Pull-on BootVérifiez le prix

In the winter, there is nothing worse than muddy tennis shoes. Luckily, winter boots were invented. Now these are beautiful winter boots. Made out of rubber and neoprene, these boots are not only waterproof, they are flexible so they fit great. They will not only keep her feet dry, but also she doesn’t have to worry about muddy feet.

Brain Quest Grade 3Brain Quest Grade 3Vérifiez le prix

Designed for children entering the 3rd grade, this workbook from BrainQuest is a great way for your child to review the concepts she has already learned. It’s a comprehensive book covering everything from math to English.

Summer Bridge Activities, Grades 2 – 3Summer Bridge Activities, Grades 2 - 3Vérifiez le prix

With loads of activities for children to complete, this big workbook is perfect for reviewing everything she learned in the 2nd grade and concepts that she will be learning in the third grade. With 12 weeks of material, this workbook is designed to keep your little girl’s mind sharp during the summer break. The short 15 minute daily exercises cover everything from math to social studies.

Illuminated World Globe for Kids With StandIlluminated World Globe for Kids With StandVérifiez le prix

The best way for her to learn about geography is with a globe. Unlike a map, a globe is a perfect replica of the Earth so kids are better able to see its shape. Because of its round shape, it is easy to see where different places are in relation to where you are. With an 8 inch diameter, this one is designed for kids. The coolest part? It lights up.

State Quarter MapState Quarter MapVérifiez le prix

Does she love collecting quarters? Normal maps are cool but a coin collecting map is even cooler. Measuring 13″ X 16.5 inches, this huge wall map has a slot for each State so she can easily see what she has collected and what she needs to collect. It’s a great way to teach her about all the States and make it fun at the same time.

Scrambled StatesScrambled StatesVérifiez le prix

Here is a game that is not only fun to play, but designed to teach children about US Geography. The game comes with 4 US maps, which have a hand drawn look. It comes with 50 cards that correspond to each State and description cards. Each player gets a hand of 5 State cards. Players take turns and have to match one of their State cards with a description card that is drawn.

Speak & SpellAges 7+Speak & Spell

Speak & Spell makes its big return in 2019! Speak & Spell was the first educational toy designed to help children learn to spell more than 200 commonly misspelled words. The new and improved version features an enhanced speech system, which is vastly easier to understand than the original. Featuring various play modes and challenge levels, kids will have fun while learning to spell. Parents who previously owned a Speak & Spell as a child will most likely want to share this experience with their children, as it’s a useful educational tool for developing your child’s spelling skills. Build the Spelling Bee champions of tomorrow!

Most 8 year old girls are ready to take on more responsibility so it’s a good time to involve her in household chores and think about giving her an allowance.

You don’t need to turn the house into a laboratory to get her interested in science, these science kit are perfect for the mad scientist in your life.

Kano Harry Potter Coding KitAges 6+Kano Harry Potter Coding KitVérifiez le prix

Want your kids to learn coding in a fun, magical way? The Harry Potter Coding Kit from Kano lets kids build a wand, learn to code, and make magic! There are over 70 creative challenges for kids to engage with. Make feathers fly, goblets multiply, fire flow, pumpkins grow, and more. What’s cool? Wave your coding wand to see the magical effects on-screen. Play on tablets and computers. Who’s ready for fun?

Kano Computer Kit TouchAges 6+Kano Computer Kit TouchVérifiez le prix

Want to make a touchscreen computer? The Kano Computer Kit Touch lets kids make their own tablet. What’s cool is that you can build it yourself with the included step-by-step guide. There are over 100 creative challenges and you’ll even learn to code. You can make art, games, music, and even hack Minecraft. It’s the perfect gift for budding techies.

CozmoAges 8+Cozmo" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Anki-Cozmo.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Anki-Cozmo.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Say hello to Cozmo. He’s a robot with personality running AI that learns and evolves the more you play with him. He uses computer vision to know who is in the room. He maps out the world around him to avoid obstacles. Powered by an emotion engine, he sulks if you don’t play with him for a while or gets excited when he recognizes a face and wins a game. All these emotions vary depending on various inputs. He plays games with power cubes, counts numbers, stacks blocks and more. The coolest part? You can even program him without needing a background in robotics.

LEGO BoostAges 7-12LEGO BoostVérifiez le prix

LEGO Boost is a top contender for Toy of the Year honors thanks to its brilliant innovation and design. Build five different models from a robot to a working guitar and a cat. Lego Boost allows kids to bring their Legos to life with simple programming – adding personality, sound, and even motion. The set includes over 840 pieces. And the best part is you can combine with your own pieces to create your own designs.

Kano Computer KitAges 6+Kano Computer KitVérifiez le prix

Does she dream of one day working for Apple? If she loves electronics, she will love playing and learning with this buildable computer. The kit comes with everything she needs to build her own computer including the processor and keyboard. It can be hooked up to any screen using an HDMI cable, but you can also buy a screen separately. She will not only get a better understanding how computers work, she will also how to code.

Piper Computer KitAges 8+Piper Computer KitVérifiez le prix

Does she love playing Minecraft? Show her how it works with this buildable computer from Piper. Using the included blueprint, she will have to put together the computer to make it work. Unlike other similar kits, this one comes with a screen. The coolest part? After she puts it together, there is a special version of Minecraft installed on it that teaches her how to code and think critically. Who knew playing Minecraft could be so educational?

littleBits Rule Your Room KitAges 8+littleBits Rule Your Room KitVérifiez le prix

Is her little brother or sister always stealing things from her piggy bank? Finally, there’s a way to create a security system for her room with this invention kit from littleBits. The kit walks kids through creating several projects like a trigger activated safe. The real fun comes when she starts to use her creativity to create her own booby traps.

Makey MakeyAges 8+Makey MakeyVérifiez le prix

Designed for the inventor on your list, Makey Makey is simple idea that has unlimited possibilities. The kit comes with a small circuit board that allows you to turn just about any common object into an input device for your computer. You can make it as simple or as complex as you want it to be. She can invent a piano out of fruits or a video game controller out of Play-Doh. It’s great for challenging her to think creatively.

Circuit CubesAges 8+Circuit CubesVérifiez le prix

Circuit Cubes are a collection of various components, such as battery blocks, switches, relays, and tools, that allow kids to transform Lego sets and even household items. The components can be used to bring toy cars to life, create flashlights or design a noise-making object. Kids will be exposed to the basics of circuitry while learning STEM concepts. Tenka Labs will also deliver online instructional videos to inspire kids and help them learn to build with Circuit Cubes.

Scientific Explorer My First Mind Blowing ScienceAges 6+Scientific Explorer My First Mind Blowing ScienceVérifiez le prix

Kids will be amazed at how cool science can be with this fun science kit from Scientific Explorer. Your little chemist will learn the differences between acids and bases, as s/he conducts 11 different mind-blowing science activities. With help of a parent, s/he will mix chemicals to create everything from a fizzing volcano to jiggly crystals. Are you ready to be blown away with science?

littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor KitAges 8+littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor KitVérifiez le prix

Imagine being able to build your very own R2-D2. This Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit from littleBits gives you everything you need to build your very own droid. It even includes servos and motors to control it via your smartphone. The droid features cool lights and sound effects to make it feel right out of the Star Wars movies. You can have all sorts of fun and exciting droid adventures. Best of all, you can make anything you want beyond just R2-D2. It’s all up to your imagination! The major coding update will give you much more variety in your droid actions and teach kids how to code.

Insect Lore Original Butterfly GardenAges 4-15Insect Lore Original Butterfly GardenVérifiez le prix

You can learn about metamorphosis in a textbook but somehow watching the whole process unfold before your eyes is even more exhilarating. This kit from Insect Lore comes with 5 live caterpillars. Over the course of a few weeks, kids will watch these caterpillars change into chrysalis and then transform in beautiful butterflies. It’s really magical to see.

Wonder Workshop Dash RobotAges 8+Wonder Workshop Dash RobotVérifiez le prix

If you ever wanted to get your little girl interested in coding, this little programmable robot is a great way to capture her interest. It works in conjunction with a Bluetooth enabled Smart Device. Using the app, this robot is ready to go out of the box. The real power comes when kids use the programming language, Blockly, to control the robot’s movement.

Be Amazing Insta-Snow PowderAges 4+Be Amazing Insta-Snow PowderVérifiez le prix

Love playing with snow? You don’t need to wait for winter snow to play with snow with Insta-Snow Powder. How does it work? Simply add water and watch the magic take place right before your very eyes. The coolest part? It looks just like real snow and makes 2 gallons.

Sphero BoltAges 8+Sphero BoltVérifiez le prix

Experience endless creative fun and possibilites with Sphero Bolt. It’s a next-generation app-enabled robotic ball. Featuring advanced sensors, an LED matrix, and infrared communication, kids can create and customize games, discover a range of activities, or simply drive and play. The best part? Kids will have so much fun they’ll forget their learning.

Nintendo Labo Vehicle KitAges 6+Nintendo Labo Vehicle KitVérifiez le prix

Want a fun new way to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? The upcoming Labo Vehicle Kit will allow kids to build their own Toy-Con Car steering wheel and control their kart of choice in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. The included pedal can be used for drifting and revving up your engine at the beginning of races to get a boost start. Honking the horn will allow players to throw an item. If that wasn’t enough fun, you can also build a Toy-Con submarine and plane.

Nintendo Labo Variety KitAges 6+Nintendo Labo Variety KitVérifiez le prix

The Labo Variety Kit allows kids to create 5 creative projects from an RC car, fishing rod, working piano and more. It encourages kids to make, play, and discover. The coolest part? Once you master how it works, you can explore creating your own Labo projects. The Labo kit requires a Nintendo Switch console.

BoxerAges 8+Boxer" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Boxer-Robot-Blue.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Boxer-Robot-Blue.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Meet Boxer, a new interactive artificially intelligent robot companion from Spin Master. Boxer is full of personality and his moods change over time. You can stick your hand in front of him or use his ball and he will chase it around. He can play soccer or even a slingshot game. He even comes with an interactive ball, 10 game feature cards, and a remote control.

Botley The Coding RobotAges 5+Botley The Coding RobotVérifiez le prix

STEM is huge right now. Botley is a colorful coding robot that is designed for teaching the youngest coders, as young as 5, how to program. There is no screen or app required. It comes with a variety of pieces. Kids will have to “code” Botley to navigate through a variety of obstacle courses. It teaches basic programming skills, such as loops and simple directional commands.

Snap Circuits Bric: StructuresAges 8+Snap Circuits Bric: StructuresVérifiez le prix

Snap Circuits Bric: Structures is a culmination of what kids have been asking for for a long time. It takes ordinary bricks and you can mount your Snap Circuits onto them. The Bric-2-Snap adapters enable you to connect your Snap Circuits to the bricks so you can light up any structure you build. You can make your structure light up with a circuit or you can build something that moves like a racecar with ordinary bricks and a Snap Circuits photo transistor and watch it go by adding a light source. The set comes with 140 regular building bricks, 20 Snap Circuit pieces, and 75 Bric to Snap adapters.

Snap Circuits Jr. SC-300Ages 8+Snap Circuits Jr. SC-300Vérifiez le prix

It couldn’t be easier to get your little girl interested in how circuits work than with Snap Circuits. All of the components are set up like Lego components. You simply have to stick the blocks together to build a circuit so there is nothing too complicated. If she can build Legos, she will be able to build these circuits. The best part? When you build the circuits, it’s so much more thrilling than building Legos because you get to see things light up and move.

Snap Circuits 3D Illumination ElectronicsAges 8-15Snap Circuits 3D Illumination ElectronicsVérifiez le prix

You may have seen Snap Circuits, but this one takes them to new dimension with 3D circuits. With Snap Circuits, anybody can build circuits using the various snap together components that are similar to Legos. Instead of building your circuits on a flat plane, with this set you can build upward, which adds a whole new dimension of fun.

National Geographic Geodes Science KitAges 6-15National Geographic Geodes Science KitVérifiez le prix

Who knew that rocks could be so interesting? Formed a very long time ago, these volcanic rocks have hidden surprises inside when you break them open. With just a normal hammer and the included safety goggles, she can crack them open. What hidden surprises will she find inside?

Crayola Color Chemistry Lab SetAges 7+Crayola Color Chemistry Lab SetVérifiez le prix

Explore the wonderful world of color with the Crayola Color Chemistry Lab Set. This STEM kit features 50 colorful science activities kids can do at home. Sample activities include a volcano that explodes colored lava and many more. What’s cool is that everything is included to complete 15 experiments right out of the box.

Be Amazing Toys Big Bag Of ScienceAges 8-14Be Amazing Toys Big Bag Of ScienceVérifiez le prix

The little scientist in your life will love this big bag of science. It’s got 70 experiments but some of them are variations of one another. Still, she will spend hours going through all the fun experiments from creating a rainbow to making slime. Most of the experiments will leave your mad scientist saying “Wow.”

My First Lab Duo-Scope MicroscopeAges 9-18My First Lab Duo-Scope MicroscopeVérifiez le prix

Designed to be your child’s first microscope, this microscope will open up a whole new microscopic world for her especially if she is already interested in science. This is not a toy. With real glass lenses, this is a full fledged microscope that runs on batteries. While it comes with four prepared slides, she will love using it to look at everything she can find.

Orion 10013 GoScope 80mm TableTop TelescopeOrion 10013 GoScope 80mm TableTop TelescopeVérifiez le prix

There are plenty of toy telescopes, but this 80 mm refractor tabletop telescope from Orion is something that will grow with your child. Since it is portable, it is super easy to set up. With simple to use controls, it’s not too complicated to use even for a child. When the skies clear, your future astronomer will love gazing at the moon and skies.

Bushnell Falcon BinocularsBushnell Falcon BinocularsVérifiez le prix

Toy binoculars are great, but she’s at the age when she might be ready to move on to a real pair of binoculars. While they are full sized binoculars, these ones from Bushnell are perfect for 8 year old girls. They are lightweight and easy to focus so she should have no trouble checking out wild life.

GraviTraxAges 8+GraviTrax" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/GraviTrax.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/GraviTrax.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Experience the power of gravity with GraviTrax. It takes your marble run experience to a whole new level. What’s cool? You can build your own tracks and experiment with gravity, magnetism and kinetics. With an optional app, you can test your runs in a digital AR world. It’s endless fun with limitless track building possibilities.

Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal DetectorAges 8+Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal DetectorVérifiez le prix

What could be better than finding buried treasures? With an adjustable height and lightweight design, this metal detector from Bounty Hunter is the perfect first metal detector for an 8 year old treasure hunter. She will love using it to dig up buried treasures in the front yard. She might not find gold, but she will have fun trying.

Artie 3000Ages 7+Artie 3000Vérifiez le prix

Artie 3000 from Educational Insights is a Wi-Fi-enabled creative coding robot leveraging your child’s entire brain. The left side of the brain is for logic, math, and programming, while the right side is for creativity and art. Artie brilliantly mashes these two worlds together, thus becoming the creating art coding robot. Artie features a number of pre-loaded programs and it utilizes a simple, intuitive drag-and-drop coding interface on your PC or tablet to instruct Artie what to draw. What’s cool? Kids can also program their own coding steps, and he features 4 modes of play and comes with 4 washable colored markers. A convenient built-in simulation mode allows you to save ink and avoid mistakes by allowing you to see the end result before drawing. Additionally, a remote control feature enables you to use it like a remote control to draw. Unlike other ‘coding’ toys, kids will really learn to code line by line while having fun.

BoomTrixAges 8+BoomTrix" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/BoomTrix.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/BoomTrix.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Get ready for a wild ride with BoomTrix! BoomTrix from Goliath Games brings innovation and fun to the table with an activity-based game where players can design their own trampoline course and showcase a variety of cool trick shots. The set includes trampolines, obstacles, and launch pads for creating your own original stunt courses. Your goal is to get the metal ball to the goal. The open-ended nature is perfect for allowing kids to express their creativity while developing spatial reasoning and learning STEM concepts. Who knew learning physics could be so much fun?

Nintendo Labo VR KitAges 7+Nintendo Labo VR KitVérifiez le prix

Designed for children and their families, Nintendo’s innovative Labo series expands with a new basic ‘virtual reality’ technology kit. This unique experience encourages both virtual and physical interactions among players by passing around their Toy-Con creations. Unlike traditional VR, it’s not designed to be a solo experience so there is no headstrap — you simply hold it to your head and pass it around to family members. With a design inspired by Google Cardboard, this complete combo VR Kit lets kids build their own VR headset and includes a VR headset, blaster, camera, bird, elephant, and wind pedal. Explore over 60 fun mini games in the VR Plaza that amplify the experience. Create 3D artwork with an elephant’s trunk, play a virtual drum kit, fly like a bird through a beautiful landscape, play bomb tennis, blast through an alien city, shoot photos of marine life as you explore an underwater world and so much more! The best part? The Toy-Con VR Garage now enables kids to make their own VR games! What will you create? A starter set will feature just the VR headset and blaster, and expansion packs will be sold separately. Super Mario Odyssey and Zelda: Breath of the Wild will support the VR Kits. Now if only we could get a Dunk Hunt VR game.

Beaker Creatures Bubbling Volcano ReactorAges 5+Beaker Creatures Bubbling Volcano ReactorVérifiez le prix

Get ready for explosive fun with Beaker Creatures Series 3 Bubbling Volcano Reactor! Simply add the included pod and water inside the volcano and watch the bubbly eruption take place like a real volcano eruption. So cool! A mystery creature, poster featuring fun science facts, and an experiment guide are included in the set. Who knew learning science could be so fun?!

Sphero SpecdrumsAges 6+Sphero SpecdrumsVérifiez le prix

Specdrums are essentially app-enabled musical rings that play music through color. What’s cool? It can be color from the included Play Pad, household items, your clothes, or just about anything. Choose from over 100 instruments available through the app. Sound packs contain chords and instruments. For instance, open the Hip Hop sound pack and play different beats, sounds, and loops simply by tapping on various colors. Using an accelerometer, the rings can detect differences in color and motion. With innovative use of technology and ease of use, it’s perfect for introducing children to music. Unleash your inner creativity!

littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor KitAges 8+littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor KitVérifiez le prix

Imagine being able to build your very own R2-D2. This Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit from littleBits gives you everything you need to build your very own droid. It even includes servos and motors to control it via your smartphone. The droid features cool lights and sound effects to make it feel right out of the Star Wars movies. You can have all sorts of fun and exciting droid adventures. Best of all, you can make anything you want beyond just R2-D2. It’s all up to your imagination! The major coding update will give you much more variety in your droid actions and teach kids how to code.

Crayola Color Chemistry Arctic LabAges 7+Crayola Color Chemistry Arctic LabVérifiez le prix

Infused with a fun arctic twist, the Crayola Color Chemistry Arctic Lab enables kids to explore color, texture, and temperature. This STEAM kit allows kids to conduct 50 educational, creative, and fun experiments. Look for fun, wintery themes: snow growing on trees and color-changing window cling snowflakes to name a few examples. What’s cool? Perform 15 experiments right out of the box with ample material and supplies included. Other experiments will require common household items. Kids will enjoy learning STEAM concepts while having open-ended fun.

NovieAges 6+Novie" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Novie.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Novie.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Available in three fun colors — red, blue, and purple, Novie is a cool new interactive robot pal that can learn. Train him to perform 12 incredible tricks ranging from beginner to advanced. What’s cool? Using simple gesture controls, you can train him and make him follow you. We love performing wheelies, spinning, and zipping around. This little robot pal even conveys emotion through his color-changing eyes.

Eight year old girls love creating and building things.

LEGO BoostAges 7+LEGO BoostVérifiez le prix

Lego has create a new line of Lego bricks that are designed to teach children over 7 how to code. With this kit, girls can build Lego creations and program them to move using an app. This kit comes with the brain, move hub, and Lego blocks. It walks kids through creating 5 different models. The coolest part? Girls can use their existing Lego blocks with the kit to build even more creations.

LEGO Classic Large Creative Brick BoxAges 4+LEGO Classic Large Creative Brick BoxVérifiez le prix

There is no toy more universal than Legos. Nowadays Lego has come out with different themed sets, but nothing can beat a big box of classic Legos filled with 790 pieces. She won’t be building Star Wars ships or Lego Friend houses with this kit. Instead, she will spend hours using her imagination to build whatever comes to her mind.

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Express 75955Ages 8-14LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Express 75955Vérifiez le prix

Potterheads will love this Harry Potter Hogwarts Express set from LEGO. This 800-plus piece set builds a fantastic model of the Hogwarts Express inspired by the film. Fans will have as much fun building it as recreating the magic from the movies. The set includes six minifigures, including Harry Potter, to bring your storytelling to life.

LEGO Friends Heartlake City Resort 41347Ages 7-12LEGO Friends Heartlake City Resort 41347Vérifiez le prix

Welcome to the Heartlake City Resort. It’s a great place to get away from it all and have some fun and adventure. It features a striking design that instantly captures your attention. There are waterslides, jet skis, sail boats for some fun water adventures. There’s even a convenient monorail to transport you quickly through the resort. LEGO Friends fans will have fascinating adventures with this phenomenal set that will spark their imaginations and inspire countless stories.

LEGO Friends Friendship House 41340Ages 6-12LEGO Friends Friendship House 41340Vérifiez le prix

The ultimate hangout spot for your LEGO Friends is the new Friendship House. This 772-piece set is a 4-level, double-sided playset with a ton of wonderful play features. It comes with three mini dolls – Olivia, Emma, and Andrea as well as 3 animal friends to play out your incredible adventures. The Friendship House is actually a converted Fire Station, so it still features a brick fascade and alarm outside. The translucent garage door really opens and closes. There’s even an outdoor garden area, Upper Foreman’s Terrace above the garage, barbeque area with slide, and a rooftop area with hottub. The working pully is great for bringing up supplies and there’s even a fireman’s pole for the mini dolls to slide down. The set is easy to build and kids will have all sorts of fun building and playing out various stories for the characters and their animal friends. There are a ton of great features, details, and accessories to inspire countless hours of imaginative play.

LEGO Friends Stephanie’s HouseAges 6-12LEGO Friends Stephanies HouseVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want to build a doll house built out of Legos? This 622 piece Lego set lets girls build Stephanie’s 2 story house. Like all Lego Friends sets, it comes with a ton of accessories that make it fun to play with. The best feature? The rooms are moveable so there are several alternate ways to put together the house.

LEGO Friends Mia’s Camper Van 41339Ages 7+LEGO Friends Mias Camper Van 41339Vérifiez le prix

First impressions for Mia’s Camper Van set are that it is really colorful and pretty sizable. The stickers give it some nice extra detailing. The set also includes a raft seating two mini dolls. There’s even a sleeper section with two beds for your mini dolls after a long day of adventuring. There’s plenty of detailing inside with a stove, sink, fridge, and more. It’s definitely a nice place to be and there’s plenty of play space for imaginative story-telling.

LEGO Disney Cinderella’s Dream Castle 41154Ages 6-12LEGO Disney Cinderellas Dream Castle 41154Vérifiez le prix

Welcome to the magical kingdom of Cinderella’s Dream Castle. It utilizes the new 2018 Build and Swap modular building system. The castle itself is a sight to behold and something you can be proud to display. It features nice colors and a lot of small details that make it shine. There’s a lot of room to pose your figures and kids will have fun acting out various fun scenarios. What’s cool? With the modular design you can mix and match pieces from this set with other sets to expand the fun and even experiment with different designs. The set includes 2 minifigures, a horse, and carriage.

LEGO Disney Princess Ariel’s Royal Celebration Boat 41153Ages 6-12LEGO Disney Princess Ariels Royal Celebration Boat 41153Vérifiez le prix

LEGO Disney Princess Ariel’s Royal Celebration Boat is an awesome new set for 2018. It features a Build and Swap design so you can easily transform the design into various configurations. It’s such a pretty and beautiful looking set that fans will be proud to display and build. It’s all the small little details that make it stand out. The set includes Ariel, Prince Eric, and Sebastian mini figures. The special pieces beneath the boat allow you to easily play with it on any surface without scratching it.

LEGO Unikitty! Unikingdom Creative Brick Box 41455Ages 5-12LEGO Unikitty! Unikingdom Creative Brick Box 41455Vérifiez le prix

Inspired by the Unikitty show, LEGO has launched a dream kit called the Unikingdom Creative Brick Box. With over 400 pieces, fans can create simple builds. The colors and palette are vibrant and will inspire your child’s imagination. The set includes 17 buildable characters. Kids can create their own Unikitty Unikingdom and live out their adventures.

LEGO Disney Moana’s Ocean VoyageAges 6-12LEGO Disney Moanas Ocean VoyageVérifiez le prix

If she has fallen in love with Disney’s Moana and loves Legos, she will love this simple Lego set. With 307 pieces, she will get to build a large boat, a small boat, and Te Fiti Island. It shouldn’t take her too long to put it together on her own and she will love reenacting scenes from the movie after.

LEGO Minecraft The CaveAges 8+LEGO Minecraft The CaveVérifiez le prix

If your 8 year old daughter loves playing Minecraft and building Legos, she will love putting together this Lego set. As she puts it together, she will recognize all her favorite characters and elements from the game. These Minecraft sets do have smaller pieces than regular Lego sets. However, with 249 pieces, it’s one of the simpler Minecraft sets to build.

LEGO Disney Princess Elsa’s Magical Ice PalaceAges 6-12LEGO Disney Princess Elsas Magical Ice PalaceVérifiez le prix

Finally Lego has released a huge version of Elsa’s Magical Ice Palace that stands over 1 foot high. With a 701 piece count, this one is perfect for 8 year old girls. Girls will love that it comes minidolls of both Elsa and Anna along with the adorable snowman Olaf. As the set attempts to recreate one of the most memorable scenes from the movie, there’s a lot of play value packed into this set.

LEGO DC Super Hero High SchoolAges 8-12LEGO DC Super Hero High SchoolVérifiez le prix

Legos and Superheroes? What could be cooler? Lego has started coming out with a line of DC Super Hero Girls themed Legos. With 712 pieces and 3 minidolls, this is one of the larger sets in the line. Girls get to build a cool 3 story school that has so many action packed features like a cool ramp that the heroes can ride down on.

LEGO Star Wars Yoda’s Hut 75208Ages 7-12LEGO Star Wars Yodas Hut 75208Vérifiez le prix

Everybody’s is excited about Yoga’s Hut because it includes a Luke Skywalker figure with a special outfit. Lego hasn’t had a Luke minifigure with this outfit since the very beginning of the line.

LEGO Classic 60th Anniversary Set: Mission To Mars 10405Ages 5+LEGO Classic 60th Anniversary Set: Mission To Mars 10405Vérifiez le prix

This year LEGO is celebrating 60 amazing years of the LEGO brand with several new 60th Anniversary sets. One of the standout new sets from this special anniversary line is the Mission To Mars set. This colorful set allows you to engage in the creative building process, building everything from a space ship to friendly animal to a tractor and more. The creative possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

LEGO Jurassic World Blue’s Helicopter Pursuit 75928Ages 7+LEGO Jurassic World Blues Helicopter Pursuit 75928Vérifiez le prix

Gear up for high-flying adventures with Blue’s Helicopter Pursuit. Launching this April, this 397-piece set builds Blue’s helicopter, vehicle, and base station and comes with 3 minifigures and one raptor to bring your adventures to life. The blades actually can be spun and the detailing on the Helicopter is very nice. The new raptor design has been improved over the original raptor design. Who’s ready for a pursuit?

LEGO Jurassic World Indoraptor Rampage at Lockwood Estate 75930Ages 8-12LEGO Jurassic World Indoraptor Rampage at Lockwood Estate 75930Vérifiez le prix

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom was a major theme across Toy Fair. Lego is releasing a whole line of sets ahead of the movie’s launch this summer. Some of the sets were first revealed at Toy Fair. One of the standout new sets was the Indoraptor. This 1,019-piece set features cool details on the front and back and includes a Lego Indoraptor dino.

LEGO Friends Advent Calendar 41353Ages 6-12LEGO Friends Advent Calendar 41353Vérifiez le prix

Build your Happy Holidays with LEGO Friends Advent Calendar 2018 edition. This 500-piece set includes 24 gifts for fans to unwrap for each day leading up to Christmas. From a Santa mini-doll to four animal figures and more, there are so many fun surprises to discover and build. Kids will love the variety of designs and the bright color palette LEGO Friends is known for.

Playmobil Advent CalendarAges 4-10Playmobil Advent CalendarVérifiez le prix

Inspire your child’s imagination with the Playmobil Advent Calendar Royal Ice Skating Trip. It features 24 surprises to unbox each day leading to Christmas. Kids will discover holiday-themed characters, cute animals, and accessories to bring their imaginations to life. They’ll love playing out their skating adventures on the Frozen lake. Vouloir plus? There’s even a beautiful bracelet that can be actually worn.

LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 75213Ages 6-14LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 75213Vérifiez le prix

The Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar 75213 2018 edition will feature 24 cool new Star Wars surprises to unveil each day leading up to Christmas. Fans can expect surprises ranging from Star Wars mini figures to vehicles based on the Star Wars universe. Fans will love creating their favorite scenes from the movies.

LEGO City Advent Calendar 60201Ages 5-12LEGO City Advent Calendar 60201Vérifiez le prix

Unbox 24 fun surprises with the LEGO City Advent Calendar 2018 set. From vehicles to minifigures to seasonal items, this set is loaded with so much fun! Kids will build everything from a monster truck to a racecar, spaceship and drone and enjoy creating adventures with the 5 included minifigures. With out of this world fun, it’s sure to make it a Merry Christmas.

Fort Magic: Fort Building & ConstructionAges 7+Fort Magic: Fort Building & ConstructionVérifiez le prix

When we were young, we all tried to bring our imaginations to life by building pillow forts out of anything that we could find. Fort Magic now allows kids to create beautiful forts out of 354 sticks and connectors. She can finally build a spaceship or even a castle that she can hang out in all day.

LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid CommanderAges 8+LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid Commander

Ready for an exciting new LEGO play experience? LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid Commander lets you build, code, and play with 3 mechanized droids from the Star Wars universe. Build R2-D2, Gonk Droid, and Mouse Droid. Over 40 interactive missions inspire creative play. This 1,177-piece set includes a color and distance sensor, interactive motor, and Bluetooth (Move Hub) to bring your droids to life with simple drop-and-drag coding via the companion app. Each droid will feature its own personality, skills, and cool Star Wars-inspired sounds and music. It’s a fantastic kit teaching STEM concepts in a fun way. Jedi Warrior – can you solve all the missions?

LEGO Hidden Side School 70425Ages 7+LEGO Hidden Side School 70425

LEGO Hidden Side offers an innovative new theme centered around a cool augmented reality experience with immersive, interactive play. After building your physical LEGO set, scan it into your app to bring it to life. Explore the Hidden Side, solve challenges, find virtual keys, capture all the ghosts to stop the haunting, and overcome all boss ghosts in this 1,474-piece school-themed set. While you’re blasting ghosts and interacting with on-screen prompts on your phone, your other hand has to manipulate the physical set to solve puzzles and the app responds to this in real-time. New ghosts, challenges, and randomized gameplay will keep kids coming back for more. This is a concrete example where digital play augments your physical play. What’s cool? Each set in the new theme offers a regular build as well as a haunted version. Can you transform the haunted world and restore it back to normal?

K’NEX Dragon Revenge CoasterAges 7+KNEX Dragon Revenge Coaster

Featuring a thrilling, bold design and extreme builds, the K’NEX Dragon Revenge Roller Coaster features a newly designed motorized track, LED coaster car, and a fierce chasing flying dragon. Build your coaster with 580+ K’NEX pieces and experience thrilling action as you twist and turn through the tower. Will you escape the dragon?! Get ready for heart-racing thrills with the K’NEX Dragon Revenge Coaster!

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall 75954Ages 9+LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall 75954Vérifiez le prix

Lego is bringing back Harry Potter in a big way and everybody is excited. There are going to be additional Harry Potter sets later this year, but the LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall was the real showstopper of the show that had practically everyone drooling to get their hands on it. It comes with 11 minifigures so you get a ton of cool characters. The coolest part? It has a moving staircase.

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Clock Tower 75948Ages 9+LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Clock Tower 75948

Welcome to the Hogwarts Clock Tower! This 922-piece set brings to life the Hogwarts Entrance Hall, Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Hospital Wing, Prefect’s bathroom, Dumbledore’s Office, and ice decorations for the Yule Ball. What’s cool? Connect it to to your Hogwarts Great Hall (75954) and Whomping Willow sets (75953) sets for a more detailed build of Hogwarts. The set also includes Harry, Ron, and Hermione, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum, Albus Dumbledore, and Madame Maxime minifigures.

LEGO Star Wars Kessel Run Millennium Falcon 75212Ages 9+LEGO Star Wars Kessel Run Millennium Falcon 75212Vérifiez le prix

How many Lego Millennium Falcons do we have to buy? Inspired by the upcoming Star Wars flick, Solo: A Star Wars Story, hitting theaters this May, the LEGO Star Wars Kessel Run Millennium Falcon set faithfully recreates the starship with incredible attention to detail. This 1,414-piece set features a detailed cockpit, laser turret, and the Falcon even opens to reveal cool inner details.

LEGO Friends Mia’s House 41369Ages 6+LEGO Friends Mias House 41369Vérifiez le prix

Build Mia’s lovely forest house and take care of her horse and rabbit with this 715-piece set from the LEGO Friends collection. With a vibrant design, fun build, 3 mini dolls, and plenty of fun play features like a climbing wall, outdoor well, horse grooming area, and a cozy bedroom with bunk bed, it’s sure to inspire endless fun storytelling and adventures. How will your adventures in Mia’s House play out?

LEGO Disney Princess Ariel, Aurora, and Tiana’s Royal Celebration 41162Ages 5+LEGO Disney Princess Ariel, Aurora, and Tianas Royal Celebration 41162Vérifiez le prix

Celebrate Aurora’s 60th, Ariel’s 30th, and Tiana’s 10th anniversaries in style with the Disney Princess Royal Celebration set. Build Aurora’s castle tower, Ariel’s dolphin carriage, and Tiana’s restaurant to play out wonderful stories and adventures. With Aurora, Ariel, Tiana, and several animal figures, it’s sure to inspire endless imaginative play and storytelling. What magical adventures will your little princess dream up?

LEGO Star Wars Anakin’s Podracer 75258 – 20th Anniversary EditionAges 7+LEGO Star Wars Anakins Podracer 75258 - 20th Anniversary EditionVérifiez le prix

Celebrate LEGO Star Wars’ 20th anniversary in style with reimaginings of 5 of the most popular sets in the line. Step into the cockpit of Anakin’s Podracer, fire up the engine, and it’s all systems go! Relive the exhilarating thrills of racing through the canyons of Tatooine. Will you win the race? Also look for other commemorative sets in the line: Snowspeeder, Clone Scout Walker, Imperial Dropship, and Slave 1.

LEGO Movie 2 Queen Watevra’s Build Whatever Box! 70825Ages 6+LEGO Movie 2 Queen Watevras Build Whatever Box! 70825Vérifiez le prix

With fun, vibrant colors and 455 pieces, Queen Watevra’s Build Whatever Box! Sparks your younger child’s creativity. Start off by building everything from Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi to an octopus, hammer, and bat to a devil, gorilla, toaster and rocket. Then it’s time to get creative and build whatever you want. Now the real creative fun begins! With endless open-ended creativity, what amazing things will you create? Kids will love playing out their favorite scenes from the animated film, The Lego Movie 2. Everything is AWESOME!

LEGO Friends Andrea’s Talent Show 41368Ages 7+LEGO Friends Andreas Talent Show 41368Vérifiez le prix

Bring your imagination to life with a showstopping LEGO talent show performance. This fantastic 492-piece set builds a talent show stage venue with backstage areas and a judging panel to inspire creative play. Mix-and-match the different stage sets to experience Andrea perform magic, sing, or play the drums. Build Andrea’s dressing room or dress her in her magician cape. Chloe judges the talent show competition and uses her voting button to push the act forward to the next stage or send them packing. Will Andrea be able to deliver a stunning performance to advance to the next round? Whether you choose to perform magic, give a vocal performance, or play the drums, it’s a wonderful set inspiring girls’ creativity and imagination. Imagine all the endless creative possibilities with Andrea’s Talent Show!

PLAYMOBIL Mars Space StationAges 6+PLAYMOBIL Mars Space StationVérifiez le prix

Explore uncharted territory with the Mars Space Station. This set features everything necessary for a successful space exploration mission. With functional lights, returning back to base couldn’t be any easier. Explore the lighted station interior, monitor missions from the central command space, analyze samples in the lab, or rest in sleeping area. Connect external equipment like the Mission Rocket with Launch Site and Satellite Meteoroid Laser, both sold separately, to expand the fun. Stay in shape with the fitness equipment. The removable roof lets you access inside the space station and play more easily. Use the moving laser gun to fend off enemies and monitor the interactive light and sounds alarm, which alerts you to incoming enemies. In addition, other fun sound effects like radio contact, jet propulsion, and background space effects immerse you in the mission. There’s even a fun robot to guide you on you space adventures. The set includes 2 astronauts, a robot, space station, computer, tools, space crystals, telescope, video recorder, and many more accessories to inspire imaginative storytelling and space adventures. Get ready for exciting space missions!

PLAYMOBIL Crystal PalaceAges 4+PLAYMOBIL Crystal PalaceVérifiez le prix

Full of magic and mystery, kids can explore the Crystal Palace. Raise the gemstone shield to block the entrance from the front gate. If your vistors are friends, they may enter the palace. Look for the queen in her thone and a light-up crystal in the Palace Cave. Climb the spiral staircase to reach the Private Apartment. The Princess’ Chamber comes complete with a bed, rocking chair, vanity, and dressing room to inspire creative play. What will her outfit of the day be? The magical hoop skirt changes patterns in the cold. What’s cool? Discover the hidden secret area by lowering the hidden steps outside her bedroom and head up to the Palace Tower. Using the telescope she can watch over the entire kingdom. The set includes figures, throne, outfits, bed, rocking chair, vanity, love letter, magical key, and many more play accessories to inspire imaginative play. Imagine all the wonderful storytelling and adventure possibilities!

Fortnite Battle Royale Collection Mega FortAges 8+Fortnite Battle Royale Collection Mega FortVérifiez le prix

Build, customize and destroy your own Fortnite fort with the Fortnite Battle Royale Collection Mega Fort. With 38 included pieces from wood and metal to stone, construct The Watchtower, The Blockade, The Mega Fort, and so much more! But that’s not all! The creative possibilies are near endless so you can create your own designs. What’s cool? Builders can knock down barriers, pop out windows, and set up traps to inspire endless creative play. Two-inch Tricera Ops and Blue Squire figures are included for bringing the Fortnite action to life. Thanks to its modular design, this set is fully compatible with the Port-a-Fort from the Battle Royale Collection. Kids will love bringing the action of the game to life in their own real-life Fortnite worlds.

Fortnite Turbo Builder SetAges 8+Fortnite Turbo Builder SetVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun, buildable Fortnite playset? The Fortnite Turbo Builder Set from Jazwares allows fans to bring the action of the game to life. This complete set includes 4-inch Raven and Jonesy figures, 81 building materials, 4 weapons, and 2 harvesting tools for constructing fun. Inspired by the game, the figures feature 19 points of articulation for striking poses and bringing the Fortnite action to life. As for your building materials – you’ll have access to 27 wood pieces, 27 stone pieces, and 27 metal building pieces. The coolest part? Build a llama, a 1×1, walls, ramps, floors, arches, a battle scene and so much more! With so many building possibilities, it’s endless fun! What will you build?

LEGO City Sky Police Air Base 60210Ages 6+LEGO City Sky Police Air Base 60210Vérifiez le prix

Get ready for exciting sky police adventures! Your mission is to serve and protect the citizens of LEGO City through land and air. Build a 3-story police station with control tower, Sky Police airplane, getaway car, and police motorcycle. It’s as fun to build as it is to play with. Cool play features include a prison with breakaway wall, jetpack, and depolyable parachute to ignite your imagination and fuel fun storytelling and adventures. The set includes 2 criminals and 4 police officer minifigures to bring the action to life. Imagine all the creative possibilites! What creative stories will you dream up?

MEGA Construx Detective PikachuAges 6+MEGA Construx Detective PikachuVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the upcoming Pokemon Detective Pikachu film, MEGA Construx expands its line with a new Detective Pikachu set. Measuring 6.25-inches, this figure is comprised of 232 pieces. Cool play features include the ability to flick its tail to spring it into action, a moveable head, and articulation for striking various poses. Kids will find this set as fun to build as it is to play with. What’s cool? In search for clues to breaking the case wide open, you can move Detective Pikachu’s head and bring his magnifying glass closer to his eye for closer inspection. Imagine all the creative play possibilities, storytelling, and adventures!

LEGO Minecraft Steve BigFig with Parrot 21148Ages 7+LEGO Minecraft Steve BigFig with Parrot 21148Vérifiez le prix

Want to build your own large-scale Steve figure from Minecraft? The LEGO Minecraft Steve BigFig with Parrot set lets you do just that. it builds Steve and a colorful parrot with flapping wings. Standing over 5-inches tall when built, Steve closely resembles the character from the game. Kids will love building and playing with him. With a game-accurate design and a lever on his back raising or lowering his pickaxe, it’s perfect for inspiring endless Minecraft storytelling and adventures. Look for 3 BigFigs in this line.

LEGO Creator Deep Sea Creatures 31088Ages 7+LEGO Creator Deep Sea Creatures 31088Vérifiez le prix

Get ready for exciting deep sea underwater adventures with the Deep Sea Creatures Creator set. With this 230-piece LEGO set, build a shark and crab with a treasure or flexible squid or big-mouth Angler Fish. Cool play features like an opening mouth, pointy teeth, posable fins, movable joints, and reflective eyes bring your imagination to life. Check out the mighty jaws of the Angler Fish and how can anything escape the squid’s long tentacles?! What amazing underwater sea adventures will you create?

Mega Construx Detective Pikachu OfficeAges 6+Mega Construx Detective Pikachu OfficeVérifiez le prix

Inspired by Pokemon Detective Pikachu, the Detective Pikachu Office lets fans build and investigate Harry Goodman’s office. The set also builds a cute mini Detective Pikachu for investigating the case and a buildable chair. Search the entire office, including the computer, for any evidence. Piece together the clues to solve the mystery. Will Detective Pikachu be able to crack the case? Relive your favorite moments from Detective Pikachu.

Playmobil Advent CalendarAges 4-10Playmobil Advent CalendarVérifiez le prix

Inspire your child’s imagination with the Playmobil Advent Calendar Royal Ice Skating Trip. It features 24 surprises to unbox each day leading to Christmas. Kids will discover holiday-themed characters, cute animals, and accessories to bring their imaginations to life. They’ll love playing out their skating adventures on the Frozen lake. Vouloir plus? There’s even a beautiful bracelet that can be actually worn.

PLAYMOBIL Advent Calendar – Christmas Ball (9485)Ages 4+PLAYMOBIL Advent Calendar - Christmas Ball (9485)Vérifiez le prix

Celebrate the Christmas season in style with the Playmobil Advent Calendar – Christmas Ball. Every day leading up to Christmas – open one of 24 fun surprises. After everything has been revealed, participate in a magical ball with the royal family. The set comes complete with a backdrop, 4 figures, decorated tree, presents, table, chairs, candelabra, cat, kitten, violin, sleigh, and more to inspire creative play.

Dolls are always popular toys for 8 year old girls.

Barbie Girls Collector Birthday Wishes DollAges 6-10Barbie Girls Collector Birthday Wishes DollVérifiez le prix

There is nothing more special than receiving a birthday themed Barbie doll on your Birthday. With a gorgeous poufy gown, this one is beautifully detailed right down to her pearly earring and polished nails. It can be played with or displayed on the stand as a decoration.

Barbie 2018 Holiday DollAges 6-10Barbie 2018 Holiday DollVérifiez le prix

The holidays are just around the corner, so that means there’s a new Barbie 2018 Holiday Doll for collectors and fans alike. Holiday parties will be red hot! Doesn’t she look absolutely stunning in her gown and accessories?! Make the holidays shine bright with the 2018 Holiday Barbie!

L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Fashion Doll AssortmentAges 6-10L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Fashion Doll AssortmentVérifiez le prix

OMG! L.O.L. now offers super cute fashion dolls. Unbox your glam fashion doll with 20 surprises. What’s cool? Strike different poses and strut your stuff in the dressing room playset. Look for Lady Diva, Neonlicious, Royal Bee, and Swag in the line.

Barbie Careers Baby DoctorAges 3+Barbie Careers Baby DoctorVérifiez le prix

Let your little one’s imagination soar with the Barbie Baby Doctor set. Barbie is the doctor and ready to give the little babies a checkup. The set comes complete with Barbie in her doctor outfit, two babies, and several accessories to bring your play adventures to life. Kids will have limitless fun creating all sorts of scenarios while igniting their imaginations.

Barbie Made To Move BarbieAges 3+Barbie Made To Move BarbieVérifiez le prix

Barbie Made To Move dolls are the ultimate posable Barbie dolls. They are designed to move and pose just like in the real world. The range of motion is really impressive compared to past dolls. That means Barbie can do just about anything from riding a pony to doing yoga and more. The possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination. So what are you waiting for … let’s get movin’!

Hairdorables Series 1Ages 3+Hairdorables Series 1Vérifiez le prix

Girls who love hair play will love Hairdorables. Inspired by the YouTube series, these collectible dolls have big hair that is perfect for styling. There are 36 dolls to collect in this series. Girls will have fun creating all sorts of fun hairstyles. What creative styles will you come up with?

Poopsie Surprise UnicornAges 6+Poopsie Surprise UnicornVérifiez le prix

What happens when you feed your Poopsie Surprise Unicorn? It magically poops slime. Then add some magic and it changes color. You will get either Rainbow Brightstar or Oppsie Starlight. Kids will have fun playing out their adventures with their unicorn pal. It’s the perfect Christmas gift for unicorn and slime lovers.

Poopsie Slime Surprise Poop PackAges 5-10Poopsie Slime Surprise Poop PackVérifiez le prix

What happens when you combine slime with Poop and fun surprises? You get Poopsie Slime Surprise. Created by the same company as LOL surprise, Poopsie Slime Surprise is the hottest new collectible. Unwrap it like a toilet roll to unravel 10 magical surprises inside. Inside there is slime powder, a mystery scent, and utensils that lets kids mix up slime . . . we meant unicorn poop. There’s also a poop keychain collectible that can be used to store the slime. Who knew poop could be so exciting?

Poopsie Pooey Puitton CollectableAges 5-10Poopsie Pooey Puitton CollectableVérifiez le prix

What’s better than Louis Vuitton bag? A Pooey Puitton bag! Made out of poop, this might be the most stylish poop you have ever seen. Inside it contains all types of supplies for making unicorn slime poop from beads to slime powered bottles. There’s an instruction manual that walks kids through the many slime recipes. It even contains containers inside for storing slime. The best part? It comes with an exclusive Poopsey character with groovy 2019 glasses.

My Little Pony Equestria Girls Classic Dolls I & IIAges 5+My Little Pony Equestria Girls Classic Dolls I & IIVérifiez le prix

Coming this spring is the My Little Pony Equestria Girls Classic Doll Assortment I and II. Inspired by entertainment, these 11-inch fashion dolls don stylish fashions based on their various unique personalities. The dolls feature seven points of articulation for bringing your imagination and storytelling to life.

Enchantimals Doll & FriendAges 4+Enchantimals Doll & FriendVérifiez le prix

Enchantimals celebrates the special bond between kids and animals. These 6-inch lovable dolls share a special connection with their animal friends. Their outfits and shoes feature bright colors, floral prints, and furry accents. The look is completed with animal-inspired ears and headpieces. The newest dolls are inspired by a headgehog, parrot, and cheetah.

Barbie DreamHouseAges 3+Barbie DreamHouseVérifiez le prix

Dream big with the new Barbie DreamHouse. With 3 floors, 8 rooms, outdoor area, rooftop pool and slide, working elevator, lights, sounds, and more, it’s sure to inspire endless, open-ended storytelling adventures. The garage fits your Barbie vehicle or camper. It’s the perfect blend of indoor and outdoor fun.

Barbie Care Clinic VehicleAges 3+Barbie Care Clinic VehicleVérifiez le prix

Every Barbie world needs a medic. Featuring a working siren, the Barbie Care Clinic Vehicle races to the rescue in emergency situations. What’s cool? Not only is it an ambulance, but also it transforms to reveal a care clinic! Check in patients at the check-in stand and have them wait for their appointment in the waiting room with a fish tank. Interacting with the fish tank reveals a gift shop for get-well gifts, such as a teddy or heart balloon. The exam room is perfect for medical emergencies or check-ups. Here you can even reveal two x-rays. Accessories include a medical bag, stethoscope, arm cast, leg cast, blood pressure machine, and more to enhance your play experience.

Barbie Ultimate KitchenAges 4+Barbie Ultimate KitchenVérifiez le prix

Featuring a Barbie chef doll, kitchen counter, appliances, cooking and dining utensils, and 5 dough colors for creating food, the Barbie Ultimate Kitchen is the feature set to look out for when it arrives this fall. This kitchen features a cutting board, stovetop, pot, pie baking sheet, and oven. What will you cook up in the Ultimate Kitchen? You can make veggies, sandwiches, fries, and even dessert. There are molds and several cool interactive features like a light-up stove, buttons, and sounds.

Polly Pocket World AssortmentAges 4+Polly Pocket World AssortmentVérifiez le prix

It’s time to head back to the 90s! Polly Pocket is making a big return in 2018 with the Polly Pocket World Assortment. These compact Pocket Worlds are perfect for taking the fun on the go. Each has its own theme and comes along with micro dolls, accessories, and other neat surprises. Look for Polly Pocket to make its debut in fall, retailing for $4.99 – $19.99.

Calico Critter Town Grand Department StoreAges 6+Calico Critter Town Grand Department StoreVérifiez le prix

The Grand Department Store is central to the Calico Critters’ new series. Its design allows kids to customize the layout by moving around the terrace, balconies, windows and awnings. Kids can let their critters enter the store via the revolving tower doors and explore the various levels with the elevator. This set includes one Stella Hopscotch Rabbit figure to bring your imaginative storytelling adventures to life.

Disney Frozen Snow Glow ElsaAges 3+Disney Frozen Snow Glow Elsa

Dressed in Elsa’s signature outfit inspired by entertainment, Disney Frozen Snow Glow Elsa stands 14-inches tall with her beautiful, memorable hairstyle. Launching this fall, Elsa glows and sings the famous hit song ‘Let It Go’. Fans will love reliving the magical moments from Disney’s Frozen and may just never want to let it go! Imagine all the wonderful storytelling and adventure possibilities!

#SNAPSTARAges 5-11#SNAPSTARVérifiez le prix

Earlier this year Yulu launched an innovative new fashion doll line known as #SNAPSTAR where you snap, style, and share. The line features 6 social influencer dolls each with different interests ranging from fashion, beauty, and music to travel, photography, and design. Kids have to reveal their doll and each set includes one complete outfit, accessories, removable hairstyle, green screen, stand, and a small cell phone for the doll to inspire rich storytelling and adventures. Fifteen points of articulation let girls pose the dolls and bring their storytelling to life. What’s cool? The companion app enables kids to share photos of their doll on social media. Plus, with the app, you can add makeup, switch hairstyles, add backdrops, and more. Experience the disruption in the fashion doll world.

Barbie Fashionista in Wheelchair AssortmentAges 3+Barbie Fashionista in Wheelchair AssortmentVérifiez le prix

The Barbie Fashionista with Wheelchair Assortment challenges the traditional view of beauty and expands its definition of inclusivity with the Wheelchair Assortment. This assortment features Made-to-Move Barbies that easily fit into the wheelchair. The included wheelchair fits all body types in the Made-to-Move line from tall to curvy to original. What’s cool? The wheelchair is realistically modeled and the set comes with an accessibility ramp accessory for playing well with your Barbie Estate products. It truly is a watershed moment for those with disabilities because beauty can come in any form.

Barbie Career 60th Anniversary Doll AssortmentAges 3+Barbie Career 60th Anniversary Doll AssortmentVérifiez le prix

Throughout Barbie’s 60 years of existence she has had more than 200 careers. Celebrating her 60th anniversary, this range highlights her most iconic positions as well as new professions. Look for a pilot, astronaut, journalist, political candidate, athlete, and firefighter. Women still remain underrepresented in professions such as political candidate, journalist, and firefighter. Wearing career-themed outfits and with themed accessories, the dolls in the line feature diverse looks with a wide range of body types, skin tones, eye colors, and hairstyles to inspire richer storytelling experiences. What will you be? A political candidate? A journalist? Or a firefighter?

Barbie FashionistasAges 3+Barbie FashionistasVérifiez le prix

Featuring the most diverse and inclusive lineup on the market, the Barbie Fashionistas line offers a wide range of over 100 different looks to find the perfect doll that speaks to you. Choose from a variety of skin tones, eye colors, hair colors and textures, body types, and fashions. Reflecting today’s diverse world, the dolls are designed to inspire richer storytelling.

Barbie Dreamtopia Brush ‘n Sparkle UnicornAges 3+Barbie Dreamtopia Brush ‘n Sparkle UnicornVérifiez le prix

Does she love unicorns? Meet the gorgeous Barbie Dreamtopia Brush ‘n Sparkle Unicorn! From the Barbie Dreamtopia Rainbow Cove, Brush ‘n Sparkle Unicorn features cool interactive lights and sounds when you brush her hair. How cool! Featuring the Barbie Dreamtopia theme song, this unicorn offers 4 magical light and sound shows to dazzle and entertain kids and inspire endless adventures. Get ready for a magical experience with Dreamtopia Brush n’ Sparkle Unicorn.

Barbie Dreamtopia Sparkle Lights MermaidAges 3+Barbie Dreamtopia Sparkle Lights MermaidVérifiez le prix

Embark on an enchanting adventure in a magical world of mermaids and princesses. Watch this Dreamtopia Mermaid’s tail illuminate by simply pushing a button or dipping her into water to kick-off a spectacular light show. Barbie’s long, beautiful, color-streaked hair and tiara add to the fun. Imagine the magical storytelling possibilities!

Barbie Rainbow Sparkle Hair AssortmentAges 5+Barbie Rainbow Sparkle Hair AssortmentVérifiez le prix

With her beautiful hair and styling accessories, budding stylists can create a world of fantastic hair styles for Barbie. Hidden beneath her long locks, girls will discover gorgeous rainbow hair. Add a splash of sparkle with the glitter gomb. The included brush, hair clips, and rubber bands allow for more creative hairstyles. Barbie comes with a coordinated stylish rainbow outfit, silver skirt, stylable hair, and accessories to inspire incredible storytelling and adventures and fantastic hair play. What amazing hairstyles will you create? Imagine all the creative storytelling possibilities!

Barbie Hugs ‘n HorsesAges 3+Barbie Hugs n HorsesVérifiez le prix

Featuring its own saddle and briddle, a soft mane and tail, and a realistic bobbing head, girls will love nurturing and caring for their own horse and pony with the Barbie Hugs & Horses playset. Wearing boots and helmets, Barbie and Chelsea dolls are included along with several fun accessories — like fence pieces, feeding trough, puppy, brush, and more — to inspire rich storytelling and adventures.

Barbie Ultimate Curls Hair AssortmentAges 5+Barbie Ultimate Curls Hair AssortmentVérifiez le prix

Ever wish you could curl Barbie’s hair? Now you can with the Barbie Ultimate Curls Hair Assortment. Go from ordinary to extraordinary with tight or loose curls without any heat application. Cool accessories include a curling iron and curlers that add to the play fun. The best part? Curling is so easy and you can easily brush it out and restart the styling fun again and again!

Barbie Slime MermaidAges 3+Barbie Slime Mermaid

What do you get when you cross Barbie, slime, and mermaids? You get the Barbie Slime Mermaid, of course! Now you get to experience the fun of Barbie, slime, and mermaids in one awesome package. It’s the best of all three worlds! Store the two colors of glitter slime in Barbie’s tail. Imagine all the fun storytelling possibilities with Barbie and slime! What will your magical mermaid adventures look like?

Barbie Skipper Babysitters INC Nap ‘n’ Nurture Nursery AssortmentAges 3+Barbie Skipper Babysitters INC Nap ‘n Nurture Nursery AssortmentVérifiez le prix

Get ready for exciting babysitting adventures with twins! Play out your babysitting adventures with the Barbie Skipper Babysitters INC Nursery Playset. This fun playset includes Skipper, twin babies, crib converting into a playmat, changing table, shelf, baby bottles, toys, and more to inspire rich storytelling. Other fun play accessories include a bouncer and rocking horse to add to the play fun. For a more realistic babysitting experience, the baby doll’s diaper is removable to enhance role play. What will your babysitting adventures entail?

Barbie x National Geographic Butterfly Scientist PlaysetAges 3+Barbie x National Geographic Butterfly Scientist PlaysetVérifiez le prix

Ever dreamt of being a butterfly scientist? Live out your dreams with this fun playset, which features an Entomologist Barbie doll in her career outfit. The set comes with an Entomologist workstation, insect collection, study equipment, and a bug-infested tree for studying insects in their natural environment just like in real life. What will amazing discoveries will you make?

Barbie Malibu HouseAges 3+Barbie Malibu HouseVérifiez le prix

Experience 2-stories of fun with the Barbie Malibu House. Explore the kitchen, living room, bathroom and more, as you create fun storytelling. Detailed accessories like a fridge and oven that open and hinged toilet seat and shower add to the fun. What’s cool? The Malibu House features cool transforming rooms, which amplify your child’s storytelling. The living room converts to a movie theater; the kitchen converts to a smoothie bar; and the bunk bed transforms to accommodate guests. Encouraging open-ended play, the Barbie Malibu House ignites your child’s imagination and sparks her creativity. We love that its portable, closing design allows kids to easily transport it anywhere.

Barbie House with DollAges 3+Barbie House with DollVérifiez le prix

This beautiful 2-feet wide Barbie House with Doll set features four areas of play when folded open. Closing the set allows the roof to double as a nifty handle for easy transport. Cook up some delicious fun in the kitchen complete with sink, stove, and flip-down island. This house also features one bedroom and bathroom for added realism. After a long day, relax in the pool with decorative lights and plant. Even Barbie needs some down time. The set comes with a Barbie doll and several accessories to bring your stories to life. Dream up your biggest adventures with Barbie!

Barbie DreamCamperAges 3+Barbie DreamCamperVérifiez le prix

The Barbie DreamCamper is perfect for inspiring endless storytelling fun and adventures, as it converts from a camper into a 2-foot long play area complete with a pool with waterslide, hammocks, sleeping spaces, bathroom, kitchen, and fire pit. It’s an exciting 2-in-1 playset that delivers fun in spades. Imagine racing down the waterslide into the pool and all the wonderful adventures you can have. What will your Barbie DreamCamper adventures entail?

Barbie Travel Dream PlaneAges 3+Barbie Travel Dream PlaneVérifiez le prix

All aboard for fun and fantastic adventures with the Barbie Travel Dream Plane. Open the top to seat up to three dolls. Buckle up and sit back and relax with the reclining seats and enjoy the journey. Fifteen accessories like a dining cart, food pieces, and suitcase storage inspire a world of creative fun and storytelling. Expand Barbie’s horizons through travel and exploration. Where will Barbie’s adventures take her?

Barbie Ultimate ClosetAges 3+Barbie Ultimate ClosetVérifiez le prix

Looking for the dream closet for your Barbie world? Open this portable Barbie Ultimate Closet to reveal 5 cabinets, hanging racks, and a fold-out rack inside. What’s cool? Hang your Barbie fashions on the six included hangers. This set includes one Barbie doll and the closet accessory. What will your outfit of the day be? Decisions, decisions! A convenient carry handle allows for easy transport so you can take the fun and excitement anywhere. What amazing stories will the Ultimate Closet inspire you to tell?

Barbie Cake Decorating PlaysetAges 3+Barbie Cake Decorating PlaysetVérifiez le prix

Does she love decorating cakes? Now you can bake up sweet treats with Barbie! What’s cool? This set features special Barbie dough that actually ‘rises’ in the oven after pulling a lever. How cool! Featuring three exciting play areas, kids will love baking, decorating, and displaying their baked goods at this fun bakery. One Barbie doll is included with this playset for inspiring creative play and serving up delicious fun. The creative fun continues to reach new heights with Barbie.

Disney Princess Royal CollectionAges 3+Disney Princess Royal CollectionVérifiez le prix

Does your girl love Disney Princesses? Then she’ll love the Disney Princess Royal Collection! This Amazon-exclusive features 12 beautiful Disney Princesses: Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine, Merida, Mulan, Pocahontas, Rapunzel, Snow White, Tiana, and Moana in one amazing set. The dolls feature their signature fashions and accessories to inspire a world of magical storytelling and adventures. Live out your fantasies with this ultimate Disney Princess set sure to delight fans.

Disney Princess Royal Shimmer MoanaAges 3+Disney Princess Royal Shimmer Moana

The Royal Shimmer collection features sculpted tops with glitter tops and removable outfits with an elastic band. Look for Moana to join the collection this fall. Drawing inspiration from the Disney animated film, Moana will feature her signature, movie-accurate outfit and great posability for bringing your stories and adventures to life. Reimagine magical moments from Disney’s Moana. Collect all your favorite Disney Princesses for a world of fun.

Ralph Breaks The Internet Ultimate Fashion Doll PackAges 3+Ralph Breaks The Internet Ultimate Fashion Doll Pack

Inspired by Ralph Breaks The Internet, Hasbro delivers the Ultimate Fashion Doll Pack featuring 14 Disney Princess dolls! Our favorite Disney Princesses are rockin’ that casual style in 10 to 12-inch dolls with removable fashions and a variety of soft-rooted hair styles. The set includes 14 outfits, 22 movie-inspired accessories, and 12 pairs of shoes. And these beautiful dolls are fully articulated for bringing your storytelling to life. With a complete collection of 14 dolls, imagine all the storytelling and adventure possibilities! It’s the ultimate gift for any Disney Princesses fan!

Disney Descendants 3 Movie Signature AssortmentAges 6+Disney Descendants 3 Movie Signature Assortment

With Disney Descendants 3 premiering on Disney Channel this summer, fans will be super excited for the new Descendants 3 Movie Signature Assortment. Look for Evie, Mal, and Uma dressed in brand new eye-catching fashions in their signature styles with boots and matching fashion accessories. Collect all your favorites and play out your stories and adventures in the world of Auradon.

Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Barbie DollAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Barbie DollVérifiez le prix

Inspired by Toy Story 4, the Toy Story 4 Barbie Doll dons stylish 80’s-inspired workout gear with a blue spandex unitard, pink belt, striped leg warmers, and matching pink sneakers. Eleven points of articulation enable great poseability and allow kids to bring their storytelling and imaginations to life. Fans will love recreating their favorite scenes from the movie.

Polly Pocket Big Pocket World AssortmentAges 4+Polly Pocket Big Pocket World AssortmentVérifiez le prix

Discover a world of fun with the Polly Pocket Big Pocket World Assortment. This new assortment features compact Pocket Worlds for kids to explore: Donut Pajama Party, Pamperin’ Perfume Spa, Schoolbook and Birthday Cake. These pocket-sized worlds with micro Polly dolls and fun themes with surprises inspire your little one’s creativity and imagination, encouraging adventure and storytelling. Go on big adventures and prove that tiny is mighty!

Polly Pocket Pollyville Mega Mall Super PackAges 4+Polly Pocket Pollyville Mega Mall Super PackVérifiez le prix

Get ready to shop ’til you drop! Experience six floors of fun with the Polly Pocket Pollyville Mega Mall. This set includes 20 accessories and Polly’s micro SUV to enhance your storytelling experience. Cool play features include a spinning elevator and parking garage to enhance play. The best part? Polly can catch a movie at the theater, skate on a ramp, or shoot hoops in the sports store. What will your mall adventures entail?

American Girl – Blaire Wilson – Girl of the Year 2019Ages 7+American Girl - Blaire Wilson - Girl of the Year 2019Vérifiez le prix

Who’s the Americal Girl of the Year 2019? It’s none other than Blair Wilson. Add this beautiful and lovely doll to your collection. This limited edition Doll of the Year comes along with the doll, her favorite bumblebee dress, sandles, accessories and a book. Fans can read and learn all about her fascination with cooking and gardening.

DC Super Hero Girls Super Hero Action DollsAges 6+DC Super Hero Girls Super Hero Action Dolls

Calling all DC Super Hero Girls fans — the DC Super Hero Girls are back in action! Wearing their signature suits with accurate logos and bold colors, these 12-inch action dolls feature removable masks, capes, belts, gauntlets, and more to inspire action-packed adventures. Pose them powerfully, as they stand on their own. Look for Supergirl, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Bumblebee, Jessica Cruz, and Katana in this relaunch. Fans will love bringing their imaginations to life.

Captain Marvel Movie Photon Power FX Captain Marvel Electronic DollAges 6+Captain Marvel Movie Photon Power FX Captain Marvel Electronic DollVérifiez le prix

Get ready for action-packed adventures with the Photon Power FX Captain Marvel Electronic Doll from Hasbro. Featuring interactive lights and sounds and soft-rooted hair, this 11.5-inch doll will inspire amazing superhero adventures along with fantastic hair play. Bring the action and storytelling to life with 11 points of articulation. Accessories like her belt and boots enhance your play experience. Defend the universe with her superpowers!

JoJo Siwa Singing D.R.E.A.M. DollAges 6+JoJo Siwa Singing D.R.E.A.M. Doll

Got a Siwanator obsessed with all things JoJo Siwa? Celebrate JoJo’s first concert tour in style with the JoJo Siwa Singing D.R.E.A.M. doll. Donning a colorful outfit and signature oversized purple bow, she sings her new hit song, ‘D.R.E.A.M.’ Pose her arms and legs and use the included microphone to recreate your favorite JoJo performances. What’s cool? Girls can even wear JoJo’s bow in their own hair and style her hair with the included brush for fun hair play.

Disney•Pixar Toy Story Epic Moves Bo Peep Action DollAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story Epic Moves Bo Peep Action DollVérifiez le prix

Barbie may get all the attention, but let’s not forget about Bo Peep. With her staff and fourteen points of articulation, the Epic Moves Bo Peep Action Doll performs epic moves and offers endless posability to bring your storytelling to life. Encouraging fun hair and fashion play, this doll comes with gorgeous soft-rooted hair, a comb, and multiple costume pieces to bring your stories to life.

Harry Potter Quidditch AssortmentAges 6+Harry Potter Quidditch Assortment

The Harry Potter Quidditch dolls feature movie-accurate replicas of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy with the exact broom as featured in the movie along with a golden snitch. Fans will appreciate this astute attention to detail and may notice Harry carries the Nimbus 2000, while Draco holds the Nimbus 2001. Featuring authentic Quidditch gear and 11 points of articulation, fans will love bringing their magical wizarding stories to life.

Calico Critters Elegant Town Manor Gift SetAges 6+Calico Critters Elegant Town Manor Gift Set

Looking for a fun new playset to expand the fun of your child’s Calico Critters world? The Town Series expands with the Elegant Town Manor Gift Set, a beautiful two-story mansion for Stella Hopscotch Rabbit. Fans will truly appreciate the magnificent attention to detail on this set, as it features a high ceiling with gold-stained chandelier, terrace, windows, railings, furniture, spiral staircase, and detachable roof — all serving to inspire rich imaginative storytelling. The best part? This manor can be connected to the Designer Studio (sold separately) to form the stunning Stella’s Grand Residence. One Stella character with an exclusive outfit is included in this lovely gift set. Imagine the endless storytelling possibilities!

KidKraft Bianca City Life DollhouseAges 3+KidKraft Bianca City Life Dollhouse

Delivering a full 360-degrees of play, the Bianca City Life Dollhouse from KidKraft features four-stories of fun. Explore the boutique, café, gym, and pet salon, as you craft exciting stories. Fascinating play features include working string lights, moveable staircase, working elevator, mini frame for displaying pictures and 25 accessories to inspire endless imaginative play. The best part? Thanks to its slim design and its ability to expand vertically, it stores easily when playtime is over.

DC Super Hero Girls Wonder Woman 12-inch Action DollAges 6-10DC Super Hero Girls Wonder Woman 12-inch Action DollVérifiez le prix

When you ask an 8 year old girl what she wants to be when she grows up, a lot of girls will say a superhero. Up until recently, most superheroes for girls tended to be stereotypical. The Super Hero Girls line of dolls set out to change this with a new generation of female superheroes that are empowering for little girls. With a more realistic body type, all of her favorite superheroes can be found in this line from Wonder Woman to Super Girl.

POP: Star Wars Princess LeiaAges 3-15POP: Star Wars Princess LeiaVérifiez le prix

These Funko Pop figures have become extremely popular. What makes them so popular? With big heads and small bodies, they are beyond cute. The great thing about these Vinyl figures is that you can find all of her favorite characters in the line. There is literally a figure for every 8 year old girl.

Marvel Spider-Man Titan Hero Spider-ManAges 4+Marvel Spider-Man Titan Hero Spider-ManVérifiez le prix

8 year old girls that love Spiderman, Batman, or any kind of superhero will love this 12 inch action figure that is ready to fight crime. These Titan figures come in all different varieties so she can rescue the world with her favorite super hero.

Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition Ages 3-12Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition Vérifiez le prix

If she still believes in Santa Clause, the Elf On The Shelf will make her a true believer. This innocent looking Elf has become a tradition in many people’s households. Every night the Elf moves around and hides in the most unexpected places as he returns from visiting Santa. Of course, “Santa” is the one who moves him.

Jurassic World IndoraptorAges 3+Jurassic World IndoraptorVérifiez le prix

Get ready for thrilling Jurassic World dino adventures with the Indoraptor! This mysterious villain hunts down its prey and will stop at nothing to get what it wants. Featuring a realistic body sculpt and incredible articulation, kids will love reliving their favorite moments from the movie.

Jurassic World Thrash ‘N Throw Tyrannosaurus RexAges 4+Jurassic World Thrash N Throw Tyrannosaurus RexVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the movie and featuring movie-accurate details, the Trash ‘N Throw Tyrannosaurus Rex allows fans to bring the action to life with stomping and roaring action. What’s cool? It can thrash and throw by using its tail. Kids will love recreating their favorite scenes from the movie.

Hot Wheels Criss Cross Crash TracksetAges 5+Hot Wheels Criss Cross Crash TracksetVérifiez le prix

The Hot Wheels Criss Cross Crash Trackset is one of the best-selling Hot Wheels race tracks. Get ready for epic crashin’ and smashin’ action! We love danger, especially the Crash Zones. This dream Hot Wheels set is what the kids really want for Christmas!

Thinkway Toy Story 4 Sheriff Woody with Interactive Drop-Down ActionAges 4+Thinkway Toy Story 4 Sheriff Woody with Interactive Drop-Down ActionVérifiez le prix

Inspired by Disney-Pixar’s Toy Story 4 animated film, the Sheriff Woody figure features a cool and innovative voice-activated, interactive drop-down feature which will spark fans’ imaginations to ‘Infinity and Beyond’. Say ‘Someone’s coming!’ and this 16-inch Woody figure will respond with ‘Really? We’ll talk later’ and drop to the floor or surface. How cool! In all, there are 4 voice commands and two ways to play with over 70 fun phrases to inspire create play. As the most technologically-advanced Toy Story toy range to date — now your favorite Toy Story characters come to life like never before, taking the Toy Story play experience to a whole new level of delightful fun. Relive the magic of Toy Story 4 and bring your favorite scenes to life. Pair Woody with interactive Buzz Lightyear to take your storytelling to ‘Infinity and Beyond’!

Disney•Pixar Toy Story Basic FiguresAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story Basic FiguresVérifiez le prix

Toy Story 4 is one of the most highly-anticipated animated films this year. Inspired by the latest installment in the beloved franchise, gear up for exciting Toy Story 4 adventures with the Disney-Pixar Toy Story Basic Figures assortment. In this collection, look for all your favorite characters from Woody and Buzz to Jessie, Slinky, Rex, and more. These figures feature movie-accurate details and sculpts for an authentic Toy Story experience, and they’re poseable for bringing the action to life and inspiring endless creative, imaginative play. Relive the magic of Toy Story 4 or create your own adventures!

Fortnite Victory 12-Inch Action FiguresFortnite Victory 12-Inch Action Figures

Inspired by the massive Fortnite videogame phenomenon, these new 12-inch Victory figures from Jazwares feature game-accurate designs with intricate sculpts, premium detailing, and multiple points of articulation perfect for posing that are sure to satisfy Fortnite fans and collectors alike. Show your fandom with these awesome action figures and play out your Fortnite battle royale adventures in real life.

Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 RV Friends 6 PackAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 RV Friends 6 PackVérifiez le prix

Packed in special RV road packaging, the RV Friends 6 Pack lets Toy Story 4 fans recreate the action of the movie with this special bundle featuring Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Rex, Slinky, and Forky. The figures are movie-accurate with excellent paintwork and high articulation for striking various poses and bringing your favorite scenes from the movie to life. Get ready for fun adventures with this Toy Story gang.

Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Benson and Woody 2-PackAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Benson and Woody 2-PackVérifiez le prix

Recreate dramatic scenes from Toy Story 4 with the Benson and Woody 2-Pack. This Walmart-exclusive set includes movie-scale figures of Benson and Woody. Benson stands 1-foot tall and Woody is a special movie edition with a scared looked on his face. What’s cool? Press the button the back of Benson to make him move his mouth like a real dummy. The package wonderfully sets the scene in the antique shop. Toy Story 4 fans will want to add this to their collection to play out their favorite scenes from the movie.

Thinkway Toy Story 4 Buzz Lightyear with Interactive Drop-Down ActionAges 4+Thinkway Toy Story 4 Buzz Lightyear with Interactive Drop-Down ActionVérifiez le prix

The Buzz Lightyear figure inspired by Toy Story 4 features a cool and innovative voice-activated, interactive drop-down feature sure to spark fans’ imaginations. Upon command, this 12-inch Buzz Lightyear action figure drops to the surface. How cool! As the most technologically-advanced Toy Story toy range to date — now your favorite Toy Story characters come to life like never before, taking the Toy Story play experience to a whole new level and delighting fans with a fantastic, ground-breaking experience. Relive the magic of Toy Story 4 and bring your favorite scenes to life. Bring together Buzz with Woody to take the fun to ‘Infinity and Beyond’!

Star Wars: Episode IX Figure AssortmentAges 4+Star Wars: Episode IX Figure Assortment

Bring the action of Star Wars: Episode IX to life with these awesome action figures inspired by the blockbuster movie. Featuring intricate detailing and articulation for high poseability, fans will love recreating the biggest battles and missions from the film. May the Force be with you! It’s the perfect gift for any Star Wars fan.

Jurassic World Destroy ‘N Devour Indominous RexAges 4+Jurassic World Destroy N Devour Indominous RexVérifiez le prix

Get ready to wreak havoc and fear with the Destroy ‘N Devour Indominous Rex featuring realistic scales, longer arms, and realistic sound effects that bring the Jurassic World action to life. Use the rear button to open its mouth, activate sounds, and swallow as many as three 3/4-inch figures. What’s cool? An LED light illuminates to help show the humans being gobbled down its throat. Meanwhile, the front button activates fierce arm strikes and slashing sounds. Fans will love recreating the most thrilling moments from the film with Indominus Rex.

Jurassic World Bite ‘N Fight Tyrannosaurus RexAges 4+Jurassic World Bite N Fight Tyrannosaurus RexVérifiez le prix

Featuring movie-accurate sculpting, head and tail articulation, realistic texture and color, the Bite ‘N Fight Tyrannosaurus Rex enables you to bring the action from the movies to vibrant life. Strike with its tail or lunge forward with intense biting action while pivoting 90-degrees simply by pressing various buttons. What’s cool? Press the button harder for a more aggressive biting force sure to send chills down your spine. A companion app enables you to scan your T. Rex and see your dinosaur come to life, learn facts, and more. Pair it with Destroy ‘N Devour Indominous Rex to take the Jurassic World fun to new heights.

Super Mario 4-inch FiguresAges 3+Super Mario 4-inch Figures

It’s a me, Mario! Nintendo fans can show their fandom by collecting a new wave of 4-inch collectibles inspired by the popular Super Mario videogames. Each figure features multiple points of articulation along with an accessory for bringing the action to life. Look for Captain Mario, Explorer Outfit Mario, Yoshi, Goomba, and Piranha Plant in the fall. The spring assortment will feature Odyssey Mario with Cappy, Lakitu with fishing pole, Captured Hammer Bro with hammer, Explorer Mario with Blue Power Moon, and Captain Mario with Red Power Moon. Collect all your favorites and play out your own fascinating Mario adventures!

Sonic The Hedgehog 4-Inch Bendy FiguresAges 3+Sonic The Hedgehog 4-Inch Bendy Figures

New Sonic the Hedgehog figures inspired by the SEGA videogames will be released by Jakks Pacific this year in partnership with Sega of America. Choose from a variety of 4-inch bendable figures from Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow that allow for posing and bringing the action to life. Each figure includes a transforming collectible Sonic coin that can be spun. The action figures extend the Sonic experience from screen time to play time. Collect all your favorites and play out your own exciting Sonic adventures with these awesome figures.

Super Mario Bowser’s Castle PlaysetAges 3+Super Mario Bowsers Castle Playset

Explore Bowser’s Castle packed with cool play features, authentic sounds and music, and a mini 2.5-inch Bowser figure. Fun interactive play features include a working lift, spinning fireballs, and an opening cage door to inspire imaginative play. Can you defeat Bowser by hitting the exclamation switch, sending him into the lava pit? Kids will love recreating the action from the videogame and building out their own Super Mario-inspired world with these awesome, action-packed playsets.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers 6-Inch Core Figure AssortmentAges 4+Power Rangers Beast Morphers 6-Inch Core Figure AssortmentVérifiez le prix

Go! Go! Power Rangers! Fans will love collecting and role-playing with the Power Rangers Beast Morphers Core Figure Assortment. These 6-inch core figures are inspired by entertainment with entertainment-accurate sculpts, multiple points of articulation for poseability, and weapons for bringing the action to life. What’s cool? Each figure includes a special Morph-X key for inserting into the Beast-X Morpher, sold separately, to bring it to life. Live out your Power Rangers fantasies with this epic assortment. It’s Morphin Time!!!

Power Rangers Beast Morphers 12-Inch Figure AssortmentAges 4+Power Rangers Beast Morphers 12-Inch Figure Assortment

Go! Go! Power Rangers! Fans will love collecting and role-playing with the Power Rangers Beast Morphers 12-Inch Figure Assortment. These 12-inch figures are inspired by the Beast Morphers show with entertainment-accurate sculpts, multiple points of articulation for high poseability, and an accessory for bringing the action of the show to life. Collect all your favorites and live out your Power Rangers fantasies with this epic assortment. It’s Morphin Time!!!

Power Rangers Lightning CollectionAges 4+Power Rangers Lightning CollectionVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the Power Rangers series, the 6-inch Power Rangers Lightning Collection features premium paint and signature detailing, multiple points of articulation, swappable heads/hands, and accessories to inspire adventures and storytelling. Look for Mighty Morphin White Ranger, Dino Charge Red Ranger, Lord Zedd, and the S.P.D. Shadow Ranger in the first wave. Everyone but Zedd will feature alternate heads for also role-playing in human form. Fans will love collecting them and bringing the action from the show to life. Go! Go! Power Rangers!

Star Wars Lightsaber AcademyAges 6+Star Wars Lightsaber Academy

Experience the galaxy’s first fully interactive lightsaber battling system with the Star Wars Lightsaber Academy. Using a companion app, train with 5 Jedi Masters to learn the necessary lightsaber moves to overcome the Dark Side. What’s cool? Your movements are tracked for scoring points and leveling up. You can even play on the Dark Side or battle with friends and the lightsaber features cool lights and sounds for an immersive experience unlike anything else before. May the Force be with you Jedi Warrior!

Disney Frozen Do You Want To Build A Snowman Jewelry BoxAges 3+Disney Frozen Do You Want To Build A Snowman Jewelry Box

Looking for a fun and super cute gift for your Frozen fan? Inspired by Disney’s Frozen, the ‘Do You Want To Build A Snowman?” Jewelry Box makes a wonderful gift for Frozen fans. Featuring a new design, this music box plays ‘Do You Want To Build A Snowman?’ while Anna and Elsa team up to create Olaf. What’s cool? As the music plays, the characters actually come to life! This jewelry box features a storage drawer and the set includes a magical ring for girls to wear. Store your favorite kiddie jewelry inside the storage drawer and relive the magic of the movie with this magical and delightful set.

8 year old girls love collecting things. If you are lucky, she will love collecting rocks, but girls this age love collecting Shopkins, toys, and trading cards. Collecting is great because it teaches her how to categorize and sort things. She will love the thrill of the hunt with these collectibles.

L.O.L. Surprise! Under Wraps DollAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Under Wraps DollVérifiez le prix

Under Wraps dolls are the latest sensation in the world of L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls. Fans will love solving the mystery of their doll with the new spy glass tool. Each doll comes with 15 surprises to discover. Unwrap the fun with L.O.L. Surprise Under Wraps. Which one will you unwrap?

L.O.L. Surprise! Bigger SurpriseAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Bigger SurpriseVérifiez le prix

A big surprise is going to shake up the L.O.L. world later this fall. Trust us, you ain’t seen nothing yet. This package is the ultimate dream collection for L.O.L. Surprise! fans featuring over 60 exclusive dolls and accessories! The best part? Fans will see a mix of L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls, Pets, and even Lil Sisters. It’s the perfect Christmas gift for any L.O.L. Surprise! lover. Get it before it’s all gone … this one’s going to be HUGE!

L.O.L. Surprise! Série 3Ages 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Série 3Vérifiez le prix

L.O.L. Surprise! Confetti Pop Series 3 is the top-selling toy thus far. Everyone loves collecting L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls. Will you find the new Ultra Rare, Punk Boi?! There are several layers of surprises to unwrap, which make them fun to unbox. Series 3 features over 35 dolls to collect. Series 4 is the eye spy series, which has kids feeling like spies as they uncover the mystery surprise doll inside using a special magnifier glass.

L.O.L. Surprise! Lil Sisters Series 4Ages 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Lil Sisters Series 4Vérifiez le prix

LOL dolls continue to be popular. There is something that is so fun about revealing the layered surprises inside. The latest series is the Eye Spy series, which is Series 4. The Series has secret messages on each layer that can be revealed with the included spy glass. Kids will feel like spies as they try to decode what Lil Sister is hidden inside.

L.O.L. Surprise! Pets Series 4Ages 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Pets Series 4Vérifiez le prix

With seven layers of surprises, girls will love collecting and unwrapping their L.O.L. Surprise! Pets. Series 4 has secret messages on each layer that can be revealed with the included spy glass. Fans will love collecting these adorable little pet companions. This set includes 2 balls and 2 pets. Which ones will you unwrap?

L.O.L. Surprise! Glam GlitterAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Glam GlitterVérifiez le prix

Want some glam in your life, then you will love the new Glam Glitter series of L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls. These new dolls feature the most glam styles you’ve seen yet. L.O.L. fans will love collecting these glamorous girls. They are the perfect addition to your collection. Each doll will have a special surprise: Will it be a crier, spitter, tinkler, or color changer?

L.O.L. Surprise! Pearl SurpriseAges 8+L.O.L. Surprise! Pearl SurpriseVérifiez le prix

Featuring a beautiful glitter case, the L.O.L. Surprise! Pearl Surprise comes with a limited edition Doll and Lil Sister. It’s a fun bath playset with a cool fizzing surprise. Who will you reveal? The reveal process is just as fun as finding out who you’ve got!

L.O.L. Surprise! Biggie PetAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Biggie PetVérifiez le prix

There is even a bigger surprise in the world of LOL. It’s called Biggie pets! There are 15 surprises in each Biggie Pet. How many pet babies will your find inside? 2 or 3? That’s the surprise! Look for secret clues to reveal what mystery pets are inside. There are even wearable accessories. The coolest part? Each Biggie Pet is a backpack.

L.O.L. Surprise! MaisonAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! MaisonVérifiez le prix

Your L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls will live large in their very own L.O.L. Surprise! House. They’re moving in and ready for fun! Featuring 3-stories of fun and loaded with 6 rooms, a working elevator, pool, spa, and sandbox, kids’ imaginations will be bursting with endless fun adventures. Interactive lights and sounds elevate your experience. The set comes with a moving truck and furniture to decorate your house.

L.O.L. Surprise! Pop-Up StoreAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Pop-Up StoreVérifiez le prix

Do you have a lot of LOL dolls lying around everywhere? Give them a new home with the affordable Pop Up Store. This stand not only gives you a great way to display over 50 dolls, but it also turns into a play area and carry case. It comes with one exclusive LOL doll. The best part! Not only is a great gift for an LOL doll collector, but your floor will thank you.

L.O.L. Surprise #OOTD Outfit Of The DayAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise #OOTD Outfit Of The DayVérifiez le prix

Surprise your L.O.L. fan this holiday season with L.O.L. Surprise #OOTD Outfit of the Day. This limited edition set features an exclusive L.O.L. Surprise! doll and over 25 surprises. In fact, fans can celebrate with a new look each day. With 24 exclusive fashion pieces, fans will enjoy dressing up their doll and going on all sorts of fun adventures.

Funko POP Harry PotterAges 3+Funko POP Harry PotterVérifiez le prix

Harry Potter fans will love this authentic recreation of their favorite character from the Harry Potter movies. Harry looks incredibly cute with his garb, vest, little tie, and magical wand. Cast a spell of fun with this Funko POP vinyl figure.

Twisty PetzAges 4+Twisty PetzVérifiez le prix

Twist Petz are adorably cute animal collectibles that easily convert to a glam bracelet with a simple twist. They can be worn as bracelets, necklaces and even be clipped onto a backpack. There are so many different Twisty Petz to collect from an elephant to a unicorn.

Funko POP Disney Incredibles 2 ElastigirlAges 3+Funko POP Disney Incredibles 2 ElastigirlVérifiez le prix

Got an Incredibles 2 fan? Show your fandom with this authentic POP inspired by Elastigirl from the animated summer blockbuster Incredibles 2. This 3.75-inch stylized vinyl pop is perfect for displaying in your room and showing off to your friends.

Fingerlings MinisAges 5+Fingerlings MinisVérifiez le prix

Remember Fingerlings- last year’s hottest toy? These adorable monkeys are getting an extended family. First, there are bite-sized Fingerlings Minis. These bite-sized figures come in a blind bag. These little figures can hook onto anything with their tails and can even be used as pencil toppers.

Funko POP! Games: Fortnite Black KnightAges 6+Funko POP! Games: Fortnite Black KnightVérifiez le prix

Fortnite has become the biggest phenomenon in gaming. Show your fandom by picking up your favorite Fornite character as a POP figure. Due to the immense popularity of the game, Fortnite POPs are expected to be the most popular gaming POPs this year. Choose from the Black Knight to Omega to Merry Marauder and more! It’s the perfect gift for Fornite fans who can’t get enough of the game.

Funko POP Jurassic Park – VelociraptorAges 5+Funko POP Jurassic Park - VelociraptorVérifiez le prix

Love the Jurassic Park movies? Then you’ll probably love these long-awaited POPs inspired by the Jurassic Park films. This 3.75-inch vinyl figure is a great addition to your POP collection. Collect all your favorites!

Pokemon TCG: Guzzlord-GX BoxAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Guzzlord-GX BoxVérifiez le prix

Pokemon fans gotta catch the Pokemon TCG: Guzzlord-GX Box! Nothing will prepare you for Guzzlord, the Ultimate Beast Pokemon. This set features 4 Booster Packs, 1 Rare Guzzlord-GX, Playable Promo Foil Card, and 1 Guzzlord-GX Oversized Foil Card. All in all it’s about 40 cards with a lot of variety. It’s a gift that will satisfy any Pokemon fan.

Pokemon TCG: Lycanroc-GX Box Card GameAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Lycanroc-GX Box Card GameVérifiez le prix

There are so many different trading card games, but few of them have remained to be as popular as the Pokemon Card Trading game. The reason the card game is so popular is that it allows kids to battle just like in the TV show and games. Girls love building their deck with different cards to change up their battle strategies. The best way to get in on the fun is with this 10 card pack.

Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Elite Trainer BoxAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Elite Trainer BoxVérifiez le prix

Looking for a great gift for your Pokemon fanatic? Consider the Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Trainer Box. This complete set includes 10 Booster Packs, 65 Card Sleeves, 45 Energy Cards, Shining Ho-Oh Foil Card, Player’s Guide, 6 Damage Counter Dice and more. Pokemon fans will be on their way to becoming the ultimate Pokemon Master. When they open it, they will be smiling from ear to ear. Let the games begin!

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles CollEGGtor’s CaseAges 5+Hatchimals CollEGGtibles CollEGGtors CaseVérifiez le prix

The Hatchimals CollEGGtibles CollEGGtor’s Case represents the first time Spin Master will be launching a collector’s case into the line. The CollEGGtor’s Case holds over 30 Hatchimals CollEGGtibles figures so you can store and display your favorite figures from your collection. It will also come packed with exclusive characters.

Felix and Wise Shopafun Carrying CaseAges 4+Felix and Wise Shopafun Carrying CaseVérifiez le prix

Does she have more Shopkins than you can count? This Shopkins organizer holds over 200 hundred Shopkins. The best part? You don’t have to worry about stepping on one of the Shopkins toys.

L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals Makeover SeriesAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals Makeover SeriesVérifiez le prix

L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals Makeover Series features an all-new cast of dolls to collect and style their hair. Feed or bathe your dolls to reveal a fun water surprise, including a color-change feature. Discover and unbox 12 new dolls with 15 fun surprises awaiting. Now the dolls come bundled in a hairspray can which converts into a salon chair, display case, doll stand, or purse to expand your storytelling. Will you find the 2 Rare Glitteratti dolls?

L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy PetsAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy PetsVérifiez le prix

The unboxing fun expands with L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy Pets. Packaged in a shampoo bottle doubling as a bath, purse, and playset with 7 fun surprises, L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy Pets reinvents the fun of these surprise pets. The seven surprises include a mirror, secret message, bottle, scooper, accessory, outfit, and pet for bringing your stories to life. Reveal your pet by giving these fuzz-coated pets a bath in the shampoo bottle to wash the fuzz away. What a fun reveal! You can even choose to have one with the fuzz and one without to expand your collection with a variety of designs. What’s cool? Get creative with fun hairstyles using or eliminating the fuzz or add water to the pet for a special water surprise, which includes a fun color-changing effect. Look for over 35 to collect in the line. Are you ready to get ‘fuzzy’ with it?

L.O.L. Surprise! Bubbly SurpriseAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Bubbly SurpriseVérifiez le prix

Get ready for an exciting unboxing experience with L.O.L. Surprise! Bubbly Surprise. Available in two styles, discover an exclusive L.O.L. Surprise Doll and Pet hidden inside a bubbly, fizzy heart. Open mystery balls and dig through sand to find six more fun surprises! Simply add water and watch the magic being! We can’t get enough of these fizzing action reveals. What’s cool? The sparkly glitter case doubles as a purse or playset. What surprises will you uncover?

L.O.L. Surprise! 2-in-1 GlamperAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! 2-in-1 GlamperVérifiez le prix

Where do your LOL dolls go for adventure? Ride the L.O.L. Surprise! 2-in-1 Glamper and get ready for exciting adventures. Fully extended this 2 x 3 foot Glamper camper features a working horn and headlights to head to your next destination. The best part? The front car detaches and the rear transforms into the ultimate hangout for your LOL dolls complete with bund beds, fashion runway, lightup pool with 2-story water slide, and more! It’s packed with fun play features to inspire storytelling. LOL fans will love that there are over 55 surprises to discover. In addition to the surprises you get an exclusive L.O.L. doll. It’s a must-have for any LOL fan!

BlumeAges 5+Blume" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Blume.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Blume.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Blume dolls bring healthy innovation to the exciting world of collectibles. These dolls represent the next big collectible with a unique, cool, and magical bloom surprise reveal experience unlike anything you’ve seen before. Simply add a few drops of water onto the ‘seeds’ and watch your Blume doll literally bloom out of her flower pot like magic. Seeing is believing — it’s pure genius and you won’t believe your eyes! Featuring unique, over-the-top hairstyles, mix-and-match outfits, chic handbags, adorable mini friends, and sticker books to inspire creative storytelling and fun adventures, the first series will feature 22 dolls to collect when they launch later this summer. Will you find the ‘Mystical’ doll?

Shopkins Real Littles ‘Lil Shopper PacksAges 4+Shopkins Real Littles Lil Shopper PacksVérifiez le prix

Is that a Shopkin or little Pop-Tarts? Shopkins has joined forces with some of the most beloved brands for its latest ‘Real Littles’ Shopper Packs line. Fans will discover popular and recognizable brands like Pringles, Pop-Tarts, Reddi-Wip, Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Welch’s Concord Grape Jelly and more! What’s cool? The packaging looks identical to its real-world counterpart — only much smaller and cuter and your Shopkins surprises will be inside. In addition, your Shopkins will look much more realistic than ever, elevating the experience to a whole new level.

Hairdorables HairDUDEables BFF 2-PackAges 3+Hairdorables HairDUDEables BFF 2-Pack

Featuring the same ‘Big Hair Don’t Care’ attitudes, the Hairdorables line expands with new dudes – HairDUDEables in these HairDUDEables BFF 2-Packs. YAAASSS! These special 2-packs feature an exclusive Hairdorable doll along with her BFF HairDUDEable friend for inspiring awesome adventures together. With new, hip personalities and accessories, look for 6 dudes and 6 exclusive Hairdorables dolls to collect in the line. Pull, peel, and reveal your surprise HairDUDEable along with 15 fun surprises. Which HairDUDEables will you find?

Poopsie Cutie TootiesAges 5+Poopsie Cutie TootiesVérifiez le prix

From the maker of L.O.L. Surprise!, Poopsie Cutie Tooties offers a brand new slime and unboxing experience unlike anything before. Snip the top of the unicorn poop and squeeze your slime and discover your surprise hidden inside. From crunchy to marshmallow to putty slime and more, discover 30 different types of slimes. In all there are over 25 Cutie Tooties to collect. Who will you find?

Funko POP Games Fortnite Series 2 Collector’s SetFunko POP Games Fortnite Series 2 Collectors SetVérifiez le prix

Featuring game-accurate premium detailing, amazing sculpting, and iconic outfits inspired by the gaming phenomenon, Fortnite, these Funko Fortnite Series 2 collectibles deliver the goods big time for fans. Standing 3.75-inches tall, build your Fortnite squad with these awesome collectibles. Look for 10 new vinyl figures in the line: Burnout, Zoey, Havoc, Sparkle Specialist, Tricera Ops, Valor, Dark Vanguard, Ragnarok, Drift, and Raven. Who will you add to your squad?

Fortnite Battle Royal CollectionAges 8+Fortnite Battle Royal CollectionVérifiez le prix

Moose Toys is launching its own Fortnite line of toys with the Fortnite Battle Royal Collection. The new officially-licensed line features an authentic collection of figures, vehicles, and playsets based on the popular videogame franchise. The Solo Packs feature a poseable Fortnite minifigure with interchangeable weapons, accessories, and Back Bling to inspire creative play, while The Squad Packs come with four 2-inch poseable mini figures with premium detailing. In all look for 100 figures to collect in this collection. Collect all your favorites and bring the battle royale fun of the game to life!

Hairdorables Dolls Series 3Ages 3+Hairdorables Dolls Series 3Vérifiez le prix

Based on the popular YouTube series, Hairdorables Series 3 introduces fun new themes, new pop-up backgrounds, and brand new fashions for the girl squad with ‘Big Hair Don’t Care’ attitudes. A surprise hair tool allows fans to color, crimp or curl their hair for fun hair play, while fun pop-up backgrounds include PJ Party, Outdoor Fun, and Dance Party to inspire rich storytelling! Series 3 features 2 Rares and one Ultra-Rare doll to find. Pull, peel, and pop to reveal each doll along with 11 fun surprises. Will you find the Ultra-Rare doll?

Hairdorables Pets Series 2Ages 3+Hairdorables Pets Series 2

Aren’t these the cutest little furry friends ever?! Hairdorables Pets Series 2 introduces new themes, fun finishes, and accessories to spice up the fun! Fun new themes in Series 2 include PJ Party and Outdoor Fun. With ‘Big Hair Don’t Care’ style, these pets love showcasing their unique personalities and each pet comes with a host of fun new surprises like accessories, stickers, adoption card, and a collector’s list to add to the collecting fun.

Hairdorables ShortcutsAges 3+Hairdorables Shortcuts

YAAASSS! Meet the Hairdorables Shortcuts, the younger sisters of the Hairdorables. While they may be short and sweet, they pack the same ‘Big Hair Don’t Care’ attitudes of their siblings. Hidden inside a shampoo-like bottle, reveal your Shortcut with fun peel pod layers. Each Shortcut features 8 surprises, a skirt scrunchie, and play accessory to add to the fun. The coolest part? With interchangeable poptails and barrettes, you can personalize their looks and engage in fun hair play. Look for 24 Shortcuts in the line.

Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Minis Ultimate New Friends 10-PackAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Minis Ultimate New Friends 10-PackVérifiez le prix

Looking for cute collectibles of your favorite Toy Story 4 characters? Look no further than Mattel’s new Toy Story 4 Minis Ultimate New Friends 10-Pack set featuring the full cast of beloved Toy Story characters along with new characters from Toy Story 4. Some of your favorites of old have been redesigned. Look for Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Bo Peep, Duke Caboom, Bo’s Sheep, Bunny, Ducky, Benny, Gabby Gabby, and Tinny in this assortment. It’s a quick and easy way to build your Minis collection and it’s perfect for recreating the magic of the animated film.

Funko POP! Disney Toy Story 4Ages 3+Funko POP! Disney Toy Story 4Vérifiez le prix

With movie-inspired details from Toy Story 4, the entire Toy Story gang is here as Funko POP! Disney figures. Aren’t they so adorable?! Look for Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Buzz Lightyear Floating (Amazon-exclusive), Bo Peep with Office McDimples, Jessie, Forky, Bunny, Ducky, Duke Caboom, Combat Carl Jr., Alien, and Gabby Gabby in this collection. Collect all your favorites and build your collection.

Funko Vynl Disney•Pixar Toy Story: Woody + Buzz LightyearAges 3+Funko Vynl Disney•Pixar Toy Story: Woody + Buzz LightyearVérifiez le prix

Toy Story fans will love the new Vynl Woody + Buzz Lightyear 2-in-1 combo pack featuring these beloved characters. While these vinyl collectibles from Funko may be small, they feature premium details and sculpting — making them instantly recognizable. It’s the perfect gift for Toy Story fans and Funko collectors alike.

Funko POP! Games Pokemon – PikachuAges 6-12Funko POP! Games Pokemon - PikachuVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun gift for your Pokemon lover? Available exclusively at Target, the Funko POP! Games Pokemon – Pikachi POP looks absolutely amazing. It looks straight out of the animated show it’s based on. Fans will love showing their fandom with their favorite character Pikachu. Isn’t he the most cutest little thing ever?

Funko POP Disney Little Mermaid ArielAges 6+Funko POP Disney Little Mermaid ArielVérifiez le prix

It’s Ariel and she’s beautifully stylized! Arriving this fall, look for this adorable vinyl Funko POP based on Disney’s Little Mermaid. Standing 3.75-inches tall with a stylish purse, she makes the perfect gift for Little Mermaid fans.

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Mermal Magic 12-Pack Egg CartonAges 5+Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Mermal Magic 12-Pack Egg CartonVérifiez le prix

The latest Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Season 5 Mermal Magic have washed ashore! These shimmery seashell-shaped surprise eggs feature cool color-changing Hatchimals to hatch that are half-Hatchimal and half-mermaid. Look for over 80 characters to collect in this latest series. While smaller packs are available, the 12-Pack Egg Carton is the fastest way to build your collection. Who will you hatch? Splash into fun with Mermal Magic!

Hatchimals PixiesAges 5+Hatchimals PixiesVérifiez le prix

Featuring gorgeous glittery hair, adorable wiggling wings, and poseable heads, Hatchimals Pixies are the latest magical friends to hold, hatch, and love. The line will feature two waves – each with a distinct theme and each featuring 8 Pixies. The base of their egg features a bed for some downtime — yes, even Pixies need their beauty rest. The set also includes 3 exclusive accessories to enhance your play. Discover 16 adorable Pixies across the first two waves from different Hatchitopia regions. Which Pixie will you hatch?

5 Surprise Mini BrandsAges 4+5 Surprise Mini Brands

Unwrap, peel, and reveal your 5 surprises. With 5 Surprise Mini Brands, Zuru has partnered with some of your favorite brands to bring to market adorably cute miniature versions. Look for Twinkies, Dove, and many more cute miniatures! They’re oh so cute and perfect for collecting, shopping, and playing. With over 70 surprise mini collectibles to discover, what surprises will you find?

Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Charizard-GX Case FileAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Charizard-GX Case FileVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the upcoming Pokemon Detective Pikachu movie, new cards launch for Pokemon TCG fans. This Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Charzard-GX Case File features one foil Charzard-GX promo card, one oversized foil Charzard-GX card, 4 Detective Pikachu 4-card booster packs, 2 extra booster packs, and a code for the online Pokemon trading card game. Expand your collection with this awesome set featuring coveted elements. The line will also include a Greninja-GX Case File and a MewTwo-GX Case File for fans who can’t get enough of Pokemon. The Greninja-GX Case File includes 7 booster packs, while the MewTwo-GX Case File comes with 6 booster packs.

Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Collector ChestAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Collector ChestVérifiez le prix

Ready for some super-sleuthing fun à la Detective Pikachu? Fans will want to check out the Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Collector Chest with artwork inspired by the movie. This set features new cards inspired by Pokemon Detective Pikachu. Enclosed in the metal collector chest, the set offers 7 Detective Pikachu booster packs, 2 Pokemon TCG booster packs, a Detective Pikachu collector’s pin, and a Pokemon notepad and sticker sheet. It’s the perfect gift for any Pokemon fan.

Roblox Jailbreak: Great EscapeAges 6+Roblox Jailbreak: Great EscapeVérifiez le prix

Roblox Jailbreak: Great Escape is one of the latest expansions to the world of Roblox toys. Kids are encouraged to build, chuck, dunk, dance, hug, race, style, scratch, swap, mix-and-match, trade, and collect them. We love mixing-and-matching parts to create our own characters. Whatever you decide they are designed to encourage creativity and fuel your imagination. This set features 4 Roblox figures, a getaway vehicle, and several accessories to inspire creative play as well as a digital code to unlock content in the game. Relive your favorite Roblox jailbreak adventures or create your own! How will you make the great escape?

Fingerlings NarwhalsAges 5+Fingerlings NarwhalsVérifiez le prix

The newest Fingerlings are adorable Narwhals featuring new motion-sensor technology. When you interact with it, its mood horns illuminate a variety of colors, indicating its mood, and you can even perform fun surf waves while on your finger. Pet your Narwhal and it flaps its tail, blinks its eyes, and makes sounds to convey emotion. So cute! Our favorite part? The longer you press its face to your cheek, the bigger and louder its Magical Kisses get. Aww, isn’t that the sweetest thing ever?!

Slimi Café Sweet Treats Creation KitAges 8+Slimi Café Sweet Treats Creation Kit

Looking for the next big thing in the world of squishies? Slimi Café is the latest innovation from ORB — beautifully meshing the two popular trends of slime and squishies into one amazing product. Mix Soft’n Slo Squishies with Slimi Café toppings to concoct a variety of delicious food creations that can mixed-and-matched, decorated, and squeezed for an extremely satisfying experience unlike anything before. This takes the fun of squishies to the next level. The best part? Even after squeezing and mixing the slime and squishies, you can easily take them apart and start all over again — so the fun never really ends. Just when you thought they’ve done everything they can with squishies, you realize they’ve taken it to a whole new level!

Cutetitos Series 2Ages 3+Cutetitos Series 2

Tapping into the trend of pets bundled in burrito-like blankets, Cutetitos Series 2 expands the fun with a dozen new adorably cute collectible stuffed animals wrapped in burrito blankets. Look for Dolphinito, Donkito, Koalito, Narwhalito and many more fun surprises! Unwrap the burrito blanket to discover your fun surprise animal. What’s new? Series 2 will feature special fur and tufts of hair along with their ‘Hot Spot’ personality (Mild, Medium, Hot, or Super Spicy), Pet Collector card, species, and birthday. Will you find the super rares?

Pikmi Pops Surprise! DoughMisAges 5+Pikmi Pops Surprise! DoughMisVérifiez le prix

The collectible aisle is about to get a whole lot sweeter! DoughMis, a sweet-scented, collectible donut plush range, are the latest Pikmi Pops. Collect over 40 different DoughMis in small, medium, or jumbo sizes. Look out for the special edition Squish’n Rise DoughMis which are soft and squishy like a real doughnut. Serving up delicious fun, it’s the perfect gift for donut and plushy lovers alike.

Foodie RoosAges 5+Foodie Roos

Food is a big theme this year. Foodie Roos from Maya Toys is a new scented plush collectible line. Their main appeal is that they look, smell, and feel like their real-life food counterparts. A Peek-A-Roo window in the packaging gives kids a hint as to which plush collectible they may find. Squeeze Foodie Roo’s belly to experience a fun surprise. What’s cool? Its food container transforms into the Foodie Roos’ room to inspire a world of creative play. In all, look for 20 Foodie Roos to collect in the line. We love that it brings a fun new sensory experience to the world of plush. Will you find the two rares?

Pop Pops Snotz / Pop Pops PetsAges 5+Pop Pops Snotz / Pop Pops PetsVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love popping bubble wrap? Combining bubble popping, slime, and blind collectibles, the new Pop Pops line from Yulu brings meaningful innovation and fun play to the world of collectibles. Pop the bubbles to reveal your hidden characters in the slime. Series 1 of Pop Pops Snotz and Pop Pops Pets feature 60 characters with common, rare, super rare, and special editions to collect. For even more fun, the Slime Slammer Hammer, a hammer-like toy allows you to quickly bash open your Pop Pops. What’s cool? The hammer’s handle doubles as a syringe that can suck up or squirt out slime. C'est amusant! Pop Pop Pets comes with fluffy slime and features fun pet characters like a teacup pig, bunny with a top hat, and penguin pirate. Once you pop, you can’t stop!

Ritzy Rollerz, 2-PkAges 4+Ritzy Rollerz, 2-PkVérifiez le prix

Isn’t it about time we had some cars for girls? Inspired by entertainment, Ritzy Rollerz are a new collectible vehicle line for girls with a stylized, contemporary twist. The twist? They look absolutely adorable with real hair, fur, and shiny chrome accents. In addition, there’s fun hair play, smooth rolling wheels, secret surprises to unbox in the trunk, and you can even personalize your wheels with Ritzy charms. Girls will absolutely love collecting these charming and adorable collectible character vehicles. Combining accessorizing, adorable textures, and secret surprises, Ritzy Rollers drives on-trend play patterns. Roll into adventure with Ritzy Rollers!

Ritzy Rollerz Dance ‘n Dazzle Spa PlaysetAges 4+Ritzy Rollerz Dance n Dazzle Spa Playset

Ritzy Rollerz are a new collectible vehicle line for girls with a stylized, contemporary twist. They look absolutely adorable with real hair, fur, and shiny chrome accents. The Dance ‘n Dazzle Spa Playset converts into a relaxing spa and is full of fun play features! Your Ritzy Rollerz can drive in for some charms and show off their moves on the dance floor. Interactive lights and sounds bring the action on the dance floor to life. The set includes 30 Ritzy charms and an exclusive unicorn Ritzy Roller vehicle to enhance play.

Hot Wheels Basic Car 50-PackAges 3+Hot Wheels Basic Car 50-PackVérifiez le prix

Celebrating 50 years of Hot Wheels fun, Mattel will launch The Hot Wheels Original Sweet 16 – based on the original 16 toy cars in the line. While the Hot Wheels line has sold more than 6 billion toy cars and garnered the title of #1 Selling Toy in the World, each car still costs $1. Still an unbeatable value! Build your Hot Wheels collection with this awesome 50-pack set.

Hot Wheels Mario KartAges 3+Hot Wheels Mario Kart

Start your engines! Nintendo has joined forces with Hot Wheels, the #1 selling toy in the world, to create a new licensed line based on the iconic Mario Kart franchise. This assortment will include Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Yoshi, Toad, Rosalina, Wario, and Bowser in their respective go-karts from the game. The characters closely resemble their likenesses from the game, which die-hard fans will truly appreciate. True Mario Kart fans will likely want to add the entire line to their collection because they’re really that good! Kids will love creating their own little Mario Kart-inspired races with their favorite Nintendo characters.

Toy Story 4 Hot Wheels Character Cars 6-Pack Collector SetAges 3+Toy Story 4 Hot Wheels Character Cars 6-Pack Collector SetVérifiez le prix

Build your Toy Story 4 Hot Wheels collection with this Htot Wheels Character Cars 6-Packk Collector Set. Your favorite Toy Story pals have been transformed into cute car form like never before. This set includes Woody, Buzz, Rex, Bo Peep, Forky, and Bunny Hot Wheels vehicles.

L.O.L. Surprise #OOTD Outfit Of The DayAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise #OOTD Outfit Of The DayVérifiez le prix

Surprise your L.O.L. fan this holiday season with L.O.L. Surprise #OOTD Outfit of the Day. This limited edition set features an exclusive L.O.L. Surprise! doll and over 25 surprises. In fact, fans can celebrate with a new look each day. With 24 exclusive fashion pieces, fans will enjoy dressing up their doll and going on all sorts of fun adventures.

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Advent CalendarAges 5+Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Advent CalendarVérifiez le prix

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles are one of the hottest toys this year. Now kids can bring the fun of CollEGGtibles to their favorite holiday season with Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Advent Calendar. This Advent Calendar features 24 surprises to hatch and over 50 surprises to discover. Each day leading up to Christmas, pop open a door to reveal paper craft decorations, small presents, stickers and accessories for your Hatchimals. What’s cool? Kids can build their own little winter wonderland scene with this set and play out endless creative adventures in Hatchtopia.

Hot Wheels Advent CalendarAges 3-7Hot Wheels Advent CalendarVérifiez le prix

Vroom! Vroom! Counting down the days to Christmas just got a whole lot more exciting. Now you can count down the days to Christmas with Hot Wheels. There are 8 vehicles and 16 accessories to unbox inside. The best part? Compared to last year, this time around there are no stickers so you get actual toy accessories. It’s the perfect Advent Calendar for car lovers.

Nintendo AmiiboAges 6+Nintendo AmiiboVérifiez le prix

It’s a me, Mario! Mario looks suave in his suit and tie from Super Mario Odyssey. Fans love collecting Amiibo of their favorite Nintendo characters. The figures feature impeccable detailing and paint work. Not only are they great collector items, but also they can unlock a variety of in-game content in compatible games.

Nerf Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger 2-PackAges 8+Nerf Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger 2-PackVérifiez le prix

Laser tag is great because you don’t have to worry about ammo, breaking anything, or somebody getting hurt. You can run around outside or even inside on Christmas day. It’s definitely more fun with more people. With a range of up to 300 feet, the blasters feature cool lights, sounds, and even immersive sensations to make you feel the action. Let the fun and games begin!

Laser X Two Player Laser Gaming SetAges 6-15Laser X Two Player Laser Gaming SetVérifiez le prix

There is nothing more fun than running around playing Laser Tag with your friends during the holidays or birthday parties. This set comes with 2 Laser Guns, but the cool thing is that you can buy addition sets if you want to add more players. The only bad about this set is that it constantly beeps, so it is hard to sneak around.

Hog Wild Atomic Power Popper GunAges 4-15Hog Wild Atomic Power Popper GunVérifiez le prix

While the Atomic Popper is not really a serious blaster, it is a lot of fun to shoot. When you shoot, the gun makes a satisfying pop that never seems to get old. With a range of about 20 feet, it’s perfect for kids who are looking to get their first blaster or as a stocking stuffer.

The Original Stomp Rocket: Dueling 4-RocketAges 6+The Original Stomp Rocket: Dueling 4-RocketVérifiez le prix

What 3rd grader doesn’t like the idea of launching rockets sky high into the sky? Unlike the NASA rockets, these rockets are all kid powered. Kids simply have to jump on the foot pedal to launch their rocket. This set is really cool because it comes with 2 sets of everything so kids can compete to see whose Stomp rocket will reach Mars first.

Nerf N-Strike Elite Precision Target SetAges 8+Nerf N-Strike Elite Precision Target SetVérifiez le prix

This is a great present for an 8 year old girl who loves anything that shoots. Along with the blaster and suction darts, it comes with a bull’s-eye that you can put on the wall. Compared to other Nerf guns, this one is easier to shoot and aim. She will love playing target practice with her friends every day.

Zing Air Storm Fire Tek BowAges 8+Zing Air Storm Fire Tek BowVérifiez le prix

If she is dying to get her own bow, this one from Zing toys is one of the coolest. It’s super easy to shoot and the darts go really really far. It can reportedly go over 145 feet away. You simply load the darts into the rubbery loops and pull back to fire. The really cool part? The arrows light up.

Barnett Outdoors Lil Banshee Jr.Barnett Outdoors Lil Banshee Jr.Vérifiez le prix

While adult supervision is needed, there is nothing more exciting for an 8 year old girl than receiving her first real bow. This one from Lil’ Banshee is designed to be a starter bow for kids of all age ranges. With an 18 pound draw weight, she should have no trouble drawing the bow. With a little coaching, she will hitting the bulls eye in no time.

Nerf N-Strike Elite SurgeFireAges 8+Nerf N-Strike Elite SurgeFireVérifiez le prix

With a barrel that holds up to 15 darts, the Nerf Surgefire holds the most darts in its price range. It features single shot blasting or slam fire. With slam fire, it fires as quickly as you can go and blasts up to 90 feet away.

Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm Blaster Ages 8+Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm Blaster Vérifiez le prix

Are you ready for a Nerf battle. With 6 slam fire darts, the Nerf Strongarm is ready for battle. Designed like a revolver, it features a rotating barrel that pops out with the press of a button when you want to load up the darts. There are two ways to fire. You can prime each dart and then fire or hold down the trigger for some slam fire action. It’s super accurate within 40 feet and great for target practice. The best part? It’s super inexpensive and requires no batteries.

Nerf Microshots N-Strike Elite StryfeAges 8+Nerf Microshots N-Strike Elite StryfeVérifiez le prix

The Nerf Microshots N-Strike Elite Stryfe is a mini version of its bigger brother. Not only are these great collector items, but they also are functional. They fire a single dart at a time and include the blaster and 2 Elite darts. Collect all your favorites!

Star Wars Lightsaber AcademyAges 6+Star Wars Lightsaber Academy

Experience the galaxy’s first fully interactive lightsaber battling system with the Star Wars Lightsaber Academy. Using a companion app, train with 5 Jedi Masters to learn the necessary lightsaber moves to overcome the Dark Side. What’s cool? Your movements are tracked for scoring points and leveling up. You can even play on the Dark Side or battle with friends and the lightsaber features cool lights and sounds for an immersive experience unlike anything else before. May the Force be with you Jedi Warrior!

Nerf Elite Fortnite AR-L BlasterAges 8+Nerf Elite Fortnite AR-L BlasterVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the legendary ‘Scar’ gun from Fortnite, the Nerf Elite Fortnite AR-L Blaster delivers a fun blaster that is game-accurate and aesthetically-pleasing with its cartoony look. Powered by 4 AA batteries, this semi-auto rifle features flip-down sights, making it more practical and tactical for missions. It features a 10-dart clip and 20 Fortnite-themed darts. Considering the entire lineup of Fornite blasters this year, this one is more performance-oriented, so it’s the one we’re most excited about. Get ready to play Fortnite missions in real life!

Nerf Elite Fortnite SP-L BlasterAges 8+Nerf Elite Fortnite SP-L BlasterVérifiez le prix

Inspired by Fortnite, the Fornite SP-L blaster is a silenced pistol with a detachable barrel from Hasbro. With a game-accurate design, Fornite fans will appreciate its attention to detail from form down to color, including the infamous “SHHHHH” imprinted along the barrel. What’s cool? The suppressor is N-Strike compatible. Although it doesn’t offer insane range, you benefit from Elite blaster performance. The 3-dart internal magazine utilizes the space well and it includes 6 darts. Load up your darts, prime, aim, and pull the trigger to fire. It’s an amazingly cool and quite blaster perfect for cosplay, and we love the tactical feel with its built-in red dot.

Nerf Fortnite Microshots AssortmentAges 8+Nerf Fortnite Microshots Assortment

The 2019 Fortnite Microshots line features the Llama, RL, and TS. The Fortnite Micro Llama just might be the coolest Jolt reskin ever. Load your dart, pull the handle to prime, and pull the trigger to fire. It’s that simple! Trust us, you’ve never seen the Jolt like this. Inspired by the Fortnite videogame, the Llama design looks simply incredible. These miniature blasters include exclusive turquiose and purple Fortnite-themed darts. Two darts are included; however, the Microshot only fires a single dart at a time. If you don’t have a Jolt, this one is definitely worth adding to your collection, as it packs good punch and looks really cool as a decorative showpiece.

At, this age, girls are becoming athletes. Experts say that children need at least 1 hour of activity every day. Give her plenty of gear to get her moving including roller skates, a jump rope, balls, a scooter, and a caster board. Of course, she would love a bike too but don’t forget to give her a helmet.

Spooner Boards FreestyleSpooner Boards FreestyleVérifiez le prix

Spooner boards have been around for a few years. Shaped like a spoon, it’s a balance board for kids. It’s really a great way for kids to practice before they get on a real skateboard. It resembles a skateboard deck, but it doesn’t have wheels on it. Using their balance, kids can spin, jump, and do tricks on them both indoors and outdoors

Micro Maxi Kick Scooter with T-barAges 5-12Micro Maxi Kick Scooter with T-barVérifiez le prix

With 3 wheels, this scooter from Micro Kickboard is a lot safer and easier to balance than a 2 wheeled scooter. With its lean to steer system, it is easier to handle as well. It’s got an extendable handle bar that can be adjusted for her height. The best part? It goes just as fast as a normal scooter and has a brake on the back.

Razor A3 Kick ScooterAges 5+Razor A3 Kick ScooterVérifiez le prix

If she already knows how to balance on a scooter, Razor 2 wheeled Scooters are perfect. With bigger wheels, the Razor A3 has an adjustable handlebar that easily adjusts to her height so it will grow with her. Because of the larger wheels, it rolls over cracks much better than a scooter that has smaller wheels.

Yvolution Y Fliker A3 ScooterAges 7+Yvolution Y Fliker A3 ScooterVérifiez le prix

Scooters are cool but if you are looking for something a little bit different check out this scooter from Yvolution. This three wheeled scooter from YRevolution is different from any other scooter out there. Instead of sliding your foot across the pavement to pick up speed, you shift your weight side to side. Not only is it fun to ride, it’s a great source of exercise.

Razor Pocket ModAges 13+Razor Pocket ModVérifiez le prix

For 8 year old girls who want to get around faster than a regular scooter, there is the Razor Pocket Mod Junior. Styled after vintage scooters, it is a beautiful bike. Getting a top speed of 15 miles per hour, this bike is made for cruising around the neighborhood in style. Razor actually recommends this electric bike for kids 13 and up because it does go pretty fast. If you pick it up for her, you want to make sure she has the proper safety equipment and is supervised at all times.

Huffy Good Vibrations 20-inch BikeHuffy Good Vibrations 20-inch BikeVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t love a beautiful new bike on their birthday? There are plenty of bikes for 8 year old girls, but how many look this cute? With a single gear, 20 inch wheels, and coaster brakes, this adorable beach cruiser bike from Huffy is perfect for 8 year old girls who want to ride around in style.

Razor FlashRider 360Ages 6+Razor FlashRider 360Vérifiez le prix

There are tricycles and then there is the Flash Rider from Razor. Not only does it have cool tricycle action, but the caster wheels on the back allow it to spin around like crazy. The coolest part? To make it even cooler, Razor added a flash lever that lets sparks fly as she rides it. The only problem? It doesn’t come in an adult size.

EzyRoller Classic Ride-OnAges 4-14EzyRoller Classic Ride-OnVérifiez le prix

Sitting close to the floor, the EZ Roller is fun for kids of all ages. This is not a battery powered ride on. Kids simply push their legs back and forth to sway across the floor. The coolest part? In the winter it can be used inside, but she is really going to want to get out there on the side walk and put the pedal to the medal. We mean footbar!

Flybar Foam Maverick Pogo StickAges 5-9Flybar Foam Maverick Pogo StickVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t love hopping around like a rabbit? If you are purchasing a pogo stick for her, you want to make sure she’s within the weight limit or else the pogo stick won’t bounce well. Supporting a weight from 40 to 80 pounds, this one is perfect for most 8 year old girls and is really designed to be her first pogo stick. Once she gets the hang of, she’ll be hopping like a rabbit in no time.

Roller Derby Trac Star Adjustable Roller SkatesRoller Derby Trac Star Adjustable Roller SkatesVérifiez le prix

One of the coolest gifts ever for an 8 year old girl’s birthday is a pair of roller skates. If she wants to get into rollerskating, she will love these roller skates from Roller Derby. Available in different shoe sizes, they come in a pretty pink color that most 8 year old girls will love. The best part? They are completely adjustable so you are going to get many years out of them.

Brightz, Ltd. Wheel Brightz LED Bicycle Accessory LightBrightz, Ltd. Wheel Brightz LED Bicycle Accessory LightVérifiez le prix

Riding a bicycle is cool but riding a bicycle with Wheel Brightz is even cooler. Designed to fit wheels 20 inches and above, they come in 8 different colors and for an even cooler look you can mix and match them. This pack comes with a pair of string lights for both the front and back wheel, each of which is powered by batteries.

Razor e-Punk Electric Mini BikeAges 8+Razor e-Punk Electric Mini BikeVérifiez le prix

The Razor e-Punk is a new seated electric mini bike that delivers thrilling speed and a smooth ride. If your kid can ride a bike, it will be an easy transition. Supporting riders up to 120 pounds, it reaches thrilling speeds of 9 MPH and offers up to 40 minutes of continuous battery use. The 8-inch pneumatic front tire delivers a smoother riding experience on urban streets. Its compact design makes it perfect for getting around town and transporting in your vehicle.

Razor Power A5 Electric ScooterAges 8+Razor Power A5 Electric Scooter

The Razor Power A5 is an extension of the Power A2 line. Supporting riders up to 176 pounds, it’s a great mid-level scooter for kids and teens looking to get into world of electrics. It’s an affordable, lightweight, electric kick-start scooter with a raised handlebar perfect for older riders. The Power A5 delivers solid performance in a practical compact, foldable design. The bigger tires deliver a smoother ride than the A2 and its lightweight design is perfect for performing tricks. With quick acceleration and a smooth riding experience, you won’t be able to wait long between rides. With battery life of about 40 minutes and thrilling speeds up to 10 MPH, fun and exciting adventures await.

Razor Hovertrax 3.0Ages 8+Razor Hovertrax 3.0

The Hovertrax 3.0 is an awesome new addition to Razor’s hoverboard line. With a sleek new futuristic design, the new Hovertrax features an auto-leveling feature, adapting so riders can easily mount it. The end result is a much smoother riding experience. It delivers thrilling cruising speeds, great maneuverability, and good battery performance for exciting adventures. Where will your adventures lead you?

A lot of parents say that girls who are 8 are too young for technology. It’s scary when the world is moving so fast. 8 year olds are already using a computer to do basic research. If you are going to buy her an electronic gift, you have to set clear guidelines. When used responsibility, technology can be a tool. Her eyes are going to light up when she sees these cool gifts.

Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant CameraFujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant CameraVérifiez le prix

Fujifilm is bringing the fun of the old school instant camera to the current generation. Your 8 year old girl is going to love this instant camera. With a rounded look, it still has the cute design and funky colors that made the previous generation of cameras so trendy, but Fujifilm has tweaked the design a bit. It now includes a selfie mirror and a removeable close-up lens.

Osmo Genius KitAges 5-12Osmo Genius KitVérifiez le prix

Combining physical and digital play, the award-winning Osmo Genius Kit is one of the best additions to your iPad. Kids will learn everything from math to spelling and even have a chance to get creative. Five hands-on games are included: Words, Tangram, Masterpiece, Numbers, and Newton. Who’s ready for some learning fun?!

CozmoAges 8+Cozmo" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Anki-Cozmo.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Anki-Cozmo.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

With sophisticated AI, Cozmo brings the fun of an animated cartoon to life. With a personality similar to Wall-E, this robot is curious and filled with so many emotions. Cute is the only word to really describe the little guy. Kids can play games with him and his software is constantly evolving. He’s the closest thing to having an electronic pet.

All-New KindleAll-New KindleVérifiez le prix

The All-New best-selling Amazon Kindle now enables readers to read in the dark thanks to its front-lit screen. In addition to its illuminated screen, it features a smaller, sleeker design, faster processor, improved contrast display, a touchscreen, double the storage, and hands-free Alexa. While it’s not waterproof and doesn’t feature the additonal storage and higher resolution of the Paperwhite, it’s the perfect entry-level e-reader for those who love reading and don’t need all those bells and whistles. And now that it’s easy to read by the bedside, if you love reading in bed, it makes it a no-brainer.

Amazon Fire TabletsAges 8+Amazon Fire TabletsVérifiez le prix

The new Fire 7 Tablet is an awesome portable tablet providing great bang for the buck. Yeah, it’s not an iPad, but you get a similar experience for a small fraction of the price. It’s a great entry-level tablet that delivers great entertainment and now Alexa, the personal assistant, is included, making it easier to use and better than ever. Choose between 8 and 16 GB storage capacities. Battery life is decent at about 8 hours. What more could you ask for? Choose from four fun colors now – black, canary yellow, marine blue, and punch red.

ASUS Chromebook C202SA-YS02ASUS Chromebook C202SA-YS02Vérifiez le prix

This budget priced notebook is built for kids. With a sturdy design and rubber around the lid, it’s design to be shoved into backpack and bumped around. It comes with an 11.6 inch screen and a basic Intel Celeron processor. Running the Chrome operating system, it’s really designed for getting online, streaming movies, and using web apps, which makes it perfect for your 8 year old girl.

Retevis Kids Walkie TalkiesAges 2+Retevis Kids Walkie TalkiesVérifiez le prix

For kids walkie talkies are a lot of fun. At 8, she probably doesn’t yet need a smartphone so this is a great alternative. With a range about a block away, these one from Retevis are great for giving kids independence when you are going camping or hiking. If she gets separated, she can easily use the walkie talkie to communicate where she it. Of course, it is just fun to play around with too.

Philips Sonicare Electric ToothbrushPhilips Sonicare Electric ToothbrushVérifiez le prix

It’s hard to get excited about a toothbrush, but this electric toothbrush from Philips is so much better than a regular toothbrush. Bluetooth enabled, it comes with an app that makes brushing so much of fun. As she brushes, she earns little rewards. The app is completely optional, but it provides great guidance for those that need it.

LuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book LightLuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book LightVérifiez le prix

If she loves reading, there is no better gift than a book light. With this one she can read her books anywhere and at anytime. With 10 hours of run time, it’s rechargeable and fully cordless.

VTech Action Camera 180VTech Action Camera 180Vérifiez le prix

VTech creates toy versions of popular electronics. The VTech Kidizoon Action Cam 180 lets kids film their own adventures. She going to be obsessed with taking it everywhere from bikes rides to underwater. The camera can rotate 180 degrees, which is perfect for selfies. While the video quality is not as good as a real action camera, it’s perfect for kids. The best part? It’s nearly indestructible.

VTech Kidizoom Smartwatch DX2Ages 4-12VTech Kidizoom Smartwatch DX2Vérifiez le prix

The big kids have the Apple Watch and Fitbit – so where does that leave kids? Featuring a new sleek and stylish design, kids can get in on the smartwatch action with the Vtech Kidizoom Smartwatch DX2. In addition to telling time, it shoots photos and captures video. The watch features two cameras for photos and selfies. It features a fun monster-catching game a la Pokemon Go. Kids can play fun games and activities.

Sphero BB-9 App-Enabled DroidAges 8+Sphero BB-9 App-Enabled DroidVérifiez le prix

These app-enabled droids are perfect for the Star Wars enthusiast. Welcome to the Dark Side with BB-9E App-Enabled Droid from Sphero! The droids look spectacular with incredible detailing to make them look life-like. He’s probably not as friendly as BB-8, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have fun playing with it and taking it on your own adventures. Download the app to bring BB-9E to life. Use it to control him, draw paths to follow, and even interact with a cool augmented reality function that allows you to view different ships from the perspective of BB-9E. You can even watch the Star Wars films with BB-9E.

Apple iPad miniAges 5+Apple iPad miniVérifiez le prix

The new iPad mini is a great alternative to the iPad. First off, with similar features, it will save you some money. It packs a smaller 7.9-inch Retina display, is lighter, and packs great power and performance with an A12 processor. With its amazing 10 hours of battery life, most can use it several days before recharging. Kids will love the more compact size as it better fits in smaller hands and is lightweight, which makes it the perfect travel companion. It even sports a headphone jack and supports the Pencil for artists. The best part? It offers a robust library of free/paid apps and games to entertain kids. Delivering great bang for your buck, it elegantly combines compactness, performance, and portability.

Apple iPod touchApple iPod touchVérifiez le prix

While she probably wants the latest iPhone, the iTouch is a great connected device that does everything the iPhone does without the ability to make calls. The best part? Not only will you avoid the monthly bills, it costs a lot less too. The iTouch downloads any app, streams Netflix, and connects online as long as she has access to Wi-Fi. For an 8 year old girl, that’s a dream come true.

iPhoneiPhone" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Rose-Gold-iPhone-6s.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Rose-Gold-iPhone-6s.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

We understand that kids are all different and some are more responsible than others. Of course, she wants an iPhone, but most this kids this age aren’t going to call anybody except you. If she needs it to contact you, make sure you lock it down with the parental controls or get her a cheaper cell phone with more limited features.

OtterBox Defender CaseOtterBox Defender CaseVérifiez le prix

If you decided to get her a new iTouch or iPhone, you are going to need a case to protect it from accidents. OtterBox is probably the most respected name in providing sturdy iPhone cases. If you know she is going to drop it, the Defender case will give you the best protection with 3 layers of protection.

Hatchimals MysteryAges 5+Hatchimals MysteryVérifiez le prix

What’s new and exciting in the wonderful world of Hatchimals? Hatchimals Mystery launches this fall. Now the Hatchimals you hatch will be a surprise. Kids can hatch and discover one of four brand new mystery creatures. Who will you hatch?

Hatchimals Fabula Forest Puffatoo/TigretteAges 5+Hatchimals Fabula Forest Puffatoo/TigretteVérifiez le prix

A brand new species of Hatchimals has arrived. Meet Tigrette and Puffatoo from Fabula Forest. They feature new games and music to keep you entertained. What’s cool? These Hatchimals can even learn your name and repeat it back to you. And if that wasn’t enough, they can even learn your friend’s names.

FurReal Friends StarLily, My Magical UnicornAges 4+FurReal Friends StarLily, My Magical UnicornVérifiez le prix

Does she love unicorns? Then she’ll love StarLily, My Magical Unicorn. She magically comes to life with over 100 sound and motion combinations and she even responds to touch. Watch her horn light up dazzling colors and see her flap her wings. You couldn’t find a more beautiful companion.

FurReal Ricky, The Trick-Lovin PupAges 4+FurReal Ricky, The Trick-Lovin PupVérifiez le prix

Kids will love teaching FurReal Ricky some new tricks. With sensors all over his body, he responds realistically to touch. He can even sing a little tune. Feed him a treat when he is good, but be careful — even he needs to use the bathroom.

Little Live Pets Rollie My Kissing PuppyAges 4+Little Live Pets Rollie My Kissing PuppyVérifiez le prix

Meet Rollie My Kissing Puppy — the newest member of the Little Live Pets family. Isn’t he the cutest puppy ever?! He’s super adorable and it will be love at first sight. When he’s happy, he’ll wag his little tail and even he responds to touch. Put out your hand, and he’ll reach out his tongue to kiss you. This is the next best thing to a real pet without all the mess.

Fingerlings HUGSAges 5+Fingerlings HUGSVérifiez le prix

If the Fingerlings were not enough, the Fingerlings have been given a giant size plush makeover. This sensor stuffed monkey has all of the fun of the original but now he is soft and huggable. They’ll be available in two colors: hot pink and purple. Like the originals, they love giving out kisses and react to motion and touch. Who doesn’t need a hug?

Lil’ GleemerzAges 5+Lil GleemerzVérifiez le prix

Looking for an adorable pet companion? Lil Gleemerz are the coolest interactive light-up pets from Mattel. They respond to touch and sound and feature hundreds of reactions that bring them to life. Their eyes glow and their tails light up. These friendly companions even are ready to play games to entertain kids.

Fingerlings Glitter MonkeyAges 5+Fingerlings Glitter MonkeyVérifiez le prix

Fingerlings, the Toy of the Year, is getting a fun glittery makeover. Add some sparkle to your life with these new companions at your fingertips. They’re interactive pet monkeys that respond to sound, motion, and touch and they love monkeying around.

Fingerlings 2-Tone MonkeyAges 5+Fingerlings 2-Tone MonkeyVérifiez le prix

Fingerlings are new baby monkey collectibles that you wear on your finger. They are interactive – reacting to motion and even touch! Your monkey friend even greets you with cute monkey babble. It can even sense its position whether its right-side-up or upside down. Hold it upside down by its tail … it loves monkeying around. It interacts with you in different ways. You can pet it and it reacts. You can blow a kiss and they even respond to sounds. You can even use it on your pen, mug, backpack and more! Your monkey can even sing and with more than one they sing together. Fingerlings are friendship at your fingers! The two-tone Fingerlings Baby Monkey is new this year.

Fingerlings Baby DragonsAges 5+Fingerlings Baby DragonsVérifiez le prix

Aren’t these the cutest little dragon pets? Now your favorite Fingerlings come as interactive baby dragons. There are four dragons to collect with Lexi as an exclusive. Like the original Fingerlings, they react to sound, motion, and touch with over 40 actions. Now if only it could blow smoke out of its mouth.

Fingerlings Glitter PandaAges 5+Fingerlings Glitter PandaVérifiez le prix

Just when you thought the Fingerlings couldn’t get any cuter, we get the new Fingerlings Glitter Panda. Isn’t Archie the Panda so adorable? Like the original Fingerlings, Archie features over 40 interactive sounds and motions to bring him to life. Other colors are available too. Blow Archie a kiss, and he’ll blow some back! Aww … isn’t that so cute!

FurReal Cubby, The Curious BearAges 4+FurReal Cubby, The Curious Bear

FurReal Cubby, The Curious Bear is an adorable new addition to the FurReal Friends family. With advanced animatronics, Cubby is sure to delight and amaze animal lovers with moving eyes, nose, mouth, and a fully expressive face that bring him to life. Feed him his honey treat, play peek-a-boo with him, interact with him, and go on spectacular adventures together. Who could resist giving this soft and snuggly cutie a big bear hug? Amazingly, he does hug back and even dances! He’s the perfect companion for sparking your child’s imagination and kids will want to take him wherever their adventures lead them.

Pokémon Detective Pikachu Movie Feature PlushAges 6+Pokémon Detective Pikachu Movie Feature PlushVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the Detective Pikachu live-action movie, this 10-inch Pokémon Detective Pikachu Movie Feature Plush will most likely be a hot seller. It features two voice modes: Detective Pikachu and Pikachu. Press its chest once to hear Detective Pikachu and twice to hear Pikachu’s voice. The coolest part? It even features Ryan Reynold’s voice! How cute! Detective Pikachu comes to life with motorized ears, detective hat, and more than 14 interactive responses. Kids will love reenacting their favorite moments from the movie and taking it on all sorts of fun adventures. It’s the perfect gift that Pokémon fans just gotta have.

Dreamworks Dragons Hatching DragonAges 5+Dreamworks Dragons Hatching Dragon

Want to hatch and train your own Toothless baby dragon? Utilizing Hatchimals tech, Toothless is brought to life inside the egg. He moves, makes sounds, and his eyes illuminate. Shake the egg, aggravating him enough to hatch the egg. Play three fun games with your friend, including Hot Potato, Ask Toothless, and Toothless Says. Fans can teach him to fly, dive bomb, and even plasma blast. What’s really cool? His head, wings, and tail really move! As he flies, he roars and purrs when you cover his head with your hand. After a long day of training, Toothless loves nothing more than snacking on fish. Get ready for endless adventures with Toothless.

Little Live Wrapples Series 2Ages 5-8Little Live Wrapples Series 2Vérifiez le prix

The Wrapples family expands this year with three new adorable members, including Shylo and Bonnie. Series 2 offers more fashion-oriented Wrapples with fur, brighter colors, and even metallic patterns. Wrap them around your wrist and they interact with over 50 sounds and reactions. Watch as they come to life! Their eyes even illuminate to match their moods. What’s cool? Bring the Wrapples close together and watch them sing together. Wrapples prove the wearables fun is here to stay. Fans will love adding these new ‘Furry Best Friends’ to their collection.

Little Live Scruff-A-Luvs My Real RescueAges 4-9Little Live Scruff-A-Luvs My Real Rescue

Now your Scruff-A-Luvs rescues will get a whole lot more realistic with My Real Rescue. This interactive electronic plush is water-safe and offers a repeatable experience so you can rescue your pet over and over. Unbox and watch it come to life with shivers and whimpers. Aww! Bathe and groom it for happy sounds, feed it to hear eating sounds, and relieve its hiccups by patting its back. We love that if you hold it close, you can actually feel its heartbeat. Everything is a whole lot more realistic which means more fun! Will you rescue a dog or cat? Rescue missions will never be the same!

Pomsies LumiesAges 3+Pomsies Lumies

Pomsies Lumies represent the next-generation of Pomsies with a color-matching and musical twist. These interactive unicorn-like pets can morph into any color by simply placing it on any household object. Nurture your pet, coordinate your outfits, and even play fun games like Memory and Whack-A-Mole. In Music mode, beats and melodies are created from objects through color. Choose from three different Lumies each with distinct looks and sounds.

Pomsies Wave 4Ages 3+Pomsies Wave 4

Pomsies Wave 4 introduces new characters, sounds, and features for these best-selling interactive wearable pets. Choose from two modes of play: Virtual Pet Mode and Freeze Dance Mode. Play along with your friends in Freeze Dance Mode. Their colored light-up eyes and sounds let kids know whether they are feeling happy, sleepy, or hungry. Pet them on their head, nose, or mouth, and watch them respond with 50 unique responses. If you nurture your Pomsie enough, you’ll get the ultimate reward — rainbow-colored eyes and cute, cuddly sounds.

Star Wars Ultimate Co-Pilot ChewieAges 4+Star Wars Ultimate Co-Pilot ChewieVérifiez le prix

Star Wars teamed up with FurReal to bring everybody’s favorite Wookie to life. Chewie has been brought to life with his famous expressions and signature roar. When you talk to him, he will respond to your voice. With a built-in accelerometer, he responds to movement too when you pick him up. You probably didn’t know this, but he is incredibly ticklish. The cutest part? After fighting the Empire all day, he even can be put to sleep.

OwleezAges 6+Owleez" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Owleez.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Owleez.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Tapping into the rescue pets phenomenon, Owleez are the latest interactive pets that kids can rescue, nurture, and even teach to fly. Stare into an Owleez’s eyes and you know if they are happy, sad, or hungry. By showing them love and care — they become happy, enabling them to really fly! How cool is that?! Little rescuers can feed, pet, tickle, and rock them. Like a real pet they feature sounds and even respond to touch. Get ready to teach your Owleez to fly!

Echo Dot Kids EditionAges 3+Echo Dot Kids EditionVérifiez le prix

Wrapped in a kid-friendly sturdy case, the Echo Dot Kids Edition is a perfect tech gift for kids. It comes with a one-year subscription to the FreeTime Unlimited on Alexa service, which features age-appropriate content for kids along with ad-free radio stations, play lists, and over 1,000 Audible books suitable for kids. The best part? It’s backed by Amazon for two years with a free ‘worry-free’ replacement guarantee — even if it’s damaged. Parents can review what Alexa has been asked, set daily limits, and even filter explicit songs from Amazon Music. Now there’s a smart assistant for smart kids.

Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges AR HeadsetLenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges AR HeadsetVérifiez le prix

Live out your wildest Star Wars fantasies with Star Wars Jedi Challenges AR experience. This is a mainstream AR experience that allows you to battle against the evil forces from the Star Wars universe. The cool thing is you can actually see the enemy in your own room, making it feel all too real. Will you overcome the forces of evil and restore peace in the galaxy? In addition to the Battle Mode, there is also a virtual chess type game as well as a real-time strategy game to add depth to the overall experience. May the Force be with you!

TamagotchiAges 8+Tamagotchi" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Tamagotchi.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Tamagotchi.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

The original virtual reality pets from the 90s are back with Tamagotchi! Raise your virtual pet — nurture it, feed it, play with it, and more. What’s cool? You can even play games with your Tamagotchi. The little chain allows you to clip it on yourself to take the fun wherever you go. Experience the toy that sparked a revolution!

Carpool Karaoke: The MicCarpool Karaoke: The MicVérifiez le prix

Always wished you could be on James Cordon’s Carpool Karaoke? Well, now’s your chance to shine in the spotlight with Carpool Karoke: The Mic inspired by The Late Late Show. Connect the microphone to your car’s radio and belt out your favorite tunes! Sorry drivers — this one’s only for passengers!

VTech KidiGo Walkie TalkiesAges 4-9VTech KidiGo Walkie TalkiesVérifiez le prix

KidiGo Walkie Talkies from VTech feature a secure digital connection and an impressive 650-foot range so kids can use these on any adventure. With a backlit LCD screen, kids can transmit preset animated messages to each other and even play two-player games. These are definitely not your parents’ walkies! Inspire your child’s creativity and encourage their social development with these new and improved walkies.

Nintendo SwitchNintendo SwitchVérifiez le prix

Nintendo makes great family friendly games for the entire family. Nintendo’s latest innovative system switches from playing games on your TV to taking games on the go. This means that kids never have to stop playing their favorite Nintendo games. She can play it while waiting for volleyball practice to start, in back of the car, or at home after she has finished her homework. Anytime is a great time for gaming.

SNES Classic EditionRated 6+SNES Classic EditionVérifiez le prix

The SNES Classic was long rumored after the discontinuation of the NES Classic Edition. It’s official the SNES Classic Edition will feature 21 built-in games including the previously unreleased Star Fox 2. The console will feature two SNES controllers. The stellar lineup includes favorites like Super Mario World, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Super Punch-Out!!, F-Zero, Donkey Kong Country, Star Fox, Street Fighter II Turbo, Super Mario Kart, Contra III and more! Now this is classic gaming heaven!

NES Classic EditionNES Classic EditionVérifiez le prix

Now you’re playing with power! The NES Classic is heading back to stores this summer in miniature form! Classic retro Nintendo games are what gamers demand. So now fans will be able to experience 30 of the greatest NES classics of all-time from Super Mario Bros. to Zelda to Donkey Kong and more! It;s the perfect gift for gamers or collectors.

Sega Genesis MiniRated TSega Genesis MiniVérifiez le prix

Retro gaming is all the rage nowadays! The Genesis Mini arrives on the scene September 19th and does what Nintendon’t! Everything is included to plug-and-play right out of the box. The best part? You won’t need any cartridges, as 40 legendary Sega Genesis titles are preloaded. Play classics like Sonic The Hedgehog, Altered Beast, and so much more! Relive the glory days of gaming with the return of the beloved 16-bit Genesis now in miniature form.

New Nintendo 3DS XLNew Nintendo 3DS XLVérifiez le prix

While Nintendo has a new system out, the company stills offers the Nintendo 3DS at a lower price point. If you are looking for a budget priced portable system, this is a great option. While the system has a great lineup of games for kids, Nintendo is continuing to make even more great games for this system. Nintendo is also making a New Nintendo 2DS, which does away with the 3D effect.

New Nintendo 2DS XLNew Nintendo 2DS XLVérifiez le prix

The New Nintendo 2DS XL now features a clamshell design and screen similar to the one featured on the New Nintendo 3DS XL. The cool thing is the 2DS XL will support all Nintendo 3DS family games, albeit without the 3D effect. Fans can play all their favorite Nintendo games on the go and get great performance and portability. The 2DS XL will also feature a new C-stick for enhanced controls. It’s the perfect Christmas gift for portable gamers. A new Pikachu edition is available for Pokemon fans.

PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB ConsolePlayStation 4 Slim 1TB ConsoleVérifiez le prix

While the Playstation 4 has been around for awhile now, over the years it has amassed a huge library of games. While there is now a Pro model out, the Playstation Slim is perfect budget console for kids who don’t need the latest technology.

Xbox One S All Digital EditionXbox One S All Digital EditionVérifiez le prix

Not to be outdone by Sony, Microsoft also has its own next generation console, the Xbox One S. While it might not be as powerful as the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One has a stronger library of exclusive games. The coolest part? Microsoft announced an All Digital version of the console without a disc drive. That means you’ll need to download all your games. This bundle features 1 month Xbox Live Gold, a wireless controller, and downloads for Minecraft, Forza Horizon 3, and Sea of Thieves.

Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu / EeveeRated EPokémon Lets Go Pikachu / EeveeVérifiez le prix

Designed for newcomers, Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee are new mainline Pokemon RPGs for Nintendo Switch. Although the mobile game is not required to play, you can connect the Let’s Go games with Pokemon Go on your smartdevice. The game will feature the familiar turn-based battles of prior Pokemon games and will be set in the Kanto region. Start collecting, trading, and battling this Holiday season.

MinecraftRated E10+Minecraft" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Minecraft.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Minecraft.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

What more can be said about Minecraft? There is a reason this is one of the best selling games for kids. Imagine an unlimited box of Legos and you will understand why Minecraft is so popular. In the game, you build, defeat monsters, and explore. The game is now available on just about every console including the Nintendo Switch, which lets you play Minecraft on the go.

Mario Kart 8 DeluxeRated EMario Kart 8 DeluxeVérifiez le prix

Watch out for that red turtle! The gang from the Mario Bros. is back in the best iteration of Mario Kart. With tons of tracks, characters, and power ups, Mario Kart Deluxe improves on the classic Mario Kart Formula in every way. This version of the game adds a battle mode, which contains even more zany action. Being able to take this game on the go is the icing on the cake.

Super Mario OdysseySuper Mario OdysseyVérifiez le prix

Nintendo wouldn’t be Nintendo without everybody’s favorite plumber- Mario. This time around Mario carries around a mysterious cap called “Cappy” that he can throw at enemies and become them. Throw your hat at a Goomba and you become him. Throw your hat at a human and become him. The best part? You can throw your hat at a dinosaur . . . and become him. And we aren’t talking about Yoshi! We are talking about a massive T-Rex.

Splatoon 2Rated E10+Splatoon 2Vérifiez le prix

Forget Nerf Wars! Nintendo has combined the fun of water gun fights with paint ball in this colorful game of turf war. Players play as Inklings, who are able to swim through paint as they navigate around the world. The object of the game is to use super soaker like guns and paint rollers to paint as much of the world as possible and reclaim it from the opposing team. The team that paints more wins!

Sonic Mania PlusRated ESonic Mania PlusVérifiez le prix

Sonic Mania Plus harkens back to the golden age of gaming. While there are many retro games making a comeback, this is classic done right. The game is a must-have for new and old Sonic fans alike. The Plus version features new characters along with a new competition mode for 2-4 players. If you missed the first game, it’s worth picking up.

Captain Toad: Treasure TrackerRated ECaptain Toad: Treasure TrackerVérifiez le prix

Captain Toad is a Mario spinoff game starting Captain Toad. Because Toad can’t jump, this is a very different game from the Mario series. Each level is a puzzle area where players must locate all the gold stars. Players will have to spin the camera around to search the world’s nooks and crannies for secrets. It’s a relaxing and fun experience that offers something different than Mario. This little puzzle game is perfectly suited for the Nintendo Switch or Nintendo 3DS.

Super Mario PartyRated ESuper Mario PartyVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun new party game for Switch? Look no further than Super Mario Party. Explore new boards and discover oodles of fun with over 80 minigames and mechanics sure to jump-start your next party. What’s cool? You can even pair up two Switches for unexpected fun. Do you have what it takes to be the Champ?!

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildRated E10+The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildVérifiez le prix

Nintendo’s long running Zelda series adds a new game to the series that many critics are calling the best game ever created. It’s an open world game with surprises and secrets hidden everywhere. You take the role of a young man named Link. With its open ended structure, you must create your own path through the dangerous world. Will Link be able to defeat Ganon?

Overcooked 2Rated EOvercooked 2Vérifiez le prix

Overcooked 2 ups the ante with new recipes, chefs, kitchens, and levels. The game will now feature an online multiplayer mode. In addition to the original cast, there will be a handful of new characters to choose from. Cook everything from pasta and sushi to cake, pancakes, and more. A new fun twist is that you can throw raw ingredients while plates can’t be throw, adding new strategy to the game as you quickly scramble to ready orders. Even the order in which you complete orders matters for scoring combos. The game supports 1 to 4 players. Grab a couple friends and get ready for some insane cooking fun!

Snipperclips PlusRated ESnipperclips PlusVérifiez le prix

Loved the first Snipperclips? The hit puzzle game returns in Snipperclips Plus with 40 additional stages and worlds and more than 100 unique levels. There will be a host of new challenges to solve that will stretch your imagination to new levels. Additionally, there will be new stages to cooperate and compete in. Plus, there are new random shapes everytime you play.

Stardew ValleyRated E10+Stardew ValleyVérifiez le prix

Stardew Valley delivers comfort rarely found in other games. Players will farm, fish, craft, mine, fight monsters, make friendships, and more. This farming adventure has plenty to offer. It beautifully combines farm simulation with RPG elements to create an intriguing, absorbing world. Although the game plays well on other platforms, it feels even better on the Switch thanks to the ability to play on the go.

LEGO Disney Pixar The IncrediblesRated E10+LEGO Disney Pixar The IncrediblesVérifiez le prix

Collaborate and use the family’s abilities and powers to construct massive LEGO structures in LEGO Disney Pixar’s The Incredibles. The game offers an open-world experience and you’ll tackle iconic villains and action-packed side missions along your adventure. What’s cool? Players can even customize their look and abilities in the game. The game will be available on Switch, PS4, and Xbox One.

Pokemon Ultra Moon And SunRated EPokemon Ultra Moon And SunVérifiez le prix

Last year, everybody had Pokemon fever with the release of Pokemon Go and Pokemon Sun and Moon. Devine quoi? Our friendly little creatures are back again in all new games. The games will feature an alternate storyline set on the same island in last games. As long as there are new Pokemon to collect, Pokemon fans are going to want to add this to their collection.

La trilogie renouée de SpyroRated ELa trilogie renouée de SpyroVérifiez le prix

Spyro is being remastered in full high-definition for the PS4 and Xbox One so a whole new generation of players can discover the wonderful worlds of Spyro. The first three original Spyro games will be included on one disc packed with over 100 levels. In addition to graphical enhancements, the game will also feature improved game controls for a better experience.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical FreezeRated EDonkey Kong Country: Tropical FreezeVérifiez le prix

DKC: Tropical Freeze is a great platformer with tense sequences and tough levels. Boss battles are a huge highlight. It’s packed with hard to find secrets and collectibles. The new Funky Mode is a welcome addition for Switch. You feel a rewarding sense of accomplishment as you overcome each new challenge, which will drive you to the very end.

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyRated E10+Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyVérifiez le prix

Crash is back for a new generation of fans! Crash Bandicoot has returned with glorious HD visuals in this remake of the original games in the series. This 3-game bundle is a fantastic value and will take you on an exciting adventure with Crash Bandicoot. Be prepared for classic thrilling platforming gameplay with amped up challenge to put your platforming skills to the ultimate test. Now this is how to remaster a classic.

Forza Horizon 4Rated EForza Horizon 4Vérifiez le prix

Set in beautiful Britain, Forza Horizon 4 amps up the fun with dynamic seasons in a shared open-world experience. Seasons change everything and actually impact gameplay. Paths previously blocked off can be opened during different seasons. The game allows you to play with other people in the community. The visuals and gameplay couldn’t be different. It’s a completely new take on Horizon. Fans have been asking for 60 FPS mode, and the developer has delivered. The game will also be available on Xbox Game Pass.

Super Smash Bros. UltimateRated E10+Super Smash Bros. UltimateVérifiez le prix

Featuring over 60 characters, 8-player battles, online battles and more, get ready to battle with Mario, Link and your other favorite Smash Bros. characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Its robust character roster includes everyone from past games plus Daisy, Ridley, and Inklings plus a variety of stages and graphical improvements to make this the best Smash Bros. to date. This is likely to be the biggest hit title for Switch this year. The game features mild animated violence, but it’s tame compared to other similar games. It makes the perfect gift for any Smash fan.

Tiny Arcade Pac-Man Miniature Arcade Game Rated 8+Tiny Arcade Pac-Man Miniature Arcade Game Vérifiez le prix

Love arcade classics like Pac-Man? Now you can bring home the classic Pac-Man arcade experience to your tabletop with this mini arcade Pac-Man cabinet. What’s cool? They feature authentic retro-styled arcade cabinets complete with working joysticks, buttons, and full color-screens to bring the classics to life. Choose from Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Space Invaders and Galaxian.

Xbox Game Pass, 6 MonthsXbox Game Pass, 6 MonthsVérifiez le prix

Featuring over 100 games, one low monthly price, and fast launches, Xbox Game Pass makes a great Christmas gift. Microsoft will be adding top-tier first-party titles like Gears 5, Forza Horizon 4, Sea of Thieves, Crackdown 3 and more, making it an excellent value for Xbox gamers. Think of it as a Netflix-like buffet of games.

Super Mario Maker 2Rated ESuper Mario Maker 2Vérifiez le prix

Get ready to create the Super Mario courses of your dreams in Super Mario Maker 2, exclusive to Nintendo Switch. With new tools, challenges, modes, themes, sound effects, and near limitless combinations, let your imagination run wild. You get the creative freedom to choose exactly what enemies you want, where you want them, and if there are secret rooms. The game offers several themes, including Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and now even Super Mario 3D World. This last style offers some new tricks not available in the other themes, and it’s the one we’re most excited about. With Switch Online, you can share your courses online and even play courses from players around the world. Love a course? Download it for play even when you’re not online. Experience and be inspired by hundreds of original courses designed by Nintendo’s expert designers in Story Mode. Multiplayer co-op allows up to four players to work together to complete courses and fight bosses. Clearly, there are lots of new ways to have fun with Mario Maker 2, as it’s the ultimate Mario playground and tool set. If you aren’t already a Switch Online member, a special bundle will include Mario Maker 2 with a 12-month subscription at a special value price. And if you’re already a member, this subscription may be stacked.

Pokemon Sword & ShieldRated EPokemon Sword & ShieldVérifiez le prix

Pokemon Sword & Shield will feature the biggest maps in a Pokemon game. While Sword & Shield won’t feature the national Pokedex, there will be over 800 Pokemon featured in the game. A number of new Pokemon will be featured. The game will have a balanced battle system that allows all Pokemon to shine. The new Dynamax mechanic sounds cool and the Max Raid Battles pit four players against a powerful giant Pokemon.

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s AwakeningRated EThe Legend of Zelda: Links AwakeningVérifiez le prix

While not a completely new Zelda game, Zelda: Link’s Awakening is a 2D reimagining of the classic Game Boy Zelda game. It features a top-down 2D perspective and traditional Zelda gameplay and retains the classic feel and personality of the original. The revamped cartoony graphical style looks absolutely gorgoeus. While it remains faithful to the original, one of the coolest new features is the Dungeon Builder. It allows you to create your own dungeons and play them. What’s cool? You can configure them in different ways and they actually feel quite different, depending on how they are configured. Other cool new additions include Mario character cameos and side-scrolling dungeons. The game will feature 8 dungeons, monsters, and traps to overcome. Can you find the 8 instruments of the Sirens and awaken the Wind Fish? It’s one of those gems you don’t want to miss.

New Super Mario Bros U DeluxeRated ENew Super Mario Bros U DeluxeVérifiez le prix

While New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe still has much of its Mario magic, it feels less important given the Switch is overflowing with high quality 2D platformers. Toadette is now a playable character with more precise controls than Mario and Luigi. The game also includes the Super Luigi U expansion. Despite these additions, the game fails to standout in a crowded market. There’s not enough here to make it a must-have for fans, but it’s still a fun adventure worth playing.

Luigi’s Mansion 3Rated ELuigis Mansion 3Vérifiez le prix

Luigi’s Mansion 3 heads to a haunted hotel with multiple levels of fun with a variety of themes. Luigi’s latest game introduces a slew of new Poltergust upgrades like the slam function, suction shot, and burst to help you on your adventure. We love the freedom you now have to freely explore the levels. Gooigi, a Luigi made of goo, is back and allows you to slip through metal fences and walk on spikes. There’s even co-op, 8-player multiplayer, and a mode where you have to defeat all ghosts before time runs out. Expect a ton of traps and mysteries to unravel.

NBA 2K20Rated ENBA 2K20

NBA 2K20 heightens the basketball sim’s realism. The presentation and player animations heighten the authenticity of the game. The gameplay feels smooth thanks to a consistent 60 FPS frame rate. But the biggest question is how will they handle microtransactions, given the backlash last year. Overall, expect it to be a genuinely entertaining basketball experience with the latest roster updates and enhanced game modes.

FIFA 20Rated EFIFA 20Vérifiez le prix

FIFA 20 offers the newest way to play FIFA with Volta Football. FIFA returns to the streets with exciting street football action. Play 3v3, 4v4, or 5v5 in a variety of locales. The game will feature licensed players, clubs, and footwork is a huge part of this mode. EA Sports has captured the authenticity of the game like never before. The game features several gameplay enhancements to make this the most realistic FIFA to date. The game features more consistent shooting when 1-on-1 with the goalie, more precise dribbling control, improved defending ability, more accessible, skill-based penalty kicks where you can control the spin. The ball physics have been revamped to deliver an authentic experience with more realistic deflections and even the pacing of the game has been tweaked. While building on previous games, it creates the ultimate realization of the FIFA experience.

Madden NFL 20Rated EMadden NFL 20Vérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t love taking their favorite team to the Super Bowl? Madden is back and it’s better than ever. The game has never felt more realistic thanks to new gameplay mechanics, signature animations, and updated NFL playbooks all season long. You now can scramble, pump-fake, and use run pass options. Madden NFL 20 adds several new gameplay mechanics to refine the game. Madden 20 has a new scramble mechanic, pump fake, and run pass options for die-hard football fans. New X-Factor Abilities allow players to feel more like their real-life NFL counterparts. Other cool features include Career Campaign for creating your own superstar QB, dynamic challenges, Pro Bowl, and an NFL Draft experience to round out the experience.

MLB The Show 19Rated EMLB The Show 19Vérifiez le prix

In addition to the expected refinements, MLB The Show 19 introduces vastly improved modes. Defensive play has been improved. Fielding is now based on position and skill level. Top outfielders will show you the path of the ball, while others leave you with some guess work. New infield animations help with the previously clunky control. March to October is a standout new mode blending simulated games with key playable moments. It’s a fun and fast-paced addition though it lacks the depth of other modes. Road To The Show sees some upgrades and is the best way to play. Franchise mode sees only a few minor upgrades. Themed after various moments in baseball history, Moments is one of the best new additions. The new graphical elements look and sound great. Online games are smooth although there are occasional hiccups. Fast new modes, refined defensive gameplay, and a deeper career mode make this one of the more compelling games in a while.

Just Dance 2020Rated E10+Just Dance 2020Vérifiez le prix

Love dancing games? Then get up off the couch and play Just Dance 2020! The best part? Players will be dancing to 40 of the latest smash hits that make you want to get up and dance. Kids will have fun while getting a good physical workout. It’s the perfect party game to get the party started.

CupheadRated ECuphead" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Cuphead-Switch.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Cuphead-Switch.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Cuphead was one of the exclusive must-play experiences for the Xbox One/PC and now it’s on the Switch. Developed by an indie studio in collaboration with Microsoft, Studio MDHR shows the great potential of a smaller indie game studio. The game is a 2D action shooting game clearly inspired by hits like Contra for the NES and arcade. The game features a unique visual style and animation inspired by classic cartoons. The game supports 2-player co-op which is tremendous fun. You’ll battle against a variety of bosses each requiring different tactics to defeat. Although the game is on the shorter side, be prepared for a real challenge.

Crash Team Racing: Nitro FueledRated ECrash Team Racing: Nitro FueledVérifiez le prix

Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled rebuilds this classic kart racer from the ground-up and showcases how a retro title should be done. The graphics have been given a modern makeover – vastly improving on the original. They’re amped to the max and the game runs fast and silky-smooth. Unlike Crash Trilogy, this game feels like more than just a simple graphical upgrade. Boosting is what differentiates this game from Mario Kart. You’ll have to know when to start and finish a power slide, which enables the use of a triple-boost system — requiring precise timing. As you power slide through turns, your gauge fills. Pressing a shoulder button at the right time allows you to boost and successive boosts feature shorter time gaps. With the triple-boost, you could blast from the back of the pack to the front. The game features typical power-ups: shields, rockets, speed boosts, invincibility, and a Mario Kart-inspired blue shell-like item. Although it isn’t required to win races, a fun twist is that you can upgrade these power-ups by collecting fruits. The game features 18 race tracks, adventure, time trial, split-screen versus, and a new online mode. The best part? We love that they’ve managed to retain the feel of the original while upgrading it with new features for modern gamers.

Kingdom Hearts IIIRated E10+Kingdom Hearts IIIVérifiez le prix

In Kingdom Hearts III the gameplay has evolved and the authenticity of Disney worlds is top-notch. They’ve done a wonderful job of capturing the essence of these beloved worlds and providing a massive world to battle and explore. Its beautiful Disney-themed worlds introduce a vast array of combat options. The battles are where this game truly shines. We especially love the ability to summon Disney park rides, as it’s not only a visual treat, but also pushes the boundaries of the battle system in new directions. While experiencing the story reach the franchise’s conclusion is satisfying, it’s actually quite predictable. To fully appreciate some of the game’s more touching moments, you really need to have experienced its backstory through the previous games.

Yoshi’s Crafted WorldRated EYoshis Crafted WorldVérifiez le prix

Yoshi’s Crafted World is a delightfully charming and easy platformer. Although the platforming is quite forgiving and its enemies don’t present much of a challenge, Yoshi’s adorable sounds and animations make it really entertaining. The game features over 40 worlds with plenty of variety. On your journey you’ll be hunting for smiley flowers and hidden red coins. We love how each course offers a new mechanic with very little repetition. After completing the game, you unlock additional levels which are some of the best in the game; however, there are only four of them. We wish there was even more of this goodness! Some of the game’s more clever ideas could have been expanded further. A fun twist is the ability to play flip side levels, which allows you to play previous levels from a new perspective. Although it’s not a challenging platformer, this charming game shines at moments, making it worth playing.

Minecraft: Minecoins Pack: 3500 CoinsRated E10+Minecraft: Minecoins Pack: 3500 CoinsVérifiez le prix

Looking for the perfect gift for your 11 year old Minecraft fan? The Minecraft Minecoins 3500 pack includes 3,500 in-game currency for downloading new skins, textures, and worlds on the Minecraft Marketplace. The best part? This gift card can be used across multiple platforms, including Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Android and Windows 10.

ROBLOX Gift CardROBLOX Gift CardVérifiez le prix

Got a ROBLOX obsessed fan? Available in in $10, $25, or $50 varieties, these ROBLOX gift cards make the perfect gift for your ROBLOX fan. These digital cards are compatible with PC or Mac and allow fans to access a wide library of gear, collectibles, and virtual items to use in the game. In Roblox you make the game! Let their imaginations run wild with this extremely popular kids’ game!

Most children won’t have the sense of rhythm for playing a musical instrument until they are eight. Help her build her love for music at an early age with these gifts.

In addition to giving her a place where she can create her art, give your little artist the tools she needs for her next masterpiece. Here are some of the top toys for 8 year old girls.

Elmer’s Liquid School GlueElmers Liquid School GlueVérifiez le prix

One of this year’s hottest things is not a toy, it’s making slime. Everybody seems to making this stuff. The easiest way to make this stuff is with Elmer’s glue and borax. It’s gotten so crazy that people are buying loads of Elmer’s glue. You can get one gallon of this stuff, which is perfect for making slime at a birthday party with all her friends.

Karina Garcia’s DIY SlimeAges 10-14Karina Garcias DIY SlimeVérifiez le prix

Homemade slime is taking over the world because it is super fun to play with and a cool science experiment that you can do at home. Okay, by now everybody knows how to make basic slime and you can easily change its color and texture. This book teaches you how to make 15 different recipes from glow in the dark slime to balloon slime.

Elmer’s Galaxy Slime Starter PackElmers Galaxy Slime Starter PackVérifiez le prix

Want to make out of this world slime? Try Elmer’s Galaxy Slime Starter Pack which allows kids to make galaxy slime. It makes 3 batches of insanely satisfying slime both in look and feel. The best part? It has great consistency and stretchiness not to mention it is so much fun to play with.

Tulip One Step 18-Color Tie-Dye KitTulip One Step 18-Color Tie-Dye KitVérifiez le prix

This fun tie-dye craft kit from Tulip is a blast for birthday parties or even a summer activity. It comes with everything you need. All you need is to provide the clothing. It’s the closest thing to having a party in a box. With 18 bottles, it has enough supplies to color around 10 shirts, leaving behind gorgeous vibrant colors on clothing.

Perler BeadsAges 5+Perler BeadsVérifiez le prix

Perler Beads are an incredibly cool activity that has been around forever. It’s still popular today. You simply craft different designs on a board using beads. Then you fuse them together using heat from an iron. If you have never tried them before, there are packs that contain everything you need to get started including the beads, pegboards, and ironing paper. You can also get a big bucket of Perler beads.

Klutz Make Clay Charms Craft KitAges 7-15Klutz Make Clay Charms Craft KitVérifiez le prix

We love Klutz books. They are little books that guide kids through various craft activities. Most of the books come along with all of the supplies you need to complete the activities. Make Clay Charms is one of the most popular kits right now. It comes with brightly colored clay that is used to make charms. When the charms are baked, they become solid. The book walks girls through creating 30 charms.

KLUTZ Design Your Dream Room ToyAges 8-15KLUTZ Design Your Dream Room ToyVérifiez le prix

Just about every 8 year old girl dreams about redecorating her room. Klutz has come out with a 78 page craft book that allows her to practice designing her room. The book teaches her how to mix and match patterns. She can add wall art, accessories, throw pillows to create a dream room.

Creativity for Kids Fashion HeadbandsAges 5+Creativity for Kids Fashion HeadbandsVérifiez le prix

If she is artsy, she is going to love making her own headbands with this craft kit. Unlike most craft sets, this one is pretty straight forward so she can complete it on her own or with her friends or siblings. It comes with a bunch of accessories you can add to the headbands from ribbons to feathers. The best part? She can wear them or give them as gifts when she is finished.

Crayola Ultimate Light BoardAges 6+Crayola Ultimate Light BoardVérifiez le prix

Go BIG with your creations with the Crayola Widescreen Light Designer. This new set offers more surface area for your designs than the original. It comes with 6 gel-effects markers, which are proprietary to Crayola. They glow when you draw on the surface. It uses white LEDs and features 3 modes: on, flashing mode, and a fade-in/fade-out mode. It really brings your images to life. A wet erase cloth is included for erasing. The back panel is removable for tracing your favorite pictures. What’s cool? It even promotes social play where you can draw on one side, and your friend can draw on the other. Kids can also display their artwork with the built-in stand.

Crayola Inspiration Art CaseAges 5+Crayola Inspiration Art CaseVérifiez le prix

Does your child love to draw? What little artist wouldn’t love a case filled with 140 art supplies from crayons to washable markers? There are several different cases to choose from, but we love the look of this cute case. The best part? There are so many fun tools inside for your budding artist to experiment with. Fuel their imagination with this awesome art set from Crayola.

Crayola Fabulous Art KitAges 5+Crayola Fabulous Art KitVérifiez le prix

Inspire a world of creativity and imagination with the Crayola Fabulous Art Kit from Crayola. The Fabulous Art Kit contains 24 Crayons, 12 Colored Chalks, 12 Short Colored Pencils, 16 Glitter Crayons, 6 Paint Pot Strip Special FX, 10 Coloring Pages, 8 Fine Line Markers, 1 School Glue, 1 Paint Brush, 1 Color Your Own Sticker Sheet, 1 Desktop Caddy, and 1 Reusable Storage Tub. It has everything for your various art projects and makes a great gift idea for artists.

Barbie + Crayola Color-In FashionsAges 5+Barbie + Crayola Color-In FashionsVérifiez le prix

Love Barbie and coloring books? Your two favorite play patterns merge with Barbie + Crayola Color-In Fashions, taking creativity to a whole new level! Using 5 Crayola Supertip markers, you bring your creativity and designs to life. What’s cool? Since these markers are washable, you can design and re-design over and over again for endless fun. This set includes one Barbie doll, 5 washable fashions, 2 accessories, one dress form, and 5 washable Crayola Supertip markers.

Barbie + Crayola Confetti Skirt StudioAges 5+Barbie + Crayola Confetti Skirt StudioVérifiez le prix

Mattel’s new partnership with Crayola brings the inspiring creativity of Crayola to the wonderful world of Barbie. Now Barbie fans can design their very own fashionable skirts for Barbie with this design studio. Everything from washable Crayola Gel markers to washi tape and stickers are included for your fashion designer. A Barbie doll, skirts, hangers, pom poms, and more are also included in the set. Fans can look forward to this exciting set launching this spring.

Mr. Sketch Scented MarkersMr. Sketch Scented MarkersVérifiez le prix

Most of us never forget the first time we got Mr. Sketch Markers. These markers smell so yummy. This set comes with 12 scented markers. She will love huffing and smelling them to decide which one is her favorite one. Oh, we forgot, they write well too with their chiseled tip.

Darice 80-Piece Deluxe Art SetDarice 80-Piece Deluxe Art SetVérifiez le prix

Does she love drawing, painting, or coloring? With 80 different tools, this huge craft kit from Darice has everything your future Da Vinci could ever want. While these art supplies aren’t for real artists, they are perfect for 8 year old girls who get to try a sampling of all different types of art supplies from color pencils to oil pastels.

How to Draw PokemonAges 7-10How to Draw PokemonVérifiez le prix

Does she love Pokemon? Now she can learn how to draw her favorite Pokemon characters. With 32 pages, this drawing book comes with instructions to draw 18 different Pokemon from Pikachu to Igglybuff. If she loves Pokemon, it’s a great way to spark her interest in drawing.

Pusheen Coloring BookPusheen Coloring BookVérifiez le prix

What could be cuter than the Internet celebrity cat, Pusheen? What about a coloring book based on the little rascal? Imagine 96 pages filled with coloring pages dedicated to the most adorable cat on the planet. The designs are all printed on both the front and back of each page so it is best to color this book using colored pencils instead of markers.

Prismacolor Premier Colored PencilsPrismacolor Premier Colored PencilsVérifiez le prix

There are colored pencils and then there are Primacolor Colored pencils. They might just look like ordinary colored pencils on the outside, but when you color with these colored pencils, the colors come out bright and vivid. It’s so satisfying to lay down color so easily. The best part? You don’t have to worry about the color bleeding into the paper like markers.

Spirograph Deluxe Design SetAges 8+Spirograph Deluxe Design SetVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t remember Spirograph? Spirograph has been around for a long time and has gone through many changes. Spirograph comes with different shaped wheels and rings that allow kids to create many fanciful spiral drawings. It now comes with Spiro Putty that makes it easy to keep the rings in place. The best part? You don’t have to be a talented artist to create wonderful designs. If she can use a pen to draw, she can do it with a little practice.

Rainbow Loom Bands with Metal HookAges 8+Rainbow Loom Bands with Metal HookVérifiez le prix

When Rainbow Loom initially came out, it instantly became a hit. While it is not as popular as it once was, girls will still love making bracelets and jewelry out of tiny colored rubber bands. Using the loom board and hook, the rubber bands can be woven into friendship bracelets. This kit comes with everything she needs to get started with Rainbow Loom.

ALEX Toys DIY Wear Friends 4 Ever JewelryAges 8+ALEX Toys DIY Wear Friends 4 Ever JewelryVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t like to have an arm party on their wrists? This kit from Alex Toys lets her create 22 different woven friendship bracelets for she and her friends. If she’s really into crafty things and loves keeping her hands busy, she will love this kit. It comes with 4 different looms, each of which makes a different pattern. While it takes patience and dexterity, it is a lot of fun.

Fashion Plates Deluxe KitAges 6+Fashion Plates Deluxe KitVérifiez le prix

A lot of us played with Fashion Plates when we were kids. If she’s really interested in fashion design, but doesn’t really know where to start, Fashion Plates is a great entry point. Girls simply mix and match the plates to create all different types of fashions and outfits. It’s a lot of fun to rub across the plates and see the design come to life, but it just as fun coloring it in. It comes in a convenient carrying case so she can play with it anywhere.

Craftster’s Sewing KitsAges 7+Craftsters Sewing KitsVérifiez le prix

Does she want to learn to sew? With 5 different animals to sew, this kit is perfect for beginning seamstresses. Everything she needs is included in the kit including safe plastic needles, fabrics, and stuffing. The best part? All of the fabric pieces come pre-punched, which makes it easy for beginners to use the needle to sew. It’s a fun activity to do with her.

Fashion Angels Make-Up PortfolioAges 8-15Fashion Angels Make-Up PortfolioVérifiez le prix

Fashion Angels makes different craft kids for tween girls. This one is its Make-Up Portfolio. If she is not yet ready for makeup, this kit is a great alternative. This portfolio allows her to try all different makeup looks on the drawn models. Using the various stencils, she can add accessories, makeup, and even hair styles.

Balloon Animal University PRO KitAges 8+Balloon Animal University PRO KitVérifiez le prix

What could be cooler on your birthday than making balloon animals? This kit comes with everything you need to get started including a pump and 100 Qualatex PRO balloons, which are the best balloons for making balloon animals. It also comes with a book that is perfect for beginners.

Lulu Jr. Illustory Craft KitAges 6-12Lulu Jr. Illustory Craft KitVérifiez le prix

Does your 8 year old dream of becoming an author? Now she can write and illustrate her own book with this craft kit from Lulu Jr. After she uses the supplies to create a rough draft for her book, she mails it in. She will be delighted to see her creation come back in a 7 X 9 inches hardcover book.

Shrinky Dinks Fantasy Forest Jewelry KitAges 6-12Shrinky Dinks Fantasy Forest Jewelry KitVérifiez le prix

It’s hard to believe that Shrinky Dinks have been around since the 1970s. This kit comes with sheets of plastic that kids decorate and color. The amazing thing is that when you pop the plastic pieces in the oven, they shrink in the oven. Kids will never get tired of watching them shrink. You can then use the Shrinky Dinks to make all sorts of jewelry.

DC Superhero Girls Fashion Sketch SetAges 8-15DC Superhero Girls Fashion Sketch SetVérifiez le prix

What girl wouldn’t want to dress up her favorite super heroes? Using stencils, stickers, and colored pencils, she can dress up all of the DC Super Hero Girls from Wonder Woman to Batgirl. It’s all up to her creativity how she wants to dress them up. After she dresses up the characters, she can even color them in and use the stencils to create her own one of a kind masterpiece.

ALEX Toys Craft Rock Pets Turtle, MultiAges 8+ALEX Toys Craft Rock Pets Turtle, MultiVérifiez le prix

Looking for a creative project for your 8 year old girl? Consider this Craft Rock Pets Turtle set from Alex Toys. She can paint her own Rock Pet Turtle. Rainy days just got a whole lot more fun!

Kahootz Latch Kits Unicorn Mini-Rug Sewing KitAges 6+Kahootz Latch Kits Unicorn Mini-Rug Sewing KitVérifiez le prix

These Latch Kits are perfect for creative girls who love unicorns. The color-coded canvas makes this easy for anyone to do. Simply loop, hook, and pull. This kit includes everything you need to get started. You can hang it on your wall or use it as a mini rug.

Crayola Glitter Dots Sparkle StationAges 5+Crayola Glitter Dots Sparkle Station

Love glitter but hate the mess? The Crayola Glitter Dots Sparkle Station allows you to create fun glitter projects without all the mess. Simply squish the dots to create the glitter output. The best part? It doesn’t stay on your hands. It works like magic and is a total game-changer in the world of arts and crafts. The set includes 84 Glitter Dots and 12 rollers and cutters to squish, roll, and cut your glitter creations. We love how Glitter Dots can be used for a variety of art projects and on a wide range of surfaces from paper and wood to craft foam, felt, and more. Express your creativity with 13 different colors and 3 color palettes: classic, tropical, and bold. Let the endless creative fun begin!

Bunch O Balloons Party Starter PackBunch O Balloons Party Starter PackVérifiez le prix

Hate blowing and tying balloons for parties and celebrations? Zuru’s Bunch O Balloons Electric Party Pump is a real game-changer, eliminating the hassle of blowing up and tying party balloons. With this pump, you can fill, tie, and string 40 balloons in 40 seconds! And the ribbon and string are already attached. Talk about a real time-saver. It makes the process a cinch so anybody can do it — even kids. Connect the stems to the Electric Party Pump and watch your balloons inflate and self-tie in mere seconds like magic. An included adapter also allows for filling the balloons even quicker with helium or an air compressor. The best part? The balloons are reusable and the Self-Sealing Party Balloons come in a wide assortment of colors. The Party Starter Pack includes the Electric Party Pump, 48 Self-Sealing Party Balloons, helium tank adaptor, and fast-fill hose attachment for other inflatables. Say goodbye to blowing and tying balloons. Birthday parties and celebrations will never be the same!

Play-Doh Modeling Compound 10-Pack Case of ColorsAges 2+Play-Doh Modeling Compound 10-Pack Case of ColorsVérifiez le prix

Open a world of fun and creativity with Play-Doh! This 10-Pack Case of Colors will inspire endless creativity. Each can contains 2-ounces of Play-Doh modeling clay and the set includes a nice variety of colors. This set is perfect for play dates and parties. Imagine all the creative possibilities! What amazing things will you create? Express your creativity and spark your imagination with Play-Doh.

Crayola Scribble Scrubbie Safari OasisAges 3+Crayola Scribble Scrubbie Safari OasisVérifiez le prix

The Scribble Scrubbie Safari Oasis set includes 4 colorable and washable safari-themed pet figures that kids can customize over and over again thanks to the included 6 Scribble Scrubbie Ultra Clean Washable Markers. Look for a monkey, elephant, giraffe and lion in this set. What’s cool? When you want to change their pattern, just place them in the Oasis Tub of water, give them a bath, and let them dry. What this means is that the fun and creativity are endless. While this set includes 4 pets, expansion packs, sold separately, allow kids to collect and customize 12 adorable safari animals. Combining the fun of collectibility with endless customizable creativity delivers a fun and unique experience for kids.

FuzzikinsAges 4+Fuzzikins" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Fuzzikins.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Fuzzikins.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Fuzzikins from PlayMonster features three-dimensional fuzzy animals like bunnies, puppies, and cats that allow kids to express their creativity by coloring them. Use the included special markers to color, design, and decorate them. Want to change your design? No problem! Simply give them a bath under running water, allow them to dry, and restart the fun. Get ready for endless customizable creativity!

Crayola Silly Scents Silly Putty Mix Em’s Ages 4+Crayola Silly Scents Silly Putty Mix Em’s

Ready to take the silly putty fun to the next level? Crayola Silly Scents Silly Putty Mix Em’s delivers a new sensory experience with scented silly putty. Each package contains a pair of scents like PeeBee and Jay or Minty CoCo, which smell like peanut butter and jelly and mint chocolate chip ice cream, respectively. Look for Peaches n’ Cream, Minty & CoCo, Berry & Banana and PeeBee & Jay in this assortment. Mmm … sure sounds like yummy fun! Stretch, snap, and bounce your imagination to new heights with Silly Putty.

Crayola Silly Putty Ugly Putty PoopAges 4+Crayola Silly Putty Ugly Putty PoopVérifiez le prix

Love silly fun? Then you’ll love Crayola’s Silly Putty Ugly Putty Poop! It’s the perfect gag gift that looks like real poop complete with chunks of ‘corn’. Kids will love stretching, snapping, and letting their imaginations run wild. What kid doesn’t love gross-out fun? Aren’t you glad it’s unscented! It’s all in the name of silly fun and kids will be amused for hours on end.

Nickelodeon Slime Slimy CupcakesAges 6+Nickelodeon Slime Slimy Cupcakes

Mix and make slimy fun cupcakes with the Nickelodeon Slime Slimy Cupcakes set from Cra-Z-Art. With everything you need included in the set, all you have to do is mix the glue, activator, and colorant to make a delicious but slimy treat. It’s a fun and creative new way to play with slime. Serve up some delicious fun!

Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Creativity SetAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Creativity SetVérifiez le prix

Let your creativity go to ‘Infinity and Beyond’ wit the Toy Story 4 Creativity Set. Make your own Forky just like Bonnie in the movie. In addition, this set lets you make your own foam Buzz, pom pom Bunny and Ducky, and a sheriff badge. The best part? Everything you need is included and it’s fun and easy!

Crayola Sprinkle Art ShakerAges 5+Crayola Sprinkle Art ShakerVérifiez le prix

Ready for some art shaking fun? With the Crayola Sprinkle Art Shaker, create wonderful artwork with glue and colorful sprinkles. With the included case, outline with glue, insert sprinkles, and shake it up so the sprinkles stick. Then shake it up again to funnel into unit and return to the sprinkle tubes. What’s cool? The sprinkles remain inside with virtually no clean up and the Art Shaker can be resused. Decorate the included food-inspired content pages or design your own masterpieces. Shake up some wonderful artwork with the Crayola Sprinkle Art Maker.

SmART PixelatorAges 7+SmART Pixelator

The smART Pixelator from Flycatcher enables you to pixelate any design using smART technology via a companion app on your smart device. Fifty designs with step-by-step guidance are included to get you started. Then kids can build in either two- or three-dimensions with pegs, beads, and sequins. It is fantastic for developing your child’s creative expression and spatial reasoning. The best part? Create your own designs with the app and your mobile device. With limitless creative possibilities, what amazing pixel designs will you create?

JixelzAges 6+Jixelz" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Jixelz.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Jixelz.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Once fully assembled, Jixelz from Fat Brain Toys resemble works of pixel art. Builders can choose to build two small designs with the 700-piece sets or choose between four small designs or a giant design with the 1,500-piece sets. What’s cool? These puzzles remain intact without ironing or adhesives. These works of art make fun additions to your room decor.

Kinetic Sand Beach Sandisfying SetAges 3+Kinetic Sand Beach Sandisfying Set

Love creating satisfying videos on social media? The Kinetic Sand Beach Sandisfying Set is the perfect set for creating those super satisfying videos to upload on social media. The set includes 2 pounds of Kinetic Sand and 10 tools to flow, mix, cut, squish, and mold your sand with amazing motions that are so satisfying they’re worthy of sharing. Capture your ‘Sandisfying’ experience and share it on social for all your followers to experience. Can anything be more #Sandisfying?

LEGO Movie 2 Movie Maker 70820Ages 8+LEGO Movie 2 Movie Maker 70820Vérifiez le prix

Loved the LEGO Movie 2? Now you can be inspired to create and direct your own mini feature film with the LEGO Movie 2 Movie Maker set. This set is designed for traditional movie creation not stop-motion animation. Build an Escape Buggy, Rex’s Explorer, and action props, bring the action to life, and record it. The cast includes Emmet, Lucy, Rex, Sweet Mayhem mini doll, Warrior Kitty, Star, Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi, alien invaders, and a raptor to spark rich storytelling and adventures. The companion app features film capture, editing, special effects, and playback. Watch your little director’s imagination and creativity soar with this awesome set. Everything is AWESOME! What amazing original masterpieces will you dream up?

KlikBots Studio PacksAges 6+KlikBots Studio Packs

Love creating stop-motion animations? KlikBots takes the stop-motion fun to the next level with multiple points of articulation. With more creative freedom of motion, your stop-motions will look smoother than ever before. Available at Target and Walmart, the Studio Packs offer multiple collectible figures for bringing your imagination to life. The coolest part? With interchangeable pieces, mix and match them to create your own figures. Create and share your own stop-motion masterpieces via the KlikBot app. Imagine all the action-packed stop-motions you can create!

Cool Maker Go Glam Nail StamperAges 8+Cool Maker Go Glam Nail Stamper

Want a trendy new manicure? The Go Glam Nail Stamper from Spin Master allows her to easily stamp her nails. Choose from 5 stylish patterns and decorate 125 nails. This set includes everything you need to get started, including a nail printer, base coat colors, top coat, makeup bag, nail file, and design cartridges. Since the nail polish is non-toxic and kid-safe, girls will love exploring, playing, and experimenting with their style and individuality in a fun and safe way.

Fab Lab Glitter TattoosAges 8+Fab Lab Glitter Tattoos

With 4 hot new colors, 28 design stencils, and 2 brushes, Fab Lab Glitter Tattoos allows girls to create cool tattoo designs. With high-quality, non-toxic components, girls will love exploring, playing, and experimenting with their style and individuality in a fun and safe way. The best part? Since these are temporary tattoos, parents need not worry.

Pretty Pixels Eraser MakerAges 8+Pretty Pixels Eraser MakerVérifiez le prix

Looking for a crafty new project idea? New from Bandai America is the Pretty Pixels Eraser Maker. The set includes everything needed to create your own cute pixel-themed erasers. Create 10 different erasers that can actually be used or collected. Look for four different themes — Animals, Sweets, Fruits, and Fashion — in this assortment. Who knew creating erasers could be so fun?!

Bunch O Balloons Party Starter PackBunch O Balloons Party Starter PackVérifiez le prix

Hate blowing and tying balloons for parties and celebrations? Zuru’s Bunch O Balloons Electric Party Pump is a real game-changer, eliminating the hassle of blowing up and tying party balloons. With this pump, you can fill, tie, and string 40 balloons in 40 seconds! And the ribbon and string are already attached. Talk about a real time-saver. It makes the process a cinch so anybody can do it — even kids. Connect the stems to the Electric Party Pump and watch your balloons inflate and self-tie in mere seconds like magic. An included adapter also allows for filling the balloons even quicker with helium or an air compressor. The best part? The balloons are reusable and the Self-Sealing Party Balloons come in a wide assortment of colors. The Party Starter Pack includes the Electric Party Pump, 48 Self-Sealing Party Balloons, helium tank adaptor, and fast-fill hose attachment for other inflatables. Say goodbye to blowing and tying balloons. Birthday parties and celebrations will never be the same!

While video games are cool, there is nothing like a board game. There is something about having something you can touch that makes board games so appealing. With these board games, she can learn so many valuable skills like learning to count money and the important of rules.

Connect 4Ages 6+Connect 4Vérifiez le prix

Connect 4 is a classic game played and enjoyed by generations. Experience the disc-droppin’ fun and excitement of Connect 4. It’s a game similar in nature to Tic Tac Toe. You have to try to get four of the same colored coins in a row to win. They can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. The game is easy to learn and play but challenging to win. It will require a bit of strategy and observing your opponent’s moves to win. Endless classic fun for the whole family!

Don’t Step In It!Ages 4+Dont Step In It!Vérifiez le prix

Don’t Step In It! from Hasbro Games is a pooped-themed game involving clay-like poop substance. The poop is scattered around the play area. Kids take turns spinning the spinner to determine how many steps to take. La prise? Kids are blindfolded and – you guessed it – they have to avoid stepping in the poop!

UNO Emoji Card GameAges 7-15UNO Emoji Card GameVérifiez le prix

Combine Emojis and the classic game of Uno and you get this game that 8 year old girls are going to love. It’s played just like Uno except everything has been given an Emoji makeover. Players have to be first to match a card in their hand with the one currently on to top of the deck. The best part? You have to make Emoji faces.

UNO Harry Potter Card GameAges 7+UNO Harry Potter Card GameVérifiez le prix

What do you get when you combine the worlds of Harry Potter and UNO? You get something magical in the form of UNO Harry Potter. The gameplay remains intact but now the cards feature the cast of Harry Potter and there is a special new rule. You have to eliminate all of you cards and be the first player or team to reach 500 points to win.

Exploding KittensAges 7+Exploding KittensVérifiez le prix

With quirky characters and simple game play, Exploding Kittens has all of the trapping of an addictive card game. In this game of roulette, the idea is not to draw the exploding kitten from the deck. The wrinkle? There are action cards, which add a lot of strategy to the basic premise.

DOSAges 7+DOS" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/DOS.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/DOS.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Mattel’s successor to the popular game of UNO, DOS launches this year. Designed for 2 to 4 players, this new card game adds a new twist on the family friendly game of UNO with a few new surprises up its sleeve. Like UNO, players have to match numbers and now you can even match colors. When you’re down to the last two cards, shout out ‘DOS’ to win! It’s sure to be great fun for family game night!

Monopoly Cheaters EditionAges 8+Monopoly Cheaters EditionVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love to cheat in Monopoly? Now Hasbro is making cheating official with the Monopoly Cheaters Edition. The core gameplay remains unchanged. So what’s changed? There are 15 special cards tailored to the sneakiest family members. If you can get away with evil deeds, you’ll be rewarded; however, if you’re caught you’ll end up in handcuffs. Now there’s no banker so you can rob the bank if you’re daring enough.

Ticket To RideAges 8-12Ticket To RideVérifiez le prix

Who knew a game about trains could be so fun? If she’s ready for a grown up game that is all about strategy, check out Ticket to Ride. In Ticket to Ride, the idea of the game is to claim routes and build the biggest track across the United States. The bigger route you get, the more points you earn. After she plays a game, she will be able to pick it up quick. The best part? Kids learn a little bit about geography too.

Connect 4 ShotsAges 8+Connect 4 ShotsVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun new twist on the classic game of Connect 4? Connect 4 Shots introduces a new way to play your favorite game. Instead of tossing in pieces, you bounce balls in to win. Both players attempt to bounce their balls in simulataneously — leading to some exciting action. Just like in the original you have to get four in a row of the same color to win.

Trivial Pursuit World of Harry Potter Ultimate EditionAges 8+Trivial Pursuit World of Harry Potter Ultimate EditionVérifiez le prix

Love trivia games? Your Harry Potter fanatic will love this new Harry Potter-themed version of Trivial Pursuit. The game is packed with 1,800 questions based on all eight Harry Potter films. Who really knows the most about the Harry Potter films? There’s only one way to find out!

Spot ItAges 7-11Spot ItVérifiez le prix

Spot It! is a very simple game that is a lot of fun to play. There are 55 cards, each of which has 8 illustrations on them. Between any 2 cards there is always one and only one illustration that is exactly the same. With four different ways to play, the idea is to be the first one to Spot It.

Rummikub Ages 8+Rummikub Vérifiez le prix

One of the bestselling board games of all time, Rummikub is an older game that is still a fun game to play. The idea is to get rid of all your tiles by forming runs of sequential numbers or groups of a kind. It’s not a very hard game to learn. Once she learns the basic premise, she will be able to play on her own and beat everybody.

Sequence GameAges 7+Sequence GameVérifiez le prix

Sequence is a game that every family should have in their collection. The game is played in teams. The object of the game is to try to make a sequence by putting 5 chips in a row on the board. Each player is given cards and draws a card on their turn. They can then place one of their chips on a matching card on the board. There’s strategy involved because there is more than one matching card on the board.

HedBanz Game Ages 7-9HedBanz Game Vérifiez le prix

In HedBanz everybody knows who you are except you. Each player wears a headband on their head with a card on it. La prise? You won’t be able to see the card but everybody else will. The idea is to ask “yes” or “no” questions to quickly find out who you are before time runs out in a minute. You will have to use your head.

Melissa & Doug SuspendAges 8-15Melissa & Doug SuspendVérifiez le prix

Suspend is a fun and fast moving game that is so easy to understand. Players take turn building a teetering structure by placing a rod on it. The twist? Every time somebody places a rod on the structure, it shifts due to gravity, creating so much of suspense.

Sushi Go!Ages 8-15Sushi Go!Vérifiez le prix

Sushi Go is a game where the idea is to build the best sushi dish. During each turn players pick one card to keep. The cards are then passed around and the players must again choose a card to keep. It’s a lot like picking food items off a conveyor belt in a sushi restaurant. At the end, players add up their score and the player with the most points after 3 rounds wins.

Monopoly Board Game The Classic EditionAges 8+Monopoly Board Game The Classic EditionVérifiez le prix

In the age of iPhones and iPads, it’s amazing that Monopoly is still one of the most popular board games. In this wonderful game of luck and strategy, the object is to drive your opponents to bankruptcy. This version is just as you remembered it. Not only is it a fun game to play, but for 8 year old girls, it is a great way for her to learn about banking and math.

Monopoly Gamer: Mario Kart EditionAges 8+Monopoly Gamer: Mario Kart EditionVérifiez le prix

Start your engines, collect your coins, and prepare for fun! The game board looks like Monopoly but is inspired by worlds straight out of the Mario Kart videogames. Each character has its own strategic abilities. Just like in the game, you can lay a banana to stop rivals in their tracks. Everytime you pass go, you’ll have an opportunity to race in the Grand Prix. The game includes a game board, 4 character kart tokens, 32 cards, banana tokens, 90 coins and 2 dice. The game is designed for 2-4 players. It’s the perfect gift for any Nintendo or Mario Kart fan!

ScrabbleAges 8+Scrabble" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Hasbro-Scrabble-Crossword-Game.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Hasbro-Scrabble-Crossword-Game.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Scrabble is a board game where the object is put together words using letters. It is such a great game on multiple levels. It’s fun, but it also helps improve her spelling, vocabulary, and communication. The best part? Children don’t even know that they are learning.

Apples to Apples JuniorAges 9+Apples to Apples JuniorVérifiez le prix

Apples to Apples is one of the best party games to play during family get togethers, slumber parties, and birthday parties. In the game, there are two different types of cards. The red cards are the subject cards and the green cards are the description cards. On each round, one person is the judge and she flips over a description card like “Crazy.” Then each player puts down a card that they think best reflects that card. The judge has to pick the best card, which is usually the most silliest.

Reverse CharadesAges 6+Reverse CharadesVérifiez le prix

Charades is fun but Reverse Charades is even more fun. This game takes the game of charades and flips it on its head. Instead of you acting out the clues, everybody playing acts out the clues and one person guesses. It’s so hilarious to watch a large group of people acting out the clues at the same time.

Googly Eyes GameAges 7-15Googly Eyes GameVérifiez le prix

Have you seen our glasses? Drawing games are fun but Googly Eyes is laugh out fun. The game is played just like Pictionary except you have to put on wacky vision glasses that make it really difficult to draw. It’s a Googly spin on a classic game.

Build Or BoomAges 4+Build Or BoomVérifiez le prix

Building something is a lot of fun, but tearing it down is even more fun. In Build Or Boom, two players race to complete a structure on a blueprint card. The twist? When somebody completes the structure, they press the dynamite to blow up their opponent’s structure. KABOOM! It’s a “Blast!”

Shadows In The ForestAges 8+Shadows In The ForestVérifiez le prix

Shadows In The Forest is a surprisingly refreshing and clever game. You play the game in the dark and light and shadows are a core part of the game. One player is the lantern, a pursuer represented by a small LED lantern. Other players are the Shadowlings, who crave darkness. The Shadowlings have to gather under the tree, while the lantern has to freeze Shadowlings in its light. La prise? Shadowlings can’t cross light beams projected by the Lantern. It’s the perfect game for sleepovers and requires chess-like strategy and cooperative play.

Kanoodle Head To HeadAges 7+Kanoodle Head To HeadVérifiez le prix

Love and the original Kanoodle? Now you can play head-to-head with a friend in Kanoodle Head To Head. There are 80 puzzles to challenge players. We love it because it’s great for developing problem-solving and spatial skills while having fun with a friend. The compact size makes it a great game on the go. It’s a game the whole family will enjoy.

You’ve Got CrabsAges 7+Youve Got CrabsVérifiez le prix

Can you keep a “sea”-cret? From the creators of Exploding Kittens comes a new board game called You’ve Got Grabs. This is a family-friendly game for kids over 7. Played in teams of two, this game combines crabs with deception. The game is super simple: Before starting, you and your teammate must come up with a secret signal. You must collect 4 of the same card and secretly notify your partner. Your teammate must then yell, “You’ve got crabs!” The catch? If the other team finds out and yells “You’ve Got Crabs” your team loses.

Twister Ultimate GameAges 6-15Twister Ultimate GameVérifiez le prix

It wouldn’t be a slumber party without playing the classic game of Twister. In Twister, players must twist and tangle themselves to reach the spots on the plastic mat. Now it has been given an oversized makeover so more people can play. This version of the game is much larger than the original game and has more spots for even more outrageous fun.

5 Second Rule Jr. Board GameAges 6-155 Second Rule Jr. Board GameVérifiez le prix

5 seconds in your life never felt so fun and stressful than with this board game. Everybody could probably name 3 farm animals, but somehow naming them with time pressure is so much challenging. In 5 Seconds Rule, players have to give 3 answers to questions in 5 seconds. Even if she has a short attention span, this game is fun, fast paced, and silly.

No Stress ChessAges 7-12No Stress ChessVérifiez le prix

Finally there is a way for anybody to learn to play chess. No Stress Chess is really designed for the beginning chess player. The board is labeled so it makes it easy to set up the board. The game comes with action cards that have chess pieces on them. When you draw a card, you are supposed to move that piece. Each card helps to reinforce how each piece movies. Eventually, the idea is that she will learn to play without the cards.

Rat-A-Tat-CatAges 6+Rat-A-Tat-Cat" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Rat-A-Tat-Cat.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Rat-A-Tat-Cat.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

With up to 6 players, Rat-A-Tat is card game that can be played with the whole family. All the players are dealt out 4 cards, which are placed on table in a line side by side. The idea of the game is to get the lowest total. In the beginning, each player is allowed to look at the 2 outermost cards and is never allowed to look at any of her cards again. She will have to use memory and strategy to come up with the lowest total.

Not Parent ApprovedAges 8+Not Parent ApprovedVérifiez le prix

Not Parent Approved is a kid makeover on the adult game, Cards Against Humanity. In this hilarious game, kids have to fill in the blank with the most hilarious answer from their hand of cards. Parents won’t have a problem with most of the cards, but they can always remove the ones that they find inappropriate.

Telestrations 6 PlayerAges 6+Telestrations 6 PlayerVérifiez le prix

Telestations takes the game of telephone and turns it into a drawing game. Instead of having conversations that are passed along, drawings are passed from player to player. As they are being passed through players, they keep changing. It’s always fun to see how warped the drawings gets at the end.

Melissa & Doug Deluxe Solid-Wood Magic SetAges 8-10Melissa & Doug Deluxe Solid-Wood Magic SetVérifiez le prix

Alacazam! With a little preparation and this magic set from Melissa & Doug, your 8 year old girl can perform 10 magic tricks that will stump all her friends and family. She’ll make a coin vanish into thin air and perform a great escape that even Harry Houdini would be proud of. The best part? You get to watch her perform.

Pictionary AirAges 8+Pictionary AirVérifiez le prix

Pictionary gets a high-tech, 21st century makeover. The latest Pictionary — Pictionary Air — delivers innovation with a special light-up pen and companion app. Now you can play Pictionary on your phone, tablet, or TV. The gameplay stays true to the original, except the player drawing illustrates in the air with the included special pen instead of on paper. The guessing team aims the in-app camera at the drawer and their drawing is instantly streamed to the screen. Players have to guess the clue correctly to win. The game offers over 1,000 clues to solve and it’s super easy to use and setup. The best part? We love the record option for reliving those hilarious moments.

UNO FlipAges 7+UNO FlipVérifiez le prix

UNO is one of the top card games for families. In the latest installment, UNO Flip, players still have to race to get rid of all their cards as they match their cards by number or color with the top card on the discard pile. The fun twist? When a player plays the special ‘Flip Side’ card, all players must flip over their hands and play the opposite side of the card. This flip side offers steeper penalties and adds an interesting new twist to the classic game of UNO. It’s a fun new twist on the classic card game sure to spice up family game night.

HongaAges 8+Honga

Honga, a new tactical strategy game for 2-5 players from HABA, is a resource management and worker placement game. Since it’s easy for beginners to understand, yet offers enough depth for parents to enjoy it as well, it’s a great family game. Players compete by completing various tasks: gather supplies, comb through the forest, respect nature gods, lure mammoths, and establish barters with other clans. But beware! Honga, the saber-toothed tiger, is hungry and ready to eat your food and take your supplies. It’s a game where you’re rewarded for efficiently and carefully managing your resources. The player with the most victory points wins. We love that there are multiple ways to win.

Monopoly L.O.L. Surprise!Ages 8+Monopoly L.O.L. Surprise!Vérifiez le prix

Your favorite L.O.L. Dolls are joining forces with the fast-dealing property card game — Monopoly — in Monopoly L.O.L. Surprise! Edition. Inspired by L.O.L. Dolls and accessories, Monopoly L.O.L. Surprise! puts a fun L.O.L. twist on the classic game. Instead of properties, players buy, trade, and swap dolls in this version of the game. Your objective is to collect the rarest L.O.L. Dolls. The game features blind reveals as well as 6 cute L.O.L. accessories as tokens that you unwrap, while stars replace houses, emojis replace hotels, and Surprise! cards replace Chance cards. Use the Surprise! cards to buy, trade, and swap dolls. Collectng more dolls means you collect more rent. Make the competition bankrupt to win the game. Will you find the rarest L.O.L. Dolls?!

JengaAges 6+Jenga" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Jenga-Classic-Game.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Jenga-Classic-Game.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

The classic game of Jenga is all about stacking fun. Players start by building and stacking wooden pieces to build a tall tower then remove the pieces one by one, taking turns. One wrong move could send the whole structure toppling to the ground. Crash the structure and you lose. It’s a game of skill, strategy, and luck. How do you stack up?

UNO FlipAges 7+UNO FlipVérifiez le prix

UNO is one of the top card games for families. In the latest installment, UNO Flip, players still have to race to get rid of all their cards as they match their cards by number or color with the top card on the discard pile. The fun twist? When a player plays the special ‘Flip Side’ card, all players must flip over their hands and play the opposite side of the card. This flip side offers steeper penalties and adds an interesting new twist to the classic game of UNO. It’s a fun new twist on the classic card game sure to spice up family game night.

Pictionary AirAges 8+Pictionary AirVérifiez le prix

Pictionary gets a high-tech, 21st century makeover. The latest Pictionary — Pictionary Air — delivers innovation with a special light-up pen and companion app. Now you can play Pictionary on your phone, tablet, or TV. The gameplay stays true to the original, except the player drawing illustrates in the air with the included special pen instead of on paper. The guessing team aims the in-app camera at the drawer and their drawing is instantly streamed to the screen. Players have to guess the clue correctly to win. The game offers over 1,000 clues to solve and it’s super easy to use and setup. The best part? We love the record option for reliving those hilarious moments.

OtrioAges 6+Otrio" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Otrio.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Otrio.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun family game? Otrio reinvents the game of Tic-Tac-Toe. It’s a game of strategy with a surprising amount of depth. You have to line up three pieces of the same color across the board, line up in ascending/descending order, or three pieces of the same color in the same space to win. Think you’ve got what it takes to win?

Monopoly Cash Grab GameAges 8+Monopoly Cash Grab GameVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun new Monopoly experience? Monopoly Cash Grab is a fun new game where players load money into the Money Blaster, which serves as the Bank. Then they spin the spinner to blast money and Chance cards into the air. The object is to quickly grab as much cash to win, hence the name ‘Cash Grab’. There’s no board here, as it’s a completely new Monopoly experience. The twist? Adding an element of strategy to the game, Chance cards enable players to swap money stacks, grab half of any player’s money stash, or force all players to pass their money stack to the left. When the Money Blaster is empty, the player with the most cash wins. Who’s going to win the mad dash to grab the most cash?

ThinkFun Thinking Putty PuzzleAges 8+ThinkFun Thinking Putty PuzzleVérifiez le prix

Ready to play with Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty in fun, new ways? With 60 challenges ranging from beginner to expert, Thinking Putty Puzzle is a new logic game that stretches the fun in new, innovative directions. For each challenge, first place the colored dots based on your challenge card. Then you have to connect the same colored dots by stretching and shaping your putty. Sounds simple, right? La prise? You can’t cross different colored paths but you may cross over bridges. With increasingly difficult challenges, kids will enjoy stretching their minds and putty in fun new ways. It’s a great STEM game for developing planning, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills. Kids will be having too much fun to even know they’re learning!

Speed Stacks Ultimate Stack PackAges 6+Speed Stacks Ultimate Stack Pack

Part of the curriculum in over 48,000 schools, Speed Stacks Ultimate Stack Pack delivers the thrills of professional speed stacking. This set includes official stacking cups of the World Sport Stacking Association, pro stack mat and timer, and quick-release stem for easy travel. The timer is accurate down to a hundredth of a second. It’s a game of muscle memory and it takes real skill to stack fast. Practice makes perfect! Compete with your friends to see who can stack the fastest. Will you be crowned the undisputed Speed Stacking Champion?

Kanoodle GravityAges 7+Kanoodle GravityVérifiez le prix

Get ready for Tetris-like stacking fun with Kanoodle Gravity! Designed for one to two players, Kanoodle Gravity challenges kids to recreate the vertical board exactly as presented in the puzzle book. La prise? Using any remaining pieces, you have to fill in the rest of the board. The two-player version has players taking turns slotting in pieces until a player can no longer fit a piece into the board. The first player to win five rounds wins. The game features over 40 fun challenges. Perfect for road trips or home, it’s a great game for developing strategic thinking, problem-solving, and spatial recognition skills.

Tiny Pong Solo Table Tennis GameAges 8+Tiny Pong Solo Table Tennis GameVérifiez le prix

Don’t have the space for a full-size table tennis experience? Now you can play table tennis in the palm of your hand with the Tiny Pong Solo Table Tennis Game from Hasbro. Just as in table tennis, the object is to keep the ball bouncing to win. The longer you keep it going, the higher your score! There are 2 levels of play — beginner and expert. In expert mode you have to get the ball over the net, alternating sides. What’s cool? The game keeps track of the score and lights and sounds add to the experience. Once you get the hang of it, challenge your friends to see who can score the most points. It’s a great game for developing hand-eye coordination. Do you have what it takes to be the Ultimate Solo Table Tennis Champion?!

Hank’s Twisted ChallengeAges 6+Hanks Twisted Challenge

Get ready for an outrageously hilarious new game experience with Hank’s Twisted Challenge! The object is the race the ball on your mouthpiece to the end of the twisted maze. Sounds simple, right? The whole family will be laughing uncontrollably when players are contorting their bodies in the most ridiculous positions in a mad dash to the finish. It’s a game literally full of twists and turns. What’s cool? The included wiring can be adjusted to match players’ skill levels. Are you ready to put your motor skills to the ultimate test?

The Slow-Motion Race GameAges 8+The Slow-Motion Race GameVérifiez le prix

The Slow-Motion Race game is just what you think it is — it’s a slow-motion racing game. Players wear special headbands with an antenna and race around in slow motion. La prise? Hear a buzz if you’re going too fast and you must immediately stop in your tracks. The first player to cross the finish line wins! Although it’s not an incredibly deep game, it does get your kids up and active. And that’s a good thing, right? Do you have what it takes to be the Slow-Motion Racing Champion and claim the trophy?!

Put the electronics down, there is nothing like picking up a good book. Most people don’t really think of books as gifts, but books can still take her on imaginative adventures.

Sleepover Party Mad LibsAges 8-12Sleepover Party Mad LibsVérifiez le prix

Mad Libs is so much of fun. There are so many versions to choose from but this one is great for slumber or birthday parties. In this word game, everybody comes up with words that are later used to fill in the blanks in the story. The fun begins when the story is read out loud, which often leads to a hysterical and sometimes silly story.

Q&A a Day for Kids: A Three-Year JournalAges 4-10Q&A a Day for Kids: A Three-Year JournalVérifiez le prix

There are plenty of journals but this is one of the most unique journals. It’s supposed to be a 3 year journal. Inside it has different prompts like “What would you buy?” Every day there is a different question, but every year the questions repeat themselves. The fun part is watching how much her responses change over the course of 3 years.

The Meldown (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 13)Ages 8-12The Meldown (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 13)Vérifiez le prix

The next version of Jeff Kinney’s best selling Diary of The Wimpy Kid series is out. In the latest book, Greg and his friends are stuck in the middle of a snowstorm. This is a Diary Of The Wimpy Kid series, so don’t expect it to go as planned!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 12: The GetawayAges 8-12Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 12: The GetawayVérifiez le prix

If she loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, every year she can look forward to a new release in the series. The book chronicles the funny adventures on Greg Heffley. It’s written in a way that resembles a journal with text and funny pictures. In the latest book in the series Greg is going on vacation, but it is not the vacation he expected.

Magic Tree House Boxed SetAges 8-9Magic Tree House Boxed SetVérifiez le prix

The Magic Tree House Series is one of the best chapter books for kids. You won’t find any violence or bad language here. Instead, you will find a mysterious tale about children who discover a magical treehouse in the woods that can transport them across time and space. This set includes the first 4 books in the series.

The New Captain Underpants Collection (Books 1-5)Ages 7-10The New Captain Underpants Collection (Books 1-5)Vérifiez le prix

For most kids, the Captain Underpants series is silly fun. Most parents hate these books because it is ill mannered. These books explode with goofball jokes and off the wall toilet humor. Kids will love repeating their favorite lines from the book over and over. These books are unique because they appeal to both kids that love to read and those who have yet to open the cover of a book.

Harry Potter Paperback Box Set Books 1-7Ages 11-15Harry Potter Paperback Box Set Books 1-7Vérifiez le prix

If she loves Harry Potter, but has never read the books she is going to love the whole set of Harry Potter books. It’s got wizards, witches, and memorable characters. What is there not to like? This is one of the most magical series that only gets better every time you read it.

Pokémon Deluxe Essential HandbookAges 7-10Pokémon Deluxe Essential HandbookVérifiez le prix

Does she know everything about her favorite Pokemon characters? With this book, she can learn their names, their moves, and useful facts. There over 700 Pokemon inside. If she already loves some of the characters, she will love looking them up to learn more about them.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: The Illustrated EditionAges 8+Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone: The Illustrated EditionVérifiez le prix

What happens when you take everything that made the original Harry Potter books so great and then add illustrations to them? It’s time to go back to Hogwarts. If she’s never read the Harry Potter books, now is a great time to start. It starts out like an ordinary story but once readers learn Harry Potter is a wizard, they won’t want to stop reading. Not all of the books have been released in the illustrated series, but they eventually will be.

Dog Man: A Tale of Two KittiesAges 7-10Dog Man: A Tale of Two KittiesVérifiez le prix

This Dog fighting police cop first appeared in the Captain Underpants series. Now he is getting his own series. Just like Captain Underpants, this book is hilarious and is designed to make kids laugh. It’s got intentional misspellings, bad grammar, and the signature goofy toilet humor that parents hate, but most kids are going to love it.

5,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!) 3Ages 8-125,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!) 3Vérifiez le prix

Did you know that the human brain is made up of mostly water? If she is curious, then she will love this book that is filled with short facts about everything. The great thing about this book is that it will be enjoyed by readers of all reading levels. The best part? She will learn a new fact every day.

National Geographic Kids Why?Ages 8-12National Geographic Kids Why?Vérifiez le prix

If she is constantly asking you how things work, this book finally has all of the answers. The book is broken into different sections each of which covers a different topic. Questions include things like “Why do I have a heart?” or “Why is the sky blue?” All of the pages are colorful with beautiful photos that make it easy to read and skim through.

The Boxcar Children Books 1-4Ages 7-10The Boxcar Children Books 1-4Vérifiez le prix

If she is a big fan of mysteries, she will love the Box Car children series. It’s one of those series that can make your child fall in love with reading even if she isn’t already a big reader. It’s the story of 4 kids who run away and stumble across a boxcar in the woods. This book takes your 8 year old through the first 4 books in the series.

Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book Box Set: Books 1-4Ages 6-10Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book Box Set: Books 1-4Vérifiez le prix

Many of us read the Amelia Bedelia books as a kid. Even today, it’s hard not to like this series with the loveable and quirky Amelia Bedelia. Kids will get a kick watching Amelia Bedelia take everything so literally and mess up everything she does, which will lead to a lot of laughs.

Just Between Us: Mother & Daughter JournalAges 9-12Just Between Us: Mother & Daughter JournalVérifiez le prix

Just Between Us is a great way to get closer to your 8 year old daughter. Each page has a prompt at the top like “Question I have for you.” The journal has two parts. One part you are supposed to fill out and the other part she fills out. It’s amazing that just that distance of putting everything in a journal opens up a safety net for a meaningful discussion.

Roller GirlAges 9-12Roller GirlVérifiez le prix

Here is a novel all about Roller Derby. It stars Astrid and her best friend Nicole. Set in middle school, the two friends go separate ways in the summer. One wants to try Roller Derby and the other wants to do ballet. At first, Astrid is not good at Roller Derby but she tries her best, learning so many lessons along the way.

DanTDM: Trayaurus and the Enchanted CrystalAges 8-12DanTDM: Trayaurus and the Enchanted CrystalVérifiez le prix

Dan Middleton or DANTDM is one of the most famous Youtubers in the world. On his channel, he plays Minecraft. Now he has created a graphic novel so you can finally get your 8 year old girl off Youtube.

Dork Diaries 12Ages 9-13Dork Diaries 12Vérifiez le prix

Cut from the same cloth as the Diary of A Wimpy Kid series, the Dork Diaries stars Nikki Maxwell. Parents need to know that she is not the best role model for kids as she is often materialistic, selfish, and shortsighted. Still, this series is very popular with 8 year old girls. The latest book is 12th book in the series.

Letters to Open When…Letters to Open When…Vérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love getting a hand written letter? They are the perfect way to show someone you care. Open When letters are a note you write for someone to open on a certain occasion like on her birthday or when she is feeling a certain way. This set contains 12 open when letters.

Guinness World Records 2020Guinness World Records 2020Vérifiez le prix

What is the world’s largest animal? It’s the whale, which can weigh 28 times the weight of a dinosaur. The Guinness World Records 2020 is jam-packed with loads of world records — including everything from Minecraft to sports and more.

Guinness World Records: Gamer’s Edition 2020Ages 7-12Guinness World Records: Gamers Edition 2020Vérifiez le prix

We bet you didn’t know that Sonja Reid was the most followed female video gamer on Twitch. Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition contains tons of fascinating video gaming achievements just like this and more. In addition to popular gaming characters each having their own page, this year a whole section is dedicated to Fortnite. This book is a must-have bible for gamers.

Gund Pusheen Plush with CookieGund Pusheen Plush with CookieVérifiez le prix

There is an adorable pet taking over the whole Internet. Her name is Pusheen. The Internet cat has millions of followers all over the world. Like most cats, this cat is lazy but loves to eat. Now this cat is jumping from the digital life to the physical life with this plush version from Gund. With a sweet treat in its hand, this cute 10 inch stuffed animal beautifully captures Pusheen the Cat’s love for food.

GUND Pusheenicorn Stuffed Pusheen PlushGUND Pusheenicorn Stuffed Pusheen PlushVérifiez le prix

Just about every 8 year old girl is in love with Unicorns and Pusheen the Cat. Combine the two of them and she will love it even more. Not only is this soft and squishy stuffed animal the perfect pal for cuddling, she makes a cute decoration in any unicorn lover’s room.

Super PusheenicornAges 1+Super PusheenicornVérifiez le prix

Super Pushineenicon is a new addition to Gund’s Pusheen line. She’s based on the popular web comic and she loves nothing more than cuddles, snacks, and dress-up. This new plush figure features touch-activated lights in her horn and mane as well as three sound effects to bring her to life.

Scruff-A-LuvsAges 4+Scruff-A-Luvs" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Scruff-A-Luvs-1.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Scruff-A-Luvs-1.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Capitalizing on the rescue pets phenomenon sweeping social media, Moose Toys introduces Scruff-A-Luvs. When you unbox this little creature, he looks so helpless and starts out all scruffed up in a ball. Add a little water and brush him out to take him from scruffy to fluffy. The cool part? You won’t know what pet you have until you rescue him. You could have a bunny, dog, or cat. Who will you rescue?

RainbocornAges 3+Rainbocorn" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="What are the best gifts and toys for 8 year old girls? Check out our list of over 600 gifts for 8 year old girls from cool science gifts to beauty gifts." data-jpibfi-post-url="https://toybuzz.org/best-toys-and-gifts-for-8-year-old-girls/" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Toys and Gifts for 8 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="https://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Rainbocorn.jpg" src="http://toybuzz.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Rainbocorn.jpg"/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Rainbocorns are the newest surprise toys that you hatch, hug, and play with. There are many different ones to collect — each with a unique look. We love the beautiful sequins on this plush figure. You can create your own art and express your creativity. Which one will you find?

SQUISHMALLOW Hans The Hedgehog Pillow Stuffed AnimalAges 0+SQUISHMALLOW Hans The Hedgehog Pillow Stuffed AnimalVérifiez le prix

Looking for a cute gift for your child? These 16-inch Squishmallow stuffed pillow animals make a great gift idea. They are super soft and squishy pillow companions with a marshmallow-like texture and softness. Choose from an assortment of fun characters. The best part? It’s not sticky!

Fur Babies World Dreamstar Fur BabyAges 4+Fur Babies World Dreamstar Fur BabyVérifiez le prix

The Fur Babies are a new line of cute collectible plush animals. You can have some fun with them because they are like puppets. Wiggle your finger around to make its eyes and ears move. Bedtime stories will never be the same.

Ty Kiki Grey Cat PlushTy Kiki Grey Cat PlushVérifiez le prix

When they first came out in the 90s everybody wanted the Ty Beanie Babies. It’s amazing that after all these years Ty still produces popular stuffed animals. Today’s children love these Beanie Boo stuffed toys that have the huge eyes. With their big alien-like eyes, they would make such a cute decoration in her room.

Aurora World Super Flopsie Celestia Unicorn PlushAurora World Super Flopsie Celestia Unicorn PlushVérifiez le prix

There is something about an oversized plush that looks so cute in any girl’s room. If she is a huge unicorn lover, she will love this 27 inch long plush Unicorn. Not only will it look cute sitting on her bed or floor, he is large enough to cuddle with or use as a pillow while watching television or reading a book.

Pikmi Pops Cinnabun The Bunny Giant Pikmi FlipsAges 5+Pikmi Pops Cinnabun The Bunny Giant Pikmi FlipsVérifiez le prix

There’s new fun coming to the world of Pikmi Pops in the form of Giant Pikmi Flips. This reversible plush changes from a plush pom pom into a giant-sized Pikmi Pop. That means more huggability and fun for kids. Cinnabun The Bunny is part of the Cotton Candy series so – you guessed it – it will smell just like cotton candy! And that’s not all! Pikmi Pops fans will also find an extra one or two smaller reversible Pikmi Pops surprises hidden inside.

Ty Beanie Boos FlippablesAges 3+Ty Beanie Boos FlippablesVérifiez le prix

Ty’s latest Flippables feature sensational color-changing reversible sequins. Pet them to see a cool color change. There’s a wide array of cool ones to choose from, and did we mention they’re super fashionable? With eye-catching and jaw-dropping designs, fans will go absolutely crazy and want to collect all their favorites to decorate and bling out their rooms. Which adorable cuties will you add to your collection?

Rainbocorns Sequin SurpriseAges 3+Rainbocorns Sequin SurpriseVérifiez le prix

Discover a fun surprise awaiting under every Rainbocorns Sequin Surprise heart. Hatch your Rainbocorn from its egg and swipe its reversible sequin heart to reveal a fun surprise. Kids can swipe, cuddle, wear, and share them. Their sparkly horns and butterfly wings make them extra magical. With 12 unique ones to collect each one comes with a cute little baby Boo-Boocorn collectible. Will you find the rare twins?

Pikmi Pops Surprise! Pajama Llamas Popcorn SeriesAges 5+Pikmi Pops Surprise! Pajama Llamas Popcorn Series

What happens when you combine slumber parties and llamas? You get Pikmi Pops Pajama Llamas. It comes in cute popcorn packaging. You flip to llamas to reveal what type of themed pajamas he’s wearing. It comes both in blue and pink and you can get cute slumber accessories with it. Plus, they’re scented so you can smell them.

Hatchtopia LifeAges 5+Hatchtopia Life

Looking for the perfect gift for your Hatchimals lover? Now with Hatchtopia Life you can find your favorite Hatchimals as adorable plushies with squishy heads and beanie bodies. Look for 15 cuties to collect in this line. Just like the Hatchimals, rub the color-changing heart, crack the egg, and hatch them. It’s the perfect gift for your Hatchimals lover who can’t get enough of Hatchimals. Who will you hatch?

Pound PuppiesAges 3+Pound Puppies

Retro is a huge trend this year, and we’re pleased to say the Pound Puppies are officially back! Choose from a wide range of puppies each with unique facial and eye expressions, ear lengths, and fur colors. Their updated soft, plush material is perfect for snuggling with your new friend. The best part? The puppies look and feel just like the originals. What’s cool? Bring your new pup home in its pet carrier package complete with a care sheet and official adoption papers. Name your puppy and write its name on the tag. Who will you adopt? Kids will love taking their Pound Puppies wherever their adventures lead them. Incredible adventures await!

Gund Unicorn HeadAges 3+Gund Unicorn HeadVérifiez le prix

Does your girl love unicorns? This 15-inch plush Gund Unicorn Head makes for fantastic wall décor and adds personality to your space. The unicorn features a sparkly horn and beautiful rainbow-colored mane. The package includes a wall mount for hanging on nurseries, bedrooms, and play rooms. It’s great that the unicorn is surface washable for ease of cleaning.

Check of these top gifts for 8 year old girls who love food.

Great Northern Candy Gumball MachineGreat Northern Candy Gumball MachineVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want to have a candy dispenser in their room? Inspired by antique gumball machines, this one looks and is built like a real gumball machine. You can make it accept coins or make it even dispense free candy. Pair it with a large bag of gumballs, jellybeans, or small nuts and it makes the ultimate gift for any 8 year old girl.

Kracie Popin DIY Japanese Candy KitKracie Popin DIY Japanese Candy KitVérifiez le prix

These Japanese DIY kits are just plain weird. Each kit comes with powered mixes that when mixed with water form a gummy like substance. Each kit tastes different. Some taste like candy, some taste like cake, and some taste plain weird. The instructions are all in Japanese so the best way to figure out what to do is to look each kit up on Youtube.

Astronaut Neapolitan Ice Cream Sandwich, 10-PKAstronaut Neapolitan Ice Cream Sandwich, 10-PKVérifiez le prix

Would you like to try ice cream from space? This freeze-dried ice cream doesn’t melt or require refrigeration, but the minute it hits your mouth, it melts in your mouth just like real ice cream. This 10-pack of Neapolitan Ice Cream Sandwiches makes the perfect stocking stuffer.

World’s Largest Gummy BearWorlds Largest Gummy BearVérifiez le prix

Somewhere in the world exists the biggest gummy bear that no single kid would be able to devour alive. We have finally spotted this massive 5 pound Gummy Bear. The only problem? Figuring out how to eat him and maybe her dentist.

Hershey’s 5-Pound Candy BarHersheys 5-Pound Candy BarVérifiez le prix

Ask yourself what would an 8 year old girl like more? A 5 pound bar of gold or a 5 pound bar of Hershey chocolate. Yes, it’s a Hershey bar, but trust us you have never seen a Hershey Bar this big. Talk about a sweet gift.

SNICKERS Slice n’ Share Giant Chocolate CandySNICKERS Slice n Share Giant Chocolate CandyVérifiez le prix

Is there anything better than a huge Snicker Bar? That creamy Carmel and nut mix multiplied by 10 is a full pound of chocolate heaven for any Snicker Bar lover. This giant-sized solid Snicker bar has to be sliced to be eaten.

Lindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate TrufflesLindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate TrufflesVérifiez le prix

Lindor chocolate truffles always make great presents. These creamy chocolates always melt in your mouth after a satisfying crunch. They come individually wrapped so you can hide them anywhere so she won’t eat them all on the same day.

Godiva Chocolatier Classic Gold Ballotin CandyGodiva Chocolatier Classic Gold Ballotin CandyVérifiez le prix

A box of luxury chocolate makes a great gift for anybody on their birthday. Originally made in Belgium, Godiva is well known for their world famous chocolates that come in the signature gold boxes. With an assorted mix of chocolate, this small box of chocolate is a great way to treat her on her special day.

David’s Cookies Fresh Baked CookiesDavids Cookies Fresh Baked CookiesVérifiez le prix

Is there anything better than fresh baked moist buttery cookies with sweet chocolate chips in them? With an assortment of flavors to choose from, this tin of cookies from David’s Cookies contains 12 fresh baked cookies. Baked just the day you order them, they taste just like homemade cookies that come out of the oven.

ICUP DC Comics’ Character Kids ApronICUP DC Comics Character Kids ApronVérifiez le prix

We didn’t even know that super heroes have time to cook when they are so busy saving the world. Available with different superhero characters on it, this apron turns your 8 year old into her favorite superhero from Wonder Woman to Darth Vader. She is going to want to put it on every time she cooks, because it gives her superhero powers.

Holstein Housewares Cupcake MakerHolstein Housewares Cupcake MakerVérifiez le prix

Does she want one of those toy ovens? Those things make wee little treats that take forever to bake. Then you have to buy the annoying refills. If she interested in baking up her own treats, get her this cupcake maker instead. She might need a little supervision, but she will mostly be able to make the cupcakes by herself. The cupcakes take just a few minutes to bake and she will love serving them to her friends.

Sterno S’mores MakerSterno Smores MakerVérifiez le prix

How cool would it be if she could make s’mores all year round without the campfire? She could throw a slumber party and give everybody s’mores or have it for dessert anytime she wanted. Using a can of Sterno S’mores heat, this S’more maker from Sterno promises to do just that. The best part? It can be used both indoors and outdoors. Hmmm . . . that creamy marshmallowy goodness of s’mores at any time you want.

Cooluli Mini FridgeCooluli Mini FridgeVérifiez le prix

There is nothing cooler than having a mini fridge in your room except maybe having your friends over. This cute one, which comes in so many funky neon colors, is ideal for storing 6 soda cans. While it won’t keep her drinks as cool as a normal fridge, it will keep them slightly chilled for when she has friends over. The best part? She doesn’t have to come running down to the fridge.

Curious Chef 17-Piece Measure & Prep KitCurious Chef 17-Piece Measure & Prep KitVérifiez le prix

If she likes to cook, she will love having her own set of tools to help in the kitchen. Curious Chef makes a line of kitchen tools especially for kids, designed to teach your child proper cooking techniques. They come in bright and colorful colors like this 17 piece Measure and Prep kit, which includes everything she needs to begin preparing treats.

Art Of Lunch Neoprene Lunch BagArt Of Lunch Neoprene Lunch BagVérifiez le prix

If she loves mermaids, she could probably take that plastic “Little Mermaid” lunch box she had in preschool to school. This one is a lot more grown up. Lunchbags are not supposed to be this pretty. With beautiful mermaid scales on it, this one sparkles and shimmers just like a real mermaid tail would. Made out of neoprene, it is designed to keep her food insulated.

NoCry Cut Resistant GlovesNoCry Cut Resistant GlovesVérifiez le prix

Want to help out in the kitchen but too afraid to use a knife? Meet these Cut Resistant Gloves. They’re perfect for protecting your delicate hands while cutting things in the kitchen. Now you can help your parents in the kitchen without worrying about cutting yourself.

Curious Chef TCC50029 3-Piece Nylon Knife SetCurious Chef TCC50029 3-Piece Nylon Knife SetVérifiez le prix

Looking for some beginning knives for your budding chef? This 3-piece Curious Chef Nylon Knife set is perfect for younger kids interested in cooking. The tips are blunt for safety and the knives are dishwasher-safe. The set includes one small, medium, and large serrated knife. They’re great for building confidence.

No grownups allowed! For an 8 year old girl, having her own room provides her with independence. Here are great gifts for 8 year old girls.

LAGHCAT Mermaid Tail BlanketLAGHCAT Mermaid Tail BlanketVérifiez le prix

Forget onesies, mermaid tail blankets have taken over the world. Girls simply slip into these blankets and they instantly turn into a mermaid while lying on couch or bed. You can find mermaid tail blankets in all different eye popping colors, patterns, and sizes. This one not only looks comes in vibrant colors, it has mermaid scales on it that make it look so realistic.

Housweety Princess Lace and Net Bed CanopyHousweety Princess Lace and Net Bed CanopyVérifiez le prix

If she has got a girly room, there is nothing more adorable than a canopy bed. Now you can get this cute look by hanging this canopy over your 8 year old daughter’s bed. It’s long enough to cover an entire twin bed. She will love cozying up under it to read a book.

GoMoji Bean Bag ChairGoMoji Bean Bag ChairVérifiez le prix

Every 8 year old girls needs a cozy place in her room where she can just chill out and relax. What could be cooler than chilling out on an Emoji bean bag chair? There are so many fun designs to choose from Smiley faces to poop. She will love using to cuddle up and read her favorite book.

Dream Factory Purple Princess Comforter SetDream Factory Purple Princess Comforter SetVérifiez le prix

She has probably has out grown character bedding sets. The easiest way to give her whole room a makeover is with a comforter. If you are trying to add a girly girl look to her room you can’t go wrong with pinks and purples. Made out of a cotton polyester blend, this one from Dream Factory has a pretty princessy design on it. It also comes with a matching sheet set, pillowcase, and decorative sham.

Dream Big Sea Princess Microfiber 2-Piece Twin ComforterDream Big Sea Princess Microfiber 2-Piece Twin ComforterVérifiez le prix

Who isn’t fascinated by mermaids? At some point in our life, most of us want to be one. For some of us, the dream starts really young. She no longer has to dream of becoming part fish anymore with this adorable 100% Polyester comforter with matching sham. Every night when she goes to sleep, she gets to live out her fantasy of being a mermaid. The only problem? She might want to sleep all day.

EmojiPals Bed in a Bag Bedding SetEmojiPals Bed in a Bag Bedding SetVérifiez le prix

If she’s obsessed with Emojis on her phone, she going to love this Emoji comforter. Made out of 10% Polyster, it’s such an attractive starting point to give her room a fun personality of its own. This is an entire bed set in a bag so you also get the sheet, sham, fitted sheet, and pillow case. It would look really cute in her room especially with Emoji pillows.

Brentwood 18-Inch Mongolian Faux Fur PillowBrentwood 18-Inch Mongolian Faux Fur PillowVérifiez le prix

Every girl knows that you can’t have a bed without decorative pillows. There is something about a shaggy furry pillow that brings comfort to a whole room. While this one is made of faux fur, it looks just like the real thing and will likely become her favorite pillow.

Brentwood Shagalicious BedrestBrentwood Shagalicious BedrestVérifiez le prix

If she loves reading, watching TV, or doing her homework in bed, she will love this bedrest pillow from Brentwood. Available in so many vibrant colors that will match her room decor, it’s perfect for propping her up and supporting her back and arms. It’s the perfect size for an 8 year old girl. The only problem? She will want to spend most of her time in bed.

Ankit Mermaid PillowAnkit Mermaid PillowVérifiez le prix

Pillows aren’t supposed to be this fun. This mermaid pillow from Ankit is covered in sequins. The coolest part? When you rub against it, it changes color so you can draw on it. We are still trying to figure out why it is called a Mermaid pillow because it still can’t change you into a mermaid.

YINGGG Poop Emoji Plush PillowYINGGG Poop Emoji Plush PillowVérifiez le prix

What 8 year old girl wouldn’t want poo all over their room? Forget teddy bears, this Emoji themed pillow is so much more hilarious. You can get everything from a poop face to a smiley face, but if it was up to her she would want all of them. The poop face looks exactly like the Emoji. The best part? It doesn’t smell like poop.

iscream Sugar-riffic! Donut Shaped Microbead Pillowiscream Sugar-riffic! Donut Shaped Microbead PillowVérifiez le prix

Is there anything cuter than adding a sugary treat to her room? What about putting a delicious looking donut on her bed covered with icing and sprinkles? This might look like a strawberry covered donut but on the other side it is covered with chocolate. Every time she looks at it, she will wish she could eat it. In addition to this donut, you can get all types of sweet treats.

iScream Initial Microbead PillowiScream Initial Microbead PillowVérifiez le prix

Personal touches are what make her room a part of her. This Microbead pillow from iScream is perfect for spelling out her name or adding her initial to the design of her room. Filled with microbeads, it’s covered in colorful treats on the front.

Schylling MLM Girl’s Talk LockerSchylling MLM Girls Talk LockerVérifiez le prix

What 8 year old girl wouldn’t love a mini 11.25 inch locker in her room? With this one, she can lock her diary, wallet, and anything personal inside. It includes 2 keys and 1 lock. Plus, it would make such a cute decoration in her room.

MagicLight Bluetooth Smart LED Light BulbMagicLight Bluetooth Smart LED Light BulbVérifiez le prix

It seems that these days there is an app for everything. Now you can control this smart light bulb with a few clicks from your smart Device. The app allows you to easily change the light bulb’s color to over 16 million choices. Your 8 year old girl can create the perfect lighting for just about any occasion whether she is watching a movie or hanging out with friends.

The Original My Cinema LightboxThe Original My Cinema LightboxVérifiez le prix

There are so many different ways to display mantras and messages in your room but most of them don’t allow you to customize it with your own quote. You could use a blackboard but this Cinema Light box is so much cooler. It comes with interchangeable letters so you can easily change out the saying every week or even every day.

LampLust LED Marquee Love SymbolLampLust LED Marquee Love SymbolVérifiez le prix

Available in different designs, this vintage looking marquee sign is an easy way to bling out any space. With a battery inside, it even lights up to create an even cuter look.

DELICORE Unicorn MarqueeDELICORE Unicorn MarqueeVérifiez le prix

While adults might not believe in unicorns, most children do. Now girls can bring the magical nature of unicorns to their room with this gorgeous light up Marquee sign. Shaped like the magical creature, this gorgeous sign can be placed on a tabletop or hung on the wall. It’s the prettiest night light.

Darice Silver Metal Marquee LetterDarice Silver Metal Marquee LetterVérifiez le prix

This light up Marquee letter from Darice is a great way to add a personal touch to her room. You can use it to spell her favorite word or just use it as an initial. While it can be mounted on the wall, it is easier to put on a dresser or nightstand as the on and off switch is on the back.

TaoTronics LED String LightsTaoTronics LED String LightsVérifiez le prix

String lights are a great way to decorate a girl’s bedroom. When you combine it with her room decor, you can really create a magical look. These ones are flexible enough for just about any design she wants to add to her room from decorating her headboard to highlighting a canopy.

GoLine Cute Kitty Night LightGoLine Cute Kitty Night LightVérifiez le prix

Nightlights are cool but a nightlight shaped like everybody’s favorite cat is even cooler. What could be cuter than this? It’s got multiple modes so you can use the standard white light or have it cycle through a variety of different colors. To activate the different modes, you simply tap it.

Quartet Dry Erase Calendar BoardQuartet Dry Erase Calendar BoardVérifiez le prix

What happens when you combine a cork board, a white erase board, and a calendar? You get this unique calendar board from Quartet that keeps her organized. It comes with a calendar on it, allowing her to write in her schedule in the provided calendar boxes. Since it’s erasable, she can easily reuse it every month. It would look cute in her room instead of the standard cork board.

Umbra Trigon Metal Bulletin BoardUmbra Trigon Metal Bulletin BoardVérifiez le prix

Umbra makes stylish and innovative room decor items that are super trendy. This is their modern take on the classical bulletin board. It can be used just like the traditional board, using pins to pin up reminders, pictures, and notes. Since its magnetic, if you don’t want to poke holes in everything, you can use the magnets to hold things up.

Post-It Cat Figure Pop-up Note DispenserPost-It Cat Figure Pop-up Note DispenserVérifiez le prix

This little friendly cat is ready to dispense post it notes at anytime. Because he looks so adorable, he is also ready to bring a smile to her face whenever she is having a bad day.

Gear New Emoji TapestryGear New Emoji TapestryVérifiez le prix

It can be hard decorating the walls of her bedroom. Posters are great but a colorful piece of fabric that reflects her personality is just as adorable. Tapestries are a great way to add wall decor to a bedroom, helping to transform the overall look of a room. If she’s addicted to Emojis, you can’t go wrong with this tapestry.

Always Be A Mermaid Tin Sign 12 x 15in by SOTTAlways Be A Mermaid Tin Sign 12 x 15in by SOTTVérifiez le prix

Retro tin signs that reflect her personality can add a lot of personality to a girl’s bedroom. Does her room look like a shrine built for mermaids? Mermaid lovers will love this cute 12 X 15 inch sign, which shows off her sense of humor.

Primitives by Kathy Box Unicorn SignPrimitives by Kathy Box Unicorn SignVérifiez le prix

If she is not over the Unicorn craze, she will love this magical 3 X 5 inch sign. About the size of an iPhone, it is perfect for placing on her night stand or on a small desk. On the front, it has beautiful lettering and on the sides there is a diagonal pattern.

Stickerbrand Emoji Faces Wall Graphic Decal StickersStickerbrand Emoji Faces Wall Graphic Decal StickersVérifiez le prix

If she’s thinking about giving her room an Emoji makeover, these wall decal stickers are a great way to give the walls in her room a little bit more character. The great thing about them is you just stick them on the walls without having to poke holes everywhere.

Pusheen the Cat 2020 Wall CalendarPusheen the Cat 2020 Wall CalendarVérifiez le prix

For the New Year, one of the simplest gifts to get her is a new calendar with her favorite character on it. If she obsessed with Pusheen the Cat, she will appreciate this adorable calendar.

Heart To Heart Decorative Oval Wall MirrorHeart To Heart Decorative Oval Wall MirrorVérifiez le prix

At 8, she’s at the age where she is paying more attention to her sense of fashion. This mirror is not your standard mirror; with an ornate fairytale frame, this mirror is a piece of art. It can be used to blend different styles in her room or as a statement piece above her dresser. Available in different sizes, it makes a gorgeous gift for her room.

SONGMICS Vanity Set with Mirror and StoolSONGMICS Vanity Set with Mirror and StoolVérifiez le prix

At this age, she is probably starting to get more interested in her hair and maybe even makeup. It’s every girly girl’s dream to get her own makeup vanity. This cute one helps her keep all her beauty tools and accessories in a single location. It looks absolutely beautiful and is the perfect size for her.

Lifetime Basketball Double Shot Arcade SystemLifetime Basketball Double Shot Arcade SystemVérifiez le prix

The Double Shot Arcade Basketball System is perfect for competing against friends and family. You can put your skills to the test and compete to see who can sink the most shots while improving your accuracy. It’s a super fun gift for the game room or outdoors. Think you have what it takes to win?! Invite the friends over … it’s game time!

We hope this list gives you an idea what an 8 year old girl wants for Christmas or her birthday. If you found it helpful, please share it with others and comment down below. What are you favorite birthday or Christmas gifts for 8 years old girls?