Peux-tu le croire? Elle a déjà deux chiffres! Le grand 1-0. C’est une grosse affaire! Pour beaucoup de filles, il s’agit de la dernière année de l’enfance avant de devenir une jeune femme. Alors que les filles ont tendance à mûrir plus vite que les garçons, voici les étapes clés que vous souhaitez rechercher.

Quels sont les meilleurs cadeaux pour les filles de 10 ans? C’est un âge difficile à acheter, car elle se situe entre l’enfance et l’adolescence. Pour certaines filles, les poupées et les jouets peuvent encore figurer sur sa liste de souhaits. Cependant, certaines filles commencent peut-être à les dépasser, développant des passe-temps comme la beauté, la mode, la cuisine, la science, les jeux ou la lecture.

Les meilleurs cadeaux pour les filles de 10 ans dépendront de leur maturité, de leurs loisirs et de leurs intérêts. A 10 ans, elle va adorer jouer avec la technologie. À cet âge, elle voudra sa propre chambre ou son espace personnel et la décorera avec des objets qui l’intéressent. Elle adorera tout ce qui a trait à la mode, comme les bijoux et les accessoires pour cheveux. C'est l'âge où les amis sont un gros problème, donc pour beaucoup de filles s'intégrer est important.

En fonction du type de personnalité de votre fillette de 10 ans, voici quelques bonnes idées de cadeaux pour les fillettes de 10 ans qui conviennent à Noël, aux anniversaires ou à toute occasion spéciale.

Beaucoup de filles de 10 ans commencent à prêter attention à leur apparence, de sorte que tout ce qui est lié à la beauté sera probablement le plus beau cadeau pour une fille de 10 ans. Découvrez ces cadeaux liés à la beauté pour les filles de 10 ans.

Le nouveau manuel de tressageLe nouveau manuel de tressageVérifiez le prix

Votre fille aime-t-elle se coiffer? Ce livre contient 60 tutoriels différents pour créer les plus belles coiffures. Vous apprendrez à faire des queues de poisson, de superbes petits pains, des noeuds défonçants, des chos chics élégants, etc. Il y a littéralement un style pour chaque occasion. Le livre est magnifiquement présenté avec des tutoriels photographiques pas à pas.

Sèche-cheveux Conair Infiniti ProSèche-cheveux Conair Infiniti ProVérifiez le prix

Elle adore probablement «emprunter» votre séchoir à cheveux, mais elle n’a plus à le faire grâce à ce séchoir abordable de Conair. Doté de la technologie ionique, il sèche vos cheveux plus rapidement et les endommage moins. C’est très facile à utiliser et il a des commandes pour contrôler à la fois la chaleur et la vitesse. La meilleure partie? Il est livré avec un diffuseur et un concentrateur pour diriger le flux de chaleur.

Brosse humide démêler la brosse à cheveuxBrosse humide démêler la brosse à cheveuxVérifiez le prix

Une bonne brosse démêlante est un must pour toutes les filles. Grâce à sa forme et à son design uniques, cette brosse supprime les nœuds sans que vous ayez à passer par toute la douleur. Le secret réside dans les poils de différentes tailles qui permettent à la brosse de glisser même dans les cheveux noués.

Bande de cheveux Etti ETUDE HOUSE Cat Ear Bande de cheveux Etti ETUDE HOUSE Cat Ear Vérifiez le prix

Miaou miaou! Cette bande de cheveux d'oreille de chat est un outil de beauté charmant et super mignon pour les filles. Il est fabriqué dans un matériau très doux avec de jolies couleurs et convient parfaitement aux têtes plus petites. C’est un excellent outil à ajouter à votre collection de beauté. Si votre fille de 10 ans aime les chats, c'est un must.

Conair Topsytail Styling Tout en unConair Topsytail Styling Tout en unVérifiez le prix

Est-ce que votre fille serait intéressée à créer différents styles de cheveux en quelques minutes? Le Topsy Conair vous permet de le faire. Le Topsy Tail est facile à utiliser et fonctionne sur les cheveux bouclés à lisses. La chose intéressante est que vous pouvez créer des coiffures différentes par vous-même sans aucune aide. Ceci est un excellent accessoire de cheveux que les filles vont adorer.

Bandeaux ajustables HipsyBandeaux ajustables HipsyVérifiez le prix

Fabriqué aux États-Unis, cet ensemble-cadeau de bandeaux mode ajustables pour femmes Hipsy comprend cinq bandeaux à la mode pour filles. Ils s’ajustent facilement comme un soutien-gorge. Ils offrent un confort qui dure toute la journée et sont parfaits pour le sport, le volleyball, le yoga, le basketball et l’entraînement physique. La meilleure partie est qu'ils restent en place et sont super mignons!

BHF 10pcs Extensions de cheveux colorées à pinceBHF 10pcs Extensions de cheveux colorées à pinceVérifiez le prix

Ce kit d'extension de cheveux de 10 pièces est un cadeau amusant pour les filles de dix ans. Ils se clipsent facilement sur vos cheveux et leur apparence est éclatante et géniale. La meilleure partie est qu’ils restent en place et qu’ils offrent un excellent rapport qualité-prix à ce prix.

ALEX Spa cheveux craie Party 2 Go8-15 ansALEX Spa cheveux craie Party 2 GoVérifiez le prix

Qui n'aime pas ajouter une touche de couleur à leurs cheveux? Pour les filles de 10 ans qui ne sont pas encore autorisées à se teindre les cheveux, la craie pour cheveux peut être la solution. Contrairement à la teinture, la craie pour cheveux se lave facilement avec un shampooing. Cet ensemble contient 12 stylos de craie de cheveux comprenant 5 couleurs métalliques. Le kit comprend également 30 perles, un outil de perlage et 30 élastiques pour cheveux. La meilleure partie? Tout est bien emballé dans un kit de transport, ce qui facilite la conduite de la fête.

JLIKA Élastiques Cheveux CravatesJLIKA Élastiques Cheveux CravatesVérifiez le prix

Ces superbes élastiques à cheveux sont disponibles dans un grand assortiment de couleurs. En tout, vous obtenez 100 bandes et le paquet est refermable. Ils fonctionnent très bien pour les cheveux épais et ils sont vraiment de bonne qualité et d'un bon rapport qualité-prix.

Bandeau d'oreille de chat MudderBandeau d'oreille de chat MudderVérifiez le prix

Les bandeaux ordinaires sont excellents mais ces bandeaux à oreilles de chat habillent même les tenues de tous les jours. Les oreilles de chat espiègles sur le serre-tête font de cet accessoire ordinaire un objet plus à la mode. Ils viennent dans des imprimés adorables et sont amusants à mélanger et assortir avec différentes tenues. La meilleure partie? Chaque jour, on se croirait à Halloween.

Leg Avenue Rainbow Unicorn BandeauLeg Avenue Rainbow Unicorn BandeauVérifiez le prix

Lorsque vous portez ce serre-tête, il vous transforme comme par magie en une licorne. Non seulement vous obtiendrez instantanément une corne et des oreilles de licorne brillantes et dorées, mais également une crinière d’arc-en-ciel coloré. Les oreilles tombent même lorsque vous vous déplacez. Le seul problème? Tout le monde va vouloir le porter.

JoJo Siwa Hair Bow JoJo Siwa Hair Bow Vérifiez le prix

Tout a commencé avec JoJo Siwa, qui s'est fait connaître sur Dance Moms et sur les réseaux sociaux. Elle les porte depuis son enfance. Maintenant, tout le monde peut porter son accessoire de signature coloré grâce à sa ligne d'arcs géants. Proposés dans une multitude de styles, ils sont parfaits pour un usage quotidien ou même pour célébrer des occasions spéciales.

Blinger6 ans et plusBlinger "data-jpibfi-post-excerpt =" Trouvez les meilleurs cadeaux pour les filles de 10 ans. Parcourez plus de 600 cadeaux et jouets destinés aux filles de 10 ans, ravis. "Data-jpibfi-post-url =" "data-jpibfi- post-title = "Meilleurs cadeaux pour les filles de 10 ans 2019" data-jpibfi-src = "" src = " "/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Passez de l'ordinaire au Bling-tastique avec Blinger. Il suffit de charger, cliquer et BLING! Les enfants peuvent facilement ajouter de l'éclat et des pierres précieuses à leurs cheveux, leurs vêtements, leurs accessoires, leur papeterie, etc. Les kits Blinger et les recharges contiennent des strass durables dans une variété de couleurs à la mode. Épluchez-les ou peignez-les facilement après une journée de divertissement. Les filles aimeront explorer leur propre style tout en libérant leur starlette intérieure. Êtes-vous prêt à obtenir un Bling-Bling avec Blinger?!

Baume à lèvres hydratant naturel de Burt’s BeesBurts Bees Baume Lèvres Hydratant NaturelVérifiez le prix

Dites au revoir aux lèvres gercées! Reconnu pour ses ingrédients naturels, le baume à lèvres Burt Bee est un classique en matière de baume à lèvres. Avec un mélange de cire d'abeille et d'ingrédients nourrissants, il garde vos lèvres humides et souples. Vous voudrez le porter partout où vous allez pour pouvoir nourrir vos lèvres à tout moment. Vous pouvez l'obtenir aromatisé ou avec l'arôme classique de menthe poivrée.

Snazaroo Face Paint Ultimate Party Pack3 ans et plusSnazaroo Face Paint Ultimate Party PackVérifiez le prix

Snazaroo Face Paint est un excellent ensemble qui fonctionne bien. Laissez aller votre imagination et votre créativité avec Snazaroo! Le visage est de haute qualité et les enfants adorent tous les superbes dessins que vous pouvez créer avec. Plus important encore, Snazaroo est facile à utiliser, offre une grande variété de couleurs et n’irrite pas la peau. Utilisez-le sur tous les types de peau. Cadeau fantastique pour les anniversaires, Halloween, Mardi Gras, carnavals, Noël et autres occasions spéciales.

Lip Smacker Original Flavours Party Pack Glosss à lèvresLip Smacker Original Flavours Party Pack Glosss à lèvresVérifiez le prix

Cet ensemble brillant à lèvres de 8 pièces est un excellent cadeau pour votre fillette de 10 ans. Cet ensemble dure un certain temps. Les filles adorent les saveurs fruitées du paquet. Ce sont les meilleurs baumes à lèvres. Ne dites pas que nous ne vous avons pas prévenu – une fois que vous les aurez essayés, vous pourriez devenir accro!

Tatouages ​​temporaires au henné métallisé BohoTatouages ​​temporaires au henné métallisé BohoVérifiez le prix

Quoi de plus amusant que des tatouages ​​temporaires? Ce kit de tatouage temporaire de Boho contient 8 feuilles de plus de 150 tatouages. Lorsqu'ils sont placés sur la peau, ils ont un aspect brillant et brillant. Ils sont super faciles à appliquer aussi. Vous retirez simplement le plastique et placez le tatouage sur la peau. Ensuite, vous appliquez un chiffon humide sur le tatouage. Ensuite, vous retirez le papier et vous avez un tatouage pailleté.

Fashion Angels, artiste de maquillage, coffret de studio8 ans et plusFashion Angels, artiste de maquillage, coffret de studioVérifiez le prix

Cet ensemble de maquilleuses est un ensemble de maquillage de grande qualité, parfait pour votre maquilleur en herbe. C’est un cadeau mignon et amusant pour les filles. Les filles aimeront créer leurs propres modes de maquillage.

Gel pailleté de licorne pour le corps et le visageGel pailleté de licorne pour le corps et le visageVérifiez le prix

Qui n'aime pas la morve licorne? Ce n’est pas vraiment une morve de licorne mais un gel scintillant pour le visage et le corps des filles. Le parfum n'est pas trop puissant. Le gel est non toxique et sèche clairement avec une belle étincelle scintillante qui vous laissera une sensation magique. Idée cadeau géniale que ta fille de 10 ans va adorer.

Decobros 8 pouces miroir de courtoisieDecobros 8 pouces miroir de courtoisieVérifiez le prix

Bien qu’elle n’ait pas besoin d’un miroir sophistiqué, celle-ci est parfaite pour se préparer le matin. Avec un grossissement de 7X sur un côté, cela lui permet de voir tous les détails quand elle se coiffe ou se lave le visage. La base est suffisamment solide pour ne pas basculer lorsque vous ajustez le miroir. Avec une finition chromée, elle aurait l'air si mignonne sur sa commode.

Kit d'artisanat de peinture de visage Klutz8-15 ansKit d'artisanat de peinture de visage KlutzVérifiez le prix

Ce kit de maquillage pour le visage de Klutz contient six peintures pour le visage à base d’eau de qualité supérieure. C’est facile à utiliser et offre une excellente couleur. Les exemples fournis sont inspirants et la peinture s’enlève facilement. C’est un kit génial qui fait un cadeau créatif et amusant.

ALEX Spa Fun Mix & Make Up Lip Shimmer6 ans et plusALEX Spa Fun Mix & Make Up Lip ShimmerVérifiez le prix

Le set de maquillage pour les lèvres Mix & Makeup de Alex Toys permet aux fillettes de dix ans de créer leur propre brillant à lèvres. Il est facile de mélanger les couleurs et une activité amusante. Les filles vont adorer l'odeur et les paillettes.

Quelle fille n'aime pas sentir bon? Ces cadeaux ne manqueront pas de la dorloter.

Désinfectant instantané pour les mains PURELL AdvancedDésinfectant instantané pour les mains PURELL AdvancedVérifiez le prix

Cet ensemble de 8 assainisseurs pour les mains Purell est un indispensable indispensable pour toutes les filles. La taille de voyage le rend facile à porter dans son sac à main et à utiliser à tout moment. Les désinfectants ont une odeur rafraîchissante et ravissante qui stimule les sens. Mieux encore, ils vous laisseront les mains propres et ils se sentiront incroyablement bien maintenant que 99,99% des germes infectés ont été tués sur le coup.

Brosse à dents électrique Philips SonicareBrosse à dents électrique Philips SonicareVérifiez le prix

La brosse à dents électrique Sonicare de Philips est un excellent outil pour se brosser les dents plus efficacement qu'une brosse à dents manuelle classique. Les enfants de 10 ans n’ont pas nécessairement besoin d’utiliser l’application, mais il n’est certainement pas gênant d’apprendre la technique appropriée pour se brosser les dents. Veillez également à ne pas appuyer trop fort lors du brossage avec cette brosse afin de ne pas causer de dommages.

Ensemble-cadeau Bombe de bain RejuvelleEnsemble-cadeau Bombe de bain RejuvelleVérifiez le prix

Les bains ne seront plus jamais les mêmes après avoir essayé ces bombes de bain. Fabriquées à partir de produits entièrement naturels, sans colorants, ces bombes pour le bain emplissent toute la salle de bain d’un parfum parfumé et relaxant. L'ensemble comprend 6 parfums différents. Tout est bien emballé dans une boîte avec un joli petit noeud sur le dessus. Vous serez si doux et lisse. C’est le cadeau parfait.

Coffret Cadeau Burt’s BeesBurts Bees Coffret CadeauVérifiez le prix

Cette trousse Burt Bee’s Essentials est un cadeau merveilleux pour votre fille de dix ans. Cet ensemble à prix raisonnable comprend une collection de certains des favoris de Burt’s Bees et constitue une valeur exceptionnelle. L'ensemble de cinq pièces comprend un nettoyant pour le visage, une crème pour les mains, un baume à lèvres, une lotion pour le corps et une crème pour les pieds. Vous obtenez littéralement une couverture de la tête aux pieds. Les filles vont adorer la qualité et la bonne odeur des produits.

TONYMOLY Je suis un vrai masqueTONYMOLY Im Real Mask SheetVérifiez le prix

Tonymoly fabrique une variété de masques en feuille pour votre visage. La ligne I’m Real est l’une de leurs lignes les plus populaires, axée sur les soins de la peau du visage. Ils sont parfaits pour hydrater la peau de votre fille et sont faciles à utiliser. Une variété de beaux parfums sont disponibles au choix. Les filles les adoreront car elles sentent bon et donnent à votre peau un éclat sain.

Philosophie Anniversaire FillePhilosophie Anniversaire FilleVérifiez le prix

Ce coffret cadeau Philosophy Birthday Girl est parfait pour les anniversaires de filles. L'ensemble est emballé de manière adorable et comprend un shampooing parfumé à la vanille, un gel douche, un bain moussant et un brillant à lèvres. Les filles vont absolument tomber amoureuses de ce parfum – c’est tout simplement incroyable! C’est un cadeau d’anniversaire mignon et merveilleux de moins de 25 $.

Coffret Cadeau Bain et CorpsCoffret Cadeau Bain et CorpsVérifiez le prix

Les filles de 10 ans aiment tout ce qui vient de Bath and Body Works. Avec un parfum léger et fruité, l’ensemble spa Sweet Pea est l’ensemble cadeau idéal. Avec un joli petit noeud, ce panier-cadeau comprend une lotion pour le corps, un gel douche et une brume parfumée. Ça sent les poires et les framboises, ce que les filles de 10 ans semblent aimer. Il y a tellement d'autres ensembles de cadeaux à choisir.

Les filles aiment les ongles. Il n'y a rien de plus qu'une fillette de 10 ans aime peindre ses ongles. De petits kits pour les ongles remplis de bouteilles de vernis à ongles, de décalcomanies pour les ongles et d’art à ongles donneront probablement un succès retentissant.

À cet âge, si elle ne l’a pas déjà fait, elle voudra peut-être se faire percer les oreilles au centre commercial pour son anniversaire. Pour les bijoux, plus il y a d'étincelles, mieux c'est. Votre enfant de 10 ans ne s’inquiète pas du prix qu’il coûte tant qu’il est brillant. Voici les meilleurs cadeaux pour les amateurs de bijoux.

Boîte à bijoux Lenox Childhood Memories BallerinaBoîte à bijoux Lenox Childhood Memories BallerinaVérifiez le prix

La boîte à bijoux Ballerina est absolument magnifique. Il semble beaucoup plus cher que ce qu'il est réellement et semble beaucoup mieux en personne. Les images ne lui rendent pas justice. Elle a une jolie ballerine et joue de la musique pendant qu'elle tourne. De plus, il est divisé en plusieurs compartiments pour ranger vos bijoux. Les filles vont adorer cela comme un cadeau.

Organisateur de bijoux de table MyGiftOrganisateur de bijoux de table MyGiftVérifiez le prix

Ce porte-arbre à trois niveaux est un présentoir attrayant pour les bijoux de votre fille. Des colliers et bracelets aux bagues, pendentifs et montres, cet affichage tient tout. C’est un design assez robuste et il est idéal pour organiser tous vos bijoux. C’est un étalage pratique que les filles adoreront, car il contient toutes leurs affaires et a l’air élégant.

AOLO Collier en argent avec disque initialAOLO Collier en argent avec disque initialVérifiez le prix

Ce collier personnalisé élégant avec votre lettre de charme initiale est un cadeau idéal pour les jeunes filles. C’est un collier magnifiquement conçu et bien emballé, ce qui en fait une excellente idée cadeau pour votre fille de 10 ans. Grand cadeau pour les anniversaires, Noël, les graduations et plus.

Bracelet jonc Alex et AniBracelet jonc Alex et AniVérifiez le prix

Si elle cherche son premier bijou, vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper avec quelque chose d’Alex et Ani. Alex et Ani sont connus pour leurs bracelets à breloques proposés dans de nombreuses variétés. Celui-ci peut être personnalisé avec sa pierre de naissance ou ses initiales, ce qui en fait l'anniversaire ou le cadeau de Noël idéal. La meilleure partie? Il est complètement ajustable, ce qui lui va parfaitement.

Lokai Classic BraceletLokai Classic BraceletVérifiez le prix

Les bracelets Lokai sont populaires parmi les filles de dix ans. En plus d'être belles et élégantes, elles servent de rappel continu pour rester humble et plein d'espoir tout au long de votre vie. Lokai fournit les éléments et votre fille écrit l'histoire. Belle idée cadeau pour les jeunes filles.

Collier pendentif "Je t'aime jusqu'à la lune et le dos"Vérifiez le prix

Il y a 10 ans, la personne la plus spéciale de votre vie est entrée dans votre vie. Montrez-lui à quel point vous l’aimez avec ce magnifique pendentif en argent sterling portant les mots «Je t'aime… à la lune et au dos». C’est le cadeau qui fera rimer avec sourire le beau message. Cela vous rappellera continuellement l'amour éternel entre vous et elle.

Collier pendentif sirène conte de fées bijouxCollier pendentif sirène conte de fées bijouxVérifiez le prix

Les filles vont adorer ces beaux et beaux colliers à pendentif sirène. Les pierres sont brillantes et brillantes et c’est un charme de qualité. Si votre fille de 10 ans aime les sirènes, c'est le cadeau parfait. Choisissez parmi sept couleurs différentes.

EVERLEAD Médaillon Mémoire VivanteEVERLEAD Médaillon Mémoire VivanteVérifiez le prix

Ce collier à pendentif médaillon rond flottant comporte des breloques flottantes qui peuvent être personnalisées pour créer le cadeau parfait. Vous pouvez choisir de l’avoir avec votre pierre de naissance ou avec tous les membres de votre famille. Ils sont peut-être un peu plus petits que prévu, mais la qualité est vraiment bonne. Un très beau cadeau que les filles de 10 ans vont adorer.

KLOUD City Boîte à bijoux à deux couchesKLOUD City Boîte à bijoux à deux couchesVérifiez le prix

Pour la fillette de 10 ans qui souhaite créer une collection de bijoux, voici une manière élégante de l’organiser. Avec deux rangées de rangement, cette boîte à bijoux a tout ce dont les filles ont besoin pour garder leurs bijoux bien organisés. Avec tant de place à l’intérieur, c’est un cadeau qui durera longtemps. Elle va adorer le remplir avec des bijoux.

Broches MeliMe Broches MeliMe Vérifiez le prix

Voici le cadeau idéal pour les filles de 10 ans! Le moyen le plus simple de personnaliser votre tenue, votre sac à dos ou votre sac à main consiste à utiliser des épingles. Ils peuvent complètement transformer le look de votre tenue, en particulier lorsqu'ils sont utilisés sur des couleurs plus sombres. Disponibles dans les designs les plus mignons, ceux-ci sont parfaits pour ajouter une dose supplémentaire de douceur à votre sens du style.

BodyJ4You Choker 24-PackBodyJ4You Choker 24-PackVérifiez le prix

Quelle fille n’aime pas ses accessoires? Ces beaux foulards sont super mignons et les filles vont les aimer. Ils sont sûrs de faire partie de vos favoris à porter avec diverses tenues. Cet ensemble comprend 24 sautoirs.

Collier pendentif Licorne FalariCollier pendentif Licorne FalariVérifiez le prix

Qui savait qu'un collier pouvait être magique? Votre amoureux de la licorne ne voudra jamais enlever ce collier. Comme une vraie licorne, elle a toutes les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel. Il vient avec une chaîne de 17 pouces, ce qui est parfait pour une fille de 10 ans. Tous ses amis à l'école vont en vouloir un aussi!

Bracelet câble Queenberry pour breloques de perlesBracelet câble Queenberry pour breloques de perlesVérifiez le prix

Les bracelets Pandora sont très populaires. Le seul problème? Ils sont super chers. Voici un moyen très économique d’obtenir tout le plaisir d’un bracelet Pandora. Ce bracelet à breloques peu coûteux de Queenberry est fabriqué en acier inoxydable et dure donc pour toujours. La meilleure partie? Les breloques Pandora s’y ajustent parfaitement.

Dormeuses en plaqué or roseDormeuses en plaqué or roseVérifiez le prix

Est-ce qu'elle a les oreilles percées? Qui ne veut pas un petit éclat? Vous ne croiriez pas que ces boucles d'oreilles ne sont pas de vrais diamants. Ce sont en réalité des crampons en zirconium cubiques, mais ils semblent beaucoup plus chers. La meilleure partie? Elles sont magnifiques, scintillantes et brillent comme une vraie paire de boucles d'oreilles en diamant. Personne ne saura même.

Collier de nom personnalisé personnaliséCollier de nom personnalisé personnaliséVérifiez le prix

Ces colliers prénoms personnalisés en argent sterling constitueront un joli cadeau pour votre fillette de dix ans. Le nom de votre fille peut être personnalisé jusqu'à dix caractères et vous pouvez personnaliser la longueur de votre chaîne de 14 à 22 pouces de long. C’est un beau collier de qualité à un bon prix. Fait un grand anniversaire ou un cadeau de Noël.

DIANPEARL Collier Meilleur AmiDIANPEARL Collier Meilleur AmiVérifiez le prix

Chaque fille de 10 ans a un bestie. Est-ce mignon? C’est en fait 2 colliers. L'un d'eux est bleu clair et l'autre est rose. Même lorsqu'ils ne sont pas ensemble, ils se sentiront toujours connectés. C’est un beau cadeau à partager avec sa meilleure amie.

Pantoufles Animaux Happy FeetPantoufles Animaux Happy FeetVérifiez le prix

Quiconque a la chance d’avoir ces pantoufles d’animaux Happy Feet Womens est certain d’avoir un sourire éclatant au visage lorsqu’il ouvre ce cadeau. Ce sont des pantoufles très amusantes, mignonnes, chaudes et confortables. Que demander de plus à vos pieds?

Pyjama 2 pièces en coton The Girls’s Place pour fillesPyjama 2 pièces en coton The Childrens Place pour fillesVérifiez le prix

Fait de 100% coton, ce pyjama 2 pièces est mignon, doux et super confortable. La qualité est bonne surtout compte tenu du prix. Ils vont très bien et fière allure aussi et font un excellent cadeau de Noël pour votre fille de dix ans.

TowelSelections Robe à capuche pour fillesTowelSelections Robe à capuche pour fillesVérifiez le prix

Blottissez-vous dans les froides nuits d'hiver et les matinées dans ce peignoir chaud 100% polaire. Doux, chaud et agréable, il est parfait pour les matinées fraîches avant l’école ou en pyjama. Elle pourrait même vouloir le porter quand il fait 90 degrés à l'extérieur.

YINGGG Emoji PantouflesYINGGG Emoji PantouflesVérifiez le prix

Ces chaussons en peluche Emoji sont un excellent moyen pour votre fille de 10 ans d’exprimer sa personnalité colorée. Ils vont bien et sont super confortable, mignon et chaud. Idée de cadeau cool et amusant pour les amateurs d'emoji. Cadeau fantastique pour l'anniversaire de votre fille.

Serviette à capuchon pour enfants Ultra-Homes PrincessServiette à capuchon pour enfants Ultra-Homes PrincessVérifiez le prix

Cette serviette à capuchon Princess offre une excellente qualité avec une sensation épaisse et luxueuse. C’est très doux, doux et absorbant et il est parfait après une douche ou un bain. La serviette rose vif est lavable en machine. Donnez le cadeau de se faire dorloter et du bonheur pur.

Narwhal KigurumiNarwhal KigurumiVérifiez le prix

Qui porte un body Filles de 10 ans. Votre enfant de 10 ans aura l’air adorable dans ce cache-couche mignon. Il y a tellement de personnages à choisir. Ils sont non seulement agréables à porter la nuit, mais également agréables pour se détendre sur le canapé tout en regardant vos dessins animés préférés. Les filles vont adorer les porter toute la journée un peu partout.

La chemise de nuit de la place des enfantsLa chemise de nuit de Childrens PlaceVérifiez le prix

Cette chemise de nuit # BFFs4Ever est un cadeau mignon. C’est beau, doux et super confortable et parfait pour votre fille rêveuse de dix ans. Les filles vont adorer les couleurs vibrantes. Le vêtement est en polyester et lavable à la machine.

Robe Kimono Satin JoyttonRobe Kimono Satin JoyttonVérifiez le prix

Cette robe de kimono pour fille en satin se décline dans une grande variété de superbes motifs en satin. Ils sont légers et magnifiquement conçus avec des couleurs vibrantes. C’est une robe de haute qualité à un prix fantastique. Ils sont doux, cool, confortable à porter et ils vont bien. Idée de cadeau super mignonne pour les filles de 10 ans.

Steve Madden DiapositivesSteve Madden DiapositivesVérifiez le prix

Grâce aux célébrités, les diapositives sont le nouvel accessoire le plus populaire. Elle peut maintenant rejoindre le groupe de filles avec ces diapositives adorables de Steve Madden. Fabriquées en polyuréthane et en tissu, ces chaussons sont absolument magnifiques et les filles les adoreront. Avec des patchs emoji amusants, tous ses amis en voudront une paire.

Ensemble pyjama haut à manches courtes et pantalons pour filles The Children’s PlaceEnsemble pyjama haut à manches courtes et pantalon The Childrens Place pour fillesVérifiez le prix

Ce pyjama 2 pièces est un ensemble d'excellente qualité, mignon et adorable. Fait à 100% de coton, il a fière allure, est très confortable à porter. Le pyjama peut être lavé à la machine. C’est le cadeau idéal pour les amateurs d’emoji.

Snoozies Splitz Applique Slipper SockSnoozies Splitz Applique Slipper SockVérifiez le prix

Ces chaussettes Snoozies Classic Splitz Applique Slipper pour femme gardent vos pieds au chaud et ultra confortables. Ils sont si doux, confortables et ont une surface antidérapante et ils s’adaptent parfaitement. Votre fille de dix ans va tomber amoureuse de ceux-ci. Une idée cadeau très mignonne et très abordable.

Wishpets Pantoufles en PelucheWishpets Pantoufles en PelucheVérifiez le prix

Les pantoufles en peluche de Wishpets sont parfaits pour un cadeau. Ils sont tout sauf vos pantoufles typiques. Ils sont doux, très confortables et charmants. Plus important encore, ils gardent vos pieds au chaud et les filles vont adorer ces pantoufles géniales.

JanSport Superbreak Sac à dosJanSport Superbreak Sac à dosVérifiez le prix

Jansport fait de très bons sacs à dos. Offert dans de nombreux styles et imprimés, le Superbreak est l’un de ses sacs à dos les plus populaires. Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous prenez un sac à dos Jansport normal et que vous ajoutez des ananas dorés partout dessus? Vous obtenez ce "doux" sac à dos. Doté d’un grand compartiment principal et d’une petite poche à l’avant, ce sac est comme un sac à dos Jansport standard avec beaucoup plus de douceur.

Sac à corde KAVUSac à corde KAVUVérifiez le prix

Ce sac à cordes Kavu apportera assurément le sourire grâce à son design charmant et vibrant. Il est bien fait, élégant et confortable à porter sur le dos. Il comporte une petite poche et des poches à fermeture à glissière et offre beaucoup d’espace à l’intérieur. Ils sont parfaits pour voyager. Les filles vont adorer ces sacs durables.

JanSport Big Student BackpackJanSport Big Student BackpackVérifiez le prix

Ces sacs à dos JanSport Big Student sont des sacs fonctionnels de qualité, au look classique et classique intemporel. Choisissez parmi une vaste gamme de couleurs et de styles différents pour répondre à vos besoins. Ce sont des sacs à dos légers et basiques, faciles à nettoyer et offrant un espace intérieur décent. Ils sont parfaits pour transporter quelques livres et même un ordinateur portable.

Tote Kids Bubble ParapluieTote Kids Bubble ParapluieVérifiez le prix

Ce parapluie Clear Bubble est super mignon et fonctionnel. Il est magnifique avec toutes les couleurs vives et elles vous donnent une visibilité maximale sous la pluie. Ils sont faciles à ouvrir et à fermer et peuvent même supporter des vents turbulents.

Montre Timex Kids Purple ResinMontre Timex Kids Purple ResinVérifiez le prix

Cette montre analogique en métal Timex Time Machines offre un superbe design avec une sangle confortable et un ajustement parfait. Il est facile de lire l’heure, facile à régler et facile à mettre et à enlever. Mieux encore, son prix est abordable et il est assorti d'un plan de remplacement inconditionnel d'un an de Timex en cas de perte ou de bris. Voilà une valeur imbattable!

Chaussettes incompatibles SolmateChaussettes incompatibles SolmateVérifiez le prix

Ce sont super mignon! Vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper avec une jolie paire de chaussettes. Ces chaussettes Solmate ne sont pas seulement mignonnes, elles sont super amusantes. Une partie du charme est qu’elles ne correspondent pas. Ils viennent dans les couleurs les plus vibrantes.

Noble Chaussettes Fuzzy WinterNoble Chaussettes Fuzzy WinterVérifiez le prix

Personne n'aime avoir froid aux pieds en hiver. Vos orteils méritent d'être chauds. Ce ne serait pas Noël sans des chaussettes floues. Idéales pour se pelotonner sur le canapé, ces chaussettes en duvet sont tellement plus chaudes qu'une paire de chaussettes normale. Ils viennent dans toutes les tailles et sont parfaits pour toute fille de 10 ans.

Stephen Joseph Wallet, Licorne3-7 ansStephen Joseph Wallet, LicorneVérifiez le prix

Le portefeuille en nylon Licorne de Stephen Joseph présente un design en deux volets avec un magnifique imprimé de licorne coloré. Le portefeuille est durablement conçu et bien fait, mesurant 7 x 4 1/2 pouces en position ouverte. Il se ferme facilement et s'ouvre avec un joint velcro. Il comporte un emplacement pour les billets, les pièces de monnaie et une poche en filet pour les petites choses comme votre pièce d'identité. Fait un cadeau mignon pour les filles.

Chaussettes JJMax Kitty Cat PawsChaussettes JJMax Kitty Cat PawsVérifiez le prix

Qui n'aime pas les jolies chaussettes? Fabriquées dans un mélange de coton et de polyester, ces chaussettes pour animaux pourraient être la chose la plus mignonne de tous les temps. Ils ont de petites pattes de chat sur eux! Vous obtenez 4 paires dans chaque ensemble. Lorsque vous les portez, vous ressemblez à un petit chat qui se cabre.

Bagages Disney Tourister américainBagages Disney Tourister américainVérifiez le prix

Ces valises American Tourister sous licence Disney sont amusantes et parfaites pour voyager avec style tout en mettant en valeur votre amour pour vos personnages Disney préférés. Choisissez parmi un large assortiment de bagages Disney. Ils disposent de roues pratiques et d'une poignée de traction. Mieux encore, ils sont fonctionnels et offrent une grande qualité à un prix exceptionnel!

Vera Bradley Petit bandoulièreVera Bradley Petit bandoulièreVérifiez le prix

Le petit sac à bandoulière Vera Bradley est un sac bien fait à un prix fantastique. C’est l’un des meilleurs sacs à bandoulière du marché. Il est fonctionnel et propose toutes sortes de superbes dessins aux couleurs si vives. Il convient à la plupart des téléphones. Bientôt, il deviendra votre compagnon de voyage préféré.

GUND Pusheenicorn Backpack Clip Figurine en peluche1-5 ansGUND Pusheenicorn Backpack Clip Figurine en pelucheVérifiez le prix

Cette peluche Pusheenicorn est un accessoire adorable pour mettre en valeur votre amour pour la sensation Web. C’est tellement mignon et doux au toucher. Il se clipse facilement sur votre sac pour que vous ne craigniez pas de tomber inopinément. Il est certain que votre fille, qui est fan de Pusheen, sourit.

Vera Bradley Femme Zip ID CaseVera Bradley Valise d'identité pour femmeVérifiez le prix

Cet étui pour cartes d’identité Vera Bradley est une pochette pratique pour ranger votre carte d’identité et plus encore. Il dispose de deux emplacements pour les cartes et l'argent. The quality is very good, it’s functional, and very convenient. It’s a great price for such a stylish case and girls love it.

JoJo Siwa Sunglasses & Case SetJoJo Siwa Sunglasses & Case SetVérifiez le prix

She doesn’t have to love JoJo Siwa to wear these adorable sunglasses. These super cute and vibrant sunglasses are gorgeous and perfect for taking cool selfies. Normal sunglasses are cool but when you addcool colors and a cute little ribbon on them, they become a fun accessory. It comes in super stylish colors and offers 100% UV protection for your eyes. What’s not to love?!

The Children’s Place Girls’ Emoji BackpackThe Childrens Place Girls Emoji BackpackVérifiez le prix

This Girls’ Emoji Backpack is super cute and on trend with kids’ obsession with emojis. The fun print packs all the emojis you can handle. The bag has a roomy interior, zipper pocket for storing supplies, and two mesh pockets on the side for holding frequently accessed items like a water bottle. Padded shoulder straps ensure your 10 year old girl is comfortable while she wears it. The bag is made of 100% polyester and it is machine washable.

Vera Bradley All-In-One Crossbody WalletVera Bradley All-In-One Crossbody WalletVérifiez le prix

The Vera Bradley All In One Crossbody and Wristlet Bag is a very stylish and versatile bag. They are super cute and functional and even fit some iPhones. As long as your phone is not too big, it may fit. The ability to transition from crossbody to wristlet is pure genius! Hands-down, this is easily one of the best wallet-bag combos.

Neff Cupcake Beanie HatNeff Cupcake Beanie HatVérifiez le prix

How cute is this? It’s like frosting on your head. Made of 100% acrylic, this adorable crocheted beanie comes in so many colors, so you can choose between a vanilla cupcake, strawberry cupcake, or chocolate cupcake. It’s perfect for those cold days and bad hair days. The only problem? They are all so cute with the pom pom cherry on top.

URSFUR Faux Fur Ball KeychainURSFUR Faux Fur Ball KeychainVérifiez le prix

These bag charm pom pom googly tassel pave keychain key rings are super cute and cuddly. They come in a variety of lovely colors. And they are fuzzy and soft to the touch. Fanatastic accessory for your bag or keychain that showcases your personality.

Who doesn’t love shoes? Even a 10 year old girl can’t have enough of shoes. These pairs are sure to give her happy feet.

It’s seems like just the other day she was in Kindergarten, but many 10 year old girls are in the Fifth grade. She’ll be in middle school in no time. In the fifth grade, she is ready for book reports and even a little geometry. Challenge her with these educational gifts for 10 year old girls.

Illuminated World Globe for Kids With StandIlluminated World Globe for Kids With StandVérifiez le prix

This 8-inch Illuminated World Globe features great quality and it works as intended. The globe is easy to read, educational, and kids love when it lights up. It also serves as a great night light.

State Quarter MapAges 12+State Quarter MapVérifiez le prix

Got a 10 year old girl into coin collecting? Get her this awesome US State Quarter Map for displaying her collection of coins. She can have fun collecting all coins from 1999 to 2009. The map is high-quality, sturdy, easy to read, and well designed. It keeps the coins snugly in place. Girls will love collecting their piece of history.

Brain Quest Grade 5Ages 10-11Brain Quest Grade 5Vérifiez le prix

Brain Quest Grade 5 is America’s top educational best-selling book with over 40 million copies sold. The curriculum is aligned with nationally accepted standards. Loaded with fun activities and exercises, kids will enjoy a whole year’s curriculum covering all the major subjects to get prepared for the 5th grade.

Scrambled StatesScrambled StatesVérifiez le prix

Welcome to The Scrambled States of America Game. It’s a simple game that makes geography a blast! Families will actually enjoy playing together. You’ll have fun learning the states, capitals, locations, nicknames, and more.

Summer Bridge Activities, Grades 4 – 5Ages 9-10Summer Bridge Activities, Grades 4 - 5Vérifiez le prix

Ensure your child’s mind stays active in the summer months with Summer Bridge Activities, Grades 4-5. This workbook helps prepare your 9-10 year old girl for the transition from the fourth grade to the fifth grade. Instead of being rusty her skills will be sharp and she’ll be primed and ready to take on the fifth grade head-on. The book also doesn’t forget about some good ol’ summer fun in the sun with some fitness activities.

Speak & SpellAges 7+Speak & Spell

Speak & Spell makes its big return in 2019! Speak & Spell was the first educational toy designed to help children learn to spell more than 200 commonly misspelled words. The new and improved version features an enhanced speech system, which is vastly easier to understand than the original. Featuring various play modes and challenge levels, kids will have fun while learning to spell. Parents who previously owned a Speak & Spell as a child will most likely want to share this experience with their children, as it’s a useful educational tool for developing your child’s spelling skills. Build the Spelling Bee champions of tomorrow!

Now that she is 10, she is going to think that she is a teenager already. These gifts for 10 year old girls are great for teaching responsibility.

In recent years, all of us have become aware that we need to get more girls interested in science and stem. Just 1 in 7 engineers is female and only 27% of programmers are female. Every girl can be a scientist if she is given the opportunity to learn at an early age. It all starts with toys. These toys and games can help young girls develop logic and analytical skills critical to science, technology, engineering, and math.

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Starter KitCanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Starter KitVérifiez le prix

This amazing set includes Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Starter Kit. It’s a fascinating kit for learning about computers and even coding. It’s really fun to tinker with it. Who would think you could pack so much power into a credit card sized chip? Simply amazing! La meilleure partie? Since it can be programmed, the creative possibilities are virtually endless. It’s the perfect gift for budding creators.

Kintaro SNES inspired Raspberry Pi CaseKintaro SNES inspired Raspberry Pi CaseVérifiez le prix

Looking for an awesome SNES case for your Raspberry Pi 3B+? This Kintaro SNES-inspired Raspberry Pi Case is easily the best choice for form and function. Not only does it look amazing, but it has functional power and reset switches plus LED power light for an authentic retro building experience. It also comes with a heatsink to keep your Pi cool.

Scientific Explorer My First Mind Blowing ScienceAges 6+Scientific Explorer My First Mind Blowing ScienceVérifiez le prix

Kids will be amazed at how cool science can be with this fun science kit from Scientific Explorer. Your little chemist will learn the differences between acids and bases, as s/he conducts 11 different mind-blowing science activities. With help of a parent, s/he will mix chemicals to create everything from a fizzing volcano to jiggly crystals. Are you ready to be blown away with science?

Nintendo Labo Variety KitAges 6+Nintendo Labo Variety KitVérifiez le prix

The Labo Variety Kit allows kids to create 5 creative projects from an RC car, fishing rod, working piano and more. It encourages kids to make, play, and discover. The coolest part? Once you master how it works, you can explore creating your own Labo projects. The Labo kit requires a Nintendo Switch console.

Nintendo Labo Vehicle KitAges 6+Nintendo Labo Vehicle KitVérifiez le prix

Want a fun new way to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? The upcoming Labo Vehicle Kit will allow kids to build their own Toy-Con Car steering wheel and control their kart of choice in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. The included pedal can be used for drifting and revving up your engine at the beginning of races to get a boost start. Honking the horn will allow players to throw an item. If that wasn’t enough fun, you can also build a Toy-Con submarine and plane.

National Geographic Geodes Science KitAges 6-15National Geographic Geodes Science KitVérifiez le prix

This premium geode kit from National Geographic makes a cool gift for your ten year old girl. Your aspiring geologist will love this unique experience of discovering these beautiful crystals. It’s very educational and the minerals are high quality. The set includes ten awesome crystal treasures to uncover.

Be Amazing Insta-Snow PowderAges 4+Be Amazing Insta-Snow PowderVérifiez le prix

Love playing with snow? You don’t need to wait for winter snow to play with snow with Insta-Snow Powder. Comment ça marche? Simply add water and watch the magic take place right before your very eyes. The coolest part? It looks just like real snow and makes 2 gallons.

Nintendo Labo Robot KitAges 6+Nintendo Labo Robot KitVérifiez le prix

The Labo Robot Kit allows kids to get creative and make their very own Toy-Con robot suit. What’s cool? After building it, you can wear it and play as the robot in the game. You can demolish anything in your path and tackle various challenges to gain new abilities. Creators can explore new ways to play with their robot and even create their own projects.

Kano Harry Potter Coding KitAges 6+Kano Harry Potter Coding KitVérifiez le prix

Want your kids to learn coding in a fun, magical way? The Harry Potter Coding Kit from Kano lets kids build a wand, learn to code, and make magic! There are over 70 creative challenges for kids to engage with. Make feathers fly, goblets multiply, fire flow, pumpkins grow, and more. What’s cool? Wave your coding wand to see the magical effects on-screen. Play on tablets and computers. Who’s ready for fun?

Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal DetectorAges 8+Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal DetectorVérifiez le prix

This Bounty Hunter Metal Detector is a wonderful beginning metal detector. It’s a great detector at a good price and works as advertised. Treasure hunters will love finding all sorts of precious metals like silver, gold, copper, coins and more. It’s super easy to use and will make treasure hunting super fun and enjoyable!

LEGO BoostAges 7+LEGO BoostVérifiez le prix

LEGO Boost Creative Toolbox is a strong contender for Toy of the Year this year. In the world of Boost, 10 year old girls build, code, and play with five unique models. You’ll build these models with over 800 pieces plus a motor and various sensors. The coolest part is that these Legos come to life with simple coding and the designs inspire you to explore your own creations. Sure to be a hot STEM gift for the holidays.

Be Amazing Toys Big Bag Of ScienceAges 8-14Be Amazing Toys Big Bag Of ScienceVérifiez le prix

How would you like to setup your own science lab? With the Big Bag of Science, you can do precisely that. There are a handful of really fun science experiements that have that WOW factor. You’ll need quite a few 2-liter bottles and items of your own to run some of the experiments. It’s a fantastic science kit for your aspiring young scientist.

Ozobot 2.0 Bit Starter PackAges 8+Ozobot 2.0 Bit Starter PackVérifiez le prix

This inexpensive bite sized robot is a great way to introduce basic programming to 10 year old girls. At the most basic level, this robot can follow paths that you draw and read colors as it passes over them. The fun part is learning to program the little guy by using a programming language called Blocky. Using a drag and drop interface, girls can program their robot.

CozmoAges 8+Cozmo" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="Find the best gifts for 10 year old girls. Browse over 600 gifts and toys for 10 year old girls sure to delight." data-jpibfi-post-url="" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Gifts For 10 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="" src=""/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Say hello to Cozmo. He’s a robot with personality running AI that learns and evolves the more you play with him. He uses computer vision to know who is in the room. He maps out the world around him to avoid obstacles. Powered by an emotion engine, he sulks if you don’t play with him for a while or gets excited when he recognizes a face and wins a game. All these emotions vary depending on various inputs. He plays games with power cubes, counts numbers, stacks blocks and more. The coolest part? You can even program him without needing a background in robotics.

Wonder Workshop Dash RobotAges 8+Wonder Workshop Dash RobotVérifiez le prix

Wonder Workshop Dash Robot is a high quality robotics kit. Girls will love that there’s so much to do right out of the gates and it doesn’t hurt that Dash is so adorable. It’s definitely one of the coolest and best robotic tech toys around teaching kids about basic programming. Wonderful gift that’s sure to keep girls engaged for hours on end.

Orion 10015 StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector TelescopeOrion 10015 StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector TelescopeVérifiez le prix

Why watch TV when you can look at the night sky? This entry-level tabletop telescope is perfect for budding astronomers. Setup couldn’t be easier. Simply place it on a tabletop and it is ready to use. With 2 eye pieces, it’s so portable. The 4.5-inch telescope comes on a base that allows you to easily rotate it.

littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor KitAges 8+littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor KitVérifiez le prix

Imagine being able to build your very own R2-D2. This Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit from littleBits gives you everything you need to build your very own droid. It even includes servos and motors to control it via your smartphone. The droid features cool lights and sound effects to make it feel right out of the Star Wars movies. You can have all sorts of fun and exciting droid adventures. Best of all, you can make anything you want beyond just R2-D2. It’s all up to your imagination! The major coding update will give you much more variety in your droid actions and teach kids how to code.

GraviTraxAges 8+GraviTrax" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="Find the best gifts for 10 year old girls. Browse over 600 gifts and toys for 10 year old girls sure to delight." data-jpibfi-post-url="" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Gifts For 10 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="" src=""/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Experience the power of gravity with GraviTrax. It takes your marble run experience to a whole new level. What’s cool? You can build your own tracks and experiment with gravity, magnetism and kinetics. With an optional app, you can test your runs in a digital AR world. It’s endless fun with limitless track building possibilities.

Bushnell Falcon BinocularsBushnell Falcon BinocularsVérifiez le prix

There is no better way to explore the great outdoors than with this inexpensive pair of binoculars. One look through these and you will see the world you are missing. It has 7X magnification and a 35mm objective lens. This setting is perfect for bird watching, hiking, or even for concerts. With great optics, it’s a great value for the price.

Snap Circuits Bric: StructuresAges 8+Snap Circuits Bric: StructuresVérifiez le prix

Snap Circuits Bric: Structures is a culmination of what kids have been asking for for a long time. It takes ordinary bricks and you can mount your Snap Circuits onto them. The Bric-2-Snap adapters enable you to connect your Snap Circuits to the bricks so you can light up any structure you build. You can make your structure light up with a circuit or you can build something that moves like a racecar with ordinary bricks and a Snap Circuits photo transistor and watch it go by adding a light source. The set comes with 140 regular building bricks, 20 Snap Circuit pieces, and 75 Bric to Snap adapters.

Makey MakeyAges 8+Makey MakeyVérifiez le prix

Have you ever played a piano with bananas? Makey Makey lets kids control their PC with everything from fruits to Play-doh. This small board can turn just about anything into an input device simulating a mouse or keyboard. You simply hook the board to your computer and clip it different objects. The fun part is coming up with crazy ways to use it. With Makey Makey, anyone can be an inventor.

Sphero BoltAges 8+Sphero BoltVérifiez le prix

Experience endless creative fun and possibilites with Sphero Bolt. It’s a next-generation app-enabled robotic ball. Featuring advanced sensors, an LED matrix, and infrared communication, kids can create and customize games, discover a range of activities, or simply drive and play. La meilleure partie? Kids will have so much fun they’ll forget their learning.

LEGO Mindstorms EV3Ages 10+LEGO Mindstorms EV3Vérifiez le prix

LEGO Mindstorms EV3 allows you to build 5 different robots. LEGO’s made this set fun, easy to get into, and brought a lot of functionality to its bricks. The faster processor and added memory translate into a better play experience for kids. The models are full of personality and it’s amazing to see your LEGO creations come to life. There’s even a basic programming component to code behaviors. Even after all of these years, it’s still one of the best robotics sets.

Snap Circuits 3D Illumination ElectronicsAges 8-15Snap Circuits 3D Illumination ElectronicsVérifiez le prix

Snap Circuits 3D Illumination builds more than 150 awesome projects. It’s a great quality set introducing kids to the world of electronics and circuitry. Kids will be excited to create these projects. The best part is you can even create your own projects. It’s a fantastic educational toy that provides endless fun and delight. Makes a wonderful gift for birthdays and Christmas.

Insect Lore Original Butterfly GardenAges 4-15Insect Lore Original Butterfly GardenVérifiez le prix

Insect Lore Live Butterfly Garden is one of the most popular and best science kits around. It lets kids explore the fascinating process of metamorphosis. Watch in amazement as your 5 caterpillars magically transform into beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies. It’s truly a beautiful and magical process that must be seen to be believed!

Snap Circuits Extreme SC-750Ages 8-15Snap Circuits Extreme SC-750Vérifiez le prix

Girls can learn how electronics works with Electronic Snap Circuits. Unlike traditional electronics, there are no wires. All of the components snap together on a grid, making it easy for younger girls to build circuits. With over 750 projects, girls will build a FM Radio, doorbell, voice recorder and more.

My First Lab Duo-Scope MicroscopeAges 9-18My First Lab Duo-Scope MicroscopeVérifiez le prix

This My First Lab Duo-Scope Microscope works as intended and makes an exciting gift for your budding young scientist. It gives you great bang for the buck with two microscopes in one and the quality is rather surprising! It is a compound and dissecting stereo microscope. Best of all, it’s an easy to use microscope that provides hours of scientific fun!

Kano Computer Kit TouchAges 6+Kano Computer Kit TouchVérifiez le prix

Want to make a touchscreen computer? The Kano Computer Kit Touch lets kids make their own tablet. What’s cool is that you can build it yourself with the included step-by-step guide. There are over 100 creative challenges and you’ll even learn to code. You can make art, games, music, and even hack Minecraft. It’s the perfect gift for budding techies.

Piper Computer KitAges 8+Piper Computer KitVérifiez le prix

The Piper Computer Kit is a fun and educational STEM kit. It’s really fun to put it together. It’s a truly special and unique learning experience that you can’t really find often. Kids who love Minecraft will enjoy the Minecraft challenges that teach coding and engineering. Great gift for fostering problem-solving and tech skills.

Uncle Milton Super Moon In My RoomAges 6-15Uncle Milton Super Moon In My RoomVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love looking at the moon at night? Bring the moon inside of your room with this cool moon light. The coolest part? It has a lunar clock that allows it to automatically match the phases of the real moon outside. What could be cooler?

littleBits Rule Your Room KitAges 8+littleBits Rule Your Room KitVérifiez le prix

This LittleBits Rule Your Room Kit empowers the next-generation of inventors. It’s an excellent and exciting STEM kit that girls will love. This invention kit is great at encouraging you to create all sorts of creative inventions and it’s super entertaining to make them. Given all of the creative possibilities at your disposal, it’s a great value and makes a fantastic gift.

Thames & Kosmos I Dig It Dinos T. Rex Excavation KitAges 7+Thames & Kosmos I Dig It Dinos T. Rex Excavation KitVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun excavation kit? Using the included hammer and chisel, kids can uncover the skeleton of a prehistoric T-Rex creature from a giant block of plaster with this cool excavation kit. Little excavators will be fascinated on their journey to excavate a relief of a fossilized dino.

Kano Computer KitAges 6+Kano Computer KitVérifiez le prix

Supported by some of the smartest people in the world, Kano is billed as a computer anyone can build. It really is easy to assemble and program and provides future inventors with confidence. Kids will love engaging with the coding challenges. Great STEM kit that makes a great birthday or Christmas present.

Artie 3000Ages 7+Artie 3000Vérifiez le prix

Artie 3000 from Educational Insights is a Wi-Fi-enabled creative coding robot leveraging your child’s entire brain. The left side of the brain is for logic, math, and programming, while the right side is for creativity and art. Artie brilliantly mashes these two worlds together, thus becoming the creating art coding robot. Artie features a number of pre-loaded programs and it utilizes a simple, intuitive drag-and-drop coding interface on your PC or tablet to instruct Artie what to draw. What’s cool? Kids can also program their own coding steps, and he features 4 modes of play and comes with 4 washable colored markers. A convenient built-in simulation mode allows you to save ink and avoid mistakes by allowing you to see the end result before drawing. Additionally, a remote control feature enables you to use it like a remote control to draw. Unlike other ‘coding’ toys, kids will really learn to code line by line while having fun.

BoomTrixAges 8+BoomTrix" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="Find the best gifts for 10 year old girls. Browse over 600 gifts and toys for 10 year old girls sure to delight." data-jpibfi-post-url="" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Gifts For 10 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="" src=""/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Get ready for a wild ride with BoomTrix! BoomTrix from Goliath Games brings innovation and fun to the table with an activity-based game where players can design their own trampoline course and showcase a variety of cool trick shots. The set includes trampolines, obstacles, and launch pads for creating your own original stunt courses. Your goal is to get the metal ball to the goal. The open-ended nature is perfect for allowing kids to express their creativity while developing spatial reasoning and learning STEM concepts. Who knew learning physics could be so much fun?

Nintendo Labo VR KitAges 7+Nintendo Labo VR KitVérifiez le prix

Designed for children and their families, Nintendo’s innovative Labo series expands with a new basic ‘virtual reality’ technology kit. This unique experience encourages both virtual and physical interactions among players by passing around their Toy-Con creations. Unlike traditional VR, it’s not designed to be a solo experience so there is no headstrap — you simply hold it to your head and pass it around to family members. With a design inspired by Google Cardboard, this complete combo VR Kit lets kids build their own VR headset and includes a VR headset, blaster, camera, bird, elephant, and wind pedal. Explore over 60 fun mini games in the VR Plaza that amplify the experience. Create 3D artwork with an elephant’s trunk, play a virtual drum kit, fly like a bird through a beautiful landscape, play bomb tennis, blast through an alien city, shoot photos of marine life as you explore an underwater world and so much more! La meilleure partie? The Toy-Con VR Garage now enables kids to make their own VR games! What will you create? A starter set will feature just the VR headset and blaster, and expansion packs will be sold separately. Super Mario Odyssey and Zelda: Breath of the Wild will support the VR Kits. Now if only we could get a Dunk Hunt VR game.

Beaker Creatures Bubbling Volcano ReactorAges 5+Beaker Creatures Bubbling Volcano ReactorVérifiez le prix

Get ready for explosive fun with Beaker Creatures Series 3 Bubbling Volcano Reactor! Simply add the included pod and water inside the volcano and watch the bubbly eruption take place like a real volcano eruption. So cool! A mystery creature, poster featuring fun science facts, and an experiment guide are included in the set. Who knew learning science could be so fun?!

Sphero SpecdrumsAges 6+Sphero SpecdrumsVérifiez le prix

Specdrums are essentially app-enabled musical rings that play music through color. What’s cool? It can be color from the included Play Pad, household items, your clothes, or just about anything. Choose from over 100 instruments available through the app. Sound packs contain chords and instruments. For instance, open the Hip Hop sound pack and play different beats, sounds, and loops simply by tapping on various colors. Using an accelerometer, the rings can detect differences in color and motion. With innovative use of technology and ease of use, it’s perfect for introducing children to music. Unleash your inner creativity!

Crayola Color Chemistry Arctic LabAges 7+Crayola Color Chemistry Arctic LabVérifiez le prix

Infused with a fun arctic twist, the Crayola Color Chemistry Arctic Lab enables kids to explore color, texture, and temperature. This STEAM kit allows kids to conduct 50 educational, creative, and fun experiments. Look for fun, wintery themes: snow growing on trees and color-changing window cling snowflakes to name a few examples. What’s cool? Perform 15 experiments right out of the box with ample material and supplies included. Other experiments will require common household items. Kids will enjoy learning STEAM concepts while having open-ended fun.

Air-WalkerAges 8+Air-Walker" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="Find the best gifts for 10 year old girls. Browse over 600 gifts and toys for 10 year old girls sure to delight." data-jpibfi-post-url="" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Gifts For 10 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="" src=""/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Defy the laws of gravity! The Air-Walker 50-piece STEM experiment kit enables kids to build a 4-legged robot that walks up walls! Yes, that’s right! What’s cool? It can climb up any smooth, vertical surface. It moves in a straight line, to the right or left, and its head even moves back and forth. Kids will enjoy experimenting with the physics of air pressure and suction. Build 7 different models and perform 8 fun experiments with this kit. Kids will be having too much fun that they won’t even know they are learning.

These Lego sets are some of the best toys for 10 year old girls.

LEGO City Advent Calendar 60201Ages 5-12LEGO City Advent Calendar 60201Vérifiez le prix

Unbox 24 fun surprises with the LEGO City Advent Calendar 2018 set. From vehicles to minifigures to seasonal items, this set is loaded with so much fun! Kids will build everything from a monster truck to a racecar, spaceship and drone and enjoy creating adventures with the 5 included minifigures. With out of this world fun, it’s sure to make it a Merry Christmas.

LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 75213Ages 6-14LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 75213Vérifiez le prix

The Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar 75213 2018 edition will feature 24 cool new Star Wars surprises to unveil each day leading up to Christmas. Fans can expect surprises ranging from Star Wars mini figures to vehicles based on the Star Wars universe. Fans will love creating their favorite scenes from the movies.

LEGO Friends Advent Calendar 41353Ages 6-12LEGO Friends Advent Calendar 41353Vérifiez le prix

Build your Happy Holidays with LEGO Friends Advent Calendar 2018 edition. This 500-piece set includes 24 gifts for fans to unwrap for each day leading up to Christmas. From a Santa mini-doll to four animal figures and more, there are so many fun surprises to discover and build. Kids will love the variety of designs and the bright color palette LEGO Friends is known for.

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall 75954Ages 9+LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall 75954Vérifiez le prix

Lego is bringing back Harry Potter in a big way and everybody is excited. There are going to be additional Harry Potter sets later this year, but the LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall was the real showstopper of the show that had practically everyone drooling to get their hands on it. It comes with 11 minifigures so you get a ton of cool characters. The coolest part? It has a moving staircase.

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Express 75955Ages 8-14LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Express 75955Vérifiez le prix

Potterheads will love this Harry Potter Hogwarts Express set from LEGO. This 800-plus piece set builds a fantastic model of the Hogwarts Express inspired by the film. Fans will have as much fun building it as recreating the magic from the movies. The set includes six minifigures, including Harry Potter, to bring your storytelling to life.

LEGO Ideas Ship In A Bottle 21313Ages 12+LEGO Ideas Ship In A Bottle 21313Vérifiez le prix

The LEGO Ideas Ship In A Bottle is a very classy looking set. Although it seems a bit smaller than expected, it’s actually 1:1 scale to many ships in a bottle. From a distance it looks quite realistic and what’s great is that it doesn’t occupy too much space. The cap and cork is exquisitely designed and great to look at. As for the ship, it features a nice build. It’s surprisingly sturdy and dense considering its size. Decide whether you want the boat inside or outside of the bottle beforehand, as it’s not so easy to remove once it’s inside the bottle.

LEGO Classic Large Creative Brick BoxAges 4+LEGO Classic Large Creative Brick BoxVérifiez le prix

The LEGO Classic Creative Box is an awesome gift inspiring endless creativity! This set includes a variety of colors and LEGO bricks to inspire your creations. The set includes 790 pieces and they can be stored in the bucket. Express your creativity with this fantastic set.

LEGO BrickHeadz Harry PotterAges 10+LEGO BrickHeadz Harry PotterVérifiez le prix

BrickHeadz just got a magical makeover. Harry Potter fans can finally put together their own Harry Potter BrickHeadz based on Harry Potter. This cool figure stands 7 inches tall and features cool movie details including Harry Potter’s iconic glasses, scar, and even his cape. Cast a spell and build it out of 180 Lego bricks.

LEGO BrickHeadz Go Brick Me 41597Ages 10+LEGO BrickHeadz Go Brick Me 41597Vérifiez le prix

New for 2018, fans can now build their own Brick Headz with this 708-piece Go Brick Me set. Go Brick Me is a blank Brick Headz that you can turn into any character that you want. You could make yourself or your favorite character from a movie or TV show. It has a variety of parts in a full range of colors and allows you to get creative by allowing you to customize your very own BrickHeadz buildable figure to show off to all your friends. Look for Go Brick Me to hit store shelves this April.

LEGO Friends Stephanie’s HouseAges 6-12LEGO Friends Stephanies HouseVérifiez le prix

Stephanie’s House is a lovely Lego Friends set worth adding to your collection. The house’s design is so cute and it’s fantastic that you can shift around rooms and personalize it based on your preferences. 10 year old girls will be able to easily follow the instructions and build it by themselves. Makes an awesome gift!

LEGO Ninjago Stormbringer 70652Ages 8-14LEGO Ninjago Stormbringer 70652Vérifiez le prix

If you already own the LEGO Boost set, the Stormbringer is a super cool add-on set for LEGO Boost. It requires the original LEGO Boost base kit for cool lizard-like motion. The feet and tail will move and it will feature a sensor in the seat as well as missile launchers in the mouth. This set includes three minifigures as well as two Boost figures.

LEGO Friends Friendship House 41340Ages 6-12LEGO Friends Friendship House 41340Vérifiez le prix

The ultimate hangout spot for your LEGO Friends is the new Friendship House. This 772-piece set is a 4-level, double-sided playset with a ton of wonderful play features. It comes with three mini dolls – Olivia, Emma, and Andrea as well as 3 animal friends to play out your incredible adventures. The Friendship House is actually a converted Fire Station, so it still features a brick fascade and alarm outside. The translucent garage door really opens and closes. There’s even an outdoor garden area, Upper Foreman’s Terrace above the garage, barbeque area with slide, and a rooftop area with hottub. The working pully is great for bringing up supplies and there’s even a fireman’s pole for the mini dolls to slide down. The set is easy to build and kids will have all sorts of fun building and playing out various stories for the characters and their animal friends. There are a ton of great features, details, and accessories to inspire countless hours of imaginative play.

LEGO Friends Mia’s Camper Van 41339Ages 7-12LEGO Friends Mias Camper Van 41339Vérifiez le prix

First impressions for Mia’s Camper Van set are that it is really colorful and pretty sizable. The stickers give it some nice extra detailing. The set also includes a raft seating two mini dolls. There’s even a sleeper section with two beds for your mini dolls after a long day of adventuring. There’s plenty of detailing inside with a stove, sink, fridge, and more. It’s definitely a nice place to be and there’s plenty of play space for imaginative story-telling.

Playmobil Advent CalendarAges 4-10Playmobil Advent CalendarVérifiez le prix

Inspire your child’s imagination with the Playmobil Advent Calendar Royal Ice Skating Trip. It features 24 surprises to unbox each day leading to Christmas. Kids will discover holiday-themed characters, cute animals, and accessories to bring their imaginations to life. They’ll love playing out their skating adventures on the Frozen lake. Vouloir plus? There’s even a beautiful bracelet that can be actually worn.

LEGO Friends Heartlake City Resort 41347Ages 7-12LEGO Friends Heartlake City Resort 41347Vérifiez le prix

Welcome to the Heartlake City Resort. It’s a great place to get away from it all and have some fun and adventure. It features a striking design that instantly captures your attention. There are waterslides, jet skis, sail boats for some fun water adventures. There’s even a convenient monorail to transport you quickly through the resort. LEGO Friends fans will have fascinating adventures with this phenomenal set that will spark their imaginations and inspire countless stories.

LEGO Disney Cinderella’s Dream Castle 41154Ages 6-12LEGO Disney Cinderellas Dream Castle 41154Vérifiez le prix

Welcome to the magical kingdom of Cinderella’s Dream Castle. It utilizes the new 2018 Build and Swap modular building system. The castle itself is a sight to behold and something you can be proud to display. It features nice colors and a lot of small details that make it shine. There’s a lot of room to pose your figures and kids will have fun acting out various fun scenarios. What’s cool? With the modular design you can mix and match pieces from this set with other sets to expand the fun and even experiment with different designs. The set includes 2 minifigures, a horse, and carriage.

LEGO Disney Moana’s Ocean VoyageAges 6-12LEGO Disney Moanas Ocean VoyageVérifiez le prix

Lego Moana’s Ocean Voyage is a fantastic and attractive set worth adding to your collection. The Moana and Maui mini figures look great and will inspire creative play. Girls will love recreating their favorite scenes from the animated movie.

LEGO BrickHeadz Mickey Mouse 41624Ages 10+LEGO BrickHeadz Mickey Mouse 41624Vérifiez le prix

In celebration of Mickey Mouse’s 90th anniversary, LEGO is launching two new BrickHeadz sets of our favorite Disney characters. Choose from Mickey or Minnie figures. Kids will enjoy building these instantly recognizable and fun sets.

LEGO Disney Princess Ariel’s Royal Celebration Boat 41153Ages 6-12LEGO Disney Princess Ariels Royal Celebration Boat 41153Vérifiez le prix

LEGO Disney Princess Ariel’s Royal Celebration Boat is an awesome new set for 2018. It features a Build and Swap design so you can easily transform the design into various configurations. It’s such a pretty and beautiful looking set that fans will be proud to display and build. It’s all the small little details that make it stand out. The set includes Ariel, Prince Eric, and Sebastian mini figures. The special pieces beneath the boat allow you to easily play with it on any surface without scratching it.

LEGO Star Wars BB-8 75187Ages 10-16LEGO Star Wars BB-8 75187Vérifiez le prix

The LEGO Star Wars BB-8 is an impressive and special new set inspired by The Last Jedi. This is an exciting set to build and it looks incredible. The set includes a cool display stand. The coolest part? When you turn a control it makes the head turn and bobble which is spectacular. Spin the other control to reveal the lighter to give the thumbs up like the scene from the movie.

LEGO Unikitty! Unikingdom Creative Brick Box 41455Ages 5-12LEGO Unikitty! Unikingdom Creative Brick Box 41455Vérifiez le prix

Inspired by the Unikitty show, LEGO has launched a dream kit called the Unikingdom Creative Brick Box. With over 400 pieces, fans can create simple builds. The colors and palette are vibrant and will inspire your child’s imagination. The set includes 17 buildable characters. Kids can create their own Unikitty Unikingdom and live out their adventures.

LEGO Minecraft The CaveAges 8+LEGO Minecraft The CaveVérifiez le prix

The Lego Minecraft The Cave set is a fantastic set for Minecraft and Lego lovers. Minecraft fans will love this cave design. The set is very easy to build with 249 bricks and 2 minifigs. This is one of those gender neutral sets that either girls or boys can equally enjoy. The instructions are very good for building the various models. Fans will be excited to add this set to their collection.

Fort Magic: Fort Building & ConstructionAges 7+Fort Magic: Fort Building & ConstructionVérifiez le prix

Fort Magic is sure to be a hit building and construction toy with your family. Girls love all the creativity possibilities it offers and they are very durably made to last. It’s well worth the price of admission considering all you can create with it. Give her a gift that makes her not only say WOW but also delights endlessly.

LEGO Star Wars Kessel Run Millennium Falcon 75212Ages 9+LEGO Star Wars Kessel Run Millennium Falcon 75212Vérifiez le prix

How many Lego Millennium Falcons do we have to buy? Inspired by the upcoming Star Wars flick, Solo: A Star Wars Story, hitting theaters this May, the LEGO Star Wars Kessel Run Millennium Falcon set faithfully recreates the starship with incredible attention to detail. This 1,414-piece set features a detailed cockpit, laser turret, and the Falcon even opens to reveal cool inner details.

LEGO BrickHeadz Wonder Woman 41599Ages 10+LEGO BrickHeadz Wonder Woman 41599Vérifiez le prix

Wonder Woman was one of the biggest superheroes of 2017 and now fans can celebrate her appearance in Wonder Woman and Justice League with these new BrickHeadz Wonder Woman buildable figures. Composed of 143 pieces, this will be a very popular BrickHeadz set this year.

LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid CommanderAges 8+LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid CommanderVérifiez le prix

Ready for an exciting new LEGO play experience? LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid Commander lets you build, code, and play with 3 mechanized droids from the Star Wars universe. Build R2-D2, Gonk Droid, and Mouse Droid. Over 40 interactive missions inspire creative play. This 1,177-piece set includes a color and distance sensor, interactive motor, and Bluetooth (Move Hub) to bring your droids to life with simple drop-and-drag coding via the companion app. Each droid will feature its own personality, skills, and cool Star Wars-inspired sounds and music. It’s a fantastic kit teaching STEM concepts in a fun way. Jedi Warrior – can you solve all the missions?

LEGO Hidden Side School 70425Ages 7+LEGO Hidden Side School 70425

LEGO Hidden Side offers an innovative new theme centered around a cool augmented reality experience with immersive, interactive play. After building your physical LEGO set, scan it into your app to bring it to life. Explore the Hidden Side, solve challenges, find virtual keys, capture all the ghosts to stop the haunting, and overcome all boss ghosts in this 1,474-piece school-themed set. While you’re blasting ghosts and interacting with on-screen prompts on your phone, your other hand has to manipulate the physical set to solve puzzles and the app responds to this in real-time. New ghosts, challenges, and randomized gameplay will keep kids coming back for more. This is a concrete example where digital play augments your physical play. What’s cool? Each set in the new theme offers a regular build as well as a haunted version. Can you transform the haunted world and restore it back to normal?

K’NEX Dragon Revenge CoasterAges 7+KNEX Dragon Revenge Coaster

Featuring a thrilling, bold design and extreme builds, the K’NEX Dragon Revenge Roller Coaster features a newly designed motorized track, LED coaster car, and a fierce chasing flying dragon. Build your coaster with 580+ K’NEX pieces and experience thrilling action as you twist and turn through the tower. Will you escape the dragon?! Get ready for heart-racing thrills with the K’NEX Dragon Revenge Coaster!

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Clock Tower 75948Ages 9+LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Clock Tower 75948

Welcome to the Hogwarts Clock Tower! This 922-piece set brings to life the Hogwarts Entrance Hall, Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Hospital Wing, Prefect’s bathroom, Dumbledore’s Office, and ice decorations for the Yule Ball. What’s cool? Connect it to to your Hogwarts Great Hall (75954) and Whomping Willow sets (75953) sets for a more detailed build of Hogwarts. The set also includes Harry, Ron, and Hermione, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum, Albus Dumbledore, and Madame Maxime minifigures.

LEGO Friends Mia’s House 41369Ages 6+LEGO Friends Mias House 41369Vérifiez le prix

Build Mia’s lovely forest house and take care of her horse and rabbit with this 715-piece set from the LEGO Friends collection. With a vibrant design, fun build, 3 mini dolls, and plenty of fun play features like a climbing wall, outdoor well, horse grooming area, and a cozy bedroom with bunk bed, it’s sure to inspire endless fun storytelling and adventures. How will your adventures in Mia’s House play out?

LEGO Star Wars Anakin’s Podracer 75258 – 20th Anniversary EditionAges 7+LEGO Star Wars Anakins Podracer 75258 - 20th Anniversary EditionVérifiez le prix

Celebrate LEGO Star Wars’ 20th anniversary in style with reimaginings of 5 of the most popular sets in the line. Step into the cockpit of Anakin’s Podracer, fire up the engine, and it’s all systems go! Relive the exhilarating thrills of racing through the canyons of Tatooine. Will you win the race? Also look for other commemorative sets in the line: Snowspeeder, Clone Scout Walker, Imperial Dropship, and Slave 1.

LEGO Movie 2 Queen Watevra’s Build Whatever Box! 70825Ages 6+LEGO Movie 2 Queen Watevras Build Whatever Box! 70825Vérifiez le prix

With fun, vibrant colors and 455 pieces, Queen Watevra’s Build Whatever Box! Sparks your younger child’s creativity. Start off by building everything from Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi to an octopus, hammer, and bat to a devil, gorilla, toaster and rocket. Then it’s time to get creative and build whatever you want. Now the real creative fun begins! With endless open-ended creativity, what amazing things will you create? Kids will love playing out their favorite scenes from the animated film, The Lego Movie 2. Everything is AWESOME!

The LEGO Movie 2: Queen Watevra’s ‘So-Not-Evil’ Space Palace 70838Ages 9+The LEGO Movie 2: Queen Watevra’s ‘So-Not-Evil’ Space Palace 70838Vérifiez le prix

Inspired by The LEGO Movie 2, this vibrant 995-piece set lets LEGO Movie 2 fans build Queen Watevra’s ‘So-Not-Evil’ Space Palace. Not only will kids love building this fun set, they will also love recreating their favorite moments from the movie. The set includes 3 minifigures, including Queen Watevra, Batman, Celeste, and a Royal Guard plus several play accessories to fuel your imagination. Imagine all the magical adventures you can create!

LEGO Friends Andrea’s Talent Show 41368Ages 7+LEGO Friends Andreas Talent Show 41368Vérifiez le prix

Bring your imagination to life with a showstopping LEGO talent show performance. This fantastic 492-piece set builds a talent show stage venue with backstage areas and a judging panel to inspire creative play. Mix-and-match the different stage sets to experience Andrea perform magic, sing, or play the drums. Build Andrea’s dressing room or dress her in her magician cape. Chloe judges the talent show competition and uses her voting button to push the act forward to the next stage or send them packing. Will Andrea be able to deliver a stunning performance to advance to the next round? Whether you choose to perform magic, give a vocal performance, or play the drums, it’s a wonderful set inspiring girls’ creativity and imagination. Imagine all the endless creative possibilities with Andrea’s Talent Show!

PLAYMOBIL Mars Space StationAges 6+PLAYMOBIL Mars Space StationVérifiez le prix

Explore uncharted territory with the Mars Space Station. This set features everything necessary for a successful space exploration mission. With functional lights, returning back to base couldn’t be any easier. Explore the lighted station interior, monitor missions from the central command space, analyze samples in the lab, or rest in sleeping area. Connect external equipment like the Mission Rocket with Launch Site and Satellite Meteoroid Laser, both sold separately, to expand the fun. Stay in shape with the fitness equipment. The removable roof lets you access inside the space station and play more easily. Use the moving laser gun to fend off enemies and monitor the interactive light and sounds alarm, which alerts you to incoming enemies. In addition, other fun sound effects like radio contact, jet propulsion, and background space effects immerse you in the mission. There’s even a fun robot to guide you on you space adventures. The set includes 2 astronauts, a robot, space station, computer, tools, space crystals, telescope, video recorder, and many more accessories to inspire imaginative storytelling and space adventures. Get ready for exciting space missions!

PLAYMOBIL Crystal PalaceAges 4+PLAYMOBIL Crystal PalaceVérifiez le prix

Full of magic and mystery, kids can explore the Crystal Palace. Raise the gemstone shield to block the entrance from the front gate. If your vistors are friends, they may enter the palace. Look for the queen in her thone and a light-up crystal in the Palace Cave. Climb the spiral staircase to reach the Private Apartment. The Princess’ Chamber comes complete with a bed, rocking chair, vanity, and dressing room to inspire creative play. What will her outfit of the day be? The magical hoop skirt changes patterns in the cold. What’s cool? Discover the hidden secret area by lowering the hidden steps outside her bedroom and head up to the Palace Tower. Using the telescope she can watch over the entire kingdom. The set includes figures, throne, outfits, bed, rocking chair, vanity, love letter, magical key, and many more play accessories to inspire imaginative play. Imagine all the wonderful storytelling and adventure possibilities!

Fortnite Battle Royale Collection Mega FortFortnite Battle Royale Collection Mega FortVérifiez le prix

Build, customize and destroy your own Fortnite fort with the Fortnite Battle Royale Collection Mega Fort. With 38 included pieces from wood and metal to stone, construct The Watchtower, The Blockade, The Mega Fort, and so much more! But that’s not all! The creative possibilies are near endless so you can create your own designs. What’s cool? Builders can knock down barriers, pop out windows, and set up traps to inspire endless creative play. Two-inch Tricera Ops and Blue Squire figures are included for bringing the Fortnite action to life. Thanks to its modular design, this set is fully compatible with the Port-a-Fort from the Battle Royale Collection. Kids will love bringing the action of the game to life in their own real-life Fortnite worlds.

Fortnite Turbo Builder SetFortnite Turbo Builder SetVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun, buildable Fortnite playset? The Fortnite Turbo Builder Set from Jazwares allows fans to bring the action of the game to life. This complete set includes 4-inch Raven and Jonesy figures, 81 building materials, 4 weapons, and 2 harvesting tools for constructing fun. Inspired by the game, the figures feature 19 points of articulation for striking poses and bringing the Fortnite action to life. As for your building materials – you’ll have access to 27 wood pieces, 27 stone pieces, and 27 metal building pieces. The coolest part? Build a llama, a 1×1, walls, ramps, floors, arches, a battle scene and so much more! With so many building possibilities, it’s endless fun! What will you build?

LEGO City Sky Police Air Base 60210LEGO City Sky Police Air Base 60210Vérifiez le prix

Get ready for exciting sky police adventures! Your mission is to serve and protect the citizens of LEGO City through land and air. Build a 3-story police station with control tower, Sky Police airplane, getaway car, and police motorcycle. It’s as fun to build as it is to play with. Cool play features include a prison with breakaway wall, jetpack, and depolyable parachute to ignite your imagination and fuel fun storytelling and adventures. The set includes 2 criminals and 4 police officer minifigures to bring the action to life. Imagine all the creative possibilites! What creative stories will you dream up?

MEGA Construx Detective PikachuMEGA Construx Detective PikachuVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the upcoming Pokemon Detective Pikachu film, MEGA Construx expands its line with a new Detective Pikachu set. Measuring 6.25-inches, this figure is comprised of 232 pieces. Cool play features include the ability to flick its tail to spring it into action, a moveable head, and articulation for striking various poses. Kids will find this set as fun to build as it is to play with. What’s cool? In search for clues to breaking the case wide open, you can move Detective Pikachu’s head and bring his magnifying glass closer to his eye for closer inspection. Imagine all the creative play possibilities, storytelling, and adventures!

LEGO Creator Deep Sea Creatures 31088Ages 7+LEGO Creator Deep Sea Creatures 31088Vérifiez le prix

Get ready for exciting deep sea underwater adventures with the Deep Sea Creatures Creator set. With this 230-piece LEGO set, build a shark and crab with a treasure or flexible squid or big-mouth Angler Fish. Cool play features like an opening mouth, pointy teeth, posable fins, movable joints, and reflective eyes bring your imagination to life. Check out the mighty jaws of the Angler Fish and how can anything escape the squid’s long tentacles?! What amazing underwater sea adventures will you create?

Mega Construx Detective Pikachu OfficeAges 6+Mega Construx Detective Pikachu OfficeVérifiez le prix

Inspired by Pokemon Detective Pikachu, the Detective Pikachu Office lets fans build and investigate Harry Goodman’s office. The set also builds a cute mini Detective Pikachu for investigating the case and a buildable chair. Search the entire office, including the computer, for any evidence. Piece together the clues to solve the mystery. Will Detective Pikachu be able to crack the case? Relive your favorite moments from Detective Pikachu.

PLAYMOBIL Advent Calendar – Christmas Ball (9485)Ages 4+PLAYMOBIL Advent Calendar - Christmas Ball (9485)Vérifiez le prix

Celebrate the Christmas season in style with the Playmobil Advent Calendar – Christmas Ball. Every day leading up to Christmas – open one of 24 fun surprises. After everything has been revealed, participate in a magical ball with the royal family. The set comes complete with a backdrop, 4 figures, decorated tree, presents, table, chairs, candelabra, cat, kitten, violin, sleigh, and more to inspire creative play.

While some girls may outgrow Barbie dolls, dolls are still popular toys for 10 year old girls. She is not too old for Barbies. They are still fun to dress up and style. If she loves dolls, there is nothing wrong with that. As long as she loves what she is doing, she doesn’t have to worry about what everybody else thinks.

Barbie Careers Baby DoctorAges 3+Barbie Careers Baby DoctorVérifiez le prix

Let your little one’s imagination soar with the Barbie Baby Doctor set. Barbie is the doctor and ready to give the little babies a checkup. The set comes complete with Barbie in her doctor outfit, two babies, and several accessories to bring your play adventures to life. Kids will have limitless fun creating all sorts of scenarios while igniting their imaginations.

Poopsie Slime Surprise Poop PackAges 5-10Poopsie Slime Surprise Poop PackVérifiez le prix

What happens when you combine slime with Poop and fun surprises? You get Poopsie Slime Surprise. Created by the same company as LOL surprise, Poopsie Slime Surprise is the hottest new collectible. Unwrap it like a toilet roll to unravel 10 magical surprises inside. Inside there is slime powder, a mystery scent, and utensils that lets kids mix up slime . . . we meant unicorn poop. There’s also a poop keychain collectible that can be used to store the slime. Who knew poop could be so exciting?

Polly Pocket World AssortmentAges 4+Polly Pocket World AssortmentVérifiez le prix

It’s time to head back to the 90s! Polly Pocket is making a big return in 2018 with the Polly Pocket World Assortment. These compact Pocket Worlds are perfect for taking the fun on the go. Each has its own theme and comes along with micro dolls, accessories, and other neat surprises. Look for Polly Pocket to make its debut in fall, retailing for $4.99 – $19.99.

Poopsie Surprise UnicornAges 6+Poopsie Surprise UnicornVérifiez le prix

What happens when you feed your Poopsie Surprise Unicorn? It magically poops slime. Then add some magic and it changes color. You will get either Rainbow Brightstar or Oppsie Starlight. Kids will have fun playing out their adventures with their unicorn pal. It’s the perfect Christmas gift for unicorn and slime lovers.

Barbie 2018 Holiday DollAges 6-10Barbie 2018 Holiday DollVérifiez le prix

The holidays are just around the corner, so that means there’s a new Barbie 2018 Holiday Doll for collectors and fans alike. Holiday parties will be red hot! Doesn’t she look absolutely stunning in her gown and accessories?! Make the holidays shine bright with the 2018 Holiday Barbie!

L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Fashion Doll AssortmentAges 6-10L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Fashion Doll AssortmentVérifiez le prix

OMG! L.O.L. now offers super cute fashion dolls. Unbox your glam fashion doll with 20 surprises. What’s cool? Strike different poses and strut your stuff in the dressing room playset. Look for Lady Diva, Neonlicious, Royal Bee, and Swag in the line.

Poopsie Pooey Puitton CollectableAges 5-10Poopsie Pooey Puitton CollectableVérifiez le prix

What’s better than Louis Vuitton bag? A Pooey Puitton bag! Made out of poop, this might be the most stylish poop you have ever seen. Inside it contains all types of supplies for making unicorn slime poop from beads to slime powered bottles. There’s an instruction manual that walks kids through the many slime recipes. It even contains containers inside for storing slime. La meilleure partie? It comes with an exclusive Poopsey character with groovy 2019 glasses.

Barbie Made To Move BarbieAges 3+Barbie Made To Move BarbieVérifiez le prix

Barbie Made To Move dolls are the ultimate posable Barbie dolls. They are designed to move and pose just like in the real world. The range of motion is really impressive compared to past dolls. That means Barbie can do just about anything from riding a pony to doing yoga and more. The possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination. So what are you waiting for … let’s get movin’!

Barbie Happy Birthday DollAges 6-10Barbie Happy Birthday DollVérifiez le prix

This lovely Barbie Happy Birthday doll is an excellent way to celebrate your girl’s birthday. She looks gorgeous in her lovely birthday party dress. Barbie looks absolutely stunning like a princess. Girls will love adding this super cute Barbie to their collection.

My Little Pony Equestria Girls Classic Dolls I & IIAges 5+My Little Pony Equestria Girls Classic Dolls I & IIVérifiez le prix

Coming this spring is the My Little Pony Equestria Girls Classic Doll Assortment I and II. Inspired by entertainment, these 11-inch fashion dolls don stylish fashions based on their various unique personalities. The dolls feature seven points of articulation for bringing your imagination and storytelling to life.

Barbie Tomb Raider DollAges 3-7Barbie Tomb Raider DollVérifiez le prix

Based on Alicia Vikander’s likeness from the new Tomb Raider movie, Mattel has unveiled a special Tomb Raider Barbie for collectors and fans alike. The doll bears a striking resemblance to Lara Croft and comes complete with a map, axe, journal, doll stand, and certificate of authenticity. Lara is fully articulated for bringing your action scenes to life.

Disney Frozen Snow Glow ElsaAges 3+Disney Frozen Snow Glow Elsa

Dressed in Elsa’s signature outfit inspired by entertainment, Disney Frozen Snow Glow Elsa stands 14-inches tall with her beautiful, memorable hairstyle. Launching this fall, Elsa glows and sings the famous hit song ‘Let It Go’. Fans will love reliving the magical moments from Disney’s Frozen and may just never want to let it go! Imagine all the wonderful storytelling and adventure possibilities!

#SNAPSTARAges 5-11#SNAPSTARVérifiez le prix

Earlier this year Yulu launched an innovative new fashion doll line known as #SNAPSTAR where you snap, style, and share. The line features 6 social influencer dolls each with different interests ranging from fashion, beauty, and music to travel, photography, and design. Kids have to reveal their doll and each set includes one complete outfit, accessories, removable hairstyle, green screen, stand, and a small cell phone for the doll to inspire rich storytelling and adventures. Fifteen points of articulation let girls pose the dolls and bring their storytelling to life. What’s cool? The companion app enables kids to share photos of their doll on social media. Plus, with the app, you can add makeup, switch hairstyles, add backdrops, and more. Experience the disruption in the fashion doll world.

Barbie Fashionista in Wheelchair AssortmentAges 3+Barbie Fashionista in Wheelchair AssortmentVérifiez le prix

The Barbie Fashionista with Wheelchair Assortment challenges the traditional view of beauty and expands its definition of inclusivity with the Wheelchair Assortment. This assortment features Made-to-Move Barbies that easily fit into the wheelchair. The included wheelchair fits all body types in the Made-to-Move line from tall to curvy to original. What’s cool? The wheelchair is realistically modeled and the set comes with an accessibility ramp accessory for playing well with your Barbie Estate products. It truly is a watershed moment for those with disabilities because beauty can come in any form.

Barbie Career 60th Anniversary Doll AssortmentAges 3+Barbie Career 60th Anniversary Doll AssortmentVérifiez le prix

Throughout Barbie’s 60 years of existence she has had more than 200 careers. Celebrating her 60th anniversary, this range highlights her most iconic positions as well as new professions. Look for a pilot, astronaut, journalist, political candidate, athlete, and firefighter. Women still remain underrepresented in professions such as political candidate, journalist, and firefighter. Wearing career-themed outfits and with themed accessories, the dolls in the line feature diverse looks with a wide range of body types, skin tones, eye colors, and hairstyles to inspire richer storytelling experiences. What will you be? A political candidate? A journalist? Or a firefighter?

Barbie FashionistasAges 3+Barbie FashionistasVérifiez le prix

Featuring the most diverse and inclusive lineup on the market, the Barbie Fashionistas line offers a wide range of over 100 different looks to find the perfect doll that speaks to you. Choose from a variety of skin tones, eye colors, hair colors and textures, body types, and fashions. Reflecting today’s diverse world, the dolls are designed to inspire richer storytelling.

Barbie Dreamtopia Brush ‘n Sparkle UnicornAges 3+Barbie Dreamtopia Brush ‘n Sparkle UnicornVérifiez le prix

Does she love unicorns? Meet the gorgeous Barbie Dreamtopia Brush ‘n Sparkle Unicorn! From the Barbie Dreamtopia Rainbow Cove, Brush ‘n Sparkle Unicorn features cool interactive lights and sounds when you brush her hair. How cool! Featuring the Barbie Dreamtopia theme song, this unicorn offers 4 magical light and sound shows to dazzle and entertain kids and inspire endless adventures. Get ready for a magical experience with Dreamtopia Brush n’ Sparkle Unicorn.

Barbie Rainbow Sparkle Hair AssortmentAges 5+Barbie Rainbow Sparkle Hair AssortmentVérifiez le prix

With her beautiful hair and styling accessories, budding stylists can create a world of fantastic hair styles for Barbie. Hidden beneath her long locks, girls will discover gorgeous rainbow hair. Add a splash of sparkle with the glitter gomb. The included brush, hair clips, and rubber bands allow for more creative hairstyles. Barbie comes with a coordinated stylish rainbow outfit, silver skirt, stylable hair, and accessories to inspire incredible storytelling and adventures and fantastic hair play. What amazing hairstyles will you create? Imagine all the creative storytelling possibilities!

Barbie Hugs ‘n HorsesAges 3+Barbie Hugs n HorsesVérifiez le prix

Featuring its own saddle and briddle, a soft mane and tail, and a realistic bobbing head, girls will love nurturing and caring for their own horse and pony with the Barbie Hugs & Horses playset. Wearing boots and helmets, Barbie and Chelsea dolls are included along with several fun accessories — like fence pieces, feeding trough, puppy, brush, and more — to inspire rich storytelling and adventures.

Barbie Ultimate Curls Hair AssortmentAges 5+Barbie Ultimate Curls Hair AssortmentVérifiez le prix

Ever wish you could curl Barbie’s hair? Now you can with the Barbie Ultimate Curls Hair Assortment. Go from ordinary to extraordinary with tight or loose curls without any heat application. Cool accessories include a curling iron and curlers that add to the play fun. La meilleure partie? Curling is so easy and you can easily brush it out and restart the styling fun again and again!

Barbie Skipper Babysitters INC Nap ‘n’ Nurture Nursery AssortmentAges 3+Barbie Skipper Babysitters INC Nap ‘n Nurture Nursery AssortmentVérifiez le prix

Get ready for exciting babysitting adventures with twins! Play out your babysitting adventures with the Barbie Skipper Babysitters INC Nursery Playset. This fun playset includes Skipper, twin babies, crib converting into a playmat, changing table, shelf, baby bottles, toys, and more to inspire rich storytelling. Other fun play accessories include a bouncer and rocking horse to add to the play fun. For a more realistic babysitting experience, the baby doll’s diaper is removable to enhance role play. What will your babysitting adventures entail?

Barbie x National Geographic Butterfly Scientist PlaysetAges 3+Barbie x National Geographic Butterfly Scientist PlaysetVérifiez le prix

Ever dreamt of being a butterfly scientist? Live out your dreams with this fun playset, which features an Entomologist Barbie doll in her career outfit. The set comes with an Entomologist workstation, insect collection, study equipment, and a bug-infested tree for studying insects in their natural environment just like in real life. What will amazing discoveries will you make?

Barbie Malibu HouseAges 3+Barbie Malibu HouseVérifiez le prix

Experience 2-stories of fun with the Barbie Malibu House. Explore the kitchen, living room, bathroom and more, as you create fun storytelling. Detailed accessories like a fridge and oven that open and hinged toilet seat and shower add to the fun. What’s cool? The Malibu House features cool transforming rooms, which amplify your child’s storytelling. The living room converts to a movie theater; the kitchen converts to a smoothie bar; and the bunk bed transforms to accommodate guests. Encouraging open-ended play, the Barbie Malibu House ignites your child’s imagination and sparks her creativity. We love that its portable, closing design allows kids to easily transport it anywhere.

Barbie House with DollAges 3+Barbie House with DollVérifiez le prix

This beautiful 2-feet wide Barbie House with Doll set features four areas of play when folded open. Closing the set allows the roof to double as a nifty handle for easy transport. Cook up some delicious fun in the kitchen complete with sink, stove, and flip-down island. This house also features one bedroom and bathroom for added realism. After a long day, relax in the pool with decorative lights and plant. Even Barbie needs some down time. The set comes with a Barbie doll and several accessories to bring your stories to life. Dream up your biggest adventures with Barbie!

Barbie DreamCamperAges 3+Barbie DreamCamperVérifiez le prix

The Barbie DreamCamper is perfect for inspiring endless storytelling fun and adventures, as it converts from a camper into a 2-foot long play area complete with a pool with waterslide, hammocks, sleeping spaces, bathroom, kitchen, and fire pit. It’s an exciting 2-in-1 playset that delivers fun in spades. Imagine racing down the waterslide into the pool and all the wonderful adventures you can have. What will your Barbie DreamCamper adventures entail?

Barbie Travel Dream PlaneAges 3+Barbie Travel Dream PlaneVérifiez le prix

All aboard for fun and fantastic adventures with the Barbie Travel Dream Plane. Open the top to seat up to three dolls. Buckle up and sit back and relax with the reclining seats and enjoy the journey. Fifteen accessories like a dining cart, food pieces, and suitcase storage inspire a world of creative fun and storytelling. Expand Barbie’s horizons through travel and exploration. Where will Barbie’s adventures take her?

Barbie Ultimate ClosetAges 3+Barbie Ultimate ClosetVérifiez le prix

Looking for the dream closet for your Barbie world? Open this portable Barbie Ultimate Closet to reveal 5 cabinets, hanging racks, and a fold-out rack inside. What’s cool? Hang your Barbie fashions on the six included hangers. This set includes one Barbie doll and the closet accessory. What will your outfit of the day be? Decisions, decisions! A convenient carry handle allows for easy transport so you can take the fun and excitement anywhere. What amazing stories will the Ultimate Closet inspire you to tell?

Barbie Ultimate KitchenAges 4+Barbie Ultimate KitchenVérifiez le prix

Featuring a Barbie chef doll, kitchen counter, appliances, cooking and dining utensils, and 5 dough colors for creating food, the Barbie Ultimate Kitchen is the feature set to look out for when it arrives this fall. This kitchen features a cutting board, stovetop, pot, pie baking sheet, and oven. What will you cook up in the Ultimate Kitchen? You can make veggies, sandwiches, fries, and even dessert. There are molds and several cool interactive features like a light-up stove, buttons, and sounds.

Barbie Cake Decorating PlaysetAges 3+Barbie Cake Decorating PlaysetVérifiez le prix

Does she love decorating cakes? Now you can bake up sweet treats with Barbie! What’s cool? This set features special Barbie dough that actually ‘rises’ in the oven after pulling a lever. How cool! Featuring three exciting play areas, kids will love baking, decorating, and displaying their baked goods at this fun bakery. One Barbie doll is included with this playset for inspiring creative play and serving up delicious fun. The creative fun continues to reach new heights with Barbie.

Disney Princess Royal CollectionAges 3+Disney Princess Royal CollectionVérifiez le prix

Does your girl love Disney Princesses? Then she’ll love the Disney Princess Royal Collection! This Amazon-exclusive features 12 beautiful Disney Princesses: Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine, Merida, Mulan, Pocahontas, Rapunzel, Snow White, Tiana, and Moana in one amazing set. The dolls feature their signature fashions and accessories to inspire a world of magical storytelling and adventures. Live out your fantasies with this ultimate Disney Princess set sure to delight fans.

Disney Princess Royal Shimmer MoanaAges 3+Disney Princess Royal Shimmer Moana

The Royal Shimmer collection features sculpted tops with glitter tops and removable outfits with an elastic band. Look for Moana to join the collection this fall. Drawing inspiration from the Disney animated film, Moana will feature her signature, movie-accurate outfit and great posability for bringing your stories and adventures to life. Reimagine magical moments from Disney’s Moana. Collect all your favorite Disney Princesses for a world of fun.

Ralph Breaks The Internet Ultimate Fashion Doll PackAges 3+Ralph Breaks The Internet Ultimate Fashion Doll Pack

Inspired by Ralph Breaks The Internet, Hasbro delivers the Ultimate Fashion Doll Pack featuring 14 Disney Princess dolls! Our favorite Disney Princesses are rockin’ that casual style in 10 to 12-inch dolls with removable fashions and a variety of soft-rooted hair styles. The set includes 14 outfits, 22 movie-inspired accessories, and 12 pairs of shoes. And these beautiful dolls are fully articulated for bringing your storytelling to life. With a complete collection of 14 dolls, imagine all the storytelling and adventure possibilities! It’s the ultimate gift for any Disney Princesses fan!

Disney Descendants 3 Movie Signature AssortmentAges 6+Disney Descendants 3 Movie Signature AssortmentVérifiez le prix

With Disney Descendants 3 premiering on Disney Channel this summer, fans will be super excited for the new Descendants 3 Movie Signature Assortment. Look for Evie, Mal, and Uma dressed in brand new eye-catching fashions in their signature styles with boots and matching fashion accessories. Collect all your favorites and play out your stories and adventures in the world of Auradon.

Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Barbie DollAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Barbie DollVérifiez le prix

Inspired by Toy Story 4, the Toy Story 4 Barbie Doll dons stylish 80’s-inspired workout gear with a blue spandex unitard, pink belt, striped leg warmers, and matching pink sneakers. Eleven points of articulation enable great poseability and allow kids to bring their storytelling and imaginations to life. Fans will love recreating their favorite scenes from the movie.

Polly Pocket Big Pocket World AssortmentAges 4+Polly Pocket Big Pocket World AssortmentVérifiez le prix

Discover a world of fun with the Polly Pocket Big Pocket World Assortment. This new assortment features compact Pocket Worlds for kids to explore: Donut Pajama Party, Pamperin’ Perfume Spa, Schoolbook and Birthday Cake. These pocket-sized worlds with micro Polly dolls and fun themes with surprises inspire your little one’s creativity and imagination, encouraging adventure and storytelling. Go on big adventures and prove that tiny is mighty!

Polly Pocket Pollyville Mega Mall Super PackAges 4+Polly Pocket Pollyville Mega Mall Super PackVérifiez le prix

Get ready to shop ’til you drop! Experience six floors of fun with the Polly Pocket Pollyville Mega Mall. This set includes 20 accessories and Polly’s micro SUV to enhance your storytelling experience. Cool play features include a spinning elevator and parking garage to enhance play. La meilleure partie? Polly can catch a movie at the theater, skate on a ramp, or shoot hoops in the sports store. What will your mall adventures entail?

American Girl – Blaire Wilson – Girl of the Year 2019Ages 7+American Girl - Blaire Wilson - Girl of the Year 2019Vérifiez le prix

Who’s the Americal Girl of the Year 2019? It’s none other than Blair Wilson. Add this beautiful and lovely doll to your collection. This limited edition Doll of the Year comes along with the doll, her favorite bumblebee dress, sandles, accessories and a book. Fans can read and learn all about her fascination with cooking and gardening.

DC Super Hero Girls Super Hero Action DollsAges 6+DC Super Hero Girls Super Hero Action Dolls

Calling all DC Super Hero Girls fans — the DC Super Hero Girls are back in action! Wearing their signature suits with accurate logos and bold colors, these 12-inch action dolls feature removable masks, capes, belts, gauntlets, and more to inspire action-packed adventures. Pose them powerfully, as they stand on their own. Look for Supergirl, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Bumblebee, Jessica Cruz, and Katana in this relaunch. Fans will love bringing their imaginations to life.

Captain Marvel Movie Photon Power FX Captain Marvel Electronic DollAges 6+Captain Marvel Movie Photon Power FX Captain Marvel Electronic DollVérifiez le prix

Get ready for action-packed adventures with the Photon Power FX Captain Marvel Electronic Doll from Hasbro. Featuring interactive lights and sounds and soft-rooted hair, this 11.5-inch doll will inspire amazing superhero adventures along with fantastic hair play. Bring the action and storytelling to life with 11 points of articulation. Accessories like her belt and boots enhance your play experience. Defend the universe with her superpowers!

JoJo Siwa Singing D.R.E.A.M. DollAges 6+JoJo Siwa Singing D.R.E.A.M. Doll

Got a Siwanator obsessed with all things JoJo Siwa? Celebrate JoJo’s first concert tour in style with the JoJo Siwa Singing D.R.E.A.M. doll. Donning a colorful outfit and signature oversized purple bow, she sings her new hit song, ‘D.R.E.A.M.’ Pose her arms and legs and use the included microphone to recreate your favorite JoJo performances. What’s cool? Girls can even wear JoJo’s bow in their own hair and style her hair with the included brush for fun hair play.

Disney•Pixar Toy Story Epic Moves Bo Peep Action DollAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story Epic Moves Bo Peep Action DollVérifiez le prix

Barbie may get all the attention, but let’s not forget about Bo Peep. With her staff and fourteen points of articulation, the Epic Moves Bo Peep Action Doll performs epic moves and offers endless posability to bring your storytelling to life. Encouraging fun hair and fashion play, this doll comes with gorgeous soft-rooted hair, a comb, and multiple costume pieces to bring your stories to life.

Harry Potter Quidditch AssortmentAges 6+Harry Potter Quidditch AssortmentVérifiez le prix

The Harry Potter Quidditch dolls feature movie-accurate replicas of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy with the exact broom as featured in the movie along with a golden snitch. Fans will appreciate this astute attention to detail and may notice Harry carries the Nimbus 2000, while Draco holds the Nimbus 2001. Featuring authentic Quidditch gear and 11 points of articulation, fans will love bringing their magical wizarding stories to life.

Calico Critters Elegant Town Manor Gift SetAges 6+Calico Critters Elegant Town Manor Gift Set

Looking for a fun new playset to expand the fun of your child’s Calico Critters world? The Town Series expands with the Elegant Town Manor Gift Set, a beautiful two-story mansion for Stella Hopscotch Rabbit. Fans will truly appreciate the magnificent attention to detail on this set, as it features a high ceiling with gold-stained chandelier, terrace, windows, railings, furniture, spiral staircase, and detachable roof — all serving to inspire rich imaginative storytelling. La meilleure partie? This manor can be connected to the Designer Studio (sold separately) to form the stunning Stella’s Grand Residence. One Stella character with an exclusive outfit is included in this lovely gift set. Imagine the endless storytelling possibilities!

KidKraft Bianca City Life DollhouseAges 3+KidKraft Bianca City Life Dollhouse

Delivering a full 360-degrees of play, the Bianca City Life Dollhouse from KidKraft features four-stories of fun. Explore the boutique, café, gym, and pet salon, as you craft exciting stories. Fascinating play features include working string lights, moveable staircase, working elevator, mini frame for displaying pictures and 25 accessories to inspire endless imaginative play. La meilleure partie? Thanks to its slim design and its ability to expand vertically, it stores easily when playtime is over.

DC Super Hero Girls Wonder Woman 12 Action DollAges 6-10DC Super Hero Girls Wonder Woman 12 Action DollVérifiez le prix

Wonder Woman was the surprise hit of the box office. Wonder Woman is an empowering super hero for girls and she is strong and beautiful. This pretty high-quality 12-inch action doll features articulation in the arms and knees for recreating your favorite action scenes from the movie. Her costume and accessories are simply wonderful and she serves as a positive role model for girls.

POP: Star Wars Princess LeiaAges 3-15POP: Star Wars Princess LeiaVérifiez le prix

Princess Leia, standing 4 1/2 inches tall, is an awesome representation of her likeness from the Star Wars flicks. It’s amazing how great she looks in person. Her pose is bold and empowering for young girls and she looks ultra cute in her costume. Super fun gift for Star Wars fans. Ten year old girls will love adding her to their collection.

ROBLOX Champions Of RobloxAges 6+ROBLOX Champions Of RobloxVérifiez le prix

If you have never heard of Roblox, it’s one of the most popular games for kids alongside Minecraft. Now there are actually toys coming out. The set comes with 6 different characters that you can mix and match. The coolest part? It comes with a code to unlock in game items.

Minecraft Diamond Steve Action FigureAges 6+Minecraft Diamond Steve Action FigureVérifiez le prix

What could be cooler than a character from Minecraft? About 3 inches high, this action figure is the perfect size. You can get her favorite character from Steve to the Creeper. The cool part about this figure is that you can take the figure apart and even mix and match the different body components with other figures in the line. The only problem? You will have to keep her from getting the other characters in the line.

Marvel Spider-Man Titan Hero Spider-ManAges 4+Marvel Spider-Man Titan Hero Spider-ManVérifiez le prix

Spider-Man is our friendly neighborhood superhero and even girls love playing with our web-slinging hero. Spidey is a high-quality big 12-inch action figure who can be posed in different action poses and take on his adversaries. It’s an awesome figure for the price. Girls will love recreating their favorite moments from the movie and showing him off to their friends. Look out it’s the Spider-Man!

DC Justice League True-Moves Series Batman Ages 3+DC Justice League True-Moves Series Batman Vérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love superheroes? There are several figures in the True-Moves series including everybody’s favorite cape crusade. This Batman figure stands 12 inches tall! Batman features a ton of moving joints for kids to create all sorts of epic battle poses. La meilleure partie? You can bend Batman’s arms and legs in almost any direction. Designed for kids 3 and up, it’s designed for rough play.

Thinkway Toy Story 4 Sheriff Woody with Interactive Drop-Down ActionAges 4+Thinkway Toy Story 4 Sheriff Woody with Interactive Drop-Down ActionVérifiez le prix

Inspired by Disney-Pixar’s Toy Story 4 animated film, the Sheriff Woody figure features a cool and innovative voice-activated, interactive drop-down feature which will spark fans’ imaginations to ‘Infinity and Beyond’. Say ‘Someone’s coming!’ and this 16-inch Woody figure will respond with ‘Really? We’ll talk later’ and drop to the floor or surface. How cool! In all, there are 4 voice commands and two ways to play with over 70 fun phrases to inspire create play. As the most technologically-advanced Toy Story toy range to date — now your favorite Toy Story characters come to life like never before, taking the Toy Story play experience to a whole new level of delightful fun. Relive the magic of Toy Story 4 and bring your favorite scenes to life. Pair Woody with interactive Buzz Lightyear to take your storytelling to ‘Infinity and Beyond’!

Disney•Pixar Toy Story Basic FiguresAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story Basic FiguresVérifiez le prix

Toy Story 4 is one of the most highly-anticipated animated films this year. Inspired by the latest installment in the beloved franchise, gear up for exciting Toy Story 4 adventures with the Disney-Pixar Toy Story Basic Figures assortment. In this collection, look for all your favorite characters from Woody and Buzz to Jessie, Slinky, Rex, and more. These figures feature movie-accurate details and sculpts for an authentic Toy Story experience, and they’re poseable for bringing the action to life and inspiring endless creative, imaginative play. Relive the magic of Toy Story 4 or create your own adventures!

Fortnite Victory 12-Inch Action FiguresFortnite Victory 12-Inch Action Figures

Inspired by the massive Fortnite videogame phenomenon, these new 12-inch Victory figures from Jazwares feature game-accurate designs with intricate sculpts, premium detailing, and multiple points of articulation perfect for posing that are sure to satisfy Fortnite fans and collectors alike. Show your fandom with these awesome action figures and play out your Fortnite battle royale adventures in real life.

Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 RV Friends 6 PackAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 RV Friends 6 PackVérifiez le prix

Packed in special RV road packaging, the RV Friends 6 Pack lets Toy Story 4 fans recreate the action of the movie with this special bundle featuring Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Rex, Slinky, and Forky. The figures are movie-accurate with excellent paintwork and high articulation for striking various poses and bringing your favorite scenes from the movie to life. Get ready for fun adventures with this Toy Story gang.

Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Benson and Woody 2-PackAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Benson and Woody 2-PackVérifiez le prix

Recreate dramatic scenes from Toy Story 4 with the Benson and Woody 2-Pack. This Walmart-exclusive set includes movie-scale figures of Benson and Woody. Benson stands 1-foot tall and Woody is a special movie edition with a scared looked on his face. What’s cool? Press the button the back of Benson to make him move his mouth like a real dummy. The package wonderfully sets the scene in the antique shop. Toy Story 4 fans will want to add this to their collection to play out their favorite scenes from the movie.

Star Wars: Episode IX Figure AssortmentAges 4+Star Wars: Episode IX Figure Assortment

Bring the action of Star Wars: Episode IX to life with these awesome action figures inspired by the blockbuster movie. Featuring intricate detailing and articulation for high poseability, fans will love recreating the biggest battles and missions from the film. May the Force be with you! It’s the perfect gift for any Star Wars fan.

Super Mario 4-inch FiguresAges 3+Super Mario 4-inch Figures

It’s a me, Mario! Nintendo fans can show their fandom by collecting a new wave of 4-inch collectibles inspired by the popular Super Mario videogames. Each figure features multiple points of articulation along with an accessory for bringing the action to life. Look for Captain Mario, Explorer Outfit Mario, Yoshi, Goomba, and Piranha Plant in the fall. The spring assortment will feature Odyssey Mario with Cappy, Lakitu with fishing pole, Captured Hammer Bro with hammer, Explorer Mario with Blue Power Moon, and Captain Mario with Red Power Moon. Collect all your favorites and play out your own fascinating Mario adventures!

Sonic The Hedgehog 4-Inch Bendy FiguresAges 3+Sonic The Hedgehog 4-Inch Bendy Figures

New Sonic the Hedgehog figures inspired by the SEGA videogames will be released by Jakks Pacific this year in partnership with Sega of America. Choose from a variety of 4-inch bendable figures from Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow that allow for posing and bringing the action to life. Each figure includes a transforming collectible Sonic coin that can be spun. The action figures extend the Sonic experience from screen time to play time. Collect all your favorites and play out your own exciting Sonic adventures with these awesome figures.

Super Mario Bowser’s Castle PlaysetAges 3+Super Mario Bowsers Castle Playset

Explore Bowser’s Castle packed with cool play features, authentic sounds and music, and a mini 2.5-inch Bowser figure. Fun interactive play features include a working lift, spinning fireballs, and an opening cage door to inspire imaginative play. Can you defeat Bowser by hitting the exclamation switch, sending him into the lava pit? Kids will love recreating the action from the videogame and building out their own Super Mario-inspired world with these awesome, action-packed playsets.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers 6-Inch Core Figure AssortmentAges 4+Power Rangers Beast Morphers 6-Inch Core Figure AssortmentVérifiez le prix

Aller! Aller! Power Rangers! Fans will love collecting and role-playing with the Power Rangers Beast Morphers Core Figure Assortment. These 6-inch core figures are inspired by entertainment with entertainment-accurate sculpts, multiple points of articulation for poseability, and weapons for bringing the action to life. What’s cool? Each figure includes a special Morph-X key for inserting into the Beast-X Morpher, sold separately, to bring it to life. Live out your Power Rangers fantasies with this epic assortment. It’s Morphin Time!!!

Power Rangers Beast Morphers 12-Inch Figure AssortmentAges 4+Power Rangers Beast Morphers 12-Inch Figure Assortment

Aller! Aller! Power Rangers! Fans will love collecting and role-playing with the Power Rangers Beast Morphers 12-Inch Figure Assortment. These 12-inch figures are inspired by the Beast Morphers show with entertainment-accurate sculpts, multiple points of articulation for high poseability, and an accessory for bringing the action of the show to life. Collect all your favorites and live out your Power Rangers fantasies with this epic assortment. It’s Morphin Time!!!

Power Rangers Lightning CollectionAges 4+Power Rangers Lightning CollectionVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the Power Rangers series, the 6-inch Power Rangers Lightning Collection features premium paint and signature detailing, multiple points of articulation, swappable heads/hands, and accessories to inspire adventures and storytelling. Look for Mighty Morphin White Ranger, Dino Charge Red Ranger, Lord Zedd, and the S.P.D. Shadow Ranger in the first wave. Everyone but Zedd will feature alternate heads for also role-playing in human form. Fans will love collecting them and bringing the action from the show to life. Aller! Aller! Power Rangers!

Power Rangers Beast Morphers Beast-X UltrazordAges 4+Power Rangers Beast Morphers Beast-X Ultrazord

Discover the ultimate in Morphin power with this Power Rangers Beast Morphers Beast-X Ultrazord. Join forces to form this large-scale Beast-X Ultrazord to overcome the toughest of foes. Nothing will be able to get in the way of the Beast-X Ultrazord! What’s cool? It can determine certain poses and features over 30 sounds and phrases to bring the Power Rangers action to life. Imagine all the epic adventures you’ll have with the Beast-X Ultrazord.

Ben 10 Basic Action Figure AssortmentAges 4+Ben 10 Basic Action Figure AssortmentVérifiez le prix

Based on Season 3 of the animated show, Playmates introduces its latest Ben 10 Action Figures assortment. With figures as tall as 5-inches along with themed play accessories, kids can bring the action of the show to life with these highly detailed and articulated figures, enabling a variety of action poses and storytelling. Look for Rustbuggy Ben, Humungousaur, Rath, Slapback, Kevin, and Hot Shot in the spring. Then in the fall look for 2 mix-and-match figures and Armored Humungousaur, Armored Heatblast, and Armored Diamondhead.

Poopsie Cutie TootiesAges 5+Poopsie Cutie TootiesVérifiez le prix

From the maker of L.O.L. Surprise!, Poopsie Cutie Tooties offers a brand new slime and unboxing experience unlike anything before. Snip the top of the unicorn poop and squeeze your slime and discover your surprise hidden inside. From crunchy to marshmallow to putty slime and more, discover 30 different types of slimes. In all there are over 25 Cutie Tooties to collect. Who will you find?

L.O.L. Surprise! Glam GlitterAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Glam GlitterVérifiez le prix

Want some glam in your life, then you will love the new Glam Glitter series of L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls. These new dolls feature the most glam styles you’ve seen yet. L.O.L. fans will love collecting these glamorous girls. They are the perfect addition to your collection. Each doll will have a special surprise: Will it be a crier, spitter, tinkler, or color changer?

L.O.L. Surprise! Bigger SurpriseAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Bigger SurpriseVérifiez le prix

A big surprise is going to shake up the L.O.L. world later this fall. Trust us, you ain’t seen nothing yet. This package is the ultimate dream collection for L.O.L. Surprise! fans featuring over 60 exclusive dolls and accessories! La meilleure partie? Fans will see a mix of L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls, Pets, and even Lil Sisters. It’s the perfect Christmas gift for any L.O.L. Surprise! lover. Get it before it’s all gone … this one’s going to be HUGE!

L.O.L. Surprise! Under Wraps DollAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Under Wraps DollVérifiez le prix

Under Wraps dolls are the latest sensation in the world of L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls. Fans will love solving the mystery of their doll with the new spy glass tool. Each doll comes with 15 surprises to discover. Unwrap the fun with L.O.L. Surprise Under Wraps. Which one will you unwrap?

L.O.L. Surprise! Pearl SurpriseAges 8+L.O.L. Surprise! Pearl SurpriseVérifiez le prix

Featuring a beautiful glitter case, the L.O.L. Surprise! Pearl Surprise comes with a limited edition Doll and Lil Sister. It’s a fun bath playset with a cool fizzing surprise. Who will you reveal? The reveal process is just as fun as finding out who you’ve got!

Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Elite Trainer BoxAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Elite Trainer BoxVérifiez le prix

Looking for a great gift for your Pokemon fanatic? Consider the Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Trainer Box. This complete set includes 10 Booster Packs, 65 Card Sleeves, 45 Energy Cards, Shining Ho-Oh Foil Card, Player’s Guide, 6 Damage Counter Dice and more. Pokemon fans will be on their way to becoming the ultimate Pokemon Master. When they open it, they will be smiling from ear to ear. Let the games begin!

L.O.L. Surprise! MaisonAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! MaisonVérifiez le prix

Your L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls will live large in their very own L.O.L. Surprise! House. They’re moving in and ready for fun! Featuring 3-stories of fun and loaded with 6 rooms, a working elevator, pool, spa, and sandbox, kids’ imaginations will be bursting with endless fun adventures. Interactive lights and sounds elevate your experience. The set comes with a moving truck and furniture to decorate your house.

Nintendo AmiiboAges 6+Nintendo AmiiboVérifiez le prix

It’s a me, Mario! Mario looks suave in his suit and tie from Super Mario Odyssey. Fans love collecting Amiibo of their favorite Nintendo characters. The figures feature impeccable detailing and paint work. Not only are they great collector items, but also they can unlock a variety of in-game content in compatible games.

L.O.L. Surprise! Pets Series 4Ages 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Pets Series 4Vérifiez le prix

With seven layers of surprises, girls will love collecting and unwrapping their L.O.L. Surprise! Pets. Series 4 has secret messages on each layer that can be revealed with the included spy glass. Fans will love collecting these adorable little pet companions. This set includes 2 balls and 2 pets. Which ones will you unwrap?

L.O.L. Surprise #OOTD Outfit Of The DayAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise #OOTD Outfit Of The DayVérifiez le prix

Surprise your L.O.L. fan this holiday season with L.O.L. Surprise #OOTD Outfit of the Day. This limited edition set features an exclusive L.O.L. Surprise! doll and over 25 surprises. In fact, fans can celebrate with a new look each day. With 24 exclusive fashion pieces, fans will enjoy dressing up their doll and going on all sorts of fun adventures.

Pokemon TCG: Guzzlord-GX BoxAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Guzzlord-GX BoxVérifiez le prix

Pokemon fans gotta catch the Pokemon TCG: Guzzlord-GX Box! Nothing will prepare you for Guzzlord, the Ultimate Beast Pokemon. This set features 4 Booster Packs, 1 Rare Guzzlord-GX, Playable Promo Foil Card, and 1 Guzzlord-GX Oversized Foil Card. All in all it’s about 40 cards with a lot of variety. It’s a gift that will satisfy any Pokemon fan.

Pokemon TCG: Lycanroc-GX Box Card GameAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Lycanroc-GX Box Card GameVérifiez le prix

The Pokemon Trading Card Game Lycanroc GX Box is a great gift set for your Pokemon lover. Pokemon fans will be excited about getting this set because it contains an exclusive giant Lycanroc GX card, which is the main attraction and a fantastic card to have in your collection. Additionally, you get 40 regular cards, a large EX and small EX card. It’s a great set that is worth the price of admission.

L.O.L. Surprise! Pop-Up StoreAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Pop-Up StoreVérifiez le prix

Do you have a lot of LOL dolls lying around everywhere? Give them a new home with the affordable Pop Up Store. This stand not only gives you a great way to display over 50 dolls, but it also turns into a play area and carry case. It comes with one exclusive LOL doll. The best part! Not only is a great gift for an LOL doll collector, but your floor will thank you.

L.O.L. Surprise! Pets Series 3Ages 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Pets Series 3Vérifiez le prix

With seven layers of surprises, girls love collecting these cute L.O.L. Surprise! Pets from Series 3. This 2-pack includes two L.O.L. Surprise! Pets. Will your pet be a crier, spitter, tinkler, or color-changer? There are over 35 pets to collect in this series.

Orbeez Wow World Wowzer Surprise Magical PetsAges 5+Orbeez Wow World Wowzer Surprise Magical PetsVérifiez le prix

The newest thing in the world of Orbeez is Orbeez Wow World. There are 22 pets to collect in all. The cool part? It comes as a blind purchase in a container filled with Orbeez. Simply add water and the Wowser pet is revealed inside like magic.

L.O.L. Surprise! Biggie PetAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Biggie PetVérifiez le prix

There is even a bigger surprise in the world of LOL. It’s called Biggie pets! There are 15 surprises in each Biggie Pet. How many pet babies will your find inside? 2 or 3? That’s the surprise! Look for secret clues to reveal what mystery pets are inside. There are even wearable accessories. The coolest part? Each Biggie Pet is a backpack.

Funko POP Harry PotterAges 3+Funko POP Harry PotterVérifiez le prix

Harry Potter fans will love this authentic recreation of their favorite character from the Harry Potter movies. Harry looks incredibly cute with his garb, vest, little tie, and magical wand. Cast a spell of fun with this Funko POP vinyl figure.

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles CollEGGtor’s CaseAges 5+Hatchimals CollEGGtibles CollEGGtors CaseVérifiez le prix

The Hatchimals CollEGGtibles CollEGGtor’s Case represents the first time Spin Master will be launching a collector’s case into the line. The CollEGGtor’s Case holds over 30 Hatchimals CollEGGtibles figures so you can store and display your favorite figures from your collection. It will also come packed with exclusive characters.

L.O.L. Surprise! Lil Sisters Series 4Ages 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Lil Sisters Series 4Vérifiez le prix

LOL dolls continue to be popular. There is something that is so fun about revealing the layered surprises inside. The latest series is the Eye Spy series, which is Series 4. The Series has secret messages on each layer that can be revealed with the included spy glass. Kids will feel like spies as they try to decode what Lil Sister is hidden inside.

Fingerlings MinisAges 5+Fingerlings MinisVérifiez le prix

Remember Fingerlings- last year’s hottest toy? These adorable monkeys are getting an extended family. First, there are bite-sized Fingerlings Minis. These bite-sized figures come in a blind bag. These little figures can hook onto anything with their tails and can even be used as pencil toppers.

Funko POP Disney Incredibles 2 ElastigirlAges 3+Funko POP Disney Incredibles 2 ElastigirlVérifiez le prix

Got an Incredibles 2 fan? Show your fandom with this authentic POP inspired by Elastigirl from the animated summer blockbuster Incredibles 2. This 3.75-inch stylized vinyl pop is perfect for displaying in your room and showing off to your friends.

Felix and Wise Shopafun Carrying CaseAges 4+Felix and Wise Shopafun Carrying CaseVérifiez le prix

So you’ve got a ton of Shopkins collectibles around the house? This carrying case and organizer is a great gift idea to help neatly organize all your Shopkins figures. The display features three tiers and they are great for showcasing your Shopkins collection. The case holds about 250 figures.

Soft’N Slo Squishies Ice Cream ConeAges 8+SoftN Slo Squishies Ice Cream ConeVérifiez le prix

Your favorite squishies have gotten even better with these jumbo-sized Soft’N Slo Squishies. Choose from a variety of different foods from ice cream to s’mores, pies, and more. They looks so delicious you could almost eat it. Now with an improved formula, they deliver slow-rise fun like never before and did we mention it’s oh so satisfying?!

Shopkins Cutie Cars Color Change Cars Season 3Ages 5+Shopkins Cutie Cars Color Change Cars Season 3Vérifiez le prix

Love the Cutie Cars? Cutie Cars Shopkins Season 2 was featured at Toy Fair. The coolest new thing in the world of Cutie Cars is an awesome color-changing feature. When you dip them in warm water, the paint instantly changes color and they don’t change back right away. Dip it in cold water and watch it change back like magic.

Funko POP! Games: Cuddle Team LeaderAges 6+Funko POP! Games: Cuddle Team LeaderVérifiez le prix

Fortnite has become the biggest phenomenon in gaming. Show your fandom by picking up your favorite Fornite character as a POP figure. Due to the immense popularity of the game, Fortnite POPs are expected to be the most popular gaming POPs this year. Choose from the Cuddle Team Leader to Brite Bomber to Merry Marauder and more! It’s the perfect gift for Fornite fans who can’t get enough of the game.

L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals Makeover SeriesAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals Makeover SeriesVérifiez le prix

L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals Makeover Series features an all-new cast of dolls to collect and style their hair. Feed or bathe your dolls to reveal a fun water surprise, including a color-change feature. Discover and unbox 12 new dolls with 15 fun surprises awaiting. Now the dolls come bundled in a hairspray can which converts into a salon chair, display case, doll stand, or purse to expand your storytelling. Will you find the 2 Rare Glitteratti dolls?

L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy PetsAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy PetsVérifiez le prix

The unboxing fun expands with L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy Pets. Packaged in a shampoo bottle doubling as a bath, purse, and playset with 7 fun surprises, L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy Pets reinvents the fun of these surprise pets. The seven surprises include a mirror, secret message, bottle, scooper, accessory, outfit, and pet for bringing your stories to life. Reveal your pet by giving these fuzz-coated pets a bath in the shampoo bottle to wash the fuzz away. What a fun reveal! You can even choose to have one with the fuzz and one without to expand your collection with a variety of designs. What’s cool? Get creative with fun hairstyles using or eliminating the fuzz or add water to the pet for a special water surprise, which includes a fun color-changing effect. Look for over 35 to collect in the line. Are you ready to get ‘fuzzy’ with it?

L.O.L. Surprise! Bubbly SurpriseAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Bubbly SurpriseVérifiez le prix

Get ready for an exciting unboxing experience with L.O.L. Surprise! Bubbly Surprise. Available in two styles, discover an exclusive L.O.L. Surprise Doll and Pet hidden inside a bubbly, fizzy heart. Open mystery balls and dig through sand to find six more fun surprises! Simply add water and watch the magic being! We can’t get enough of these fizzing action reveals. What’s cool? The sparkly glitter case doubles as a purse or playset. What surprises will you uncover?

L.O.L. Surprise! 2-in-1 GlamperAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! 2-in-1 GlamperVérifiez le prix

Where do your LOL dolls go for adventure? Ride the L.O.L. Surprise! 2-in-1 Glamper and get ready for exciting adventures. Fully extended this 2 x 3 foot Glamper camper features a working horn and headlights to head to your next destination. La meilleure partie? The front car detaches and the rear transforms into the ultimate hangout for your LOL dolls complete with bund beds, fashion runway, lightup pool with 2-story water slide, and more! It’s packed with fun play features to inspire storytelling. LOL fans will love that there are over 55 surprises to discover. In addition to the surprises you get an exclusive L.O.L. doll. It’s a must-have for any LOL fan!

BlumeAges 5+Blume" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="Find the best gifts for 10 year old girls. Browse over 600 gifts and toys for 10 year old girls sure to delight." data-jpibfi-post-url="" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Gifts For 10 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="" src=""/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Blume dolls bring healthy innovation to the exciting world of collectibles. These dolls represent the next big collectible with a unique, cool, and magical bloom surprise reveal experience unlike anything you’ve seen before. Simply add a few drops of water onto the ‘seeds’ and watch your Blume doll literally bloom out of her flower pot like magic. Seeing is believing — it’s pure genius and you won’t believe your eyes! Featuring unique, over-the-top hairstyles, mix-and-match outfits, chic handbags, adorable mini friends, and sticker books to inspire creative storytelling and fun adventures, the first series will feature 22 dolls to collect when they launch later this summer. Will you find the ‘Mystical’ doll?

Shopkins Real Littles ‘Lil Shopper PacksAges 4+Shopkins Real Littles Lil Shopper PacksVérifiez le prix

Is that a Shopkin or little Pop-Tarts? Shopkins has joined forces with some of the most beloved brands for its latest ‘Real Littles’ Shopper Packs line. Fans will discover popular and recognizable brands like Pringles, Pop-Tarts, Reddi-Wip, Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Welch’s Concord Grape Jelly and more! What’s cool? The packaging looks identical to its real-world counterpart — only much smaller and cuter and your Shopkins surprises will be inside. In addition, your Shopkins will look much more realistic than ever, elevating the experience to a whole new level.

Hairdorables HairDUDEables BFF 2-PackAges 3+Hairdorables HairDUDEables BFF 2-Pack

Featuring the same ‘Big Hair Don’t Care’ attitudes, the Hairdorables line expands with new dudes – HairDUDEables in these HairDUDEables BFF 2-Packs. YAAASSS! These special 2-packs feature an exclusive Hairdorable doll along with her BFF HairDUDEable friend for inspiring awesome adventures together. With new, hip personalities and accessories, look for 6 dudes and 6 exclusive Hairdorables dolls to collect in the line. Pull, peel, and reveal your surprise HairDUDEable along with 15 fun surprises. Which HairDUDEables will you find?

Poopsie Cutie TootiesAges 5+Poopsie Cutie TootiesVérifiez le prix

From the maker of L.O.L. Surprise!, Poopsie Cutie Tooties offers a brand new slime and unboxing experience unlike anything before. Snip the top of the unicorn poop and squeeze your slime and discover your surprise hidden inside. From crunchy to marshmallow to putty slime and more, discover 30 different types of slimes. In all there are over 25 Cutie Tooties to collect. Who will you find?

Funko POP Games Fortnite Series 2 Collector’s SetFunko POP Games Fortnite Series 2 Collectors SetVérifiez le prix

Featuring game-accurate premium detailing, amazing sculpting, and iconic outfits inspired by the gaming phenomenon, Fortnite, these Funko Fortnite Series 2 collectibles deliver the goods big time for fans. Standing 3.75-inches tall, build your Fortnite squad with these awesome collectibles. Look for 10 new vinyl figures in the line: Burnout, Zoey, Havoc, Sparkle Specialist, Tricera Ops, Valor, Dark Vanguard, Ragnarok, Drift, and Raven. Who will you add to your squad?

Fortnite Battle Royal CollectionAges 8+Fortnite Battle Royal CollectionVérifiez le prix

Moose Toys is launching its own Fortnite line of toys with the Fortnite Battle Royal Collection. The new officially-licensed line features an authentic collection of figures, vehicles, and playsets based on the popular videogame franchise. The Solo Packs feature a poseable Fortnite minifigure with interchangeable weapons, accessories, and Back Bling to inspire creative play, while The Squad Packs come with four 2-inch poseable mini figures with premium detailing. In all look for 100 figures to collect in this collection. Collect all your favorites and bring the battle royale fun of the game to life!

Hairdorables Dolls Series 3Ages 3+Hairdorables Dolls Series 3Vérifiez le prix

Based on the popular YouTube series, Hairdorables Series 3 introduces fun new themes, new pop-up backgrounds, and brand new fashions for the girl squad with ‘Big Hair Don’t Care’ attitudes. A surprise hair tool allows fans to color, crimp or curl their hair for fun hair play, while fun pop-up backgrounds include PJ Party, Outdoor Fun, and Dance Party to inspire rich storytelling! Series 3 features 2 Rares and one Ultra-Rare doll to find. Pull, peel, and pop to reveal each doll along with 11 fun surprises. Will you find the Ultra-Rare doll?

Hairdorables Pets Series 2Ages 3+Hairdorables Pets Series 2

Aren’t these the cutest little furry friends ever?! Hairdorables Pets Series 2 introduces new themes, fun finishes, and accessories to spice up the fun! Fun new themes in Series 2 include PJ Party and Outdoor Fun. With ‘Big Hair Don’t Care’ style, these pets love showcasing their unique personalities and each pet comes with a host of fun new surprises like accessories, stickers, adoption card, and a collector’s list to add to the collecting fun.

Hairdorables ShortcutsAges 3+Hairdorables Shortcuts

YAAASSS! Meet the Hairdorables Shortcuts, the younger sisters of the Hairdorables. While they may be short and sweet, they pack the same ‘Big Hair Don’t Care’ attitudes of their siblings. Hidden inside a shampoo-like bottle, reveal your Shortcut with fun peel pod layers. Each Shortcut features 8 surprises, a skirt scrunchie, and play accessory to add to the fun. The coolest part? With interchangeable poptails and barrettes, you can personalize their looks and engage in fun hair play. Look for 24 Shortcuts in the line.

Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Minis Ultimate New Friends 10-PackAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Minis Ultimate New Friends 10-PackVérifiez le prix

Looking for cute collectibles of your favorite Toy Story 4 characters? Look no further than Mattel’s new Toy Story 4 Minis Ultimate New Friends 10-Pack set featuring the full cast of beloved Toy Story characters along with new characters from Toy Story 4. Some of your favorites of old have been redesigned. Look for Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Bo Peep, Duke Caboom, Bo’s Sheep, Bunny, Ducky, Benny, Gabby Gabby, and Tinny in this assortment. It’s a quick and easy way to build your Minis collection and it’s perfect for recreating the magic of the animated film.

Funko POP! Disney Toy Story 4Ages 3+Funko POP! Disney Toy Story 4Vérifiez le prix

With movie-inspired details from Toy Story 4, the entire Toy Story gang is here as Funko POP! Disney figures. Aren’t they so adorable?! Look for Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Buzz Lightyear Floating (Amazon-exclusive), Bo Peep with Office McDimples, Jessie, Forky, Bunny, Ducky, Duke Caboom, Combat Carl Jr., Alien, and Gabby Gabby in this collection. Collect all your favorites and build your collection.

Funko Vynl Disney•Pixar Toy Story: Woody + Buzz LightyearAges 3+Funko Vynl Disney•Pixar Toy Story: Woody + Buzz LightyearVérifiez le prix

Toy Story fans will love the new Vynl Woody + Buzz Lightyear 2-in-1 combo pack featuring these beloved characters. While these vinyl collectibles from Funko may be small, they feature premium details and sculpting — making them instantly recognizable. It’s the perfect gift for Toy Story fans and Funko collectors alike.

Funko POP! Games Pokemon – PikachuAges 6-12Funko POP! Games Pokemon - PikachuVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun gift for your Pokemon lover? Available exclusively at Target, the Funko POP! Games Pokemon – Pikachi POP looks absolutely amazing. It looks straight out of the animated show it’s based on. Fans will love showing their fandom with their favorite character Pikachu. Isn’t he the most cutest little thing ever?

Funko POP Disney Little Mermaid ArielAges 6+Funko POP Disney Little Mermaid ArielVérifiez le prix

It’s Ariel and she’s beautifully stylized! Arriving this fall, look for this adorable vinyl Funko POP based on Disney’s Little Mermaid. Standing 3.75-inches tall with a stylish purse, she makes the perfect gift for Little Mermaid fans.

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Mermal Magic 12-Pack Egg CartonAges 5+Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Mermal Magic 12-Pack Egg CartonVérifiez le prix

The latest Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Season 5 Mermal Magic have washed ashore! These shimmery seashell-shaped surprise eggs feature cool color-changing Hatchimals to hatch that are half-Hatchimal and half-mermaid. Look for over 80 characters to collect in this latest series. While smaller packs are available, the 12-Pack Egg Carton is the fastest way to build your collection. Who will you hatch? Splash into fun with Mermal Magic!

Hatchimals PixiesAges 5+Hatchimals PixiesVérifiez le prix

Featuring gorgeous glittery hair, adorable wiggling wings, and poseable heads, Hatchimals Pixies are the latest magical friends to hold, hatch, and love. The line will feature two waves – each with a distinct theme and each featuring 8 Pixies. The base of their egg features a bed for some downtime — yes, even Pixies need their beauty rest. The set also includes 3 exclusive accessories to enhance your play. Discover 16 adorable Pixies across the first two waves from different Hatchitopia regions. Which Pixie will you hatch?

5 Surprise Mini BrandsAges 4+5 Surprise Mini Brands

Unwrap, peel, and reveal your 5 surprises. With 5 Surprise Mini Brands, Zuru has partnered with some of your favorite brands to bring to market adorably cute miniature versions. Look for Twinkies, Dove, and many more cute miniatures! They’re oh so cute and perfect for collecting, shopping, and playing. With over 70 surprise mini collectibles to discover, what surprises will you find?

Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Charizard-GX Case FileAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Charizard-GX Case FileVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the upcoming Pokemon Detective Pikachu movie, new cards launch for Pokemon TCG fans. This Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Charzard-GX Case File features one foil Charzard-GX promo card, one oversized foil Charzard-GX card, 4 Detective Pikachu 4-card booster packs, 2 extra booster packs, and a code for the online Pokemon trading card game. Expand your collection with this awesome set featuring coveted elements. The line will also include a Greninja-GX Case File and a MewTwo-GX Case File for fans who can’t get enough of Pokemon. The Greninja-GX Case File includes 7 booster packs, while the MewTwo-GX Case File comes with 6 booster packs.

Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Collector ChestAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Collector ChestVérifiez le prix

Ready for some super-sleuthing fun à la Detective Pikachu? Fans will want to check out the Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Collector Chest with artwork inspired by the movie. This set features new cards inspired by Pokemon Detective Pikachu. Enclosed in the metal collector chest, the set offers 7 Detective Pikachu booster packs, 2 Pokemon TCG booster packs, a Detective Pikachu collector’s pin, and a Pokemon notepad and sticker sheet. It’s the perfect gift for any Pokemon fan.

Roblox Jailbreak: Great EscapeAges 6+Roblox Jailbreak: Great EscapeVérifiez le prix

Roblox Jailbreak: Great Escape is one of the latest expansions to the world of Roblox toys. Kids are encouraged to build, chuck, dunk, dance, hug, race, style, scratch, swap, mix-and-match, trade, and collect them. We love mixing-and-matching parts to create our own characters. Whatever you decide they are designed to encourage creativity and fuel your imagination. This set features 4 Roblox figures, a getaway vehicle, and several accessories to inspire creative play as well as a digital code to unlock content in the game. Relive your favorite Roblox jailbreak adventures or create your own! How will you make the great escape?

Fingerlings NarwhalsAges 5+Fingerlings NarwhalsVérifiez le prix

The newest Fingerlings are adorable Narwhals featuring new motion-sensor technology. When you interact with it, its mood horns illuminate a variety of colors, indicating its mood, and you can even perform fun surf waves while on your finger. Pet your Narwhal and it flaps its tail, blinks its eyes, and makes sounds to convey emotion. Tellement mignon! Our favorite part? The longer you press its face to your cheek, the bigger and louder its Magical Kisses get. Aww, isn’t that the sweetest thing ever?!

Slimi Café Sweet Treats Creation KitAges 8+Slimi Café Sweet Treats Creation Kit

Looking for the next big thing in the world of squishies? Slimi Café is the latest innovation from ORB — beautifully meshing the two popular trends of slime and squishies into one amazing product. Mix Soft’n Slo Squishies with Slimi Café toppings to concoct a variety of delicious food creations that can mixed-and-matched, decorated, and squeezed for an extremely satisfying experience unlike anything before. This takes the fun of squishies to the next level. La meilleure partie? Even after squeezing and mixing the slime and squishies, you can easily take them apart and start all over again — so the fun never really ends. Just when you thought they’ve done everything they can with squishies, you realize they’ve taken it to a whole new level!

Pikmi Pops Surprise! DoughMisAges 5+Pikmi Pops Surprise! DoughMisVérifiez le prix

The collectible aisle is about to get a whole lot sweeter! DoughMis, a sweet-scented, collectible donut plush range, are the latest Pikmi Pops. Collect over 40 different DoughMis in small, medium, or jumbo sizes. Look out for the special edition Squish’n Rise DoughMis which are soft and squishy like a real doughnut. Serving up delicious fun, it’s the perfect gift for donut and plushy lovers alike.

Pop Pops Snotz / Pop Pops PetsAges 5+Pop Pops Snotz / Pop Pops PetsVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love popping bubble wrap? Combining bubble popping, slime, and blind collectibles, the new Pop Pops line from Yulu brings meaningful innovation and fun play to the world of collectibles. Pop the bubbles to reveal your hidden characters in the slime. Series 1 of Pop Pops Snotz and Pop Pops Pets feature 60 characters with common, rare, super rare, and special editions to collect. For even more fun, the Slime Slammer Hammer, a hammer-like toy allows you to quickly bash open your Pop Pops. What’s cool? The hammer’s handle doubles as a syringe that can suck up or squirt out slime. How fun! Pop Pop Pets comes with fluffy slime and features fun pet characters like a teacup pig, bunny with a top hat, and penguin pirate. Once you pop, you can’t stop!

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Advent CalendarAges 5+Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Advent CalendarVérifiez le prix

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles are one of the hottest toys this year. Now kids can bring the fun of CollEGGtibles to their favorite holiday season with Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Advent Calendar. This Advent Calendar features 24 surprises to hatch and over 50 surprises to discover. Each day leading up to Christmas, pop open a door to reveal paper craft decorations, small presents, stickers and accessories for your Hatchimals. What’s cool? Kids can build their own little winter wonderland scene with this set and play out endless creative adventures in Hatchtopia.

Hot Wheels Advent CalendarAges 3-7Hot Wheels Advent CalendarVérifiez le prix

Vroom! Vroom! Counting down the days to Christmas just got a whole lot more exciting. Now you can count down the days to Christmas with Hot Wheels. There are 8 vehicles and 16 accessories to unbox inside. La meilleure partie? Compared to last year, this time around there are no stickers so you get actual toy accessories. It’s the perfect Advent Calendar for car lovers.

Hot Wheels Basic Car 50-PackAges 3+Hot Wheels Basic Car 50-PackVérifiez le prix

Celebrating 50 years of Hot Wheels fun, Mattel will launch The Hot Wheels Original Sweet 16 – based on the original 16 toy cars in the line. While the Hot Wheels line has sold more than 6 billion toy cars and garnered the title of #1 Selling Toy in the World, each car still costs $1. Still an unbeatable value! Build your Hot Wheels collection with this awesome 50-pack set.

Hot Wheels Mario KartAges 3+Hot Wheels Mario Kart

Start your engines! Nintendo has joined forces with Hot Wheels, the #1 selling toy in the world, to create a new licensed line based on the iconic Mario Kart franchise. This assortment will include Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Yoshi, Toad, Rosalina, Wario, and Bowser in their respective go-karts from the game. The characters closely resemble their likenesses from the game, which die-hard fans will truly appreciate. True Mario Kart fans will likely want to add the entire line to their collection because they’re really that good! Kids will love creating their own little Mario Kart-inspired races with their favorite Nintendo characters.

Toy Story 4 Hot Wheels Character Cars 6-Pack Collector SetAges 3+Toy Story 4 Hot Wheels Character Cars 6-Pack Collector SetVérifiez le prix

Build your Toy Story 4 Hot Wheels collection with this Htot Wheels Character Cars 6-Packk Collector Set. Your favorite Toy Story pals have been transformed into cute car form like never before. This set includes Woody, Buzz, Rex, Bo Peep, Forky, and Bunny Hot Wheels vehicles.

Nerf Zombie Strike Survival System Scravenger BlasterAges 8+Nerf Zombie Strike Survival System Scravenger BlasterVérifiez le prix

The Scravenger is the first accessory based Zombie Strike blaster. Nerf is introducing the Zombie Strike Survival system. Similar to the Modulus line, it is all about customization. With a cobbled together look, it comes with a flashlight and spray paint can barrel, which can be swapped out with other accessories in the line. This spring-powered magazine fed blaster has a switch on the side that enables slam fire. In case you run out of ammo, the included stock contains a backup 2 shot blaster.

Nerf Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger 2-PackAges 8+Nerf Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger 2-PackVérifiez le prix

Laser tag is great because you don’t have to worry about ammo, breaking anything, or somebody getting hurt. You can run around outside or even inside on Christmas day. It’s definitely more fun with more people. With a range of up to 300 feet, the blasters feature cool lights, sounds, and even immersive sensations to make you feel the action. Let the fun and games begin!

The Original Stomp Rocket: Dueling 4-RocketAges 6+The Original Stomp Rocket: Dueling 4-RocketVérifiez le prix

The Dueling Stomp Rocket is incredibly fun for parties. Girls can compete against their family or friends to see who can get their rocket to fly the highest. The set is well built especially when compared to the original single-player edition. Great fun for picnics and other occasions.

Nerf N-Strike Elite Precision Target SetAges 8+Nerf N-Strike Elite Precision Target SetVérifiez le prix

The Nerf N-Strike Elite Precision Target is an awesome product. It’s built well, packs great power, and features a laser beam for accurate targeting. Though the darts sometimes may not stick to the target, it’s still a blast to play. La meilleure partie? Girls will love that they can start playing right out of the box. Fantastic gift for 10 year old girls who love Nerf!

Nerf Zombie Strike Ripchain BlasterAges 8+Nerf Zombie Strike Ripchain BlasterVérifiez le prix

The Ripchain is bringing back the dart chain, which was really popular. It’s a spring powered, chain fed blaster with a 25 dart capacity. Simply prime it back and forth to load the next dart up. When firing it, the chain looks really cool.

Genesis BowGenesis BowVérifiez le prix

Why play with a toy bow when you can use the real thing? There is a reason that the Genesis bow is used in the National Archery program for training young children. Even beginners can shoot it right out of the box. Because it adjusts easily, the bow is perfect for 10 year old girls. The entire family will love shooting it in the backyard.

Hog Wild Unicorn PopperAges 4-15Hog Wild Unicorn PopperVérifiez le prix

Forget pillow fights! A unicorn popper fight is so much more fun. During her next sleepover, arm everyone with this unicorn popper. While this unicorn might look innocent, it shoots rainbow colored foam balls out of its mouth. Simply stuff one of the included balls into his mouth and squeeze its belly to let the ball fly up to 20 feet away. It’s really magical fun!

Hog Wild Atomic Power Popper GunAges 4-15Hog Wild Atomic Power Popper GunVérifiez le prix

The Atomic Power Popper is an awesome popper guns. Girls will have a blast with this blaster. It’s incredibly easy to load and shoot and delivers thrilling performance. The best part is they are safe – your girls won’t get hurt when they get shot at with these soft foam balls. Gear up for fun and games with your family!

Nerf Microshots N-Strike Elite StryfeAges 8+Nerf Microshots N-Strike Elite StryfeVérifiez le prix

The Nerf Microshots N-Strike Elite Stryfe is a mini version of its bigger brother. Not only are these great collector items, but they also are functional. They fire a single dart at a time and include the blaster and 2 Elite darts. Collect all your favorites!

Zing Air Storm Fire Tek BowAges 8+Zing Air Storm Fire Tek BowVérifiez le prix

Young Katnisses will love this bow from Zing toys. It comes with darts that whistle and light up through the air. Load the dart and pull the string back to fire up to 125 feet away.

Star Wars Lightsaber AcademyAges 6+Star Wars Lightsaber Academy

Experience the galaxy’s first fully interactive lightsaber battling system with the Star Wars Lightsaber Academy. Using a companion app, train with 5 Jedi Masters to learn the necessary lightsaber moves to overcome the Dark Side. What’s cool? Your movements are tracked for scoring points and leveling up. You can even play on the Dark Side or battle with friends and the lightsaber features cool lights and sounds for an immersive experience unlike anything else before. May the Force be with you Jedi Warrior!

Nerf Elite Fortnite AR-L BlasterAges 8+Nerf Elite Fortnite AR-L BlasterVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the legendary ‘Scar’ gun from Fortnite, the Nerf Elite Fortnite AR-L Blaster delivers a fun blaster that is game-accurate and aesthetically-pleasing with its cartoony look. Powered by 4 AA batteries, this semi-auto rifle features flip-down sights, making it more practical and tactical for missions. It features a 10-dart clip and 20 Fortnite-themed darts. Considering the entire lineup of Fornite blasters this year, this one is more performance-oriented, so it’s the one we’re most excited about. Get ready to play Fortnite missions in real life!

Nerf Elite Fortnite SP-L BlasterAges 8+Nerf Elite Fortnite SP-L BlasterVérifiez le prix

Inspired by Fortnite, the Fornite SP-L blaster is a silenced pistol with a detachable barrel from Hasbro. With a game-accurate design, Fornite fans will appreciate its attention to detail from form down to color, including the infamous “SHHHHH” imprinted along the barrel. What’s cool? The suppressor is N-Strike compatible. Although it doesn’t offer insane range, you benefit from Elite blaster performance. The 3-dart internal magazine utilizes the space well and it includes 6 darts. Load up your darts, prime, aim, and pull the trigger to fire. It’s an amazingly cool and quite blaster perfect for cosplay, and we love the tactical feel with its built-in red dot.

Nerf Fortnite Microshots AssortmentAges 8+Nerf Fortnite Microshots AssortmentVérifiez le prix

The 2019 Fortnite Microshots line features the Llama, RL, and TS. The Fortnite Micro Llama just might be the coolest Jolt reskin ever. Load your dart, pull the handle to prime, and pull the trigger to fire. It’s that simple! Trust us, you’ve never seen the Jolt like this. Inspired by the Fortnite videogame, the Llama design looks simply incredible. These miniature blasters include exclusive turquiose and purple Fortnite-themed darts. Two darts are included; however, the Microshot only fires a single dart at a time. If you don’t have a Jolt, this one is definitely worth adding to your collection, as it packs good punch and looks really cool as a decorative showpiece.

Does she love the great outdoors or sports? These gifts are sure to bring out her adventurous side.

At age 10, it is important that she gets exercise because many girls go through a major growth spurt around this time. Experts recommend at least 1 hour a day of physical activity. Because she has developed controlled over the small and large muscles in her body, it is a good time to get her involved in team sports like volleyball, gymnastics, soccer, or basketball. Help build the athlete in her with these sporty gifts for 10 year old girls.

Wilson Traditional Soccer BallWilson Traditional Soccer BallVérifiez le prix

These Wilson Soccer Ball are sturdily constructed and they’re a fantastic value! The quality of the ball is very good and it features a classic design. It performs as expected with great weight and feel and is better than some balls that cost more. Girls will enjoy playing with these durable balls for a very long time.

Fitbit Flex 2Fitbit Flex 2Vérifiez le prix

While it is pretty basic, the Fitbit Flex 2 is the least expensive Fitbit. Available in different shades, it feels very lightweight on your wrist. While it doesn’t have a screen, it has four indicator lights on it that show your level activity. It syncs with the Fitbit app to record all your statistics. It’s perfect for measuring how active you are during the day.

SKLZ Star-Kick Hands Free Solo Soccer TrainerSKLZ Star-Kick Hands Free Solo Soccer TrainerVérifiez le prix

The SKLZ Star-Kick Solo Soccer Trainer is a great product for training. It’s an excellent training tool for performing various soccer drills. You’ll notice improvements in power, skills, and even coordination. If your ten year old daughter loves soccer, this is a practical gift to improve their game.

adidas Diablo Small Duffle Bagadidas Diablo Small Duffle BagVérifiez le prix

The adidas Diablo Small Duffle Bag gives you great bang for the buck. Featuring the adidas logo, this simple sporty bag is the perfect size for traveling and it’s perfect for the gym. You’d be surprised by how much you can actually fit in this small bag. Girls can stuff it with clothing, shoes, and more. It’s a bag you’ll use everyday and are likely to love. The bottom line is it’s a quality bag at a great price.

Spalding NBA Street Basketball Spalding NBA Street Basketball Vérifiez le prix

This Spalding NBA Street style basketball features an adorable pink and purple color scheme perfect for girls. The quality, feel, and weight of the ball are really good. It’s a size six ball that delivers great performance at a great value.

Wilson US Open Junior Tennis RacquetWilson US Open Junior Tennis RacquetVérifiez le prix

These Wilson US Open Junior Tennis Racket are great rackets at a fantastic price. For 10 year old girls, a 25-inch racket is suitable. The racket is lightweight and the weight feels just right. The best part, is this racket handles well and is perfect for beginning players.

Rawlings NFL Downfield Youth FootballRawlings NFL Downfield Youth FootballVérifiez le prix

Looking for a quality football for your son? The Rawlings NFL Downfield Youth Football is a youth-sized football perfect for younger kids. It’s great for tossing around and offers an excellent grip. Made of molded rubber, this ball offers excellent grip for throwing accuracy. La meilleure partie? He can choose his favorite NFL football team. It’s perfect for playing in the backyard or park. Let the fun and games begin!

Tachikara SV-MNC Volley-Lite VolleyballTachikara SV-MNC Volley-Lite VolleyballVérifiez le prix

The Tachikara SV-MNC Volley-Lite Volleyball is a soft high-quality ball for beginning players that is easy on player’s arms. It’s the perfect ball for learning to play volleyball because they are lighter than regulation balls and you feel less impact on your arms. Instead of wanting to quit, she’ll be more eager to continue playing. Choose from a great selection of cute colors.

Under Armour Undeniable SackpackUnder Armour Undeniable SackpackVérifiez le prix

For the sporty girl in your life, there is this draw string gym bag from Under Armour. What’s really great about this bag is that it is about the size of a normal backpack so it gives you plenty of storage. It can even be used as a sleepover bag. Not only does it have a roomy main compartment for all your gym clothes, but it also has a pocket on the front for keeping all your essentials.

Franklin Sports Competition GoalFranklin Sports Competition GoalVérifiez le prix

The Franklin Sports Competition Soccer Goal is a durably constructed soccer goal. It features great quality and they are easy to put together. The goal is pretty lightweight so you can easily move it around as needed. If you want it to last, you’re advised to store it inside. The bottom line is that it’s a great set that is an excellent value.

S’ip by S’well Water BottleSip by Swell Water BottleVérifiez le prix

These Insulated Water Bottles from S’well are simply amazing! They are lightweight, built sturdily, and have great insulation. Your water will remain cool in hot temperatures. Likewise, hot beverages remain hot. Bottom line is it’s a great value and one of the best water bottles around.

Lifetime 1269 Pro Court Height Adjustable Portable Basketball SystemLifetime 1269 Pro Court Height Adjustable Portable Basketball SystemVérifiez le prix

Going to the park to play basketball is cool but what if you could practice at home? With the Lifetime 44-inch backboard you can do just that. This is a portable unit with wheels on it, which means the base can be filled with sand or water to give it a sturdy base. You can even adjust the height from 7.5-feet to 10-feet. All your neighborhood friends will want to come over for game time.

Fin Fun Mermaid TailsFin Fun Mermaid TailsVérifiez le prix

These super cute Mermaid Tails are incredible. Many 10 year old girls will have these high on their Christmas wishlists. They fit well and the design is so beautiful. Girls will love wearing these tails while swimming.

Tumbl Trak Folding Gymnastics MatTumbl Trak Folding Gymnastics MatVérifiez le prix

Available in several fun vivid colors, this thick tumbling from Tumbl Trak is perfect for gymnastics and yoga. Girls will fall in love with it as soon as they perform their first child’s pose. It provides the perfect cushioning while you are doing your tumbling, yoga stretches, or pushups.

Diggin Jr. Squish FootballAges 3-12Diggin Jr. Squish FootballVérifiez le prix

Ready. Set. Fun! Designed for the younger set, the Diggin Jr. Squish Football is one football boys will love playing with. It’s so soft and squishy and doesn’t hurt your hands while playing for hours. It’s also perfectly sided for younger hands. Go long, go deep!

YOGABODY Yoga TrapezeYOGABODY Yoga TrapezeVérifiez le prix

Yoga is cool but aerial yoga is even cooler! When you hang this yoga swing, you can do all these cool yoga moves and stretches in the air. You can swing back and forth or even flip upside down. You do need to buy the hardware to mount it and you can find instructions online on how to hang it securely from a door or ceiling.

Baden Champions Volleyball Badminton SetBaden Champions Volleyball Badminton SetVérifiez le prix

This volleyball and badminton set from Baden is a high quality set that delivers great value. It’s really well-constructed and easy to assemble. A convenient travel case allows you to take the fun wherever you go. Are you ready for some outdoor fun?

Easton 2018 PINK SAPPHIRE Fast Pitch Softball Bat -10Easton 2018 PINK SAPPHIRE Fast Pitch Softball Bat -10Vérifiez le prix

The Easton 2018 Pink Sapphire Fastpitch Softball Bat is a great quality bat that looks fantastic and pretty in hot pink. Your 10 year old little leaguer will be so excited to receive this as a gift. Girls will improve their hitting with this excellent bat. It performs as promised and you simply can’t beat that price! It’s a HOMERUN!

Razor A5 Lux Kick ScooterAges 8+Razor A5 Lux Kick ScooterVérifiez le prix

Girls will love cruising along on this two wheeled scooter designed for 10 year olds and even adults. With an adjustable handlebar, it is perfect for older kids and adults up to 220 pounds. Compared to other scooters, it got larger wheels which makes it easier to control and smooth even on bumpy surfaces. It’s even got a built in kick stand. The coolest part? It folds compactly, making it easy to store and travel with.

Razor RipStik RipsterRazor RipStik RipsterVérifiez le prix

Who needs snow? This might look like a traditional skateboard but it is not. The RipStik’s unique design allows girls to carve down the street. The front and back of the board are connected by a rod, allowing you to twist back and forth on the board to gain acceleration.

Flybar Foam Master Pogo StickAges 9+Flybar Foam Master Pogo StickVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love pogo sticks? There is something about jumping up and down on a pogo stick that is accelerating. Girls will love this pogo stick from Flybar. With a rugged frame and a rubber tip, this pogo stick is designed to support riders between 80 to 160 pounds. Girls will love having contests to see who can jump the highest.

Razor Pocket ModAges 13+Razor Pocket ModVérifiez le prix

Scooters are cool but for girls who need a faster way to get around there is the Razor Pocket Mod. How cool is this? Available in several fashionable colors, it looks like a classic Italian Scooter. The seat flips open and acts as a storage area. Your 10 year old will love zipping around the neighborhood in style up to 15 mph. You might even want to get one for yourself.

Razor RipRider 360 Caster TrikeAges 6+Razor RipRider 360 Caster TrikeVérifiez le prix

The Razor RipRider 360 reinvents the classic trike with rear casters and a brand new design. This awesome tricycle can perform turns, drifts, and even epic 360-spins. Kids will love the smooth ride and spinning action. The RipRider accommodates kids up to 160 lbs.

Walkaroo Xtreme Steel Balance StiltsWalkaroo Xtreme Steel Balance StiltsVérifiez le prix

What could be more fun than learning to walk? How about trying to walk with stilts on? With an adjustable height of 12 to 17 inches off the ground, the stilts are easy to adjust so even beginners can get the hang of it. She won’t be able to stop walking about without them.

Spooner Boards FreestyleAges 2-15Spooner Boards FreestyleVérifiez le prix

This plastic board shaped like a spoon is a great way to learn balance and coordination before moving onto one of the board sports. The Spooner board mimics the feeling of riding a board in the comfort of your own living room. It can actually be used on any surface and even outside. Beginners can simply spin around on it while more advanced users can use it to perform cool tricks. La meilleure partie? It’s doesn’t have to be sunny outside.

Monkey Light M232Monkey Light M232Vérifiez le prix

It’s a bike party! Riding a bike just got a whole lot more fun with this bike wheel light from Monkey Light. As you ride around, this bike wheel light creates an incredible light show on the bike’s spinning wheel. The faster you pedal, the better the light show. With over 40 different patterns, your 10 year old girl won’t be able to wait until it gets dark.

Brightz, Ltd. Wheel Brightz LED Bicycle Accessory LightBrightz, Ltd. Wheel Brightz LED Bicycle Accessory LightVérifiez le prix

Wheel Brightz LED bicycle lights are a cool gift idea for your 10 year old girl. If she rides a 20-inch bike or larger these are perfect. All your friends will want some as well. The lights are very easy to install. The bright colors look amazing in the dark. Not only do they look ultra cool in the dark, but also they make you more visible to drivers. Girls will be in love at first sight!

Razor Turbo JettsAges 9+Razor Turbo JettsVérifiez le prix

The original Razor Jetts were cool, but now Razor has stuck a motor in one of the skates and made them even cooler. While they take a while to learn to balance on, they might be the coolest way to get around. With a top speed of 10 MPH and roughly 30 minutes of battery life, kids will love riding them wherever their adventures lead them.

Rollerblade Girls Spitfire JR XTG Kids SkateRollerblade Girls Spitfire JR XTG Kids SkateVérifiez le prix

Not only do these Spitfire skates from Rollerblade look cool, they are super easy to adjust. With a simple press of a button, the skates can be resized to make them fit perfectly around the foot.

Penny Classic Complete SkateboardPenny Classic Complete SkateboardVérifiez le prix

There is a reason the Penny board is one of the most popular skateboards. Available in several styles and constructed out of sturdy plastic, this 22 inch board offers the perfect combination of speed and stability that is friendly enough even for beginners. Compared to other similar boards, the Penny board has a better push off, allowing you to just glide down the street. There is no better way to cruise around.

EzyRoller Classic Ride-OnAges 4-14EzyRoller Classic Ride-OnVérifiez le prix

The EzyRoller Ride-On is one of the funnest gifts around. Your 10 year old girl will be full of excitement after she rides the EzyRoller. It’s such a cool and awesome ride-on that she’ll happily ride everyday. Plus, you can’t beat that you’ll have a blast while getting in some exercise.

Woom 5 Pedal Bike 24”Woom 5 Pedal Bike 24”Vérifiez le prix

The Woom 5 Pedal Bike featuring 24-inch wheels is a super cute and absolutely beautiful bike for girls. It’s really well made of high-quality materials and an excellent value. The bike is easy to assemble and rides easy, comfortably, and super smooth. You can’t really ask for more. Get ready for excitement and thrills – it’s a gift she simple won’t be able to get enough of!

Razor e-Punk Electric Mini BikeAges 8+Razor e-Punk Electric Mini BikeVérifiez le prix

The Razor e-Punk is a new seated electric mini bike that delivers thrilling speed and a smooth ride. If your kid can ride a bike, it will be an easy transition. Supporting riders up to 120 pounds, it reaches thrilling speeds of 9 MPH and offers up to 40 minutes of continuous battery use. The 8-inch pneumatic front tire delivers a smoother riding experience on urban streets. Its compact design makes it perfect for getting around town and transporting in your vehicle.

Razor A3 ScooterAges 5+Razor A3 ScooterVérifiez le prix

The Razor A3 Kick Scooter is one of the top kick scooters on the market. They are well-designed of aircraft-level aluminum and can stop on a dime. They deliver a smooth, delightful ride and they are easy to ride. They can be easily folded for transporting or storing and support riders up to 140 pounds.

Razor Drift RiderAges 9+Razor Drift RiderVérifiez le prix

What happens when you combine a bicycle and motorcycle? You get the Razor Drift Rider! With colors straight out of Star Wars, the Razor Drift rider is for anybody who can’t learn to balance on the Razor Turbo Jetts. This 3-wheeled electric scooter has 360-degrees of steering. You can steer it left and right like a normal scooter but what makes it unique is that you can even tilt the steering wheel for some crazy cornering and drifting action.

Razor Power A5 Electric ScooterAges 8+Razor Power A5 Electric Scooter

The Razor Power A5 is an extension of the Power A2 line. Supporting riders up to 176 pounds, it’s a great mid-level scooter for kids and teens looking to get into world of electrics. It’s an affordable, lightweight, electric kick-start scooter with a raised handlebar perfect for older riders. The Power A5 delivers solid performance in a practical compact, foldable design. The bigger tires deliver a smoother ride than the A2 and its lightweight design is perfect for performing tricks. With quick acceleration and a smooth riding experience, you won’t be able to wait long between rides. With battery life of about 40 minutes and thrilling speeds up to 10 MPH, fun and exciting adventures await.

Razor Hovertrax 3.0Ages 8+Razor Hovertrax 3.0

The Hovertrax 3.0 is an awesome new addition to Razor’s hoverboard line. With a sleek new futuristic design, the new Hovertrax features an auto-leveling feature, adapting so riders can easily mount it. The end result is a much smoother riding experience. It delivers thrilling cruising speeds, great maneuverability, and good battery performance for exciting adventures. Where will your adventures lead you?

Thanks to cell phones, tablets, and texting, nowadays, parents are faced with the question of when to introduce their children to electronics. The age kids are getting introduced to technology is getting lower and lower. According to Tech Crunch, on average children are getting their first Smartphone around the age of 10. While these ideas can make cool gifts for 10 year old girls, it is important to set limits and guidelines.

Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant CameraFujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant CameraVérifiez le prix

The Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant Camera comes in lovely colors for your ten year old girl. Girls will appreciate how easy they are to operate and the great pictures they produce instantly. The macro and selfie features are new this year. Girls will be excited to capture and share their favorite memories.

GoPro HERO7 WhiteGoPro HERO7 WhiteVérifiez le prix

With the GoPro HERO7 White, it’s never been more affordable to record yourself skiing down a mountain, performing tricks on your skateboard, or catching some serious air on your bike. La meilleure partie? The GoPro has gotten smaller than ever before and it’s waterproof to 33 ft with image stabilization for smooth looking video. It shoots 1080p video at 60 FPS. About the size of an ice cube, the Go Pro Hero Session is ready to go on any adventure you go on. Let the adventures begin!

ASUS Chromebook C202SA-YS02ASUS Chromebook C202SA-YS02Vérifiez le prix

The ASUS Chromebook is a great value if you’re looking for a basic laptop computer for your ten year old daughter. It handles all the basics from email and word processing to web surfing, social networking and streaming music and video. It is ultra lightweight and portable, weighing just under 3 pounds. The computer is perfect for students as it is ruggedly built and features outstanding battery life up to 10 hours for all-day fun.

Hatchimals MysteryAges 5+Hatchimals MysteryVérifiez le prix

What’s new and exciting in the wonderful world of Hatchimals? Hatchimals Mystery launches this fall. Now the Hatchimals you hatch will be a surprise. Kids can hatch and discover one of four brand new mystery creatures. Who will you hatch?

OtterBox Defender CaseOtterBox Defender CaseVérifiez le prix

The OtterBox Defender Case is the perfect companion for your girl’s iPod Touch. With such a delicate tech gadget, you want to ensure it has the best protection out there. The OtterBox is highly-rated and well-received for delivering robust protection. It helps protect your iPod from drops, bumps, and more. If you drop your iPod, you’ll be so thankful you have this protection.

Fingerlings HUGSAges 5+Fingerlings HUGSVérifiez le prix

If the Fingerlings were not enough, the Fingerlings have been given a giant size plush makeover. This sensor stuffed monkey has all of the fun of the original but now he is soft and huggable. They’ll be available in two colors: hot pink and purple. Like the originals, they love giving out kisses and react to motion and touch. Who doesn’t need a hug?

Lil’ GleemerzAges 5+Lil GleemerzVérifiez le prix

Looking for an adorable pet companion? Lil Gleemerz are the coolest interactive light-up pets from Mattel. They respond to touch and sound and feature hundreds of reactions that bring them to life. Their eyes glow and their tails light up. These friendly companions even are ready to play games to entertain kids.

Little Live Pets Rollie My Kissing PuppyAges 4+Little Live Pets Rollie My Kissing PuppyVérifiez le prix

Meet Rollie My Kissing Puppy — the newest member of the Little Live Pets family. Isn’t he the cutest puppy ever?! He’s super adorable and it will be love at first sight. When he’s happy, he’ll wag his little tail and even he responds to touch. Put out your hand, and he’ll reach out his tongue to kiss you. This is the next best thing to a real pet without all the mess.

Fingerlings Baby DragonsAges 5+Fingerlings Baby DragonsVérifiez le prix

Aren’t these the cutest little dragon pets? Now your favorite Fingerlings come as interactive baby dragons. There are four dragons to collect with Lexi as an exclusive. Like the original Fingerlings, they react to sound, motion, and touch with over 40 actions. Now if only it could blow smoke out of its mouth.

Harry Potter Wizard Training WandsAges 8+Harry Potter Wizard Training WandsVérifiez le prix

Ever wish you could cast magic spells like Harry Potter? Experience how it feels to be Harry, Dumbledore, and Voledemort with the Harry Potter Wizard Training Wands. Using gestures and motions, you can ‘cast’ 11 different spells. What’s cool? You can even challenge other aspiring wizards. One mode is like laser tag, but magical. There are 5 modes of play. While you can’t cast any real spells her, it’s the closest experience fans can get their hands on.

Tello DroneTello DroneVérifiez le prix

Before you invest in a large drone, the Tello quadcopter is the perfect first drone. Designed to be easy to fly and withstand crashes, this affordable drone gives you hands-on experience flying a drone. It flies for about 13 minutes on a full charge. The built-in 720p camera is a cool feature that allows you to shoot decent quality video while you fly.

Fingerlings Glitter MonkeyAges 5+Fingerlings Glitter MonkeyVérifiez le prix

Fingerlings, the Toy of the Year, is getting a fun glittery makeover. Add some sparkle to your life with these new companions at your fingertips. They’re interactive pet monkeys that respond to sound, motion, and touch and they love monkeying around.

FurReal Friends StarLily, My Magical UnicornAges 4+FurReal Friends StarLily, My Magical UnicornVérifiez le prix

Does she love unicorns? Then she’ll love StarLily, My Magical Unicorn. She magically comes to life with over 100 sound and motion combinations and she even responds to touch. Watch her horn light up dazzling colors and see her flap her wings. You couldn’t find a more beautiful companion.

CozmoAges 8+Cozmo" data-jpibfi-post-excerpt="Find the best gifts for 10 year old girls. Browse over 600 gifts and toys for 10 year old girls sure to delight." data-jpibfi-post-url="" data-jpibfi-post-title="Best Gifts For 10 Year Old Girls 2019" data-jpibfi-src="" src=""/><noscript><img style=Vérifiez le prix

Cozmo is not your ordinary toy robot. He’s got a super-sized personality that girls will love. Cozmo is also so expressive with an array of facial expressions. 10-year-old girls will love the interactivity, unlocking games and features, and that it learns as they play with it. Hands-down, this is one of the best robot experiences out there.

Fingerlings 2-Tone Monkey