Que devriez-vous obtenir pour quelqu'un qui a 12 ans? Ils seront les premiers à vous rappeler qu’ils ne sont plus des enfants. Les 12 ans ne sont pas adultes, mais ils grandissent plus vite que vous ne le pensez. À 12 ans, ils sont presque des adolescents, ce qui les rend susceptibles d’avoir de forts intérêts. Les jouets Nerf et les legos sont parmi les meilleurs jouets pour les 12 ans. Pourtant, même si certains enfants de cet âge ont entre deux jouets et plus de cadeaux pour adultes, la plupart des 12 ans sont probablement des jouets «finis».
Alors, quels sont les meilleurs cadeaux pour les 12 ans? Nous avons été surpris que même certains enfants de 12 ans ne sachent pas ce qu’ils veulent. Pour Noël, même les enfants de 12 ans veulent un gros tas de choses sous l’arbre, mais ils ne veulent tout simplement pas de jouets. Remettez donc ce jouet My Little Pony sur l'étagère.
Cela signifie que les parents et les proches doivent faire preuve de créativité lorsqu'ils cherchent les meilleurs cadeaux. Pourtant, les années entre deux devraient être amusantes. Les ensembles d’artisanat, les fournitures d’art, les livres et le matériel de sport sont faciles à utiliser. Ci-dessous, nous avons choisi des cadeaux cool, branchés et adultes, mais suffisamment amusants pour leur permettre de savoir que vous l'aimez. Avec plus de 500 cadeaux allant de l’électronique la plus cool à la beauté, il s’agit du guide ultime des cadeaux pour les garçons et les filles de 12 ans.
Il n'y a rien de plus vieux que 12 ans comme d'ouvrir des gadgets le matin de Noël ou le jour de leur anniversaire. Des tablettes aux ordinateurs portables sont toujours les grands gagnants. Si votre enfant de 12 ans a déjà un téléphone portable, des accessoires sympas tels que des étuis pour téléphone portable constitueront une excellente idée cadeau.
Appareil photo instantané Fujifilm Instax Mini 9
Avez-vous entendu parler d'un appareil photo instantané? Autrefois, il y avait des caméras qui donnaient des images instantanées en un clic. Cet appareil photo instantané rétro de FujiFilm est un retour au bon vieux temps. Cliquez, c’est un plaisir instantané.
Pack d'accessoires Fujifilm Instax Mini
At-elle eu un nouvel appareil photo FujiFilm Instax? Le FujiFilm Instax Mini est l'appareil photo idéal pour les fêtes, mais comment l'apportez-vous avec vous? Avec ce pack d'accessoires, vous obtenez non seulement un étui pour appareil photo assorti, mais également de nombreux autres accessoires, notamment des cadres, des autocollants, des filtres et un album. C'est le cadeau idéal pour accompagner son nouvel appareil photo.
Film instantané Fujifilm Instax Mini
La caméra Instax est très amusante jusqu'à ce que vous manquiez de film. Personne ne veut acheter un film cher. Si elle a déjà un appareil photo, elle aimerait probablement acheter des films le jour de son anniversaire à Noël. Vous pouvez obtenir le film avec tous les types de bordures, mais notre film préféré a des bordures de couleur arc-en-ciel, aussi brillantes que des licornes.
Fujifilm INSTAX SHARE SP-2 Imprimante de téléphone intelligent
Ce ne serait pas cool si votre Smartphone pouvait prendre des photos instantanées? Avec cette imprimante smartphone pour appareils iOS et Android, vous pouvez imprimer des selfies à partir de votre smartphone presque partout dans votre maison.
Amazon Echo Dot
En forme de rondelle, l’Amazon Echo Dot en fait bien plus que votre haut-parleur Bluetooth ordinaire. Vous pouvez réellement lui parler pour lui faire jouer de la musique, répondre à des questions et même commander une pizza. Pour attirer son attention, vous dites simplement «Alexa». C’est la chose la plus proche de la science fiction.
La toute nouvelle tablette Fire 7 avec Alexa
Vous ne voulez pas dépenser beaucoup sur une tablette? Désormais, avec Amazon Fire HD 7, vous n’avez pas à dépenser beaucoup d’argent pour obtenir une tablette puissante. Avec un processeur quad-core, un son Dolby et un appareil photo arrière de 5 MP, Amazon a mis à jour la tablette tout en maintenant le prix le plus bas possible.
Tout nouveau Kindle Paperwhite
Vous avez un rat de bibliothèque? Procurez-vous le Amazon Kindle Paper White. L'écran non réfléchissant est tellement plus facile à lire qu'une tablette. Amazon l'a mis à jour avec un affichage plus net et un processeur plus rapide, ce qui en fait le meilleur lecteur que l'on puisse acheter.
GoPro HERO5 Session
Vous avez un petit diable? Avec cette caméra portable de GoPro, ils peuvent capturer toutes leurs aventures folles sur vidéo pour que leurs amis et leur famille les voient.
Caméra d'action FITFORT 4K
Aime-t-elle les grands espaces? Tout le monde aimerait avoir une caméra GoPro, mais c’est ridiculement cher. Si elle n’a pas besoin de toutes les fonctionnalités et ne se soucie pas de la marque, celle-ci de FItFort est une excellente alternative abordable. Avec un boîtier étanche, il est livré avec tous les supports nécessaires pour le fixer à tout, du vélo au casque. Il tire le 4K, mais il enregistre une vidéo plus lisse à 1080p.
ViewSonic PJD5155 SVGA Projecteur HDMI
La soirée cinéma en famille vient d’être améliorée. Regarder un film sur votre téléphone est génial. Il est préférable de regarder un film à la télévision, mais imaginez-vous en regardant un film sous les étoiles. Maintenant, vous pouvez créer votre propre disque dans le théâtre avec ce projecteur abordable de ViewSonic. Il peut facilement être branché via HDMI avec des lecteurs de DVD, des ordinateurs portables ou même des machines de jeux. Bien qu’elle n’ait pas la résolution la plus élevée, c’est le moyen le plus abordable d’acquérir une expérience grand écran dans votre jardin.
TCL 32S305 Téléviseur DEL intelligent Roku 32 po, 720p
A-t-elle simplement besoin d'une télévision de base pour sa chambre? Posséder une Smart TV est devenu beaucoup plus abordable. Ce n'est peut-être pas la télé la plus voyante, mais cette télé de TCL a un boîtier Roku intégré. Vous ne trouverez pas un meilleur prix pour une SmartTV de cette taille. Le seul problème? Elle passera toute la journée à regarder sa série préférée sur Netflix.
Fitbit Flex 2
Vous avez un gourou du fitness? Améliorez votre condition physique avec le Fitbit Flex. Portez-le simplement à votre poignet et ce petit gadget surveille votre activité physique et même vos habitudes de sommeil.
Clé TV Amazon Fire
Transformez votre téléviseur en un appareil à vapeur avec le bâton Amazon Fire. Il vous suffit de le brancher sur le port HDMI de votre téléviseur pour diffuser le contenu d’Amazon, Netflix, HBO, Hulu, etc.
Anker Selfie Stick
Quel enfant de 12 ans n’est pas accro aux selfies? Avec ce bâton Bluetooth Selfie, vous pouvez prendre les photos les plus flatteuses. Personne ne doit savoir que vous les avez pris. Appuyez simplement sur le bouton et vous vous transformerez en photographe instantané.
Radio réveil à changement de couleur iHome
Que ne peut pas faire cet attrayant réveil? Tout d'abord, regardez. Il a l'air si beau et élégant. La lumière LED qui change de couleur ajoute une ambiance agréable à votre pièce. Il fait tout, du chargement de votre téléphone à la lecture de la radio en passant par le streaming de musique à partir d'appareils Bluetooth.
Si votre enfant de 12 ans a déjà un téléphone, c'est l'accessoire idéal. Disponible dans plusieurs designs amusants, il s'agit essentiellement d'une prise pour votre téléphone qui permet de prendre facilement des selfies et d'enregistrer des vidéos sur des applications comme Instagram.
Anker Support multi-angle portable
Est-ce que votre enfant de 12 ans aime regarder des films, lire ou jouer à des jeux sur sa tablette? Ce support réglable en aluminium d’Anker vous sera utile. Non seulement cela fonctionne pour à peu près tous les smartphones et tablettes, mais il peut également pivoter pour vous offrir une vue parfaite. Vous pouvez même mettre votre appareil en mode portrait ou paysage. La meilleure partie? Il est rembourré afin que votre appareil ne soit pas accidentellement rayé.
Techkey Jewelry Crystal Clé USB
Les lecteurs flash ordinaires deviennent encore plus ennuyeux. Bien que cela ressemble à un accessoire de mode, il s’agit en fait d’un lecteur USB intelligemment conçu, disponible en plusieurs tailles, de 16 Go à 64 Go. C’est le cadeau idéal pour les filles de votre vie.
Carte mémoire SDHC SanDisk Ultra Class 16 Go
Les cartes SD constituent le nec plus ultra en matière de stockage. De nos jours, les cartes SD sont tellement bon marché et vous ne pouvez jamais en avoir trop. C’est une nécessité de base de nos jours car la plupart des appareils ne disposent pas de beaucoup de mémoire interne. Les prix sont toujours en baisse. Vous pouvez utiliser la plus petite carte mémoire, mais il est préférable d’utiliser une plus grande carte mémoire de 32 Go car elle n’est qu’un petit peu plus.
Anker PowerCore 10000
Il n'y a rien de pire que lorsque votre téléphone portable est à court de batterie. Ce chargeur de batterie portable Anker deviendra votre nouveau meilleur ami. Il charge votre smartphone jusqu'à 2 ou 3 fois lorsque vous ne pouvez pas accéder à une prise de courant. La meilleure partie? Il charge à peu près n'importe quel appareil alimenté par USB.
Coque iPhone 7/8 au henné blanc MOSNOVO
La plupart des cas gâchent la beauté du nouvel iPhone. Si vous avez un nouvel iPhone, pourquoi ne pas le montrer? Disponible en différentes couleurs, cet étui transparent protège non seulement votre téléphone des coups et des rayures, il vous permet également de voir la beauté de votre nouveau téléphone.
Affaire OtterBox Defender
Ne laissez pas votre enfant de 12 ans utiliser l’iPhone sans étui. Avec 3 couches de protection, il n'y a pas d'autre cas que vous voudriez sur l'iPhone que l'OtterBox Defender. Il existe de nombreux cas plus jolis et moins encombrants, mais ils ne vous donneront pas ce niveau de protection.
Jelly Comb 2.4G Slim Souris Sans Fil
Les souris filaires sont excellentes, mais pour une utilisation de base, les souris sans fil sont beaucoup plus confortables. La meilleure partie? Vous n'avez pas à vous soucier d'un cordon emmêlé. Vous n’avez besoin de rien de coûteux. Nous aimons celui-ci car il se décline en une tonne d’options de couleurs différentes. Avec 2 boutons et une molette de défilement, la souris a la bonne quantité de clic.
Étui rigide Mosiso pour Macbook
Le Macbook est un bel ordinateur, mais c’est aussi très coûteux. Si vous avez un MacBook, vous devez vraiment en prendre soin et le protéger. Disponible en différentes couleurs, cet étui Macbook protège des éraflures et des chocs. Il se pose simplement sur votre Macbook, ajoutant très peu à l'épaisseur. Les différentes découpes vous donnent accès à tous les ports et boutons de l'ordinateur portable.
Anker PowerLine II Câble d'éclairage de 6 pieds
L'iPhone est une merveille d'ingénierie. C’est étonnant que Apple vous fournisse un câble ridiculement court pour le recharger. Il est pratiquement impossible d'utiliser votre iPhone lorsque vous le chargez. Ce n'est pas bien. Heureusement, Anker fabrique un câble de 6 pieds de long afin que vous puissiez enfin utiliser votre iPhone alors qu'il est branché au mur.
Amir 3 en 1 Fisheye Lens & Macro Lens
Presque tout le monde utilise son téléphone pour prendre des photos et les partager sur les réseaux sociaux. Avec ce kit d’objectifs peu coûteux, vous pouvez améliorer votre jeu. Avec 3 objectifs différents, vous pouvez tirer des effets généralement trouvés sur des appareils photo plus coûteux. Il y a un objectif fisheye, macro et super grand angle. L'objectif super grand angle est parfait pour amener tout le monde dans une photo de groupe.
Station de charge USB 6 ports Vogek
Avec les lecteurs, les téléphones, les tablettes et les appareils photo, qui n’a pas une tonne de gadgets à charger en même temps? Le hub Octofire vous permet de recharger 6 périphériques USB simultanément à la vitesse optimale. Plus besoin de chercher une prise murale gratuite dans toute la maison. Il permet enfin à tous les membres de la famille de charger tous leurs appareils en même temps en utilisant une seule prise murale. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin sont les câbles.
Acer Aspire E 15
Juste besoin d'aller sur Internet, de lire des courriels ou de regarder Youtube? Pourquoi acheter un ordinateur portable cher? Fonctionnant sous Windows 10, cet ordinateur portable bon marché a assez de puissance pour exécuter même des jeux. Le processeur rapide signifie que vous ne serez pas coincé à bouger à la vitesse d'un escargot.
Samsung Gear VR
Cette année, tout le monde veut essayer un nouveau casque VR. La plupart des casques sont très chers. Si votre enfant de 12 ans possède l’un des téléphones Samsung les plus récents, comme le S6 ou le S7, le Samsung Gear VR est le meilleur moyen de s’amuser. Vous collez le téléphone à l'intérieur et lorsque vous tournez la tête, vous pouvez regarder à l'intérieur d'un monde virtuel. Samsung possède plusieurs centaines d'applications déjà compatibles.
Apple iPad
Avec le lancement de l'iPad Pro par Apple, l'iPad Air 2 est la tablette idéale pour les 12 ans. Au fil des ans, Apple s’est inspiré de l’iPad de base pour l’affiner et le rendre plus fin.
Apple iPad mini 4
Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un iPad plus petit pour votre enfant de 12 ans, l’iPad mini 4 convient parfaitement. Vous obtenez la réactivité que vous attendez d'une tablette et ils auront accès à l'une des bibliothèques les plus robustes du marché, avec des applications, des jeux et plus encore plus intéressants. L'iPad mini est comme un ordinateur moderne offrant des fonctionnalités similaires dans un format aussi compact. Ce qui est cool, c’est que vous pouvez facilement le transporter dans un sac ou un sac à main et l’emporter avec vous au fil de vos aventures.
Téléphone intelligent
Le cadeau numéro un sur votre liste des 12 ans est probablement un tout nouveau smartphone. Le dernier iPhone est tellement plus qu'un téléphone. Outre les appels, il vous donne presque une tonne de fonctionnalités intéressantes, y compris un appareil photo amélioré. Votre interpolation peut tout faire, des jeux et applications les plus récents à la musique. Maintenant, peut-il les tenir à l'écart des ennuis? Il y a probablement une application pour ça.
Apple MacBook
Un tout nouveau Macbook est comme un cadeau «Je t'aime pour toujours». Apple fabrique d'excellents ordinateurs dotés non seulement de la technologie la plus récente, mais également d'une grande élégance. De plus, vous n’avez pas à vous inquiéter de la possibilité d’attraper des virus ennuyeux.
La plupart des garçons de 12 ans aiment les jeux vidéo. Vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper avec un nouveau jeu vidéo ou quelque chose lié au jeu. C'est l'un des meilleurs cadeaux pour les garçons de 12 ans, mais les filles aiment aussi jouer à des jeux vidéo.
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo est de retour avec une toute nouvelle console hybride qui pourrait être le cadeau le plus populaire de cette année. C’est le commutateur Nintendo, qui est le cadeau idéal pour tous ceux qui aiment les jeux Nintendo. Qu'est-ce qui le rend unique? Vous pouvez non seulement jouer à vos jeux Nintendo préférés à la télévision, mais vous pouvez également les emporter avec vous.
Super NES Classic
Dans les années 90, tout le monde jouait à la Super NES. Maintenant, Nintendo a rétréci la console et l’a publiée pour le marché actuel. Si vous pouvez le trouver, le classique de la Super NES ramène le plaisir de 21 des meilleurs jeux SNES. La meilleure partie? Les jeux sont intégrés afin que vous n'ayez plus à échanger les cartouches.
Sony PlayStation 4 Slim / Pro
Depuis sa sortie, la Playstation 4 est devenue le système de nouvelle génération le plus populaire. Pourquoi? Il représente un ensemble impressionnant pour les joueurs vidéo avec un meilleur contrôleur, de meilleurs graphiques et des fonctionnalités de partage. Maintenant, Sony a rendu plus abordable le divertissement avec deux versions de la console. La version slim est la version d'entrée de gamme tandis que la version pro est destinée aux joueurs avec un ensemble 4K. Grandeur attend.
PlayStation VR
S'il y a un cadeau de rêve que chaque enfant de 12 ans veut cette année, il s'agit probablement d'un nouveau casque VR. Vous mettez le casque et vous êtes soudain au milieu de la partie. Le casque VR le plus populaire est la Playstation VR, qui fonctionne avec toutes les consoles Playstation 4. Le seul problème? C’est coûteux et nécessite une caméra et des contrôleurs de mouvement supplémentaires.
Xbox One S
Avec plusieurs jeux exclusifs que vous ne pouvez trouver nulle part ailleurs, y compris Halo, la Xbox One devient de plus en plus une pièce de matériel de plus en plus convaincante. Microsoft a annoncé que la Xbox One S, une console plus fine et plus élégante, simplifiait les choses pour de nombreux joueurs.
Ensemble Xbox One S 1 To Minecraft édition limitée10 ans et plus
Si votre enfant de 12 ans est un grand fan de Minecraft et que vous souhaitez lui offrir un cadeau génial qu’il adorera pour son anniversaire ou son Noël, cette édition limitée de Xbox One S Minecraft Bundle est parfaite. La finition extérieure de la console présente le style artistique de Mojang et une finition Creeper sur le contrôleur, ce qui est incroyable. Cet ensemble spécial comprend également une version téléchargeable de Minecraft ainsi qu'un pack d'extension Redstone. La Xbox One S propose des centaines de titres exclusifs et prend en charge la résolution 4K et le HDR.
Xbox One X
Vous ne pouvez pas jouer à des jeux Xbox One sans console. Avez-vous un tout nouveau téléviseur 4K? Microsoft a publié la console la plus puissante jamais créée avec la Xbox One X. La console exécute tous les jeux Xbox One en superbe 4K.Le seul problème? Il est coûteux.
Nouveau Nintendo 3DS XL7 ans et plus
Avec une solide bibliothèque de logiciels, la Nintendo 3DS est la machine de jeu portable ultime. Nintendo a mis à jour le 3ds avec une meilleure 3D, une puissance supplémentaire et un second joystick.
Nouveau Nintendo 2DS XL
Alors que le commutateur Nintendo est le système portable à obtenir cette année, Nintendo offre une autre option aux fans de Nintendo. Avec le 2DS à prix d'entrée de gamme, vous pouvez désormais jouer à toute la bibliothèque de jeux 3DS. La grande différence? Au lieu de jouer aux jeux en 3D, vous allez maintenant les jouer en 2D.
La plupart des garçons de 12 ans aiment les jeux vidéo. Vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper avec un nouveau jeu vidéo ou quelque chose lié au jeu. C'est l'un des meilleurs cadeaux pour les garçons de 12 ans, mais les filles aiment aussi jouer à des jeux vidéo.
Call of Duty: Seconde guerre mondialeClassé M
Presque tous les 12 ans joue aux jeux Call Of Duty. Le dernier jeu prend la bataille à l'espace extra-atmosphérique. Les parents doivent savoir qu'il s'agit d'un jeu de tir violent à la première personne dans lequel les joueurs utilisent des armes réalistes pour tuer d'autres humains. Le dialogue est rempli de gros mots.
Destin 2Classé T
Destiny 2 suit les mêmes traces que le premier match. Le développeur Bungie a ajouté au jeu des modifications subtiles qui rendent le jeu plus intéressant. L'intrigue futuriste est simple: vous devez défendre l'humanité contre une invasion extraterrestre. Comme la plupart des tireurs à la première personne, il y a beaucoup de tirs sans arrêt utilisés dans les nombreuses batailles spatiales, mais ils sont principalement dirigés contre des extraterrestres. Bien qu'il y ait un jeu à joueur unique, la plupart des joueurs voudront jouer en ligne dans une équipe.
Star Wars Battlefront IIClassé T
Maintenant, vous pouvez aller dans une galaxie très éloignée. Star Wars Battlefront 2 vous place au cœur de certains des lieux les plus emblématiques du film. Outre les modes multijoueurs, cette fois-ci, un récit élargit l'univers de Star Wars. Vous participerez à des combats aériens et pourrez même piller l’étoile de la mort. Le jeu reçoit des critiques mitigées, mais le développeur a apporté des modifications pour répondre aux préoccupations des fans.
Champs de bataille de PlayerUnknownClassé T
Les champs de bataille de PlayerUnknown sont devenus l’un des jeux les plus populaires lors de sa sortie sur PC. Maintenant, il arrive à la Xbox One. Dans ce jeu de tir à la première personne, les joueurs s'affrontent pour tenter de devenir la dernière personne debout. Il y a plusieurs tactiques que vous pouvez prendre. Vous pouvez flirter ou vous cacher derrière une couverture. La violence est une partie importante du jeu, les joueurs s'entretuent avec des armes réalistes. Comme pour la plupart des jeux en ligne avec chat vocal, l'expérience peut varier en fonction de la personne qui joue à l'autre bout.
Overwatch – Édition du jeu de l'annéeClassé T
Alors que votre joueur voudra peut-être jouer aux jeux de tir à la première personne de M-Rated, Overwatch est un excellent compromis. Ce jeu de tir d'équipe est né de nulle part et est devenu l'un des tireurs multijoueurs en ligne les plus populaires. Bien qu'il y ait de la violence, elle est en grande partie très cartoonique et apprivoisée par rapport aux autres jeux de ce genre. La meilleure partie? Le jeu favorise le travail en équipe.
Super Mario OdysseyClassé E10 +
Il y a quelque chose dans les jeux de Mario qui semble toujours capturer la joie de jouer à des jeux vidéo. Super Mario Odyssey offre aux joueurs la possibilité de courir autour de gigantesques terrains de jeux virtuels. Cette fois-ci, Mario a un nouveau pouvoir. Non, il ne mange pas de champignons cette fois-ci. Il a un chapeau magique. Quand il le jette sur certains ennemis et certaines choses, il peut les posséder. La chose la plus étrange qu'il puisse prendre en charge? Un T.Rex avec une moustache dessus!
La légende de Zelda: le souffle de la natureClassé E10 +
Grâce à sa conception brillante du monde ouvert, le dernier jeu de Zelda donne une nouvelle direction à la série. Contrairement aux anciens jeux Zelda, les joueurs sont libres de se déplacer partout dans le monde pour créer leurs propres histoires et expériences. La meilleure partie? Il n'y a pas de barrières artificielles dans le monde. Link peut tout faire, il est impossible de ne pas se perdre dans ce monde!
Just Dance 2018Classé E10 +
Si vous n'avez pas assez entendu Bad Liar de Selena Gomez, Just Dance 2018 l’a aussi bien avec d’autres chansons à succès. Toute la famille transpirera de plus de 40 fois, de Beyonce à Lady Gaga. La piste de danse est à vous.
Mario Kart 8 DeluxeClassé E
Qui n'aime pas jouer à Mario Kart avec des amis? Avec des tonnes de cartes sur lesquelles rouler et un tout nouveau mode de combat, il y a beaucoup de rires à trouver ici. C’est un jeu amusant à jouer longtemps après avoir terminé toutes les courses. La partie la plus cool? Maintenant qu'il est sur Switch, vous pouvez emporter le meilleur jeu de Mario Kart.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom BattleClassé E10 +
Voici un jeu amusant dérivé de Mario qui ne ressemble à aucun autre jeu de Mario qui l’a précédé. C’est un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour qui se déroule de manière très similaire au jeu d’échecs. Même si vous n'avez jamais joué à un jeu de stratégie, il est très facile d'entrer dans le jeu. Non seulement cela se passe dans Mario Univers, mais l’histoire est pleine de rires.
Splatoon 2Classé E10 +
Splatoon 2 est un jeu de tir à la 3ème personne compétitif qui se joue en ligne par équipes. Contrairement aux jeux de tir à la première personne violents, ce jeu de cartoony a des joueurs éclaboussant l’encre partout. L'équipe qui couvre le plus de terrain à la fin du match remporte la manche.
Pokemon Ultra SunClassé E
Pokemon est devenu un phénomène mondial et le plaisir ne fait que commencer. Deux nouveaux jeux Pokemon sont disponibles sur la Nintendo 3DS, Pokemon Ultra Sun et Moon. Bien que les mécanismes soient identiques dans les deux jeux, la différence est que chaque match se déroule à un moment différent de la journée. Avec un tout nouveau décor tropical et de nouveaux changements dans la formule, vous allez combattre et collectionner les Pokémon. Pouvez-vous les obtenir tous?
LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2Classé E10 +
Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous prenez vos super-héros préférés et que vous les mettez dans un monde de Lego? Vous obtenez Lego Marvel Superheroes 2. Utilisant la même formule de Lego dans des jeux précieux, le jeu est un vrai plaisir de jouer. Il y a d'excellents combats, énigmes et personnages. Tout le jeu prend vie avec un récit fort. Vous allez jouer avec Spiderman, Mme Marvel et d’autres pour tenter d’arrêter Kang.
Forza Motorsport 7Classé E
Forza Motorsport 7 abrite la meilleure franchise de course cette année. Si vous avez eu la chance d'obtenir une Xbox One X, ce titre met en valeur la puissance du nouveau système avec un jeu 4K époustouflant et un jeu super fluide. Les effets de lumière et de temps dans le jeu apportent une nouvelle signification au réalisme dans les jeux. Et la course est aussi palpitante et exaltante que possible. Associez-le à un volant et vous obtiendrez l’un des meilleurs sims de course du marché.
Sonic ManiaClassé E
Notre hérisson préféré est de retour et meilleur que jamais. Sonic a peut-être fait ses débuts dans les années 90, mais ce classique tient bien aujourd'hui avec de nouveaux niveaux, patrons et modes pour défier les fans comme les nouveaux venus. Franchir les étapes est toujours aussi amusant. Ce qui est cool, c’est que le jeu vous permet de jouer en tant que Sonic, Tails et Knuckles. Serez-vous capable de vaincre le Dr Eggman une fois pour toutes?!
Metroid: Samus fait son retourClassé E10 +
Les fans de Metroid attendent depuis longtemps un très bon jeu Metroid. Heureusement, ce jour est arrivé avec Metroid: Samus Returns. Même s’il s’agit d’un redémarrage de Metroid II pour la Game Boy, nous allons jouer à un jeu formidable chaque jour. Les visuels en 3D sont vraiment élégants et le jeu regorge de secrets et de batailles épiques contre des boss. Avez-vous ce qu'il faut pour éliminer la menace Metroid?!
SucetteClassé E10 +
Cuphead est l'un de ces rares joyaux qui n'arrive que de temps en temps. Ce titre développé en exclusivité est exclusif à la famille de systèmes Xbox One. Les graphismes du jeu ressemblent à un dessin animé avec une animation lisse et soyeuse et l’action est rapide. C’est mieux décrit comme un shoot-em-up comme Contra. Mais ne vous laissez pas berner par ces graphismes mignons, ce jeu est extrêmement stimulant et très amusant. Chaque fois que vous battez un patron, vous avez un réel sentiment de satisfaction.
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyClassé E10 +
Crash Bandicoot fait son grand retour sur PS4. La dernière fois que nous avons vu Crash, c'était sur la plate-forme PlayStation originale. Ce nouveau remaster est basé sur les trois jeux originaux qui sont apparus sur le PS. Les graphismes ont été entièrement remasterisés pour une nouvelle génération et le défi est plus grand que jamais avec de nouveaux essais chronologiques. Les 12 ans qui aiment les défis vont adorer ce jeu.
Pokkén Tournament DXClassé E10 +
Si votre enfant de 12 ans aime le Pokémon et les jeux de combat, se procurer Pokken Tournament DX est une évidence. Il s’agit de la version définitive de Pokken avec une liste plus large et la possibilité de jouer à domicile ou en déplacement. Il n’ya pas de meilleur sentiment après avoir remporté un match contre quelqu'un qui est au même niveau que vous. Notre mode préféré est le mode tournoi. Un excellent cadeau de Noël pour les fans de Pokemon.
Uncharted: l'héritage perduClassé T
Il y a une nouvelle spin-off dans la série Uncharted. Avec un récit fort, le jeu se joue beaucoup à Indiana Jones. Comme dans les jeux précédents, les joueurs utilisent des armes pour tuer les méchants. La particularité de ce jeu réside dans le fait que les deux principaux protagonistes sont des femmes de couleur, tout aussi fortes et courageuses que Nathan Drake. Les parents doivent savoir qu'il y a quelques mots mauvais et beaucoup de violence, mais il n'y a pas de sang ou de sang.
Minecraft Super Plus PackClassé E10 +
Minecraft est l'un des jeux les plus populaires de notre époque. Maintenant, le jeu est disponible sur à peu près toutes les consoles. Comme une version électronique de Legos, le jeu vous permet de créer des éléments dans le monde du jeu vidéo.
Resident Evil 7: Gold EditionClassé M
Resident Evil 7: Gold Edition est l'édition ultime du jeu. Ce jeu est destiné à un public mature en raison de l'intensité de la violence, d'un langage fort et d'une histoire mature. Capcom a redéfini ce que signifie être une horreur de survie et nous l’aimons absolument! C'est tellement effrayant et l'histoire vous rendra accro dès le début. Si vous avez PSVR, ce jeu est mieux expérimenté en VR, car il effraie les begeebers!
Horizon Zero Dawn: Edition complèteClassé T
Beaucoup saluent Horizon Zero Dawn en tant que candidat sérieux au jeu de l'année. Bien que ce soit un jeu satisfaisant, nous ne pensons pas qu’il corresponde à la grandeur que Nintendo a réalisée avec The Legend of Zelda: Le Souffle de la nature. Néanmoins, si vous aimez les jeux de rôle d’action basés sur la narration, vous allez adorer ce jeu génial.
NBA 2K18Classé E
Considéré comme l’un des meilleurs jeux vidéo sportifs du monde, le dernier jeu NBA 2k donne vie au jeu de basketball comme jamais auparavant. NBA 2k18 vous permet de vivre toute la saison NBA avec votre équipe favorite. Le jeu ne s'est jamais senti aussi bien avec un meilleur rebond et un meilleur tir.
Madden NFL 18Classé E
Le dernier opus de Madden est sorti avec plus de fonctionnalités de pointe. Le point culminant? Le jeu offre plus de précision que jamais. Cela signifie que jouer au quarterback et aux défenseurs est plus épique qu'auparavant.
FIFA 18Classé E
Thanks to life-like graphics, the game of soccer has never felt more real. Fans of soccer can play as their favorite stars as they attempt to take their team to the finals. EA has even added a story mode. The biggest difference? Each player has unique animations, which brings the players to life like never before.
MLB The Show 17Rated E
With the end of the baseball season, you can now score a great deal on MLB The Show 17. It’s a great playing baseball sim with excellent visuals, batting, pitching and fielding. Challenge yourself to take you team all the way to the World Series and win it all!
Rocket LeagueRated E
Rocket League has appeared on most of the major systems and now it’s finally making its way to the Switch! This holiday you can play the game that has addicted millions. With simple gameplay mechanics and Nintendo themed rocket-powered cars, fans will be really excited to get their hands on this game. The coolest part? Now you can take Rocket League on the go!
Grand Theft Auto VRated M
Grand Theft Auto 5 is filled with crime, violence, strong language, and nudity. While the game is rated M, a lot of parents do let their children play this game. The game lets you do anything so it is possible to stay away from the more mature content such as picking up prostitutes and strip clubs. Still, you can’t skip the main narrative which is filled with a ton of swearing and some sexual content. If you let your 12 year old play this game, it is best to play with him or her.
FPS Freek Vortex Thumbgrips
Available for both the PS4 and Xbox One, these cheap thumb stick covers can give hardcore gamers the edge they need in first person shooters. They simply slip over the thumb sticks and have a raised area, which give you a better grip. While they are fairly inexpensive, they do wonders for your speed, accuracy,maneuverability in games like Call Of Duty.
Razer DeathAdder Elite
A cool gaming mouse is a great gift for the gamer in your life. With an accurate optical sensor, this gaming mouse gives the gamer in your life the accuracy to compete with the toughest competition. The coolest part? There are 16.8 million different color variations that you can make the mouse glow in.
Xbox One Play and Charge Kit
If your Xbox gamer is finding herself always replacing the batteries in her Xbox controller, this charging kit is a must. That way, she doesn’t have to bother buying batteries again.
Xbox One Wireless Controller
So you just got a new Xbox One –you are going to need another controller to play local multiplayer. Microsoft has taken what works with its controller and perfected it. La meilleure partie? This wireless controller not only works with the Xbox One, but with Windows 10 machines.
PS4 DualShock 4 Wireless Controller
Playing video games by yourself is fun but playing with others is even more fun. If your Playstation gamer doesn’t already have 2 controllers, a second dual shock controller is the perfect gift. That way when friends come over, he or she can play multiplayer Playstation games with them.
Xbox One S Controller NFL X Skinit Skin
Have you heard of Skinit? If your 12 year old loves the NFL, these NFL X Skinit Skins are a great way to show his team pride with cool officially licensed NFL designs. They look great and protect your Xbox One or Xbox One S controller.
Megadream Dual USB Charging Charger
Don’t you hate when your gaming controllers are not charged? Available both for the PS4 , this charging dock allows you to keep two controllers charged at all times so you won’t have to worry about any dead controllers.
PlayStation Gold Wireless Stereo Headset
PlayStation 4 gamers looking for a simple, sleek, and wireless pair of headphones need the PlayStation Gold Stereo Headset. With Simulated 7.1 sound and a built in mic, it’s a great value. Just plug in the usb dongle into the PS4 and you are ready to go.
HyperX Cloud Stinger Gaming Headset
Most 12 year old gamers are playing online. Compatible with Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PCs, this affordable and lightweight gaming headset set will take multiplayer gaming sessions to the next level. It’s got a swiveling microphone that mutes when you flip it up. The memory foam earpieces are comfortable and help eliminate surrounding noise in the room, helping to draw you into your games.
WD 2TB Elements External Hard Drive
If you own an Xbox One or PS4, you know that you can fill up the built in hard drive really fast. Luckily, this external 2TB hard drive works perfectly with the Xbox One or PS4, allowing you to store digital games and more.
PlayStation Plus Membership
The simplest gift to get your Playstation gamer is a Playstation Plus subscription, which not only allows them to play multiplayer games like Call Of Duty online but gives them access to a couple of free games every month.
Xbox Live Gold Membership
A subscription to Xbox Live Gold is a no-brainer for the Xbox Gamer in your life. A subscription is a requirement if your 12 year old wants to play online games with friends. It also comes with additional perks like a couple of free games every month. Even if the gamer in your life already has a subscription, a couple of additional months wouldn’t hurt.
PlayStation Store Gift Card
Don’t know what to get the Playstation gamer in your life? Get them an Playstation Gift card. That way they can use the card to purchase whatever they want on the online Playstation Store.
Xbox Gift Card
If you don’t know what game to get your Xbox gamer, just get them an Xbox Gift card. That way they can use the code to purchase whatever they want on the online Xbox Store.
Wonder WomanRated PG-13
Wonder Woman was one of our favorite superhero movies this year. Although not perfect, Gal Gadot delivered a stellar performance as Wonder Woman. It’s great to see a superhero movie with more depth that we’re used to seeing so major props to Patty Jenkins.
Spider-Man: HomecomingRated PG-13
Spider-Man Homecoming is just what Spider-Man fans have been waiting for. We liked how the movie went beyond just the origins and shed some light on Peter Parker’s character. Both Tom Holland and Michael Keaton delivered believable performances in their respective roles. It was a very entertaining movie and we couldn’t have asked for anything more.
Beauty And The BeastRated PG
Beauty And The Beast was a great adaptation of the animated movie. It’s a movie that many people watched more than once. This movie is packed with plenty of great extras to satisfy and the actors delivered first-rate performances. If you loved the original, you’ll most likely love this live action version, too.
Harry Potter: Complete 8-Film SetRated PG-13
Got a Harry Potter fan? Give them the ultimate gift with this Harry Potter Complete 8-Film Collection. This UK edition delivers the same story at a better price and value than the US edition. The video and audio quality envelope you in the magic and wonder of Harry Potter. Once they start this fascinating adventure, they’ll want to finish it to the very end!
The Lego Batman MovieRated PG
If you love Batman movies, you’ll likely love The Lego Batman Movie. It’s a fun movie for any age and it’s actually quite funny and entertaining. Who knew that a Batman movie could be funny? Although it’s not as inventive as The Lego Movie, it’s a wonderful movie worth watching for any Batman fan.
MoanaRated PG
Moana is a wonderful Disney movie worth watching. The animation is first-rate and it was very entertaining to watch the story unfold. In fact, most people will want to watch it multiple times thanks to its incredible soundtrack. It’s nice to see Disney break away from the damsel in distress formula.
Descendants 2Rated G
If she loved the first Disney Descendants, she’ll likely love part 2. It music shines bright in this movie. It was a very enjoyable movie with a fun story and great action. Everyone played their roles well. But where’s Audrey? Perfect movie for pre teens that will have her excited.
The Hunger Games: Complete 4 Film CollectionRated PG-13
The Hunger Games is one of the top blockbuster movies with an intriguing story line that captivates from the very beginning. It features a good blend of romance and action and Jennifer Lawrence delivers a stunning performance as Katniss Everdeen. This 6-disc Blu-ray set features all four films in the blockbuster franchise. If you haven’t watched it yet, now’s the best time to find out what you’ve been missing.
Star Wars: Le réveil de la forceRated PG-13
Star Wars The Force Awakens is one of the top-rated Star Wars movies of all-time. If you somehow managed to miss it, it’s definitely worth watching. Fans will recognize some old faces, and there will be a handful of new characters to draw you in as well. With Blu-ray, the picture quality is pristine in 1080P HD. It’s a great movie to have in your movie collection.
Rogue One: A Star Wars StoryRated PG-13
Rogue One A Star Wars Story is an excellent movie on Blu-ray. Although it was more of a side story, it was surprisingly enjoyable. We loved K-2SO and many of the other characters in the movie. Edwards made some nice references to prior Star Wars movies that fans will instantly recognize. It’s quite remarkable how Edwards was able to create a movie without Luke, Han, or Chewy and still be satisfying for fans, but somehow he managed to do it.
War For The Planet Of The ApesRated PG-13
War For The Planet Of The Apes was our favorite movie in this trilogy of movies. You could say they saved the best for last. If you loved the other Apes movies, there’s a good chance you’ll love this one. We love the flow of the story between the three parts. It’s just so seamless. The story is very engaging and filled with drama and action and plenty of emotion. We also came away impressed with the CGI quality – never have the apes looked and acted so realistically.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2Rated PG-13
While the first Guardians blew us away, Guardians Vol 2 didn’t quite blow us away. It’s still a movie that fans will enjoy but honestly it doesn’t surpass the original’s high benchmark. The movie was filled with drama, tragedy, and even comedy, and it was visually stunning. If your 12 year old loves superhero movies, they’ll probably love this one.
12 year olds are just starting to develop their tastes for music. Get your 12 year old into the groove with the coolest headphones and Bluetooth speakers.
Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones
Does your 12 year old play the latest rap tune so loud? Then this pair of wireless headphones from Beats is perfect for keeping both you and your tween happy. Sporting a modern design, this pair of headphones sounds so good that your tween may never want to take them off. La meilleure partie? The battery life has been improved.
Skullcandy Uproar Bluetooth Headphones
Cut the cord with these wireless headphones from Skullcandy. Offered in several cute colors, these lightweight headphones feel so comfortable. You might just find yourself “borrowing” them.
iClever BoostCare Kids Headphones
Aren’t those the cutest headphones you’ve ever seen? These wired headphones not only look cute, but they sound great and come in a variety of cool cat colors. What’s the big deal? Other than looking super cute, these headphones limit the volume so you don’t blast your ear drums from listening to your music too loud. And they use a standard 3.5mm headphone jack so it’s compatible with most devices like smartphones, tablets, and PCs.
VicTsing Shower Speaker
Does your 12 year love singing in the shower? With the VicTsing Bluetooth shower speaker even water won’t be able to stop them. With several adorable colors to choose from, it features easy to use controls. You might just want to stay in the bath or shower longer.
My Audio Pet Mini Bluetooth Speaker
Look at this! How cute is this? The little adorable animal is more than a cute friend. Fitting in the palm of your hand, it’s actually a little mini Bluetooth speaker that can wirelessly play your music from your phone. With so many cute animals to choose from, you can find the perfect pal.
Anker SoundCore Mini Bluetooth Speaker
About the size of an apple, this small and compact Bluetooth speaker from Anker delivers surprisingly loud sound with great bass and range. With up to 15 hours of battery life, it sounds almost as good as Bluetooth speakers that are much pricier. Available in several different colors, it’s perfect for pairing with the Amazon Echo Dot or any Smartphone.
UE BOOM 2 Bluetooth Speaker
It isn’t a party without the BOOM wireless speaker. Sporting a cool cylindrical design, this 360 wireless Bluetooth speaker that connects to your Smartphone keeps the party going all night with bold immersive sound.
Blue Snowball iCE Condenser Microphone
Do you want to start podcasting? Now it couldn’t be easier to record your own podcasts and YouTube videos with high quality audio. Mounting on an adjustable stand, the Snowball iCE simply plugs into the USB port on your PC. It’s totally plug and play. La meilleure partie? You don’t even need studio equipment to get professional results.
Kala Learn To Play Ukulele Starter Kit
One of the best instruments to learn is the Ukulele. It’s similar to a guitar but is smaller and has fewer strings, which makes it easier to play than the standard guitar. Kala is making it easy for new players to get started playing the Ukulele with this set designed for beginners. Along with the Kala KA-15S Mahogany Soprano, it comes with an online tuning app and simple online lessons.
Memorex Sing Stand 3
Can’t stop singing? With the Sing Stand, tweens can invite all their friends over for Karaoke Night. Hook the Sing Stand up to YouTube and the party will go on all night long.
1byone Belt-Drive 3-Speed Stereo Turntable
What is old has become new again! Record players are now more popular than ever and it has never been easier to get started. With a retro design, this belt driven record player couldn’t be easier to use and will spin records like a champ. With built in speakers, it has everything you need listen to your vinyl collection.
Yamaha YPG-235 76-Key Portable Grand Piano
The Yamaha YPG-235 Portable Grand Piano is an incredible gift for any 12 year old who loves playing the piano or is interested in learning to play. The sound is rich and fills the entire room. It really is quite impressive. The built-in education suite is perfect for beginners who want to learn to play. The nice thing is there are 500 different voices featured on this piano so you can get very creative with sounds. We recommend the bundle with the power supply, so you aren’t going through batteries like crazy.
Pick-a-Palooza DIY Guitar Pick Punch
While it looks like one, this is not a stapler! It punches out guitar picks out of old credit cards, gifts cards, and random pieces of plastic found in the junk mail. Guitar players never have to worry about losing their picks. In just one second, you can just punch another one out.
Epiphone Les Paul Electric Guitar Player Package
Who wouldn’t want a brand new electric guitar? This pack takes away all the guesswork, giving you everything you need to get started playing right away. Available in 3 different colors, it comes with a Les Paul guitar, amp, tuner, and all the accessories you need. You can even get it bundled with the Rocksmith video game, which teaches beginners how to play.
DropMix Music Gaming SystemAges 16+
DropMix is a cool new music mixing party game where you get to play the role of the DJ, mixing music from all different music genres. It’s actually from Harmonix, the creators of Guitar Hero and Rock Band. This bundle includes the DropMix system and cards, and requires you to download the DropMix app to play. Let’s get this party started!
The Children’s Place Girls’ Long Sleeve Nightgown
What 12 year old girl wouldn’t love a nightgown like this that reads: ‘I woke up like this #Flawless’. It’s cute and a great way to start your day on a positive note. While rockin’ a simple design, it’s very effective at getting the message across and it’s a super fun gift idea for girls!
UBeauty Unicorn Kigurumi Onesie
Who doesn’t love onesies? On Christmas morning nobody wants to get out from under the sheets. These single piece pajamas are not just for bedtime. A warm and cozy onesie is the best way to open up gifts on Christmas morning. If she loves Unicorns, she will think this onesie is the best gift ever.
Alki’i Pajama Bottom Pants
For a 12 year old, a nice pair of pajama bottoms makes an easy go to gift. These adorable jammies are super nice. Made out of 100% polyester fleece, these pajama bottoms are super warm and comfortable. With fun designs from snowmen to mittens, these make great gifts.
Del Rossa Women’s Fleece Pajamas
There is nothing that says Christmas like a cute pair of comfy pajamas. Available in the cutest prints, this lightweight fleece one from Del Rossa is perfect for wearing on Christmas morning while opening up gifts.
Richie House Warm Fleece Bathrobe
The stylish robe from Richie House is the most adorable thing ever. Not only is it made out of warm fleece, it’s got two oversized pockets on the front. With this robe, your 12 year old will be the happiest camper ever on cold nights. You might just want to steal it when she is not looking.
TowelSelections Kids Robes
Made in Turkey of high quality polyester fleece, these bathrobes make a wonderful gift for your loved one. They’re available in a good assortment of colors for both girls and boys. They are nice and fluffy and keep you sooo warm and toasty. Unlike other robes, it doesn’t feel scratchy against your skin.
Joytton Satin Kimono Robe
These satin kimono robes make a super fab gift. They look soooo adorable and come in a variety of cute colors. She’ll look like a beauty queen in these. Choose the perfect one for your 12 year old girl. We’re really lovin’ the quality on these robes.
Noble Mount Fuzzy Socks
OMG! These are the most adorable socks. From superman to princesses, these cute socks are perfect for dressing up your feet during the cold winter months. The only problem? You are not going to want to wear shoes.
Solmate Mismatched Socks
Matching socks are so boring. Offered in so many fun vibrant patterns and color choices, these mismatched socks from Solmate are too adorable. Your feet will never be happier.
K. Bell Sneaker Socks
Are those shoes or socks? Almost everyone will do a double take on these cute and vibrant novelty socks from K. Bell. This set contains six pairs of assorted colors. They look like always in fashion Cons sneakers and are perfect for running around the house and they are machine washable. What girl wouldn’t love these?
Snoozies Slipper Socks
Check out those cuties! Meet the Snoozies – they are adorable and cute animal themed fleece lined slipper socks. They’ll look super cute on her feet and keep them nice and toasty. These are even machine washable. Choose from a nice selection of fun animals.
Happy Feet Animal Slippers
Are your feet happy? Your feet haven’t experienced true happiness until you’ve stepped into Happy Feet. Happy Feet are the most adorable gift on planet Earth. There are more than 50 different animal slippers to choose from. Which ones will make your feet happy?
Cute Emoji Cartoon Slippers
There’s no denying tweens love their emojis so these Emoji Slippers would make a perfect gift for your emoji lovin’ 12 year old. Many tweens love the poo themed one but there are others to choose from as well. When you step into them it feels so velvety soft and comfy. They do a great job of keeping your feet warm and toasty. Don’t be surprised if your 12 year old may never want to take them off!
ACORN Kid’s Acorn Moc Slipper
Designed for indoor and outdoor usage, these ACORN Moc Slippers are great as sleepwear. They’re especially great in the winter when it gets chilly. Your feet will certainly be happy since they keep them nice and toasty. Choose from a variety of styles to fit your needs.
Minnetonka Cassie Slipper
Not all slippers are created equal. The Minnetonka Cassie Slipper proves this. It looks very fashionable and has sheepskin on the inside to keep your feet warm, cozy and comfy. And the quality is very nice!
UGG Kids’ K Cozy II Slipper
If she loves UGG boots, these UGG Kids K Cozy II Slippers are worth checking out. They look great similar to UGG boots and fit perfectly. The sheepskin feels sooo soft and comfy. It feels like you’re walking on cloud nine. Could your feet be any happier?
Clothes are cool. Don’t get clothes from the Gap that you think are cool. Most 12 year olds don’t want parents picking out outfits for them. They want to be there to help choose. Nike and Under Armour clothing, fuzzy and cute pajamas, socks, and skinny jeans are all pretty safe choices.
Little wearable accessories like purses, wallets, or cute watches make great gifts. 12 year old girls are starting to become women. They need something that they can carry their girly stuff in. Small purses or messenger bags are perfect. You can fill the bag or wallet with little stuff that they like and even money.
KAVU Rope Bag
Made of 100% cotton, this rope bag from Kavu is stylish, practical, and functional. Offered in a variety of styles, the patterns are very lively without being overly bold. Along with the adjustable shoulder strap, there are 5 different pockets to hold everything from a large camera to the essentials.
Vera Bradley Your Turn Smartphone Wristlet
Carrying your phone and essentials has never looked so glamorous. Offered in so many great patterns, this little wristlet from Vera Bradley has four separate compartments for holding your phone, cards, and id. The zippered section is great for holding money.
Vera Bradley Little Cross Body
The Vera Bradley Little Crossbody is the perfect gift for your 12 year old daughter. The designs and colors are so beautiful and lovely and the quality is very nice. It’s a really nice lightweight bag for carrying all your personal belongings. You really can’t go wrong with Vera’s cute bags.
Vera Bradley Mini Hipster Crossbody Bag
With so many fun patterns and designs, the mini hipster from Vera Bradley is so cute. With six interior slots, a place for ID, and a zip pocket, it’s roomy enough for the essentials and a phone. It is the perfect size for tweens.
Harry Potter Hybrid Bag
Got a Harry Potter fan? She’ll go nuts over this officially licensed Harry Potter Hybrid Bag. Although it’s made of faux leather, it looks very nice with great detailing fans will appreciate. It’s like a small wallet for her purse. It can hold a phone and small items. The quality is really nice and it’s soooo cute!
KAVU Sidewinder Bag
Not only does it come in the most beautiful colors, the Kavu Sidewinder Tote is a very versatile messenger purse. With an adjustable rope shoulder strap, it has one main compartment with tons of room inside. The zipper along the sides expands to hold bulkier items. The additional pockets are perfect for keeping things organized. When you wear it across your shoulders, it lies flat against your hip.
Jinx Men’s Minecraft Creeper Face Wallet
Got loot? Keep it safe in this Minecraft wallet. Made of real leather, this Minecraft wallet looks surprisingly grownup. It’s got pockets for ID and even cards. Minecraft fans won’t want to go anywhere without it.
Hynes Eagle Emoji Backpack
Does your 12 year old love Emojis? What better way is there to head to school than with an Emoji backpack? This quirky and brightly patterned backpack has the cutest Emjois on it. Made out a sturdy polyester material, it can hold a surprising amount of stuff and even has a sleeve that can hold a 14 inch laptop or tablet inside.
Fjallraven Kanken Backpack
Backpacks used to be just something you wear on your back. Available in just about every color, this Swedish designed backpack scores big with its simple and stylish design. It’s got a big singular compartment for all your school supplies and zippered pocket on the front. It’s cute for camping, shopping, and school.
URSFUR Faux Fur Ball Keychain
We can’t get enough of anything fluffy. The hottest new accessory are these pom pom key chains that can be attached to your keys or purse. We like that this one is made out of faux fur so no animals were harmed. It can totally add a layer of cuteness to any bag.
Totes Kids Bubble Umbrella
Who knew that an umbrella could be so cute and functional at the same? This bubble umbrella from Totes is perfect for the winter time when you have many stormy and windy days. Because it’s shaped like a bubble that surrounds you, it keeps you completely dry and you can still see through it.
SojoS Cat Eye Sunglasses
Everybody is rocking these cat eye sunglasses which create a flattering look on your face. When you pull your hair back, they help define your whole face. You don’t have to spend a lot to get the look of designer sunglasses. This pair not only has the cat eye shape but comes tinted in a variety of shades like Rose Gold.
Casio “G-Shock” Digital Watch
You can’t go wrong with a G-Shock. This stylish but tough watch from Casio is perfect for even the most active 12 year old boys. Boys will hardly want to take it off.
Timex Marathon Unisex Watch
This Timex Marathon Sports Watch is a great gift for 12 year old boys and girls. The watch comes in a variety of cool color choices and its design keeps it simple. The digital display is easy to read and it’s easy to operate with alarm and stop watch functionality. For the price, you really, can’t go wrong.
Timex Woman’s Weekender Watch
The floral watchband really dresses up this Timex Watch. It’s got large easy to read numbers and indiglo nightlight is helpful for seeing in the dark.
Talking Emoji Backpack Clips
Who isn’t obsessed with Emojis? These plush key chains of your favorite Emjois are not only cute, but actually make hilarious sounds when you squeeze them. The clips allow you to easily attach them to your keys or backpack. Our favorite one is the poop one which makes a fart when you squeeze it.
C.C. Cable Knit Slouchy Beanie
Beanies are pretty much essential during the winter time because they keep you warm, but there are so many other reasons why everybody should have a couple of beanies in their wardrobe. Whether you overslept or are trying to pull off a trendy look, nothing can beat this slouchy beanie. Available in so many cool colors, this beanie has the perfect slouch.
POSESHE Stylish Warm Blanket Scarf
Who wouldn’t want a warm winter scarf? Available in gorgeous colors, this cute, trendy, and warm scarf is perfect for adding a dose of color to any winter outfit. It can be worn many ways. Wear it long or loop it giving it a more sassy look. Its the closest thing to wearing a blanket everywhere.
Birch Neon Orange Shoe Laces
While your 12 year old make be asking for a new pair of shoes, cool shoe laces are an inexpensive gift that can turn an ordinary pair of shoes into something out of this world. You can get these shoe laces in a bunch of fun beautiful colors, but these brightly colored neon shoelaces are the perfect way to accessories your sneakers.
adidas Originals Kids’ Superstar Sneaker
It’s hard not to go to school and notice that almost every has on a pair of Adidas Superstars. This stylish and simple shoe has been around for years and its popularity has spiked in the last couple of years. With iconic black stripes and timeless silhouette, this shoe goes with just about any outfit from athletic to casual.
adidas Stan Smith J Tennis Shoe
Did you know that Adidas Stan Smiths have been around since the 1960s and are named after a famous tennis player at the time? Now their popularity has exploded. Pourquoi? Its simple design and clean profile is timeless even today.
Converse Sneakers
You can’t go wrong with a pair of high top Chucks. After almost 100 years, these shoes are still fashionable. For the first time in forever, the original Chucks are getting an upgrade. With a brand new sock liner, the sneakers are more comfortable than ever before.
Nike Roche One
Ever since it was introduced, the Nike Roche has become super popular. Everybody fell in love with its minimalistic design and breathable fabric. While they are not designed to be running shoes, they are super comfortable when you are just lounging around and want something looks super stylish.
UGG Kids K Classic II Fashion Boot
What 12 year old wouldn’t flip out over a pair of real UGG boots? Available in the cutest colors, these comfortable boots go with everything from skinny jeans to leggings. She may never want to take them off.
Bearpaw Emma Tall Youth Boot
Made with real suede, Bearpaw boots are the perfect alternative to UGG boots. With several colors and sizes to choose from, this faux pair of UGG boots is almost as stylish.
Heelys Launch Skate Shoe
Tween boys and girls love Heelys. They look like ordinary shoes at first glance but hidden underneathnear the heel area is a wheel that allows you to stroll along just about any surface. Choose from a wide assortment of colors and styles. You’re sure to find just the perfect pair of Heelys.
adidas Adissage Sandal
Looking for a sporty pair of slippers for indoor or outdoor use? The adidas Adissage Sandals are durable and well made sporty slippers with the classic adidas logo and styling. A Velcro strap allows you to get a comfortable fit. The nice thing about these slippers is they have a special footbed that massages your feet as you walk.
Salt Water Sandals by Hoy Shoe
These Salt Water Sandals are sooo cute. They’re perfect for any adventure and come in a variety of stylish colors. Girls will love coordinating them with their outfits. They’re classic sandals that have stood the test of time. Comfort and fashion at an affordable price – now that’s hard to pass up.
Twelve is the age when girls are becoming increasingly beauty-conscious. Gifts that make them feel more “grownup” are some of the best gifts for 12 year old girls. Every 12 year old wants makeup but fancy uncolored lip gloss or a bath spa set also makes a great gift if she is not allowed to wear makeup yet.
What 12 year old doesn’t love dressing up her hair? Colorful headbands, hair glitter, clips and pins all make good gift ideas.
The New Braiding Handbook
Who doesn’t love trying out new hair styles every day? Tying your hair back in a pony tail everyday gets boring. This book has 60 different tutorials to create just about every braid possible. If you want to learn how to create different braids, this is the book to check out.
Conair Topsytail All in One Styling
The TopsyTail hair styling set includes everything you need to complete six stylish hairstyles. La meilleure partie? This tool is easy to use, feels quite sturdy, and it works on all types of hair – from curly to straight. Girls will love creating these fun ponytails.
Crave Detangling Brush
Who would have thought that a brush could make such a big difference? Nobody wants to brush through tangled hair when they wake up in the morning. Normal brushes can even bring you to tears if you have knots in your hair. This specially designed detangling brush has varying length bristles that pivot as you brush. Le résultat? It can glide through even the most tangled hair.
Wet Brush Pro Detangle Hair Brush
Got tangles? The Wet Brush Pro Detangling Hair Brush is what every girl needs to get rid of those dreaded tangles. What’s great is that this brush may be used on both wet and dry hair. It’s works like magic for straight, curly, and thick hair and even works on extensions and wigs. Are you ready for healthier, more beautiful hair?
Batiste Dry Shampoo, Original
When you’re too busy to wash everyday, Batiste Dry Shampoo comes in real handy. It’s your go-to to leave your hair feeling refreshed. Best of all, it’s a lot quicker than washing your hair and you don’t need any water at all. It’s our favorite dry shampoo and it actually smells great. You get nice body and boost in between washes.
ETUDE HOUSE Cat Ear Etti Hair Band
Looking for a cute gift for your 12 year old? This cat ear shaped beauty tool headband makes a lovely gift. This tool from Etude House is perfect when cleansing her face, showering, or applying makeup. It conveniently keeps her hair out of the way. It’s a super cute gift idea she’ll love!
Kenz Laurenz No Crease Ponytail Holders
With gorgeous prints, this set of 100 soft hair ties is cute and trendy. They do a good job of keeping your hair out of your face without forming creases in your hair.
Mudder Cat Ear Headband Hair
These Car Ear Headbands are sure to make any girl smile from ear to ear. This set includes six assorted colors and styles. La meilleure partie? Not only do they look great, but also they are super cute, comfy to wear, and, most importantly, functional. Don’t be surprised if you get a ton of compliments.
Hipsy Adjustable Headbands
These Hipsy Fashion Headbands look cute and hip. The nice thing about these headbands is that they are so versatile. You can wear them in different ways and it works well – holding your hair back – without giving you a headache after prolonged periods of use. What we love most about these headbands is that they are comfortable, adjustable and they stay in place without much hassle.
Turbie Twist Hair Towel
The Turbie Twist is a gift any girl would appreciate. These super absorbent hair towels feature fun cupcake prints and dry your hair fast – which means less blow drying and damage to your beautiful hair. And OMG they actually stay in place without falling out! It’s works like magic. The great thing is that one size fits all and these are machine washable.
Remington Pearl Pro Ceramic Flat Iron
A flat iron with an auto shutoff makes a great gift for a 12 year old girl. This inexpensive one from Remington has ceramic plates with multiple temperature settings. It heats up super fast and straightens hair quickly.
Conair Infiniti Pro Curling Wand
OMG Curls! With an auto shutoff, this ceramic curling iron from Remington will let you create waves like a professional stylist. Getting ready has never been so fun.
Infiniti Pro by Conair
If you’re looking for salon performance from your hair dryer at an affordable price, look no further than the Infinity Pro from Conair. This dryer boasts 1875 watts of power, which dries your hair much faster than a standard hair dryer. The dryer features three heat and two speed modes for customization. There is even a cold breeze for styling gorgeous curls.
REECHO Hair Extensions
Hair extensions are super cool because they can instantly make your hair look longer and fuller. Made out of synthetic fibers, this one from Reecho comes in several base colors so you can find the perfect match for your hair type.
Nail art is great because it is grownup but not too adult.
Olay ProX Facial Brush
OMG. Zits suck! Say hello to the cleanest and smoothest facial skin ever with this affordable facial brush from Olay. With a deep cleansing brush it will leave your skin feeling smoother and more radiant than ever before. Even your face will thank you.
Burt’s Bees Gift Set
Who doesn’t love soft skinned fingers and toes? Made out of natural ingredients, the Burt Bees Tips and Toes Kit includes products to make your hands, feet, and lips smoother. There’s an almond hand cream, honey and grapeseed hand cream, coconut foot cream, Lemon Butter Cuticle cream, and lip balm.
Baby Lips Lip Balm
Got a lip balm addict? These tinted lip balms from Baby Lip not only smell great, they leave your lips incredibly soft and supple. The tinted color gives lips a subtle amount of color. These are the perfect stocking stuffers.
EOS Lip Balm (Pack of 5)
Sporting very attractive packaging, the EOS Lip Balms come in the cutest egg shaped spheres. This set includes a half dozen flavors including blueberry, strawberry sorbet, pomegranate, summer fruit, sweet mint, and lemon. Not only do they smell and taste great, they leave your lips feeling soft and smooth.
Rejuvelle Bath Bombs Gift Set
These Bath Bombs are literally the bomb! Your 12 year old won’t take a bath without one. With natural ingredients, these bath bombs leave an amazing aroma and fizz, adding a whole new dimension to soaking in the bath. You may never want to leave.
Bath & Body Works Cherry Blossom Blossoming Gift Set
Your little sweet pea with love this spa gift set from Bath and Body works. With a subtle light and fruity sweet raspberry floral scent, it is perfect even for beauty beginners. The set contains a shower gel, body lotion, and mist.
Lush Gift Set
What 12 year old girl wouldn’t love the gift of Lush? Lush has these bathtime gifts nicely wrapped with lovely wrapping complete with a finishing bow and ready to gift. She’ll be transported into a world of pure bliss. Give her a gift that you know she will love.
PURELL Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer
These travel size hand sanitzers from Purell are perfect for slipping into a bag and sanitizing your hands any time of the day. This winter 8-pack features breathtaking scents like Sweet Plum, Ocean Kiss, and more. Best of all, it’s mild on hands and tough on those pesky germs.
Bath & Body Works Hand Sanitizer
Everyone could use hand sanitzer, right? This 5-Pack of PocketBac Sanitzers from Bath & Body Works makes a great gift idea for anyone who hates germs. Zap those germs in an instant! Bath & Body offers a great selection and the packages are compact enough to fit in a small bag or purse.
Dove Men+Care Hygiene Kit
Who doesn’t love to smell clean? This fully body kit includes a body wash, shampoo, and antiperspirant. Dove has some great scents for men that are not overly powerful. This one has a clean masculine scent that even 12 year old boys will love.
Vera Wang Princess Perfume
Got a perfume lover? With a light fresh floral scent, the Vera Wang perfume is perfect for sharing with your little princess. It comes in the cutest bottle with a little princess crown as the cap. Every princess is going to want to wear this.
Wonderstruck Taylor Swift Perfume
Who doesn’t love Taylor Swift? Girls will be wonderstruck with this perfume gift set from Taylor Swift. It comes with perfume, body wash, and lotion. With a subtle fragrance and sweet scent, it is perfect for the Swiftie in your life.
Real Techniques Flawless Base Set
Got a budding makeup artist? With super soft cruelty free bristles, these makeup brushes are essential when applying any creamy products like eye shadows or concelear. Your makeup will instantly look better.
SHANY All In One Harmony Makeup Kit
With several layers of fun, this is the dream makeup set for any 12 year old girl. With such a wide range of colors, there are 98 eye shadows, 6 lip glosses, 3 blushes, and more. All your daughter’s friends are going to want to come over to your house for a makeup date.
SHANY iLookBook Pro Makeup Set
There is nothing more that 12 year old girls want than a makeup set that they can play around with. This cool looking makeup set from Shany is perfect for beginners. There is an assortment of blushes, eye shadows, and lip glosses. Best of all, with its portable size, tweens will love taking it over to a friend’s house.
Coastal Scents Glamour Beauty Collection Gift Set
The Coastal Scents Glamour Beauty Collection is a beautiful beauty gift set for your 12 year old girl. The set contains 20 eye shadows, 5 brushes, and 5 pencil eye liners and it’s a great value for what you get. The brushes are good quality and the eye shadows are pigmented. You get a great palette of bright and colorful colors. It’s a complete package ready to gift for any occasion.
L.A. Girl Beauty Brick Eyeshadow, Nudes
Put your best self forward with this awesome L.A. Girl Nudes Beauty Brick Eyeshadow set. The set contains an amazing palette of a dozen different nude pigments for creating everything from the smokey look to shimmers and mattes. The set comes with a magnetic case with a built-in mirror and eyeshadow applicator.
Urban Decay Naked Basics Eyeshadow Palette
Urban Decay makes some of the best neutral palettes. They are known for their amazing pigmentation and creamy blendability. Most of its makeup palettes is pricey, but the Naked Basics palette is a bit more affordable. With 6 neutral colors, this palette is suitable for beginning makeup artists who are looking for their first high end makeup palette.
COVERGIRL Smoothers BB Cream
Every girl needs BB cream in her beauty collection. Covergirl Smoothers BB Cream is lightweight and keeps your skin feeling smooth. It’s easy to blend, doesn’t clog your pores, and makeup looks great on it. Choose from three different shades.
Correcteur Âge Enrouleur Maybelline
No girl wants those ugly dark circles under her eyes. Thanks to the magic of Maybelline Instant Age Rewinder, you can erase the look of dark circles around the eyes. Additionally, puffiness and fine lines are also reduced. It’s our favorite concealer because it’s easy to apply, blends well and works as promised.
Maybelline Chrome Metallic Highlighter
Get the glam look with Maybelline New York Chrome Metallic Highlighter. It delivers fantastic highlighting with just a little bit and it’s very easy to apply. Great beauty gem at a drug store price.
Coty Airspun Face Powder
Coty Airspun Loose Face Powder is perfect for baking your skin. It lasts quite long and has a nice scent to it. You don’t even need to use it all over your face and it gives you a good appearance with a matte finish and is perfect for setting concealer and makeup. And at this price point, you really can’t go wrong.
Maybelline Volum’ Express Colossal Mascara
Want stunning lashes? Maybelline’s Volum’Express delivers colossal volume. In fact, you get 9x the volume for attractive lashes that WOW. La meilleure partie? There’s no clumping and it’s very easy to apply and you instantly get the volume you desire. Maybe she’s born with it or maybe it’s Maybelline.
Burt’s Bees Lip Balm
Many girls and women prefer Burt’s Bees Natural Moisturizing Lip Balms. This 4-pack set contains coconut and pear, pink grapefruit, mango, and pomegranate lip balm. It’s the perfect way to moisturize your lips and keep them looking healthy and hydrated. It actually lasts quite long.The best part? Burt’s only uses all-natural ingredients and you’ll save versus buying individually at grocery stores. Say goodbye to chapped, cracking lips and hello to beautiful lips.
SNP Animals Character Printed Mask
This 8-piece set includes fun animal print face masks for your 12 year old daughter. They’re perfect for facial care and look sooo cute. It really adds a dose of fun to your beauty routine and your skin will feel soft, firm, smooth and hydrated after using these masks. You’ll love the refreshing feeling it gives you.
New Home Innovations Metallic Temporary Tattoos
Want to have fun with tats? This set contains more than 150 fun gold and silver metallic tattoos to show off at your next party. What’s cool? They look legit and shiny. Although they aren’t permanent, they last a long time and don’t wash off easily. Best of all, these are safe with non-toxic materials. They’re sure to get a good share of compliments. Girls will absolutely love, love, love this!
Real Techniques Sponge Complexion Sponge
The Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge is the tool you need in your beauty tool collection because it is one of the best sponges you can get. They are very soft and blend makeup beautifully. The various shape sides really do come in handy. The flat side is perfect for laying down a large area of coverage while the pointed side is ideal for the nose and eyes. You do need to clean them off after every use but no biggie.
Neutrogena Makeup Remover Wipes
Every girl needs these in her makeup drawer. The Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes are perfect because they get the job done well and don’t have any fragrance to them. Everything comes off easily without a greasy feeling and you feel real clean. They’re also a great value in this 6 pack value set.
Vera Bradley Cosmetic Bag
This Vera Bradley Large Zip Cosmetic Bag looks absolutely fab and the size is just perfect for all your cosmetics. You can store makeup, bottles, brushes, wipes and more. The inside is quite nice and lined with plastic to keep it clean. Choose from a wonderful variety of beautiful designs.
Stori Makeup Palette Organizer
These makeup organizers from Stori are an inexpensive storage solution for your makeup. They look sleek with a clear design and feature several partitions to keep your makeup neatly organized and accessible. It’s sturdy and gets the job done. Can’t recommend these enough!
Decobros 8-inch Vanity Mirror
This 8-inch vanity mirror is perfect for applying makeup and doing your hair. With 7x magnification you can see details up close to get the perfect look. What we really love is that it doesn’t distort your face like other mirrors and it’s well built. The overall design of this mirror looks classy and fits in well with any décor. The price is really hard to beat.
Kedsum 10X LED Lighted Makeup Mirror
This lighted makeup mirror provides natural daylight with LED lighting so you can detail your hair and makeup. 10x magnification allows you to clearly see every detail for personal grooming. The light emitted is bright so you see everything, including things that you may not easily see in a regular mirror.
MyGift Tabletop Jewelry Organizer
Does your 12 year old have jewelry? Let them store their jewelry on this useable piece of art. This adorable jewelry organizer is perfect for hanging earrings, bracelets, and necklaces on. It’s even got a cute little tray for holding little thingamajigs. No more twisted messes of hoops to sort through each morning.
Queenberry Cable Bracelet For Bead Charms
Made out of Sterling Silver, this empty charm bracelet is the next best thing to a real Pandora bracelet. La meilleure partie? It fits Pandora charms and other European style charms. You can wear it without charms, but it looks even better when you add charms to it. It comes in several sizes so you can find the perfect bracelet for your 12 year old girl.
Lokai Classic Bracelet
Lokai bracelets are the biggest craze right now. With little beads, they look really simple, but it’s the symbolic message behind them that everybody has fallen in love with. Inside the beads, they have water and mud from the highest and lowest point on the Earth. Inside the white beads, it contains water from Mount Everest. The black bead contains mud from the Black Sea.
Alex and Ani Birthstone Bracelet
Celebrate the month you were born with this birthstone bracelet from Alex and Ani. The silver bracelet comes with your birthstone charm on it. There is no better way to show your uniqueness.
kate spade Initial Pendant
This dainty gold plated necklace from Kate Spade is so cute and can be customized with your 12 year old girl’s initial. It is easy to adjust the length so it can be easily layered with other necklaces. When you flip the pendant over, it says “one in a million.” She is and here is a great way to show her.
Personalized Stackable Name Ring
Rings are cool but a customized ring is even cooler. This one can be personalized with your signature or handwriting, making it even more special. Whatever you send in will be engraved on the ring. Her face will light up when she see it.
UMode Princess Ring
Your 12 year old girl will love this beautiful Princess Fashion Ring. It looks like it’s worth a lot more than it actually costs and she’ll always remember you. The ring features Cubic Zirconia and it’s made of brass. The ring is packaged in a nice gift box ready for gifting. You’re sure to get a ton of compliments.
I Love You To The Moon and Back Pendant
Do you love your 12 year old more than anything else in the world? There is no better way to say I love you than with this gorgeous sterling silver pendant necklace. The words “I love you to the moon and back” are written across the pendant. Your 12 year old will never want to take it off.
925 Sterling Silver Personalized Name Necklace
Who wouldn’t want a cute sparkly ring? A picture can’t capture how beautiful this ring actually is. Made out of sterling silver with a beautiful princess crown, it has a nice shine and sparkle that it will make even a 12 year old girl feel like a little princess. If she loves rings, she won’t be able to stop admiring it.
Custom Monogram Necklace in 925 Sterling Silver
In 925 Sterling Silver, these customizable initial pendants look soooo beautiful and make a lovely gift for girls. You can choose lengths that range from 14 to 22 inches to customize your look. You can also get it in a gold plated or rose gold and sterling silver options. Great birthday or Christmas gift idea.
Birthstone Pendant Necklace
Looking for a gift she’ll love? Consider this beautiful Sterling Silver Birthstone Pendant Necklace. Select the appropriate stone based on her birth month. The stones look absolutely gorgeous. These make a wonderful birthday gift for her and they’re very affordable.
Fairytale Mermaid Pendant Necklace
This mermaid pendant necklace looks soooo lovely with high quality crystals embeded in the mermaid’s tail. You can choose from a variety of available colors. Sure to be a hit with any mermaid lover. Simply charming and beautiful.
Jane Stone Choker 12-Pack
Every 12 year old girl could use these cute and fashionable Jane Stone chokers in her wardrobe. There are a dozen choker necklaces included in this set with a variety of colors perfect for coordinating with all her outfits. It’s a great value for what you get.
Rose Gold Plated Stud Earrings
You won’t believe how amazing these earrings look. They look so expensive and real but they are actually cubic zirconium studs. The earrings sparkle and shine just like white gold diamond studs do. They make great gifts and your 12 year old doesn’t have to know how much you really paid.
Sterling Silver Birthstone Earrings
If her birthday is coming up, these Sterling Silver Birthday Stud Earrings make a gorgeous birthday gift idea. They have a nice sparkle to them. Choose the right stone based on her birthday. There are many to choose from. Pair these beautiful earrings with the Birthstone Pendant Necklace for a complete birthday present.
PAVOI Stud Pearl Earrings
These Sterling Silver Round Stud Pearl Earrings look sooo elegant and exquisite. What’s great is they coordinate well with almost any outfit you choose. You have a choice as to what size you want the pearl earrings to be. What a lovely and beautiful gift for any occasion.
At age 12, tweens love anything cute that they can add to their room to make it an expression of themselves.
LE 16.4ft LED Flexible Light Strip
Upgrading the lighting in your room is one of the most popular projects. These bright white lights are energy efficient and may be attached if needed. The lights come on a 16.4 foot flexible PCB strip, and they are relatively easy to install. The results are quite astonishing and make it worth the upgrade. Just don’t forget you’ll need a power adapter.
MagicLight Bluetooth Smart LED Bulb
Looking for something that has the “Wow” factor? This little light bulb from Magic Home allows you to personalize the lighting in your room. Over Bluetooth, simply use the app to choose from a near infinite palette of over 16 million colors. It will magically change the color of the bulb. It’s all done at the tip of your finger.
Umbra Hangit Photo Display
Looking for a fun and creative gift for your 12 year old’s room? This Umbra Hangit Photo Display is a fantastic gift idea to allow them to decorate and put their personal touch on their room. Your pictures hang with clothespin clips and they are easy to change. It’s a super fun way to inspire creativity.
Umbra Trigon Metal Bulletin Board
This Umbra Trigon Metal Bulletin Board looks really sleek and a lot more expensive than it really is. It’s perfect for displaying important messages or photos in your room. The design is very versatile and works well with most décor. Made from metal, it’s quite sturdy and we love the size. We also love that you can use it in portrait or landscape mode. A very impressive gift without breaking the bank!
Quartet Dry Erase Calendar Board
It’s time to get organized and get your priorities straight with this excellent Dry Erase Calendar Board from Quartet. The board is easy to mount and measures 17 W x 23 L inches. It’s a well constructed board that works as intended. You can post things to the cork board portion with push pins. Two magnetic pieces are included for hanging notes. The board fits in well with most decor.
Pusheen the Cat 2018 Calendar
Internet sensation Pusheen the Car is here to make your 2018 merry and bright! Every month in this 2018 calendar features new artwork starring your favorite star – Pusheen the Cat. Also, included as part of this package is one sheet of one dozen Pusheen stickers. You can’t help but smile when seeing this cute chubby cat. And if you’re not into Pusheen the Cat, you can browse thousands of other exciting 2018 calendar choices for tracking your daily activities and events for the coming year.
Pillowfort Circle Shelf
The Circle Shelf is a fun display to add to your room décor. Made of mesh metal and a circular design, it looks quite striking and immediately demands your attention. You can store a variety of things to personalize the look to your liking. Best of all, it already comes pre-assembled so there is no additional assembly required.
Mermaid Reversible Sequin Pillow
Girls are in love with these heart-shaped decorative sequin mermaid pillows. They’re a great way to bring a glamorous look to your room. When you reverse the sequins the color changes so you can great a fun monogram, design, or whatever you feel like. They’re perfect for resting against while on a couch or the bed.
Brentwood 18-Inch Mongolian Faux Fur Pillow
Spruce up your room’s look with these awesome 18-inch Mongolian Faux Fur Pillows that look soooo realistic and cute. Running your fingers through the fur is sensational and the pillow itself is nice and soft. You can feel the great quality. It’s the perfect way to bring a cool sense of fashion to your room. You get the fashion you want for about half the price of the real thing.
WEP Princess Poop Emoji Pillow
Can you guess what this is? It’s a poop emoji poop pillow. It is perfect for decorating your room. Luckily, it doesn’t smell. Who knew poop could be so cute?
YINGGG Kissy Face Emoji Plush Pillow
If your tween loves emojis, these high quality plush pillows are sure to make them smile. There are different emoji character pillows to choose from and each one of them is very expressive. This one represents a kiss. They bring fun, bright colors, and personality to your room and are really comfy to lean against on the couch. Discover the perfect one for you!
iScream Pillows
The iscream Sugar-riffic Donut Shaped Print Microbead Pillows sure look delicious enough to eat. The donut has frosting and looks like it has been topped with colorful sprinkles, giving it a fun look. One side has pink frosting while the other has chocolate. Mmm … yummy! Beyond how attractive and delicious this pillow looks, it actually is a very comfortable pillow to use with microbeads that are soooo soft. Choose from a great selection of microbead pillows for both boys and girls.
Utopia Twin White Comforter
These quilted comforters from Utopia Bedding are a great way to bring modern comfort to your 12 year old’s bedroom. Choose from twin or queen sizes. They feel sooo amazingly comfy and you will sleep comfortably through the night. For allergy sufferers, this comforter features a hypoallergenic barrier. Dress your bed in style and comfort.
Emoji Pals Bed in a Bag Bedding Set
Is your 12 year old obsessed with all things emojis? Bring the fun of emojis home and spice up their room décor with this awesome Emoji Pals Reversible Bed in a Bag Comforter Set. Included in this set are a twin comforter, sham, flat and fitted sheets, and an emoji themed pillowcase. It instantly transforms your room from boring to exciting.
Chanasya Faux Fur Throw Blanket
A go to gift for a 12 year old is a throw blank especially if it comes in tween colors. Made out of faux fur, this might be the softest throw blanket ever. So silky and plushy soft, it feels like marshmallows. It’s offered in several colors and sizes, so you can find the perfect style for your tween. You might want to even want to get one for yourself.
Chanasya Faux Fur Rug
If she loves the faux fur look, this 2 x 3 feet fake sheepskin area rug is the perfect addition to her room décor. The nice thing about this faux fur is that it can be used on a chair or even as an area rug. It looks very attractive and luxurious. Best of all, since it’s not a real animal product, you don’t pay those crazy prices.
Blankie Tails Shark Blanket
Looking for a fun gift idea? Consider the Blankie Tails Shark Blanket. The shark looks like it’s gobbling your 12 year old alive. It’s way cooler than gifting an ordinary blanket and kids will love how cozy they keep you especially during the chilly winter months. The great thing is they can be used year round and they are machine washable.
LAGHCAT Mermaid Tail Blanket
Does she love mermaids? The Mermaid Tail Blanket is one of the hottest selling gifts for girls. These are high quality crocheted blankets that make a great gift idea. Not only do they look fantastic but they keep you warm and cozy and fulfill girls’ fantasies of being a mermaid. Go ahead and snuggle up.
Brentwood Shagalicious Bedrest
Isn’t this the most shagalicious thing you’ve ever seen? Girls will love getting this cool and fashionable bedrest. It’s soft and shaggy and feels ultra comfy to rest up against. It’s perfect for comfortably reading or watching TV while in bed. Choose from hot pink, lime or turquoise colors.
These Boho and Beach Bed Canopies are perfect for your 12 year old girl’s room. They are well made and look very elegant with a fun design and transparent look. It’s perfect for decorating her room while keeping the mosquitos at bay so she can get some nice beauty rest. It’s a lovely and beautiful gift that she’ll love.
Merax Gaming Chair
Merax makes some excellent gaming chairs for your gamer. The chairs are well built with great quality and ergonomics in mind. It features great lumbar support as well as a headrest and awesome styling. The arms can be adjusted up or down. Most importantly, it’s a very comfortable chair. Choose from a variety of cool colors.
South Shore Clear Acrylic Office Chair
Looking for a stylish chair for your 12 year old’s room? This South Shore Clear Acrylic Office Chair is a stylish chair that blends well into any décor and it’s actually surprisingly comfy. It’s made of acrylic and the base has a stylish chome finish. It offers a very minimialistic design without all the bells and whistles but the quality is excellent and it has wheels that easily allow you to maneuver around the room.
Acanva Faux Fur Teardrop Bean Bag Chair
Get ready to chill on this comfy bean bag chair. Who knew furniture could be so cool? The entire family is going to love lounging on this. Don’t worry when the kids go to school, it’s all yours.
Natural Himalayan Hand Carved Salt Lamp
Bring a sense of natural beauty to your room with this Natural Himalayan Hand Carved Salt Lamp from Mineralamp. The size and shape of the salt lamp looks lovely and we love the dimming function. It’s a lovely lamp that makes a unique gift idea. It’s very comforting and relaxing.
TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp With USB Charger
This dimmable touch LED Desk Lamp is the perfect way to light your desk area. It has a small footprint and offers the convenience of touch control operation. What you’ll love most about this lamp is that it is not hard on the eyes like other lamps and you can even charge USB devices with the integrated USB port.
The Original My Cinema Lightbox
This My Cinema Lightbox is a cool gift idea to decorate your 12 year old’s room. The box lights up and you can personalize the message with more than one hundred letters, numbers, and characters. The quality is very nice and it’s a very creative gift. You can create inspiring words to live by.
Darice Silver Metal Marquee Letter
Designed for indoor use exclusively, these Darice Silver Metal Marquee Letters make a wonderful gift idea for decorating tweens’ rooms. Different letters are available to choose from and the letters light up with a simple on/off toggle switch. They look really pretty when lit and the quality is great. You can choose to hang them up or stand them on a shelf or desk.
Primitives by Kathy Box Unicorn Sign
Unicorn lovers will fall in love with this super cute unicorn-themed sign. It may be small but it packs a whole lot of cuteness in a small package. It serves as a constant reminder to always be yourself … unless you really are a unicorn. But, wait, can you be a unicorn sometimes?? It’s a fun gift that’s sure to be a hit!
Malden Best Friends Frame
This attractive 4 x 6 Friends Picture Frame is the perfect decoration for your 12 year old’s room. It’s a great way to cherish your favorite moment with your friends. The frame features a metal border with a fancy Friends theme and the quality of the frame is very nice. It’s a lovely and beautiful frame that makes a wonderful gift idea.
Selfie Frame Photo Booth Prop
Looking for a unique gift for your 12 year old’s room? This Social Media Selfie Frame Photo Booth Prop Cutout Poster is a great idea to gift. The selfie frame measures 2 x 3 feet. What’s cool? You can customize the Title and Photo Caption among other deats. It’s a fun way to personalize their room and make it their own. Don’t forget your foam board or cardboard.
Jam Word Arrows
Girls love decorating their rooms with these beautiful Word Arrows. Choose among Home, Love, Friends, Family Word Arrows. These are really well made and look fantastic on the wall. Great for creating a theme for your room.
LEGO Star Wars Darth Vader Mini-Figure Alarm Clock
What’s the biggest minifigure you have ever seen? This large Darth Vader minifigure stands 8 inches tall. The coolest part? It doubles as a simple alarm clock.
Yankee Candle
Available in a variety of invigorating scents, Yankee Candle Large Jar Candles make a wonderful gift for any occasion. They burn on average for about 110 or more hours and can set the perfect mood and create a more inviting atmosphere. These premium scented candles only use the finest ingredients to deliver amazing scents you’ll truly love. You really can’t go wrong with Yankee Candles.
Velener Fake Green Grass of Plants
Although these Velener Plastic Fake Green Grass Pot Plants look very realistic, they’re actually not real. They’re perfect for enhancing your room décor and they’re quite affordable. The great thing is you never have to worry about watering these plants and they’ll look fresh year round.
Schylling MLM Girl’s Talk Locker
Want a locker to lock up your stuff? This small metal locker measuring 4 1/2 D x 4 3/4 W x 11 1/4 H is perfect for keeping her valuables safe from siblings or snooping parents. This locker features two shelves, door hooks and a mirror inside for keeping everything neatly organized. This set comes with two keys and it also comes with magnets for sticking things on your locker.
Kings Brand White Finish Wood Frame Floor
Looking for a sturdy standing mirror for your daughter’s room? This is a sweet and stylish floor standing wood frame for your daughter’s room. The neutral colors allow it to fit in nicely with any décor. The frame comes pre-assembled so you just need to unbox it and it provides a quality, distortion free image. Best of all, it doesn’t take up much room at all.
DecoBros Supreme Over The Door 11 Hook Organizer Rack
Trying to figure out how to get more closet space? Consider this Over The Door Organizer Rack. It has an attractive chrome finish with 11 hooks for hanging all sorts of articles of clothing from coats and hats to bags and more. It’s well built and feels quite sturdy. There’s no need to worry because the door will still be able to shut.
ClosetMaid Cubeicals Fabric Drawer
These Cubeicals Fabric Drawers are a fun and easy way to get organized. The Cubeicals measure 11 H x 10 1/4 W x 10 1/4 D inches. You can choose from a variety of colors and designs to best suit your tastes. The quality is great and they are quite sturdy. They fit in well with most décor and keep everything concealed and easily accessible.
Seville Classics 3-Tier Resin Slat Utility Shoe Rack
This Mesh 3-Tier Shoe Rack is well built and perfect for storing shoes or clothing or just about anything. As many as nine pairs of shoes can be stored on this rack. It measures 26.5W x 19 H x 12 D inches. You can even remove shelves if you want to add boots. A cool feature is if you need multiple racks these can be bridged or stacked for a clean uniform look. Le meilleur de tous? It’s soooo easy to assemble and makes great use of your space.
SONGMICS Vanity Set with Mirror and Stool
This beautiful crafted vanity set complete with mirror and stool would be a lovely gift for her room. She can get ready in her room and store all her jewelry inside the vanity drawers. In all, this vanity features five drawers for storing makeup, jewelry and other personal belongings. Anyone receiving this couldn’t be any happier!
Post-it Cat Figure Pop-up Note Dispenser
Looking for a fun novelty gift. How about this Post-It Cat Pop-Up Dispenser? This kitty looks super duper cute and it properly dispenses Post-It Notes. It really doesn’t get any cuter than this! Since it has good weight to it – it stays firmly in place so you can dispense until your heart’s content. A fantastic desk accessory!
Honey-Can-Do TBL-06322 Portable Laptop Lap Desk
If she often works with her laptop on her lap this lap desk would be a perfect gift. It gives you ample workspace to work comfortably with enough room to use a mouse for smaller sized laptops. The biggest benefit is that you don’t have to worry about an overheating laptop burning your legs. And it can be easily taken from one area to the next with its lightweight, compact design. Choose from a variety of stylish finishes.
Redo Your Room
What 12 year old doesn’t dream of redoing her room? With this book, there are 50 different ideas on how you can transform your room in a weekend. It is full with colorful photos and easy to follow directions. Now if it could only show them how to clean their room.
With all the exciting technology, kids find it difficult to tear themselves away from their electronics. Make backyard play as fun as indoor play with these great outdoor gifts. Every 12 year boy probably wants an air soft gun or paintball gun but these can be dangerous in the wrong hands. One of the best toys for 12 year old boys is Nerf guns. They still love to run around with Nerf guns. Every year they have a new fancier one. Most boys love to play with blasters chasing each other around no matter what they age.
90′ Eagle Series Seated Zipline Kit
Is your 12 year old the adventurous type? If so, they’ll be super excited to try this incredibly fun 90-foot Zipline Kit from Slackers. Riding this is soooo much fun! They are sturdy and well built with tree protection. Transform your backyard into a fun zone.
Slackers Classic Slackline
Are you ready for some outdoor fun? The Slacker Slackline is essentially a 50 foot tightrope that you attach between 2 trees. Walking on it and trying to balance on it is so much fun.
Web Riderz Outdoor Swing N’ SpinAges 3-15
This outdoor swing is the perfect gift that keeps on giving for birthdays, Christmas or any occasion. It’s Web Riderz and this just never gets old. You can ride it over and over. Saying this is fun is a huge understatement. La meilleure partie? You can ride it with friends since it supports up to 600 pounds of weight.
Skywalker Trampolines Jump N’ Dunk Trampoline
There is nothing more fun than bouncing up and down. With tons of safety features, this 12 foot trampoline from Skywalker has a great bounce. The coolest part? It has a basketball hoop inside. Your backyard will never seem the same.
Nerf Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger 2-PackAges 8+
It’s a game of tag or be tagged? Do you have what it takes to be the laser tag champ? These Nerf Lazer Taggers are super fun to play with friends and family. Lights, sounds, and vibrations bring you into the action like never before. We love how you have to reload these when you run out of ammo. Don’t forget the batteries! Makes a wonderful Christmas or birthday present.
Nerf Rival Nemesis MXVII-10KAges 14+
The Rival Nemesis MXVII-10K is designed for teens 14 and up, however with the necessary safety precautions – wearing Rival Masks and never aiming at the face – 12 year olds can enjoy the intense action and fun of these guns. Let’s be very clear that these are not toys for kids – the Nemesis fires at incredible speeds and delivers a crazy 100 rounds of ammo for an all-out assault in mission battles. Bring everything you’ve got with the Nemesis and dominate the battlefield!
Zing Air Hunterz Z-Curve BowAges 14+
The Z-Curve Bow is a well made and sturdy bow that’s incredibly fun to shoot. Honestly, this is as much fun for adults as it is for kids. We love how it shoots fast and a good distance away. This will definitely get a lot of play time. We just wish you had more arrows to shoot. Now this is badass!
Capture The Flag REDUXAges 12+
If you want to get them outdoors engaging in fun physical activity, give them Capture The Flag REDUX. This is an excellent game best played outdoors. Because the balls, glow in the dark, it is best played when it’s starting to get dark. They’ll love playing with friends and running, hiding, and chasing after one another all in the name of fun. It’s endless fun and the game variations make it very entertaining.
Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal Detector
Who doesn’t love hunting for treasure? This metal detector is perfect gift idea for beginners. While you might stumble across rings or jewelry, you’ll be amazed at all the ordinary stuff you will find in your yard including coins, nails, and old tools. You might not find anything spectacular but what you will find is pure fun.
Olympus Trooper 8×40 DPS 1 Binoculars
Every 12 year old needs a pair of binoculars. These ones from Olympus are super affordable, but are perfect for bird watching, concerts, or sporting events. With a wide angle field of view, you are sure to catch all the action. Bring the action closer to you.
Victorinox Swiss Army Pocket Knife
Got a young scout? In the right hands, this Victorinox Swiss Army knife makes a great gift. With 33 different elements, it’s like having a toolbox in your pocket. With everything from a screwdriver to wirecutters, you can do just about any job.
MPOWERD Luci 2.0 Inflatable Solar Light
If your 12 year old is heading to the Great Outdoors on a camping or hiking trip, this inflatable Solar Light comes in real handy. What’s cool about this light is that it’s solely powered by the sun’s energy. Even more it’s so compact and can be inflated and flattened, as needed. It’s the light you’ll want to take on every adventure.
Nite Ize BugLit
If your tween goes camping and wants to read, the BugLit will be their favorite companion. What’s cool is you can reposition the arms and legs on this BugLit so that you can properly direct the light. It’s perfect for reading a book in the dark when you don’t have access to lights. It delivers anywhere from 10 to over 20 hours of light on a charge.
Coleman Palmetto Cool Weather Sleeping Bag
These Coleman Sleeping Bags are perfect for camping trips. They are lightweight and well insulated. You will be able to withstand very cold temperatures down to 20 degrees F. It keeps you comfortable on the cheap. What more could you ask for?
Coleman Sundome 4-Person Tent
Available in two color options, this 4 Person Sundome Tent is a great value for your next camping adventure. It’s quick and easy to setup and keeps you cool and dry. A queen-sized airbed can fit inside and about two people can comfortably fit inside. Beginners will really appreciate how easy it is to set up.
GoFloats Unicorn Party Tube Inflatable Float
What 12 year old girl wouldn’t love this rainbow unicorn float? It’s perfect for just chillin’ out and relaxing at your next pool party. The Unicorn float measures about 45 W x 36 H inches and it’s rated for 500 pounds. It’s perfect for creating those Instagram-mable moments.
Swimline Giant Pizza Float
It’s pizza time! Make a splash at your next pool party with this awesome inflatable pizza slice float from Swimline. This gigantic pepperoni pizza looks colorful and well designed. They are easy to inflate and come with two beverage holders. You can lounge on them for hours as you soak up the sun. What’s cool? You can even connect other pizza floats together.
By age 12, most tweens have hobbies or play sports. Most guys or girls love basketball, volleyball, and football. A new ball or sports equipment is a good idea.
Hydro Flask
When you’re out playing sports you sweat and need to stay hydrated to refuel. These Hydro Flasks are top-rated and are well insulated. You can use them for either hot or col fluids. Keep hot drinks warm for about 6 hours and cold drinks ice-cold for a full 24 hours. The great thing is these flasks are BPA and phthalate free so they are safe to drink from. They’re perfect for taking on any outdoor adventure.
S’ip by S’well Water Bottle
Looking for a cute gift for your daughter? These S’ip Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottles are a great gift idea. Cold drinks stay cold for a full day, whereas hot drinks stay hot for about half a day. She can stay hydrated wherever her adventures take her. La meilleure partie? It doesn’t leak and we love the lovely designs.
Adidas Team Speed Small Duffel
When you need to haul your sports gear around, the Adidas Team Speed Duffel is very useful. Offered in several colors, it sports an adjustable strap, an area to stick in your shoes, and plenty of room inside.
Adidas Squad II Duffel
Designed for girls, the Squad II duffel from Adidas is the perfect sports bag. Offered in several vibrant colors, there are many compartments to organize your stuff. When you zip open the front zippered pocket , it says “girls rule.” With this bag, they do.
adidas Diablo Duffle Small
The Diablo Small Duffle Bag is a nice looking sporty bag that is perfect as a gym bag. It’s quite roomy inside and can actually accommodate a ton of stuff – gym outfits, towel, shoes, water bottle, and more. It’s well made but without any pockets. If you don’t have a ton of stuff, you don’t need a big bulky bag. Choose from a great selection of styles.
Under Armour Girls’ Mini Headbands
These headbands from Under Armour are great for playing sports or working out. They keep your hair out of the way so you can focus on getting the most out of your activity and not have to worry about your hair. La meilleure partie? These don’t slip and they don’t cause headaches.
adidas Youth Soccer Tiro 17 Pants
These Tiro 17 Pants are a great choice for performance apparel for boys and girls. They fit comfortably and look nice and sporty. They offer excellent breathability and have two zipper pockets for comfort and storage. They allow for a wide range of unrestricted motion and are ideal for soccer or working out.
Capezio Short Sleeve Leotard
The Capezio Short Sleeve Leotard is very nicely made. It really feels like quality material. It’s comfortable and stretches giving you great mobility and you can even wear undergarments without them riding up. It’s form fitting and looks so pretty in a variety of vibrant colors.
Maidenform Racerback Sports Bra
These Sports Bras are great for girls who love playing sports. They can be layered with other clothing and look very cute in a variety of colors and styles. The quality is very nice and it offers a snug, comfortable fit while remaining discrete. We love how it stays in place.
Speedo Infinity Splice One Piece Swimsuit
Bring a fun sense of style to the pool with these colorful and vibrant one-piece full coverage swimsuits from Speedo. A silicone grip keeps the suit in place and the quality feels great. They fit well and look very cute with a wide assortment of colors and styles to choose from.
Fin Fun Sparkle Mermaid Swimming Tail
Make her mermaid dream come to fruition with the Fin Fun Monofin. This is perfect for swimming in the pool or at the beach. She’ll feel amazing in these sparkly mermaid tails and look just like a real mermaid. You can’t help but smile while wearing this Monofin. Choose from three beautiful colors.
Healthy Model Life Ankle Weights
This ankle weight is perfect for toning and shaping your arms and legs. Choose between 1, 2, 5 or 8 pound weights. What we love most about these weights is they stay securely in place without constant readjusting and they are super comfortable to wear.
TheraFlow Dual Foot Massager Roller
Heal your feet with massage and reflexology. This is a great gift for pampering their feet and keeping them feeling refreshed. We love that you can use this foot massager anywhere. A deep foot massage does real wonders for your feet and makes them very happy!
Wilson NFL Super Grip Official Football
Bring the NFL action to your backyard with this official NFL Football from Wilson. It’s made from composite leather and maintains its shape even with rough and tough play. The grip on this ball is amazing and you can get good spin and trajectory on the ball. The quality is outstanding, it feels fantastic, and performs as expected. It’s a touchdown!
Nerf Sports Aero Howler Football
The Nerf Sports Aero Howler Football makes you feel like you have the arm of an NFL professional. This bad boy can be launched deep … very deep. Its tail helps it go the distance. This is super fun to throw around and it even makes a cool howling sound as it is launched through the air. Go deep!
Wilson Traditional Soccer Ball
If your 12 year old loves soccer, they’ll love this reasonably priced Wilson soccer ball. It’s a rugged and durably constructed ball made of synthetic leather that retains its shape even with rough and tough play. It’s made in the USA and performs just as you would expect on the court.
SKLZ Star-Kick Hands Free Solo Soccer Trainer
Does your future soccer superstar want to build their skills? The SKLZ Star-Kick Soccer Trainer is great for developing you’re your passing and shooting skills. This training system works with size 3, 4, and 5 soccer balls. Why will you love it? There’s no need to chase after the ball everytime you interact with the ball since it’s linked to you. That will save you time so you can spend more time practicing and honing your skills.
Franklin Sports Competition Goal
This competition soccer goal from Franklin is a great inexpensive gift for your 12 year old soccer superstar. They can practice in the backyard or get in some practice shots before the game. The soccer goal is well built and made of heavy duty tubing. The all-weather net means you can keep it outdoors without hauling it in and out of the house. You get your money’s worth with this goal.
Louisville Slugger Solo 617 Baseball Bat
Swing it out of the park with the Louisville Slugger Solo 617 BBCOR Baseball Bat. It’s one of the lighter bats so you can swing faster. It’s very balanced and has great pop. It’s easily one of the best aluminum bats on the market.
EASTON FS50 Softball Bat
With a massive sweet spot, this bat from Easton has a great pop. Made of a thermo composite material, it has a great balance with zero vibration. Everyone needs to swing this bat.
Spikeball is a new game played indoors or out on any surface. The set includes everything you need to play. It’s a 2-on-2 game that is somewhat similar to volleyball. The foldable legs make it different from competitors and they don’t break easily. The folding legs also make it easy to store. If you haven’t played the game yet, find out what you’ve been missing. It’s super addictive!
Spalding NBA Street Basketball
Take your game to the streets with this Spalding NBA Street Basketball. These balls are designed for optimal performance on rough street surfaces. The ball is very durable and feels solid with good bounce and flight performance. The grip is very impressive. You’ll love playing street ball with this ball.
Lifetime Portable Basketball System
The Lifetime 90023 Portable Basketball System offers a versatile design ranging from 8 to 10 feet and a 18-inch Slam-It Rim. Because it has a weather resistant finish you can keep it outdoors. Honestly, it’s not really easy to build, but it can be built in several hours. It’s quite sturdy but sand bags are a great way to ensure it doesn’t tip over. For the price, you really can’t go wrong.
Lifetime Double Shot Arcade Basketball System
The Double Shot is a super fun arcade system that lets hoops fans compete for bragging rights with a quality set. The game supports two players and you can go head to head to see who’s got the best shooting skills. Scoring, buzzers and sound effects help set the fun arcade feeling. The set comes with 6 mini basketballs and it’s a real blast to play. It’s sure to be a hit with bball fans!
Babolat Nadal 26 Junior Tennis Racquet
The Babolat Nadal 26 Junior Tennis Racket is an excellent aluminum racket for those who love playing tennis. It’s branded after the famous tennis superstar Rafael Nadal. This 26-inch racket is suitable for 12 year olds. It weight of the racket feels just right and it performs well on the court. Boys and girls will look forward to playing with this awesome racket.
Tachikara SV-MNC Volley-Lite Volleyball
If your 12 year old loves playing volleyball but hates the sting, try these Tachikara Volley-Lite Volleyballs instead. They’re actually lighter than ordinary balls and you don’t get that nasty pain in your wrists after playing. They’re durably constructed and feel very soft and spongy with good bounce. We can’t recommend these enough.
Tumbl Trak Folding Gymnastics Mat
If your tween is into gymnastics, martial arts, or simply wants to exercise, these Tumbl Trak Folding Mats are perfect. The mats are really high quality with great durability and are more affordable than competitors’ mats. We love that the mats can withstand a real beating. The mats measure 4 x 8 feet and can be easily folded for storing them.
Winmau Blade 4 Bristle Dartboard
Sporting clear and crisp graphics, this professional dartboard from Winmau hits the bulls eye. Made of 50% thinner wire, this dartboard is designed to resist bounce outs.
Spalding Mini Basketball Hoop
When you can’t get outside to play basketball, bring the basketball hoop to your bedroom with the Spalding NBA Mini Hoop. It is designed after a real NBA backboard so it looks just like the real thing. Simply mount it over your doorway and it is sure to score big time.
Razor Hovertrax 2.0
Forget skateboards! This hoverboard might be the coolest ride ever. It’s a self balancing Unicycle, basically a segway without a handle. The 2 wheeled Swagway goes up to 8 mph and one charge lasts 60 minutes. It does take some time to learn to balance on it, but once you get the hang of it is super fun. The whole neighborhood will be talking about it. It’s swag.
Penny Classic Complete Skateboard
Go retro with the Penny Skateboard. Offered in so many rad designs, this is the only skateboard you will ever need. It is even friendly enough for kids just learning to skateboard. With one kick, you be rolling down the street. Even you will wish you were a 12 year old kid again.
Razor Ripstik Caster Board
With the Razor RipStik you don’t have to wait for the snow to have fun. The RipStik lets you carve down the street in real style. Le secret? It has a pivoting deck that allows the board to accelerate when you twist back and forth on it.
Razor RazorX Cruiser Electric SkateboardAges 9+
Tweens will love the RazorX Cruiser even if they’ve never ridden an electric skateboard. That’s because there’s not much of a learning curve if you already know how to skate. The skateboard is well designed and cruises along at speeds of 10 MPH. The board screams quality and it’s very responsive and fun to ride. The Cruiser supports riders to 220 pounds.
Razor RipsurfAges 8+
Ready to tear it up on land? The Ripsurf allows you to surf on land with awesome carving and cutting motion which captures the essence of surfing. While going down hills, it picks up serious speed and it feels just like surfing. This badboy is a pure joy to ride. With the Ripsurf surfing on land is now a possibility.
Razor A5 Lux Scooter
Razor is known for their high quality kick scooters. The A5 delivers another great scooter with large wheels perfect for 12 year olds. The large wheels translate into a smoother ride with less pushing required. You’ll love riding the A5 because it rides like a charm – easily gliding over imperfections in the road. It can be folded for storing or carrying it around and supports riders up to 220 pounds.
Merax Finiss 26″ Mountain Bike
The build quality of the Merax Finiss 26-inch Mountain Bike is very good. The larger wheels deliver a great riding experience for 12 year olds at a fantastic value. This actually rides as well as some much higher priced bicycles. The only thing they skimped on was the front shock and the shifting transition is not as smooth as we expect. It’s great for riding on hills and on flat easy trails and the braking system is on point. At this price point, you can’t really go wrong.
Firmstrong Beach Cruiser Bicycle
The Beach Cruiser Bicycle features large 24-inch wheels which are perfect for 12 year old girls. They deliver a smooth ride and the bike looks very attractive with a stylish design and paint job. Girls will love cruisin’ around town on this wonderful bike which can reach thrilling speeds up to 15 MPH. It’s actually quite comfortable with the wide seat. You can choose 1, 3, or 7 speed options, depending on your riding style. La meilleure partie? It’s easy to ride and rides like a dream!
Rollerblade Spitfire JR XTG
What’s more fun than rollerblading around in style? With an adjustable design, the Rollerblade Spitfire XT Skates are functional as they are stylish. This is a cool pair of blades. The four wheels on the bottom give you better stability.
Flybar Foam Master Pogo Stick
This isn’t the pogo stick you had when you were a kid. This is a high performance pogo stick from Flybar. Made of chrome, it comes fully assembled and ready to bounce out of the box. Jump for joy!
Monkey Bike Wheel Light M232
Do you own a bike? Then the Monkey Bike Wheel Light is a must have. This bike wheel light creates all kinds of fun patterns on your bike wheel when it rotates around. There are over 40 different patterns to choose from. Not only does it look super cool, it reduces the chance you will be hit by a car.
Snow Sled Saucer Heavy Duty
During the winter, there is nothing cooler than a sled. The only problem? Most sleds are pretty easy to wreck. That is until now. This saucer sled from MH sleds is constructed of out 1/4 inch thick plastic, making it almost impossible to wreck. The thick plastic allows for a smooth ride. Don’t be surprised if you see Santa with one of these.
WALKAROO XTREME Steel Balance Stilts
Want to try something new, exciting, and adventurous? Try these Walkaroo Xtreme Steel Balance Stilts for some real fun. You get a vertical lift of 12 to 17 inches and everything seems a whole lot cooler from up there! You’ll feel like you’re Godzilla stomping on anything and everything in your path. The stilts are strong and well designed for comfort while you are stilt walking. Tweens will have endless fun with these stilts.
Board games are perfect for spending valuable time together with friends and family. 12 year olds might be bored of the classics, but these board games are sure to be hits.
Ticket To RideAges 8-12
An award winning game, Ticket To Ride is all about connecting cities together by building train routes between them. The larger the routes, the more points you are awarded. The catch? Other players are also trying to build their own routes, while at the same time trying to block you.
Exploding KittensAges 7+
How can you make a card game more interesting? Make it about cats! Originally funded on Kickstarter, Exploding Kittens became an overnight success. In Exploding Kittens, players battle each other to avoid the exploding kitten card. Pick it up and you are dead. Can you be the last person standing?
Apples to Apples 15th Appleversary EditionAges 9+
Apples to Apples is game all about crazy combinations. Players take turns being the judge. The judge plays one of the green characteristic cards with a one word characteristic on it like ugly, glamorous, or cheap. Players then have to look at their cards, throwing down the card that they think best matches the characteristic. It’s up to the judge to decide the best combination.
Not Parent Approved Card GameAges 8+
Are your kids begging to play Cards Against Humanity? Not Parent Approved is a lot more appropriate but still has a bit of edginess. The game is played a lot like apples to apples where players are given a hand of 7 cards. Then one player asks a question and players have to answer it with the best card from their hand. The judge then picks the best answer. While nothing close to Cards Against Humanity, the game sometimes pushes the boundaries at times of what is appropriate, but that is part of the fun.
Watch Ya’ Mouth Family EditionAges 8+
This hysterical game from Hasbro has players wearing a mouthpiece that makes it hard to speak. Then players are tasked with saying phrases that their teammates have to guess like “A Ball Named WIlson”. The only problem? Sometimes the words come out all wrong and may be even be inappropriate. Luckily, parents can remove cards if they find them inappropriate.
5 Second RuleAges 10+
Name 3 yellow foods? Time’s up. 5 Seconds is a game filled with random questions. The catch? You have only 5 seconds to spit the answers out.
Pie FaceAges 5+
Who wouldn’t love the game of Pie Face? This is just plain ol’ wacky fun. Players take turns placing their head in the mask and they have to crank the handle hoping it just won’t go splat right on their face! Add some whipped cream to add to the fun and excitement. You can’t help but laugh so hard while playing this game. Sorry, no pies are included here.
Monopoly GamerAges 8+
What happens when you cross Monopoly with the world of Super Mario? You get Monopoly Gamer Edition. The game features characters straight out of Nintendo’s Super Mario – Super Mario, Princess Peach, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong. Each character features its own special power move and you’ll be fighting bosses and competing for the highest score. Even Monopoly money has been replaced by coins. Unlike regulalr Monopoly, games aren’t drawn out and last only around 30 minutes or so. It’s a videogame makeover for Monopoly that is refreshingly fun to play.
Uno Emoji Card GameAges 7-15
If your 12 year old loves the classic game of Uno, there’s a high likelihood they’ll also love Uno Emoji. This latest version combines the popular game with emojis. An exclusive rule plus extra wild game cards are included in this version of the popular card game. The wild cards let players create their own rules.The new emoji cards are bright, colorful, and cheerful. It’s the perfect gift for any emoji and Uno lover.
Mattel Blokus GameAges 5-15
Blokus is easily one of our favorite board games. In this strategy-based game that’s very easy to learn, each player takes a turn to strategically place their pieces on the board. The pieces have to join at the edges and you have to think not only about your moves but how you can block you opponent. Whoever places the most color pieces down is the winner of the game once the game is in deadlock where no more moves can be made. It’s a really fun game for all ages.
Sushi Go!Ages 8+
I know your mother probably told you to never play with food but with Sushi Go! that’s the name of the game. In this simple and delicious card game, while the ingredients are being passed around, you want to create amazing sushi dishes to rack up the score. Will you be the ultimate sushi master? Who knew games could be soooo delicious and fun?!
Taboo Board GameAges 13+
Taboo is a classic guessing game where someone has to give clues for others to guess the word or phrase. The catch? It’s considered Taboo if you use any one of the words on the cards. If you happen to use any of these Taboo words, you lose points. Be prepared for loads of laughs and fun.
Reverse CharadesAges 6+
Get everyone involved in the act with Reverse Charades. It’s so much more fun than regular Charades when you add in the exciting and fun twist! This edition of the game features more than 700 words. It’s the perfect game to break out for parties. Get ready for fun like you’ve never had before!
HedBanz GameAges 7-9
Hedbandz is a game of “What am I.” Players stick a cartoon object on their head and have to try to guess what it is by asking “yes or no” questions.
King of Tokyo Ages 8-15
Wouldn’t you love to be Godzilla? In King of Tokyo, everyone gets to be giant monsters that destroy everything that they come across. Depending on what you roll your monster can do different things on the game board. Will you be the last monster left?
At the age of 12, kids are starting to develop talents. If they are into art, these gifts can make their artistic talents shine.
Karina Garcia’s DIY SlimeAges 10-14
Want to become a slime master and make your own slime? Join YouTube star Karina Garcia as she demonstrates fifteen slime recipes that are easy to do. The book features colored pictures and complete directions for making these recipes. Some of the top recipes include Liquid Gold Slime, Glow in the Dark Slime, Balloon Slime and more! If your kids love slime, this is the book to get.
Elmer’s Liquid School Glue
Did you know that Elmer’s Liquid School Glue can also be used to make slime? While many people think of glue for their arts and crafts projects, it actually is a key ingredient in making slime. The great thing is it makes wonderful slime that is nice and stretchy with fantastic thickness and it just feels perfect, which is why it is super fun. Now you can make all the slime in the world until your heart’s content!
Crazy Aaron’s Mixed By Me Thinking PuttyAges 8+
If you’re just starting out with slime, this Putty Kit from Crazy Aaron is perfect for beginners. Although you get a little amount of slime, it’s a great starting point before you move onto bigger slime kits. This set allows you to customize the color and look of your slime. The special effects are cool because you can add sparkle, shimmer and even make your putty glow.
Crayola Model Magic
Kids nowadays are using Crayola’s Model Magic to make their own DIY slime. This bucket features two pounds worth of modelling clay and it can be resealed to your clay doesn’t dry out. This clay is non-toxic so it’s safe for tweens to use. It’s so soft and stretchy and feels soooo good to the touch.
Daiso Soft ClayAges 3+
Daiso makes some incredible clay that kids use to make their own slime. This package includes 2.5 ounces of white clay from Japan. The turnaround times are pretty quick. It’s actually easier to knead than Model Magic clay. Kids will enjoy making butter slime recipes with it. The slime turns out very soft and just perfect. It has a bit of a scent to it, but nothing’s gonna stop kids from having a blast with slime!
Elmer’s Liquid Glitter Glue
This Glitter Glue set from Elmer’s includes three assorted colors which are just perfect for making your own homemade slime. We love that this glue is non-toxic and safe for kids to use, that’s why teachers recommend it more than any other brand. Kids will have tremendous fun making glittery slime. It actually comes out really nice with nice consistency and thickness so kids will love this kit.
Elmer’s Galaxy Slime Starter Pack
Slime masters will love this Elmer’s Galaxy Slime Starter Kit. It has all the ingredients necessary to make a special Galaxy Slime Recipe that looks ultra cool! It looks glittery, shiny, and mind-blowingly good in person. Complete instructions are provided for making this recipe. Anyone interested in slime will be soooo excited to try this recipe for themselves because it is otherworldly.
Foam Balls for Slime
Bring some fun and creativity to your slime recipes with these foam balls made just for slime. This package contains a whopping 30,000 foam balls. What can you do with all these foam balls you’re probably wondering. Well, it can be used to add texture to your slime so that it just doesn’t look flat. It adds some curvature to the slime and makes it way more interesting to look at and play with. Best of all, the slime ball’s color doesn’t mix into your slime.
Glotoch Slime Containers (24 Pack)
Where do you plan on storing your slime? This 24 pack of plastic reusable containers is perfect for keeping your slime secured. The nice thing about these storage containers is that they are stackable. These containers are very versatile because not only can they be used for slime but they also can be used for leftovers, fruit, and more.
Perler Beads 22,000 Count Bead JarAges 5-12
If your 12 year old is into crafty things, they’ll probably love this Perler Beads set featuring 22,000 activity beads. It’s a set that inspires a world of creativity because the creative possibilities with this set are mind-blowing. What we really love is that you’re not only limited to 2D, you can even create amazing three-dimensional designs that really impress. What cool and creative things will you be inspired to make?
Tulip One Step 18-Color Tie-Dye Kit
Add a little color to ordinary t-shirts, socks, or underwear with this great Tie Dye Kit from Tulip. Simply add a little water to the dye and then shake it. Le résultat? Vibrantly colored clothing. It is so fun that you might just want to start a Tie Dye business.
Duck Brand Printed Duct Tape
Who doesn’t love making duct tape fashions? With Duck tape you can cover almost anything. This set of 10 authentic duct tape rolls includes so many fun patterns with everything from skulls to love signs. Simply stick the tape on any object and wrap it around. You can duct tape headbands, gifts, and even your bike.
ALEX Toys DIY Wear Friends 4 Ever JewelryAges 8+
Show your bffs how much you love them by preserving memories of them with this scrapbooking kit from Alex Toys. It contains over 453 pieces including washi tape, sticky gems, scissors, glue, ribbons, and more.
Temporary Henna Tattoos
What’s more fun than temporary body art? This henna tattoo set contains so many fun jewelry designs with everything from peace signs to intricate tribal art. It all looks very realistic but the designs wash out over the course of a week.
ALEX Toys Spa Hair Chalk Party 2 GoAges 8-15
Want to turn your hair into a work of art? Now you can with this Hair Chalk kit from Alex. This set is awesome for parties or slumber parties. Girls will enjoy coloring each other’s hair to make stunning works of art. La meilleure partie? Don’t worry because the hair coloring is just temporary and washes away with shampoo and water.
Rainbow Loom 2.0 BandsAges 8m-6
While it’s not as popular as it once was, the Rainbow Loom kit allows kids to create all types of colorful jewelry out of rubber bands using different patterns. Who needs gold when you have rubber bands?
Klutz Shrink & Link Jewelry Craft KitAges 10-15
The Shrink & Link Jewelry Craft Kit allows girls to make beautiful and crafty jewelry. You can make a variety of necklaces and rings that you can actually wear. The cool thing is that you can swap out the pieces for a new look every day and the jewelry is 3D and articulated. It’s a lovely set inspiring creativity.
ALEX Toys Duct Tape PartyAges 7-15
One of the most popular new crafts is using patterned duct tape to wrap objects to create fun fashions on them. This kit lets you and your friends create all types of fashionable duct taped accessories from glasses to bags. Just tear and stick. With 12 rolls of duct tape, the kit has everything you need.
Orb Factory PlushCraft Puppy Love Pillow Kit
Looking for a fun crafty project for your tween? Consider this adorably cute Puppy Love Pillow Kit. It contains all of the parts you need to craft this wonderful work of art. It’s a cool decorative pillow for her room. What we love is that you don’t even need to know how to sew and it’s very easy to put together. It’s a wonderful gift for anyone who loves animals.
DIY Lip Balm Kit
Who needs store bought lip balm when you can make your own? This lip balm kit contains everything you need including beeswax, shea butter, and almond oil. With four awesome flavoring oils, you have so many opportunities to try out new flavors and color combos. Made out of natural ingredients, it leaves lips feels soft and smooth.
Bath Bomb Making Kit
Want to make your own homemade bath bombs? This lovely kit makes a dozen bath bomb cupcakes. It has all the ingredients and supplies you need to make these bath bombs. What we love is that these are 100% therapeutic grade bath bombs, which make them well worth the price of admission. It’s an impressive set and they smell soooo good. She’ll be super excited to get this!
Surebonder Mini Detailed Glue Gun
If she’s interested in arts and crafts projects, this mini glue gun is the perfect tool to make her crafting projects easier. Since the nozzle is smaller you have better control as to the amount of glue used. It’s ideal for precision work. However, it doesn’t work so great on wood, cloth, and some plastics. Overall, it’s a great glue gun that works for most crafting needs and is great for the price.
If your 12 year old is a bookworm, don’t get them something you think is cool. Even read-a-holics have no time to read the 7 Habits For Organized Tweens. Writing journals with sparkly pens are a huge hit with every 12 year old girl.
LuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book Light